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Does the Wash Post Writer Actually Know the Redskins?

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Old 08-06-2005, 03:25 PM   #1
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Does the Wash Post Writer Actually Know the Redskins?

Found this this AM burried in the article on Casey Rabach.

"Rabach's quickness will help him block for tailbacks trying to get around the corner, and on screens that are an integral part of Coach Joe Gibbs's offense. Rabach's speed also allows him to dart several yards from the line of scrimmage for blocks against linebackers"

Now I have been a diehard for years and Gibbs just does not run screen plays. Last year he ran a few but his 1st stint maybe one if they were lucky in 12 years. Last year maybe 2-3. So how is this a intergal part of Gibb's offense? Research, Research, Research does this guy do it? Nunyo Demasio, can see why the brass at Redskin Park dislike this guy, as he just writes what he likes to write. This is sad.
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Old 08-06-2005, 03:51 PM   #2
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Re: Does the Wash Post Writer Actually Know the Redskins?

I dont even pay attention to that kinda stuff anymore. Some people really dont know what they are talking about. I've been "blogging" latley, just to get some practice for pursuing my media career (although in radio) and alot of the times I have no idea what I'm really talking about. LOL. No reporter that isnt a Redskins fan, will follow this team to the extreme that we do. I honestly belive that Redskins fans like us know more about the team than alot of the reporters to. They know all the "inside stuff', but I really feel we're more knowledgeable.
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Old 08-06-2005, 04:26 PM   #3
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Re: Does the Wash Post Writer Actually Know the Redskins?

Originally Posted by CRT3
Found this this AM burried in the article on Casey Rabach.

"Rabach's quickness will help him block for tailbacks trying to get around the corner, and on screens that are an integral part of Coach Joe Gibbs's offense. Rabach's speed also allows him to dart several yards from the line of scrimmage for blocks against linebackers"

Now I have been a diehard for years and Gibbs just does not run screen plays. Last year he ran a few but his 1st stint maybe one if they were lucky in 12 years. Last year maybe 2-3. So how is this a intergal part of Gibb's offense? Research, Research, Research does this guy do it? Nunyo Demasio, can see why the brass at Redskin Park dislike this guy, as he just writes what he likes to write. This is sad.
If Gibbs runs a screen it's to a WR and the Center 9 times out of 10 will not be pulling, or even part of the play? THATS HORRIBLE! Gibbs rarely, if ever, runs a running back screen where the center jumps out to block. THIS DUDE IS BAD. Does Gibbs even run plays where the center pulls? I dont' think so, nothing like Mawae does with the Jets??? Whats he talking about! ha ha ha
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Old 08-06-2005, 04:52 PM   #4
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Re: Does the Wash Post Writer Actually Know the Redskins?

I can't speak for the first stint, because it was so long ago, but last year we ran more than 2-3 WR screens. We screeened to coles several times,(How else can a guy eclipse 90 chatches and not break 1000 yards) and I may be mistaken but thrash got a few in there as well. I distinctly remember one of Rod Gardner's big gains in the Dallas game was a screen pass where I thought he was going to get leveled by a safety but he juked out of it and impressed me with a nice run. Now, did the center pull on these screens... no. I didn't see any. But it will be nice to have a center that can move out on a counter run and get to the edge before portis jogs there. lol
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Old 08-06-2005, 06:03 PM   #5
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Re: Does the Wash Post Writer Actually Know the Redskins?

Originally Posted by canthetuna
I can't speak for the first stint, because it was so long ago, but last year we ran more than 2-3 WR screens. We screeened to coles several times,(How else can a guy eclipse 90 chatches and not break 1000 yards) and I may be mistaken but thrash got a few in there as well. I distinctly remember one of Rod Gardner's big gains in the Dallas game was a screen pass where I thought he was going to get leveled by a safety but he juked out of it and impressed me with a nice run. Now, did the center pull on these screens... no. I didn't see any. But it will be nice to have a center that can move out on a counter run and get to the edge before portis jogs there. lol
1st off in Gibbs offense they call the toss to the Wideout a Hitch pattern. The smurfs and the Posse made a living out of "Charlie Hitch". Second, in the counter trey plays the Center does not pull but blocks down or goes for the MLB.
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Old 08-06-2005, 06:28 PM   #6
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Re: Does the Wash Post Writer Actually Know the Redskins?

Hey that's a pretty cool site CRT3. nice to see some plays on a blackboard online
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Old 08-06-2005, 06:35 PM   #7
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Re: Does the Wash Post Writer Actually Know the Redskins?

Originally Posted by CRT3
1st off in Gibbs offense they call the toss to the Wideout a Hitch pattern. The smurfs and the Posse made a living out of "Charlie Hitch". Second, in the counter trey plays the Center does not pull but blocks down or goes for the MLB.
Okay to clarify.

