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Straight Talk With Dan Snyder...

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Old 09-09-2005, 01:42 PM   #1
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Straight Talk With Dan Snyder...

Is anyone here going to ask Dan "The Man" Snyder any questions today at 2:00?
"I am the best at what I do, and what I do isn't very nice" - Sean Taylor
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Old 09-09-2005, 02:13 PM   #2
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Re: Straight Talk With Dan Snyder...

I threw in a few
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Old 09-09-2005, 02:15 PM   #3
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Re: Straight Talk With Dan Snyder...

Originally Posted by Mattyk72
I threw in a few
So its not really live? Just wondering, I doubt that I am going to ask anything, I will probably go over and check it out...
"I am the best at what I do, and what I do isn't very nice" - Sean Taylor
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Old 09-09-2005, 02:20 PM   #4
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Re: Straight Talk With Dan Snyder...

They are taking the questions in advance, taking as many as they can and Snyder will be answering over the phone, and they'll transcribe it to the board.
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Old 09-09-2005, 03:09 PM   #5
Another Year, another mess.
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Re: Straight Talk With Dan Snyder...

cooley's interview here is better
That got ugly fast
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Old 09-09-2005, 05:04 PM   #6
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Re: Straight Talk With Dan Snyder...

Some interesting tiddlebits about Deion the Mistake and portajohns. Here's the transcript:

The Dan Snyder Chat has concluded.

We'd like to thank Dan for his time and all the ExtremeSkins fans who cared enough to ask questions. I was unable to get to everyone's questions, unfortunately. I tried to consolidate where I could and focus on the theme areas. I received a message during that chat that a couple of Coles questions came up. I'm sorry I didn't get to them but I'll try to get those answers another time.

Thanks all.

September 9, 2005 -- Extremeskins at fan chat with owner Dan Snyder.

From ES Staff

Can you talk to us about the acquisition of by the Redskins? What does the team hope to accomplish by partnering with a fan site like ours?

Dan Snyder

Unlike most teams that do chats and forums, we wanted there to be a bit more independence. So we brought them in to be affiliated, but with independent thoughts. The guys that run it are outstanding and are the types of people we believe to be the future.

From ES Staff

Two questions we’ve asked Vinny Cerrato and Karl Swanson in previous chats we’d like to ask you as well. First, why no general manager?

Dan Snyder

Many teams in the NFL are structured similar to us, with the head coach having the full authority to make the personnel decisions in every single area. Its Coach Gibbs team and I think he's doing an unbelievable job on the roster, building the roster and building the depth. It's a shame because people look purely at our 6-10 record last year and they don't look at our off-season acquisitions last year and this year. If you do, I think you can see quite clearly that we are building a solid team very quickly.

From ES Staff

Can you describe as precisely as you can your role in personnel decisions?

Dan Snyder

My role is to sign the check, pay whatever is required for players to end up on the best side of getting a deal done for the sake of the organization.

From SkinsForLife260

My question is about the stadium specifically. I think it’s a huge and beautiful place. I understand that you have already put millions into more seats and clubs levels. I was just wondering about your ideas for a new jumbotron? I understand it’s very expensive but if you were going to make any more improvements I was wondering what you were considering?

Dan Snyder

We've looked at it and thought about it hard. We've asked our architects to come up with something for the future because we recognized that what was installed when the stadium was built prior to my ownership was an analog system. By the way, because it is an analog system we have a hard time showing replays because we have to manually roll back the videotape, unlike today’s digital systems where you push two buttons and have a replay. Now I see these big beautiful digital systems, high-definition systems, in the newest stadiums and we surely want that for the future. We're looking hard at making something like that happen. It’s a shame that some of the local media, who know this to be the case, try to create a negative story out of replays when they know it’s because of the existing analog system.

From SkinsForLife260

On a different note I am a hardworking teenager growing up in Montgomery county just like you did, with also a passion for the skins. After a couple months of work I saved enough to buy season tickets! I bought the tickets on Ebay for over face value. If I wish to sell the other ticket off for the difference in face value and what I paid for would I get in trouble?

Dan Snyder

We have no problem at all with people doing what they do on eBay or in the classified sections. What we have a hard time with is the mass scalping rings that have gone on. We think it's a shame when somebody has had 50 or 100 tickets they have no intention of using themselves. It's not in the best interests of our fan base.

From JeffSchmeff

In the past you've said in interviews that you are striving for the best fan experience possible at Fed Ex Field. What do you say to the people who complain about the obnoxiously loud commercials that pretty much kill any atmosphere? What happened to the band playing during television timeouts?

