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The Last 4 Years.

Debating with the enemy

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Old 08-09-2024, 06:35 PM   #1
Darrell Green Fan
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The Last 4 Years.

Has been total chaous. And I can explain it.

Trump went to bed on Election Night 2020 believing he had won. He woke up to different news and because he is too stupid to understand that the mail in ballots are counted last and they were overwhelmingly Democratic voters his natural reaction was that he could not possible lose so the fix must have been in.

Now nobody on FOX or Pubs on the Hill believed that the day after the election. But the voters and viewers did because they buy everything their cult leader is selling. This caused FOX and the Pubs on the Hill to realize they they had to do a 180 and promote this theory that they did not actually believe (See the FOX News settlement and admission) to satisfy their viewers and voters.

This snowballed as millions of Republicans were fed yet more false information because the networks and politicians knew this was what they wanted to hear. It does not matter to them that this was the most contested election in our nation's history and it held up to ever single challenge. This would included cases brought before Trump appointed judges and Republican controlled recounts and audits.

it's all total madness. People I consider friends, smart people, have fallen for this propoganda and will go to their graves convinced the 2020 election was stolen. Losing every single court case, audit and FOX's admission means nothing to them. They are dug in and no amount of facts will change their minds.

On January 6th I never imagined Republicans would react the way they have. McCarthy went from "I'm done with this guy" to being one of his biggest ass kissers overnight and over votes. Votes from brain dead morons who have been convinced that J6 was the work of, wait first it was ANTIFA then it was the FBI in a desperate attempt to blame someione, anyone, other than Trump and his suporters.

It's the damndest thing I have ever seen in politics and I hope I never see it ever again.
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Old 08-09-2024, 08:24 PM   #2
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Re: The Last 4 Years.

Originally Posted by Darrell Green Fan View Post
Has been total chaous. And I can explain it.

Trump went to bed on Election Night 2020 believing he had won. He woke up to different news and because he is too stupid to understand that the mail in ballots are counted last and they were overwhelmingly Democratic voters his natural reaction was that he could not possible lose so the fix must have been in.

Now nobody on FOX or Pubs on the Hill believed that the day after the election. But the voters and viewers did because they buy everything their cult leader is selling. This caused FOX and the Pubs on the Hill to realize they they had to do a 180 and promote this theory that they did not actually believe (See the FOX News settlement and admission) to satisfy their viewers and voters.

This snowballed as millions of Republicans were fed yet more false information because the networks and politicians knew this was what they wanted to hear. It does not matter to them that this was the most contested election in our nation's history and it held up to ever single challenge. This would included cases brought before Trump appointed judges and Republican controlled recounts and audits.

it's all total madness. People I consider friends, smart people, have fallen for this propoganda and will go to their graves convinced the 2020 election was stolen. Losing every single court case, audit and FOX's admission means nothing to them. They are dug in and no amount of facts will change their minds.

On January 6th I never imagined Republicans would react the way they have. McCarthy went from "I'm done with this guy" to being one of his biggest ass kissers overnight and over votes. Votes from brain dead morons who have been convinced that J6 was the work of, wait first it was ANTIFA then it was the FBI in a desperate attempt to blame someione, anyone, other than Trump and his suporters.

It's the damndest thing I have ever seen in politics and I hope I never see it ever again.
The last 8 years have been total chaos, not just the last 4. Trump has to depart from the scene and then I'd expect another 4 -8 years before the chaos finally stops. And re: election night 2020 it was essentially known he lost once AZ got called (11:20pm). He was trailing in all the other swing states except PA and the heavily dem areas/voting (ie mail in like you said had yet to be counted in PA and some of the other states as well). The pundits were calling it for Biden once AZ was declared by FOX just networks didn't go offical until much later.
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Old 08-10-2024, 08:15 AM   #3
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Re: The Last 4 Years.

Originally Posted by nonniey View Post
The last 8 years have been total chaos, not just the last 4. Trump has to depart from the scene and then I'd expect another 4 -8 years before the chaos finally stops. And re: election night 2020 it was essentially known he lost once AZ got called (11:20pm). He was trailing in all the other swing states except PA and the heavily dem areas/voting (ie mail in like you said had yet to be counted in PA and some of the other states as well). The pundits were calling it for Biden once AZ was declared by FOX just networks didn't go offical until much later.
He has this magical spell over his supporters which cause them to ignore the fact that this election held up to every single challenge Trump and the Pubs attempted. The continue to ignore what really happened (such as Maricoppa County which was supposed to be "the first shoe to drop" but ended up wih the Pubs being forced to admit that Biden actually gained votes in the recount) as they consume their information from proven liars such as FOX and then claim it's the libs who have been brainwashed by the MSM. It is just so bizarre.

They will be studying the Trump Cult in our schools for the rest of time. Students will see the videos of J6 and learn about the crimes he has committed and will be laughing at them just as we laughed at the supporters of Joe McCarthy.
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Old 08-12-2024, 08:04 AM   #4
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Re: The Last 4 Years.

