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do we show our hand to soon (Barrow allowed to seek trade)

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Old 07-21-2005, 02:55 AM   #1
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do we show our hand to soon (Barrow allowed to seek trade)

The Redskins have recently given Barrow permission to seek a trade, there is likely to be no intrest and result in his release.

This causes me to ask the question do the redskins as a team tip their hands to early on what moves they will make with players. I feel they do for two reasons

1. Rod Gardner: we made it very clear that he will no longer be on the team and given him permission to seek a trade; however he gets no suitors. This is because of the fact that everyone knows we don't want him, so sooner or later we will release him. Why exchange a pick or compensation for someone, that eventually they will get for free later.

2. Barrow: many believed we would release him and if he's treated like Gardner he will soon have no value to us. So I ask why not just release him.

I don't like the way that Gibbs is handling this, it seems like he doesn't know what he is doing as a GM. To me he is tipping his hand either way to early or way to late. With Gardner it was simply too early because everyone in the league knew we had no value in the wideout and therefore won't give us a dime in return for him. They are willing to holdout until we release him.

While with barrow on the other hand its was way to late... we should of found a trade that we liked and used him as trade bait. Maybe they want to send him to the patriots or something

either way I think when you tell players to seek a trade, it sends the message that we don't want him, please take him. if we showed value in our players or atleast acted like we had value in them by letting them come to camp or make it seem like they will participate in camp I think we would get more trade offers... what do you guys think?
That got ugly fast
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Old 07-21-2005, 03:07 AM   #2
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Re: do we show our hand to soon

I agree, I do not like how our front office handled 50/50. Now I too believe that we will end up just cutting him and getting nothing in return.

As for Barrow, I think that we should just release him, but I dont think that anyone would have wanted him if we did try to trade him. I mean look at Ty Law, he is still on the FA market. Why? Because he was injured last year, same with Barrow, he is an injured player so why would any GM give up a 7th round pick, where they could draft a young healthy player, for an older injured vet?

Also, don't forget how we let the world know that we were going to draft Campbell with our second pick too!!
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Old 07-21-2005, 03:10 AM   #3
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Re: do we show our hand to soon

we didn't handle barrow wrong but 50/50 was a big mistake, i think we could ave pulled a forth out, i think we were going for a 3rd. Didn't San Fran offer TO a few years ago for 50/50?
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Old 07-21-2005, 03:39 AM   #4
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Re: do we show our hand to soon

First of Rod and his representative publicly announced that he wants out. When a player who isn't top talent wants out no one is willing to pay with draft picks unless they see something in he and really want him more than other teams. Coles got traded because he was worth something.

Barraw has no value. You'd be stupid to pay draft picks for an old guy coming of a season long injury.
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Old 07-21-2005, 08:30 AM   #5
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Re: do we show our hand to soon

Originally Posted by diehardskin2982
The Redskins have recently given Barrow permission to seek a trade, there is likely to be no intrest and result in his release.

This causes me to ask the question do the redskins as a team tip their hands to early on what moves they will make with players. I feel they do for two reasons

1. Rod Gardner: we made it very clear that he will no longer be on the team and given him permission to seek a trade; however he gets no suitors. This is because of the fact that everyone knows we don't want him, so sooner or later we will release him. Why exchange a pick or compensation for someone, that eventually they will get for free later.

2. Barrow: many believed we would release him and if he's treated like Gardner he will soon have no value to us. So I ask why not just release him.

I don't like the way that Gibbs is handling this, it seems like he doesn't know what he is doing as a GM. To me he is tipping his hand either way to early or way to late. With Gardner it was simply too early because everyone in the league knew we had no value in the wideout and therefore won't give us a dime in return for him. They are willing to holdout until we release him.

While with barrow on the other hand its was way to late... we should of found a trade that we liked and used him as trade bait. Maybe they want to send him to the patriots or something

either way I think when you tell players to seek a trade, it sends the message that we don't want him, please take him. if we showed value in our players or atleast acted like we had value in them by letting them come to camp or make it seem like they will participate in camp I think we would get more trade offers... what do you guys think?
I think if Barrow is healthy, we give him a chance to do what Pierce did last year. Come in, do well and trade next year.
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Old 07-21-2005, 08:44 AM   #6
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Re: do we show our hand to soon

i guess. i think we should just release barrow, he isn't getting any younger, his trade value is gone. 50/50 we should just release. someone else is gonna get him for free, unless we trade him for a seventh rounder. but the reason they are waiting to release him is because training camp begins soon. there might be an injury to another starting wideout on another team. bam, now they might have a trade partner. that is what they are waiting for.
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Old 07-21-2005, 09:00 AM   #7
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Re: do we show our hand to soon

I'm fine with the handling of Gardner, but Barrow? Apparently, he's recovering just fine and I've read all this talk about him seeing a chance at being a starter.

But you're right, he isn't getting any younger and we shouldn't put someone in there who might be gone next year when we could develop young talent.
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Old 07-21-2005, 09:15 AM   #8
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Re: do we show our hand to soon

Everyone seems to overlook an important factor with RG. Teams that want to trade for him want him to sign a long-term new deal, and reports are that he's been reluctant to do so, and therefore he himself has been a big snag in any trade attempts.

It's not all on the front office.
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Old 07-21-2005, 09:41 AM   #9
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Re: do we show our hand to soon

Yeah I'm with Matty. In fact, I wouldn't heap ANY blame on the front office.