Dan Snyder

I think we're always open to suggestions and highly recommend people contact Scott Edwards or Mike Dillow, who are in charge of the game day experience. I too sometimes find there are too many commercials and too much noise, not only in our stadium, but all stadiums. From that regard, we're always committed to working hard to make it better.

From RedskinsDave and RebelYell

We have tried for years to get more port-a-johns in the green parking lots especially. Is there anything that can be done to improve the tailgating experience by adding more facilities of this sort to shorten lines for the fans out there?

Dan Snyder

Consider it done. In the future, send an email to Mike Dillow at the stadium and I guarantee we will fix it.

From themurf

What do you have to do to shed the scouting report that says you're a troublesome billionaire owner that has done nothing but hurt the team since you became owner?

Dan Snyder

The team needs to win and then all of the sudden people will feel differently.

From portisizzle

I would like to know what your thoughts are regarding pressure from outside groups to change the Redskins team name?

Dan Snyder

I think clearly people should look at the history of the name and what it means and what it means to Redskins fans. They'll be delighted with the truth because the truth is on our side.

From Extremeskins Community

Has to be asked … gas or charcoal?

Dan Snyder


ES Staff Note: This was the right answer.

From Warhead36

Have any interests in purchasing any of the other Pro Sports Franchises in Washington?

Dan Snyder


From Warhead36

The Nationals could use an owner with your financial depth?

Dan Snyder

Right now we felt that it was best not to move forward on the Nationals, but we are obviously fans of all of our teams here in Washington.

From DB44

My question has two parts. First involves the current traffic and parking issues at the stadium. What are the plans to extend the metro to Fedex Field? Or is there a new proposal we have not heard about. The current condition (driving to Landover station and being bused to the stadium) is long and cumbersome.

Dan Snyder

The metro was extended at the end of last year to Morgan Boulevard, less than a mile walk from the stadium. More and more people are using it and I hope more and more will join them.

From DB44

My second question involves the volume of the PA system. I sit in section 426, directly under the PA system, and I can't talk to the person next to me between plays, because the volume is so loud. Could you please have them tone it down a bit?

Dan Snyder

Contact Mike Dillow at the stadium and we will do our best to fix it. But as I mentioned before, we are looking at upgrading all of the old analog systems because they are hard to balance. It is too loud in some areas, and not loud enough in others.

From Arsenic

If Greg Williams gets any head coaching jobs offered to him next year, do you think we will still be able to somehow persuade him to stay?

Dan Snyder

I hope Gregg Williams and all the rest of the coaches stay with us for many many years. We hope to have them here for a very long time.

From Tommy-the-Greek

How long were you lurking on Extremeskins and what was/is your user name if you are a member?

Dan Snyder

I don't post, but from time to time I too look at what the sentiment is out there. I share many of the same thoughts as the rest of our fans.

From Monkart

Many fans here on ExtremeSkins and everywhere else believe that the media (many outlets) are not very Redskin friendly, also some of them vote the HOF's in. Do you as a fan think today’s HOF voters are giving yesterday's Redskins great Art Monk a raw deal?

Dan Snyder

While I think in general the media intentions are to be fair, I find myself and the rest of us here at Redskins Park wondering who are these unidentified sources and why are they so inaccurate? It is our suspicion that many of them are made up. I would encourage the local media to follow the example of the national outlets like USAToday which refuses to use unidentified sources. Most obviously have personal agendas. As to Art Monk, he absolutely belongs in the Hall of Fame. He is a Hall of Fame player. Has been a Hall of Fame player and needs to be in the Hall of Fame. When I was at Canton just last year I talked to the Hall of Fame members and personally lobbied for Art.

From Reaganaut

In the last Super Bowl year with Joe Gibbs as coach the Skins played Atlanta. Deion Sanders taunted the crowd and earned some animosity from Skins fans. He then went to San Francisco and Dallas and did not redeem himself in the eyes of many Skins fans. As a Skins fan yourself, why did you not share in the animosity against Deion Sanders shared by many fans and instead went out and signed him?

Dan Snyder

Well, sometimes you make mistakes.

From Bang

In the days before you bought the team, who was your favorite all time Redskins player?

Dan Snyder

I'm a big fan of Pat Fischer. Obviously Doug Williams, Sonny Jurgensen. All the Redskins greats and the future greats with us now.

From SkinsandTerps

What changes do you expect in the future as far as the CBA and Salary Cap?

Dan Snyder

We'll wait and see.

From PleaseBlitz

Any advice for college-age and young professionals who want to make a career out of their passion for football? How did the people that work for you and for the NFL get into it (besides being able to run a 4.4 40, i personally cant do that)? It seems that besides the 53 man roster, coaching staff, and practice squad, you must have hundreds of people working in marketing, finance, legal, etc capacities. Where do you find these people, and what do you look for?

