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Redskins-Cowboys Rivalry: Does it Still Top Your List?

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Old 12-19-2005, 06:53 PM   #1
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Redskins-Cowboys Rivalry: Does it Still Top Your List?

The Redskin Cowboy rivalry had been slowly fading for a decade. Mostly because we haven't been very good. I have even been leaning towards hating Philly more than Dallas. Mostly because of the Philly fans. I think it's fair to say we really pissed the Dallas faithful off this year and now they really hate us again! I mean a whole generation didn't really understand what the big deal was between these two teams. I really have a problem with Philly, but I grew up hating the Cowboys. No love for the Giants, but they are third on the list. The Question is? Do we still hate Dallas the most? Hate being a passionate football fan term.
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Old 12-19-2005, 07:21 PM   #2
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Re: Rivalry

Yes, we hate Dallas the most. Why? Because, until this year, they always assumed that a game against the Skins = easy win. That's why those bastards scheduled their ring of honor ceremony on Monday Night Football when the Skins went to TX, they just assumed it would be another Cowboy ass kickin. Yep, no doubt in my mind, we hate the Boys the most, followed by the Eagles, and then Giants.
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Old 12-19-2005, 08:17 PM   #3
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Re: Rivalry

Since i have been a fan the skins have been dominated by the cowboys. I hate the cowboys more than anyother organization in the history of the world.
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Old 12-19-2005, 09:04 PM   #4
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Re: Rivalry

what? why is this a question? It is a cardinal rule to despise the Cowpies. There are two teams I root for the Skins and anyone playing Dallas. The games may not have meaned that much for many years in terms of the play-offs, but a game against Dallas has always had meaning. Tell me why the cowpies only win in their 1-15 season was against the skins. That is because they got up for it. Why did the get up for it? Because it was the Redskins. The players may not talk the trash in the paper anymore and the teasm may not play trickes on each other and mock each other anymore, but the fans do. They fans remember and hold the "hate". From what I hear, having not been at the game, FedEx was as loud as RFK yesterday, and I thought that could never happen. That was because of the importance of the game and the fact that it was Dallas. I certainly hope we are able to muster the same passion when we play New York saturday.
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Old 12-19-2005, 10:10 PM   #5
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Re: Redskins-Cowboys Rivalry: Does it Still Top Your List?

Basically I can't stand that the Eagles fans think that Fed Ex is their home away from home. That makes me more mad than anything that the Cowboys fans can muster.
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Old 12-19-2005, 10:30 PM   #6
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Re: Redskins-Cowboys Rivalry: Does it Still Top Your List?

I actually kind of consider it sacrilege to think that anybody other than Dallas is our biggest rival. The Eagle fans are obnoxious, true. But rivals are about the team, not about the fans. If you ask Joe Gibbs which of the 3 NFC East teams he wants to beat the most, he'll tell you I want to beat all three. But then you'll see him smiling a little broader when we get a W over the Cowboys. That's your proof that the Cowboys are still the biggest rival.

Just because we fans want to see the idiotic Eagles fans eat crow, that doesn't make the Eagles the TEAM's biggest rival. Ask any Redskin who they want to beat most, they'll say Dallas. Ask any Cowboy who they want to beat most, they'll say Washington.

Gibbs vs Parcells. I mean come on, how could it not be Dallas?
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Old 12-19-2005, 10:38 PM   #7
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Re: Redskins-Cowboys Rivalry: Does it Still Top Your List?

Originally Posted by wilsowilso
Basically I can't stand that the Eagles fans think that Fed Ex is their home away from home. That makes me more mad than anything that the Cowboys fans can muster.
it wasn't their home this year. Man i hate philly fans too. you cna see there ignorance in this thread that has been building all year. But i hate dallas more as a team. I guess i make a distinction among fans and the team. There are a lot of band wagon philthy fans and they soon will jump off.
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Old 12-19-2005, 10:50 PM   #8
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Re: Redskins-Cowboys Rivalry: Does it Still Top Your List?

Originally Posted by Schneed10
I actually kind of consider it sacrilege to think that anybody other than Dallas is our biggest rival. The Eagle fans are obnoxious, true. But rivals are about the team, not about the fans. If you ask Joe Gibbs which of the 3 NFC East teams he wants to beat the most, he'll tell you I want to beat all three. But then you'll see him smiling a little broader when we get a W over the Cowboys. That's your proof that the Cowboys are still the biggest rival.

Just because we fans want to see the idiotic Eagles fans eat crow, that doesn't make the Eagles the TEAM's biggest rival. Ask any Redskin who they want to beat most, they'll say Dallas. Ask any Cowboy who they want to beat most, they'll say Washington.

Gibbs vs Parcells. I mean come on, how could it not be Dallas?
I've never been to Dallas, but I have been to Philly. And no offense to those who call it home (I have family there), I think that city has no redeemable values. And the fans' crass is a reflection of that city's putridness (that a word?).

But like you say Schneed it is about the team, not the fans. And really what makes the Dallas rivalry better is the success Dallas has had in this league; and how often times either the Redskins or Cowboys were in the other's way to a greater goal. The Eagles have been the dominant team in the division the past few years, but they have no history of success like Dallas and the Skins do. They've done nothing really.
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Old 12-20-2005, 06:33 AM   #9
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Re: Redskins-Cowboys Rivalry: Does it Still Top Your List?