First off, Barrow is friggin worthless in the trade market. He's old, hasn't played in over a year, and is dealing with chronic knee problems. He'd come to a new team and have to learn a whole new system, on top of his health issues. If he's healthy, then MAYBE he can be a starter for some NFL teams. But most teams have a decent mike LB in place, and all he would be is a backup. Teams might pay him the veteran minimum salary as a free agent, but there's no way in hell they'd give up any draft picks plus take on his $1.7 million base salary this season. There's nothing the front office can do about him.

On Gardner, the Redskins had several trade possibilities lined up to net them a 3rd or 4th round pick, but because Gardner demanded a new contract, all the teams backed off. Nobody is going to give up a 3rd or 4th rounder for a one-year rental, especially when that player can't catch the ball with consistency.

Gibbs has done everything he can do. He's actually being smart by deciding to release them as late as possible. He's holding out hope that a team will get desperate and cut a deal. There's nothing Gibbs could have done to strengthen his bargaining position.
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Old 07-21-2005, 09:46 AM   #10
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Who the hell is gonna trade for Barrow?

Man we have the stupidest front office in the league. Who the hell would give up a pick for a guy with a bad knee and is 35. Either cut him or keep him on the roster. Forget about a trade. Man Synder needs to be cut.
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Old 07-21-2005, 09:53 AM   #11
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Re: do we show our hand to soon

Originally Posted by diehardskin2982
The Redskins have recently given Barrow permission to seek a trade, there is likely to be no intrest and result in his release.

This causes me to ask the question do the redskins as a team tip their hands to early on what moves they will make with players. I feel they do for two reasons

1. Rod Gardner: we made it very clear that he will no longer be on the team and given him permission to seek a trade; however he gets no suitors. This is because of the fact that everyone knows we don't want him, so sooner or later we will release him. Why exchange a pick or compensation for someone, that eventually they will get for free later.

2. Barrow: many believed we would release him and if he's treated like Gardner he will soon have no value to us. So I ask why not just release him.

I don't like the way that Gibbs is handling this, it seems like he doesn't know what he is doing as a GM. To me he is tipping his hand either way to early or way to late. With Gardner it was simply too early because everyone in the league knew we had no value in the wideout and therefore won't give us a dime in return for him. They are willing to holdout until we release him.

While with barrow on the other hand its was way to late... we should of found a trade that we liked and used him as trade bait. Maybe they want to send him to the patriots or something

either way I think when you tell players to seek a trade, it sends the message that we don't want him, please take him. if we showed value in our players or atleast acted like we had value in them by letting them come to camp or make it seem like they will participate in camp I think we would get more trade offers... what do you guys think?

FINALLY! Yes, our front office IS to blame for the way they have bungled one situation after another! Why even sign Barrow, 35, to a 6 year 13 million dollar dealt to begin with! And why would you tell Lavernous Coles that you will trade him and suffer such a huge cap hit? This team needs a GM. Those of us that are old school remember when the GM was Bobby Beatherd and the team thrived with its personnell, now we flounder. Gibbs has proven he's a great coach, but he needs someone else to be the devil's advocate on personnell decisions, just like Beatherd was in the old days. Vinny Cerrato is NOT the answer, we need a GM that will work with the coach, and disagree with him when it is necessary. Yes, they have picked up a few good free agents in Marcus Washington and Cornelius, but for the most part our team is in disarray when it comes to the draft and free agency. Look at Darnerian McCants, signed him to a deal, gave him a nice sigining bonus, then sat his ass on the bench all of last season. We traded like a 3rd round pick for Brunnell who would've been cut anyway, then we trade Champ AND a draft pick for Portis. I know some of you guys don't like to criticize our team, but the fact of the matter is that our front office has made the Skins a laughing stock on most websites. We need a GM.
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Old 07-21-2005, 09:57 AM   #12
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Re: do we show our hand to soon

I could not find any news that we wanted to trade Barrow. Where did this come from?
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Old 07-21-2005, 09:58 AM   #13
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Re: do we show our hand to soon

Check the news wire
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Old 07-21-2005, 10:30 AM   #14
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Re: do we show our hand to soon

Right. Eventually Rod will just have to take what he can getg.
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Old 07-21-2005, 10:32 AM   #15
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Re: do we show our hand to soon

Originally Posted by paulskinsfan
FINALLY! Yes, our front office IS to blame for the way they have bungled one situation after another! Why even sign Barrow, 35, to a 6 year 13 million dollar dealt to begin with! And why would you tell Lavernous Coles that you will trade him and suffer such a huge cap hit? This team needs a GM. Those of us that are old school remember when the GM was Bobby Beatherd and the team thrived with its personnell, now we flounder. Gibbs has proven he's a great coach, but he needs someone else to be the devil's advocate on personnell decisions, just like Beatherd was in the old days. Vinny Cerrato is NOT the answer, we need a GM that will work with the coach, and disagree with him when it is necessary. Yes, they have picked up a few good free agents in Marcus Washington and Cornelius, but for the most part our team is in disarray when it comes to the draft and free agency. Look at Darnerian McCants, signed him to a deal, gave him a nice sigining bonus, then sat his ass on the bench all of last season. We traded like a 3rd round pick for Brunnell who would've been cut anyway, then we trade Champ AND a draft pick for Portis. I know some of you guys don't like to criticize our team, but the fact of the matter is that our front office has made the Skins a laughing stock on most websites. We need a GM.
Actually I don't think that anyone would laugh at our offseason decisions last year. We had two people come in and play at a Pro Bowl level (Springs and Griffin). Who was to know Barrow would have that injury? Portis is doing better for us than Champ is for Denver. I don't see your point?
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