The "screen" pass is something the Skins do not use. The sreen involves throwing a backward or barely foward lateral to a backfield player run out of the back field. The skins do run a WR screen sort of. A real WR screen involves throwing a lateral to the outside receiver as the slot WR blocks out and the TE blocks out. The skins run a similar play that could be called a varation screen where they throw the lateral to the outside WR who has to make his man miss. Presumably the Corner is playing well off. This is called a hitch in the Skins offense but I suppose could be called a screen. As for the counter trey is concerned it is somewhat more ambiguous. The traditional counter trey that Gibbs and comp perfected in his first stint did indeed pull the guard but last year as Gibbs noted about 4 or 5 games into the season they had to adjust it as the defensive players have gotten faster and the Portis was too fast to wait on a pulling guard. They often pulled the center instead to gain a little more quickness on the play. It did not end up being enough though since they ar shifting to a more zome blocking type scheme this year. I doubt we'll see much of a counter trey when our man Portis is playing since it was a disaster for him last year.

Lastly...Demasio is a an idiot. He knows little about football apperently and has a negative bent to virtually all his Skins reporting. I know the post wanted to back off the chumy coverage of the skins but that doesn't mean going completely opposite. Get a guy who knows what he is doing and someone who can report facts and leave out his emotional attachment ot being a super bitch.
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Old 08-06-2005, 07:19 PM   #8
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Re: Does the Wash Post Writer Actually Know the Redskins?

Well put FRPLG. Don't remeber the center pulling last year though. The screen you are talking about the Redskins did run a few times last year with a Wideout. That play was called a bubble screen, where the TE and the Slot block out and the Wideout works his way inside with the ball. Best team I ever saw do this was Purdue with Orton and Stubbelfield. The Redskins did run the hitch pattern mostly last season though.
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Old 08-06-2005, 07:37 PM   #9
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Re: Does the Wash Post Writer Actually Know the Redskins?

You guys ae right.

But, I remember looking at our offense last year and wondering why we didn't run the screen to Portis more (There may have been one early in the year...).

Maybe Musgrave can convince Gibbs to run some plays to get Portis the Ball in the where he only has to battle the LBs.

Oh yeah... that reporter is an idiot. He reports on the skins all the time. He should no more than that.
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Old 08-07-2005, 09:56 AM   #10
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Question Re: Does the Wash Post Writer Actually Know the Redskins?

Was watching a highlights video for the Redskins '91-'92 season and thought I saw Jeff Bostic (center) and Mark Schlereth (right guard) pull out and block for Earnest Byner on a screen pass against the Cardinals. Both blockers pancaked a few defenders and Byner got about fifteen to twenty yards. I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure it was a screen with Bostic and Schlereth. If that's so, this sportswriter might be right about using Rabach on screens, although we don't seem to use the center much in that capacity. Maybe Cory Raymer's limited athleticism prohibited Gibbs from using that kind of play last year.
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Old 08-07-2005, 11:57 AM   #11
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Re: Does the Wash Post Writer Actually Know the Redskins?

Originally Posted by jermus22
Was watching a highlights video for the Redskins '91-'92 season and thought I saw Jeff Bostic (center) and Mark Schlereth (right guard) pull out and block for Earnest Byner on a screen pass against the Cardinals. Both blockers pancaked a few defenders and Byner got about fifteen to twenty yards. I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure it was a screen with Bostic and Schlereth. If that's so, this sportswriter might be right about using Rabach on screens, although we don't seem to use the center much in that capacity. Maybe Cory Raymer's limited athleticism prohibited Gibbs from using that kind of play last year.
Screens were never called in Gibbs offense in the 80's and early 90's. What the Post guy said was that screens were a intergal part of Gibbs offense. This is not true.
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Old 08-07-2005, 06:22 PM   #12
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Re: Does the Wash Post Writer Actually Know the Redskins?

Originally Posted by CRT3
1st off in Gibbs offense they call the toss to the Wideout a Hitch pattern. The smurfs and the Posse made a living out of "Charlie Hitch". Second, in the counter trey plays the Center does not pull but blocks down or goes for the MLB.
1st off back at ya, I never said anything about the counter "trey" or the past. They say Rabach is quick on his feet, and I'm sure if he's faster at getting to the frontside of a counter run (not specifically a counter trey). I'm sure bugle and gibbs are adept at recognizing where their talent lies and how to utilize it. Dockerey isn't worth a shit. He can't pull, he can't block, and he causes more fumbles and loss of yards than the defenses we face. I'm saying that there are counter run plays out there where a center pulls and maybe those will help incorporate what Joe Gibbs likes to do with what Clinton Portis and our O-line is capable of.

furthermore if you ever quote me again in an attempt at ridicule I will be FORCED to put a thumbs down or a frowny red face on the top of my response. That is all.
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Old 08-07-2005, 07:33 PM   #13
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Thumbs down Re: Does the Wash Post Writer Actually Know the Redskins?

Originally Posted by canthetuna
furthermore if you ever quote me again in an attempt at ridicule I will be FORCED to put a thumbs down or a frowny red face on the top of my response. That is all.
Was not meant to ridicule you but question or correct your statement, sorry.
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