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DALLAS WEEK: cowboy joke thread

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Old 09-13-2005, 08:56 PM   #1
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DALLAS WEEK: cowboy joke thread

Please share your jokes:

What's the difference between cowboy fans and puppies?


Puppies eventually stop crying

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Old 09-13-2005, 09:02 PM   #2
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Re: DALLAS WEEK: cowboy joke thread

Question: What's the difference between the Cowboys and Vampires?

Answer: Nothing. They both suck!

There's some cheese to go with that wine! LOL
"Fire Up That Diesel!"
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Old 09-13-2005, 09:37 PM   #3
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Re: DALLAS WEEK: cowboy joke thread

here's mine:

q: 4 cowboys are in a police car. who's driving?

a: the police officer.

jerry jones died and went to heaven. when he got there, god came to him and sent him to a rattled old shack and said this was his home. jerry jones looked up the hill and saw a decorated mansion painted burgundy and gold, with redskins flags and memorabilia everywhere. jerry jones asked god why he put his house next to jack kent cooke's. god laughed and said, that isn't cooke's home, that is my home.
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Old 09-13-2005, 10:32 PM   #4
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Re: DALLAS WEEK: cowboy joke thread

Albert Einstein arrives at a party and introduces himself to the first person he sees and asks, "What is your IQ?" to which the man answers, "200."
"That is wonderful!," says Albert. "We will talk about the Grand Unification Theory and the mysteries of the Universe. We will have much to discuss!"

Next Albert introduces himself to a woman and asks, "What is your IQ?" to which the lady answers, "145"
"That is great!," responds Albert. "We can discuss politics and current affairs. We will have much to discuss!"

Albert goes to another person and asks, "What is your IQ?" to which the man answers, "50."
Albert responds, "How about them Cowboys?"
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Old 09-14-2005, 01:47 AM   #5
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Re: DALLAS WEEK: cowboy joke thread

My favorite:

The little children in Ms. Smith's class are all asked for a short description about what their father does for work.

Tommy stands up and says "My Daddy works on a construction site, he builds things and he comes home all dusty and gross"

"Very good Tommy" says Ms. Smith " Now you Elizabeth"

Elizabeth stands up and says "My Daddy and Mommy have a Real Estate firm and they sell nice big houses to very rich people"

"Very good Elizabeth" says Ms. Smith " Your turn, Johnny"

Little Johnny stands up and starts to mumble and Ms. Smith says "You're going to have to speak up, we can't hear you" so Little Johnny says "My father dances at a gay bar in town and for extra cash he blows the patrons out back by the dumpster"

"Johnny! Leave the classroom this instant!" shouts Ms. Smith and drags him off to the Principals office.

Little Johnny is in tears and sobbing by the time they go in to see the Principal, and after Ms. Smith has explained what went on the Pricipal asks Little Johnny "Why ever would you say such a thing?"

Little Johnny says "I was too embarrassed to tell everyone what my Daddy really does"

"What could be so bad?" says the Principal

"He's the starting QB for the Dallas Cowboys" says Johnny busting into tears.
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Old 09-14-2005, 01:58 AM   #6
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Re: DALLAS WEEK: cowboy joke thread

Whats the difference between Texas Stadium and a porcuipine????

The Pricks are on the inside!!!
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Old 09-14-2005, 02:08 AM   #7
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Re: DALLAS WEEK: cowboy joke thread

Originally Posted by Skinfomaniac
Whats the difference between Texas Stadium and a porcuipine????

The Pricks are on the inside!!!
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Old 09-14-2005, 02:09 AM   #8
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Re: DALLAS WEEK: cowboy joke thread

Originally Posted by RedskinRat
My favorite:

The little children in Ms. Smith's class are all asked for a short description about what their father does for work.

Tommy stands up and says "My Daddy works on a construction site, he builds things and he comes home all dusty and gross"

"Very good Tommy" says Ms. Smith " Now you Elizabeth"

Elizabeth stands up and says "My Daddy and Mommy have a Real Estate firm and they sell nice big houses to very rich people"

"Very good Elizabeth" says Ms. Smith " Your turn, Johnny"

Little Johnny stands up and starts to mumble and Ms. Smith says "You're going to have to speak up, we can't hear you" so Little Johnny says "My father dances at a gay bar in town and for extra cash he blows the patrons out back by the dumpster"

"Johnny! Leave the classroom this instant!" shouts Ms. Smith and drags him off to the Principals office.

Little Johnny is in tears and sobbing by the time they go in to see the Principal, and after Ms. Smith has explained what went on the Pricipal asks Little Johnny "Why ever would you say such a thing?"

Little Johnny says "I was too embarrassed to tell everyone what my Daddy really does"

"What could be so bad?" says the Principal

"He's the starting QB for the Dallas Cowboys" says Johnny busting into tears.
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Old 09-14-2005, 02:09 AM   #9
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Re: DALLAS WEEK: cowboy joke thread

keep the jokes coming they are funny and entertaining!
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