Dallas is our #1 rival--as Joe Gibbs put it, "I get sick when I see that color blue". I hate all the other NFC east teams, but Dallas is in a class by itself. I hate Dallas.
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Old 12-20-2005, 08:42 AM   #10
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Re: Redskins-Cowboys Rivalry: Does it Still Top Your List?

I've always despised the cowpies. Some of my earliest memories are being gleeful about a Skins win and taunting all the cowpie fans in school or being taunted after a Skins loss. Like Gibbs said, I just a feel a little sick to my stomach when I see that blue star and silver helmet. So, it always means more to me when we beat the cowpies. Now, the iggles are a different story. I never had a problem with them so much until Buddy Ryan and his bodybag comment. Then, I started paying attention to just how... evil their fans are. So, now, I guess I despise the iggles, too, but not as much as the 'pies. However, I despise their fans far more than 'pie fans.
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Old 12-20-2005, 08:56 AM   #11
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Re: Redskins-Cowboys Rivalry: Does it Still Top Your List?

Glad to see that the rivalry is still on.

It's a little different for Cowboys fans I think.
We want to beat the Skins the most but we don't hate them so much. I think a lot of the nasty things from this rivalry came about a generation or two before the majority of fans came to be.

Things like Clint Murcheson buying the rights to the song 'Hail to ...' and coercing Washington to vote for the Dallas franchise to be admitted to the NFL (or however that went, it's way before my time).

That was a loooooooong time ago.

What has happened recently to make supporters of each team hate each other?

Really, Dallas smothered you guys for ten or so years and for a lot of those years we weren't going anywhere anyway. All we did was sweep you.

I respect the type of football that is played in the NFC East. I love beating any team from the East. But I don't hate you guys. (Well, never say never.)

I hate San Francisco. I hate the Packers, I refuse to speak to their fans. I hate the entire AFC, home of the weakest Super Bowl champions in the past 25 years.

But I am starting to develop a hate for you guys again. A sweep will do that for you.
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Old 12-20-2005, 09:21 AM   #12
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Re: Redskins-Cowboys Rivalry: Does it Still Top Your List?

You know, 5RINGS, I don't like to use the word "hate," but there's just always been something about Dallas that always made we want not just to beat you guys but really demolish and demoralize your team. That's why I enjoyed Sunday's game so much; it reminded me, in some ways, of the '82 NFC title game. Man, my favorite football memories all seem to be the Skins against Dallas - Ken Houston sacking Staubach, Dexter Manley puttin' a hurt on Danny White, Dave Butz taking Dorsett down with a finger in his jersey sleeve...

Yet, I've never "hated" Dallas fans. And I've respected a lot of your players and coaches... after they took off that star! I had the chance to meet Tom Landry once. What a gentleman. I had great respect for him. Same with Staubach.

The 'iggles, though, now they're another story. They and their fans are just thugs. I despise them AND I don't respect them...

All that said, it is good to see the rivalry back and I hope it stays. It's past time for the NFC to step back into the limelight and push the AFC back to "junior" status...
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Old 12-20-2005, 09:37 AM   #13
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Re: Redskins-Cowboys Rivalry: Does it Still Top Your List?

I'll use the word hate, at least in football terms. I hate Dallas, hate their fans, hate it when the beat us, etc. Yes, I hate Dallas.
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Old 12-20-2005, 09:52 AM   #14
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Re: Redskins-Cowboys Rivalry: Does it Still Top Your List?

As do I. Now, let me preface this by saying that this is not true of ALL Dallas fans, but it seems to me that the fans that are left, are the ones that magically became fans in the mid-90s. I wonder why? Typically, when I meet an obnoxious Cowboys fan, I'm like, "Who was their QB before Aikman?" and most often the response I get is "Staubach". I mean COME ON. Most Skins fans are knowledgeable on most of the history of the team.
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Old 12-20-2005, 10:25 AM   #15
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Re: Redskins-Cowboys Rivalry: Does it Still Top Your List?

Originally Posted by 5RINGS
Glad to see that the rivalry is still on.

It's a little different for Cowboys fans I think.
We want to beat the Skins the most but we don't hate them so much. I think a lot of the nasty things from this rivalry came about a generation or two before the majority of fans came to be.

Things like Clint Murcheson buying the rights to the song 'Hail to ...' and coercing Washington to vote for the Dallas franchise to be admitted to the NFL (or however that went, it's way before my time).

That was a loooooooong time ago.

What has happened recently to make supporters of each team hate each other?

Really, Dallas smothered you guys for ten or so years and for a lot of those years we weren't going anywhere anyway. All we did was sweep you.

I respect the type of football that is played in the NFC East. I love beating any team from the East. But I don't hate you guys. (Well, never say never.)

I hate San Francisco. I hate the Packers, I refuse to speak to their fans. I hate the entire AFC, home of the weakest Super Bowl champions in the past 25 years.

But I am starting to develop a hate for you guys again. A sweep will do that for you.
I think Cowboys fans don't have the intense hatred for the Redskins now because the Cowboys have been able to dominate the Skins so much in the last few years, and the Redskins never stood in the way of any of the Cowboys' goals. Until this year, that is.

We Skins fans hate Dallas so much because they swept us every single year for so long. When the tables get turned on you, you start to see why the team is so intense about it.
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