Dan Snyder

I look for sheer drive and energy and not necessarily the best resume, but the person with the most energy and the most desire and the most commitment.

From stevea

I was able to attend 5 home games these last two years -- 4 of which the players credited as being the loudest and most helpful (not a coincidence!). But I've sworn off because your staff does not let fans see many replays. FedEx would be a great stadium if it were not for that critical flaw. I assure you that the "fans" who watch the commercials and pay attention to the announcer are not the ones who scream their lungs out to support their team. Are you willing to change policy to vastly improve this feature?

Dan Snyder

We need a new system. As I said before, we're looking hard at that because the system we inherited is analog. It's something we're all frustrated by.

From TheDane

There's no doubt that you have made the Redskins franchise successful in financial terms: top revenue earner, most profitable, strong merchandise sales, etc. It's clear that your business acumen has translated from direct marketing to managing a football franchise.

However, the question still remains whether or not you will see success in the win-loss column as an owner. What has been the most challenging change for you from managing a corporation to managing the Washington Redskins?

Dan Snyder

The inaccuracies in the media. The portrayal of people and the use of the coaches, the players and the owners to sell their newspapers. It's a shame that with newspapers in a mass circulation decline the public has to pay the price of unethical behavior as the papers try to attract readers to stop the slide in readership and circulation.

From BG

Do you think some of the hostility you have encountered through the media is due to the fact that you are one of the youngest owners in the NFL?

Dan Snyder

There are several things. On one hand I've absolutely made a bunch of mistakes and like any person who wants to succeed, you'll make some mistakes along the way. You hope to get better and better and make fewer mistakes. That's one thing. The other thing is that you become a lightning rod for the media once you make a few mistakes and you read a lot of things that just aren't true. How do you defend yourself when it's already in print?

From BG

Do you need another racquetball partner?

Dan Snyder

Thanks, but right now I have a set group. I tend to play with the likes of Joe Theismann, one of our scouts, Louis Riddick and a bunch of guys here. I win and lose my fair share.

From BigDaddyShoo

The Super Bowl selection committee has been, in recent memory, consistent in choosing cities in which adverse weather conditions are less likely to occur during late January/early February or choosing cities which have domed stadiums. What, in your mind, are the necessary steps to legitimately lobby the league and media in general so that a Super Bowl may one day be played at FedEx Field?

Dan Snyder

We will have a Super Bowl here at FedEx Field. It is one of my personal goals. Whether it be with an inflatable dome or whether we are granted an outdoor Super Bowl we eventually will get one.

From jimster

Has the relationship between yourself and Lavar been restored since the resolution to the contract dispute? Was the willingness to give Lavar something from the deal you and Coach Gibbs' way of making sure he knows he's still a valued Redskin?

Dan Snyder

He's absolutely still valued. When it comes to relationships you sometimes go through ups and downs, but I think we're on our way to having a great relationship.

From zoony

What is the status with the Ring of Fame from RFK? I heard there have been attempts to get it put up in FedEx.

Dan Snyder

We have moved all of the Redskins related members of the RFK Ring to our own Ring at FedEx.

From zoony

Who, in your opinion, are some of the great football owners around the league and why?

Dan Snyder

Pat Bowlen of the Denver Broncos, Bob Kraft of the Patriots because they win and they're great in their respective communities and they tend to be just caring football owners.

From Voice of Reason

Do you regret firing Marty Schottenheimer?

Dan Snyder

Believe it or not Marty and I remain friends and see each other at NFL meetings and he calls me to say hello several times a year. I wish the media would get it right.

From NoCalMike

As an out of town fan (Sacramento, CA) are there any plans in the works or has any thought been giving to something for road games to give the out of town fan a special experience, a so-called "Redskins fan" experience for when the team comes to town. I personally always attend the Skins' games when they come around, and would like maybe in the future to explore the possibility of maybe having autograph sessions or some type of festivities the day before game day or just some type of event the day before. It is such a treat for us out of towners to be able to see the Skins come to town, however I must say we do sort of feel left out not being able to live in the local hometown, and have the opportunities such as attending training camp and preseason activities.

Dan Snyder

I strongly suggest you email your thoughts to Mike Stevens, our head of marketing because he probably can help do something special for you and other out of town fans.

From Sweet Sassy Molassy

Your tenure as owner of the Redskins has been a bit tumultuous at best. When you look back at all the things that you have been through as an owner and a fan (I think a lot of people forget that you're a fan of the team as well), what have you learned over the years and how do these learning experiences affect your present day dealings with the team, fans, etc.?

Dan Snyder

I've learned that a great deal of patience is required. I've learned that you're going to make some mistakes, but to make fewer and fewer while making the right decisions. I've learned a great deal from Joe Gibbs.

From panel

You are the owner of a team that breaks the record for attendance every year, and you have a waiting list of thousands. You have the ability to raise ticket prices too more than double than what they are now and still sell out, what keeps you from doing that?

Dan Snyder

We haven't raised general admission ticket prices in many years because we think it's the right thing to do.

From Ignatius J.

Fans get upset seeing so many Dallas, Philly, and Pittsburgh fans in FedEx field. Do you think there is anything to be done to reclaim our home field? Do you think you could institute an official ticket buy-back program that gives preference to people on the season ticket waiting list? (or perhaps to ExtremeSkins posters with over say, 3000 posts?)

Dan Snyder

The reason you're seeing that is because when we first got here there were mass scalping rings, including corporations that had amassed tickets and were using them as perks. We have instituted some stricter policies and guidelines because we're trying to help Redskins fans. Every ticket we take from a scalper is turned over to the wait list.

From LivestrongSkins

As a business major myself, I would like some advice on what you feel it takes to prosper in the business world. Congratulations for having such a successful career at such a young age.

Dan Snyder

Set individual goals. I always believe take one step at a time, one day at a time. You won't make progress every day but you've got to keep moving. Eventually you'll get where you want to be. I never set my goals on a money basis, I set out to accomplish specific business goals.

From Tommy-the-Greek

What have you learned from Joe Gibbs about building and maintaining a football program that you will use to the benefit of the franchise for generations to come?

Dan Snyder

I've met the greatest leader I've seen whether in business, sports or my personal life.

From MonkeySkin

Did Steve Spurrier really quit? Or did you force him out once you heard that Joe Gibbs was coming back to football?

Dan Snyder

Steve Spurrier really did quit. He called me personally while he was golfing and said that the NFL was not for him. To this day I still wish him a great deal of personal success. I got along well with him and respected his wishes. I then went on to look for the right Redskins coach and, obviously, Joe Gibbs is a Redskin.

From gridironmike

Frustration has grown over the past few years with Art Monk's absence from the Pro Football Hall of Fame. In addition to Monk, greats from the past like Chris Hanburger and Jack Kent Cooke also get no HOF consideration. The Ring of Honor is nice, but a Redskins Hall of Fame outside of FedEx Field would solve a glaring problem. With your marketing acumen and reverence for the franchise, have you considered building a Redskins Hall of Fame?

Dan Snyder

Yes, we have a memorabilia collection that we are working on and have been working on since I acquired the team. The person in charge of that is Karl Swanson and I think we're going to have one of the best collections around, and in the future we will install it either in downtown Washington or at FedEx Field.

From Dan Snyder

Closing Statement

Dan Snyder

I’ve got to run, but I’d like to thank the Redskins fans for the support that Joe Gibbs and I receive. While it may not be clearly portrayed, I can promise the effort towards winning on the field has and will always be this team’s priority. Thanks.

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Old 09-10-2005, 12:12 AM   #7
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Re: Straight Talk With Dan Snyder...


What a monster! Everything the media says about him is true!

Hey, where's the sarcasm button on this thing?
There's nowhere to go but up. Or down. I guess we could stay where we are, too.
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Old 09-10-2005, 01:03 AM   #8
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Re: Straight Talk With Dan Snyder...

One Sentence Summary:
Danny said he'd look into a new jumbotron, he'd get more portajohns, and he's made some mistakes.
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Old 09-10-2005, 09:48 AM   #9
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Re: Straight Talk With Dan Snyder...

My favorite was why we do not have instant replay it the stadium. Becasue it is a analog system and we need digital. They showed replays the 1st couple of years all the time. They called it the Washington Post Rewind or Replay. Now they can't do it fast enough? Weak but they do need to upgrade this and it sounds like they might just do it.
16-0 for 2007
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Old 09-10-2005, 01:18 PM   #10
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Re: Straight Talk With Dan Snyder...

nice chat, and i don't have any doubts he'll do what he said he could, and i think by next season we will have a new replay system.
Hail to the Football Team
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Old 09-11-2005, 12:12 AM   #11
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Re: Straight Talk With Dan Snyder...

The first couple of years the stadium was open they had 5 extra seconds because the play clock was longer I think. Those 5 seconds are probably pretty important in the whole deal.
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Old 09-11-2005, 02:28 AM   #12
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Re: Straight Talk With Dan Snyder...

at least he acknowledged that he knows about the problems, though i wish he would have promised more action than just looking into it.

Still, he's proven he'll spend what he earns, so here's hoping.
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