The left has been trying to understand MAGA for almost a full decade now. We've been trying to understand how a group of people can so compromise their principles to idolize a guy who is the antithesis of everything that they claimed makes a decent, honorable person.

These things include, but are not limited to, being a good family man, a good father and husband, a law abiding citizen, a good Christian, a hard worker, a good neighbor, etc., etc. I'd be happy to give MAGA a break and some empathy if somebody can show me that their attitude towards Trump deserves such compassion. But unfortunately the only logical, rational conclusions that we are able to draw does not speak well of MAGA world.
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Old 08-22-2024, 01:29 PM   #5
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Re: The Last 4 Years.

Originally Posted by nonniey View Post
The last 8 years have been total chaos, not just the last 4. Trump has to depart from the scene and then I'd expect another 4 -8 years before the chaos finally stops. And re: election night 2020 it was essentially known he lost once AZ got called (11:20pm). He was trailing in all the other swing states except PA and the heavily dem areas/voting (ie mail in like you said had yet to be counted in PA and some of the other states as well). The pundits were calling it for Biden once AZ was declared by FOX just networks didn't go offical until much later.

The chaos is not going to stop unless conservative media changes. They've driven that base to Trumpism. Trump was only the end result, not the problem.
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Old 08-26-2024, 01:13 PM   #6
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Re: The Last 4 Years.

Oh I thought you were going to talk about the 2 wars, invasion of illegals, inflation, gas over $3, crime, rents doubling, and stuff like that.
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Old 08-27-2024, 01:41 AM   #7
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Re: The Last 4 Years.

Originally Posted by Fishingfool View Post
Oh I thought you were going to talk about the 2 wars, invasion of illegals, inflation, gas over $3, crime, rents doubling, and stuff like that.
The political threads here are absolutely 1-sided. Nothing in the history of America has ever been a democrat's fault. Facts be damned. Once racist democrats realized publicly being racist wasn't going to work long-term, magically the 2 parties flipped.
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Last edited by sdskinsfan2001; 08-27-2024 at 02:04 AM.
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Old 08-27-2024, 06:29 AM   #8
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Re: The Last 4 Years.

Originally Posted by sdskinsfan2001 View Post
The political threads here are absolutely 1-sided. Nothing in the history of America has ever been a democrat's fault. Facts be damned. Once racist democrats realized publicly being racist wasn't going to work long-term, magically the 2 parties flipped.
Nobody said Dems were never at fault. I certainly never did, I'm very critical of them when justified. But we are discussing Trump.

At no time in our nation's history have we had a leader whose followers believe he can do no wrong. There is literally no line he can cross to them and that is very very dangerous.

I am frankly stunned that you accuse the Dems of ignoring the facts. The facts are this was the most contested election in our nation's history and it held up to every single Republican challenge. Those are the facts.

But the facts means nothing to you for some reason. You have been told the election was stolen because your Dear Leader says so and then of course FOX News reinforced this narrative to boost ratings. It does not even matter to you that they have admtting to lying about the 2020 election. HOW CAN THAT NOT MATTER TO YOU?

He has constantly praised the thugs that rioted on our Capitol. Now he is doing a fund raiser for these creatures. This would bury any other politician but with Trump you just don't care that he supports rioters and law breakers.

None of the Trump Cult's behavior is normal. None of it. It's very very dangerous.
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Old 08-27-2024, 06:51 AM   #9
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Re: The Last 4 Years.

Originally Posted by Darrell Green Fan View Post
Nobody said Dems were never at fault. I certainly never did, I'm very critical of them when justified. But we are discussing Trump.

At no time in our nation's history have we had a leader whose followers believe he can do no wrong. There is literally no line he can cross to them and that is very very dangerous.

I am frankly stunned that you accuse the Dems of ignoring the facts. The facts are this was the most contested election in our nation's history and it held up to every single Republican challenge. Those are the facts.

But the facts means nothing to you for some reason. You have been told the election was stolen because your Dear Leader says so and then of course FOX News reinforced this narrative to boost ratings. It does not even matter to you that they have admtting to lying about the 2020 election. HOW CAN THAT NOT MATTER TO YOU?

He has constantly praised the thugs that rioted on our Capitol. Now he is doing a fund raiser for these creatures. This would bury any other politician but with Trump you just don't care that he supports rioters and law breakers.

None of the Trump Cult's behavior is normal. None of it. It's very very dangerous.
The last 4 year under Biden haven't been great and no one can find any post of mine where I say anything different. Like you I am amazed at the MAGA cult and that is what they are. From before he was elected by the "Electoral College" and not by the American people I have been a never trumper. There are a few here who have lowered their profile here over the last few weeks due to the more outrageous BS trump is spouting, they are MAGA but some try to hide it becuase they get called out on it. The Fund raiser and laying a wreath on the Tomb of the "Unknown Soldier" is a disgrace, he is a convicted felon and a habitual liar yet they follow him, it's nothing more then a cult.
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Old 08-27-2024, 06:52 AM   #10
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Re: The Last 4 Years.

Originally Posted by Darrell Green Fan View Post
Nobody said Dems were never at fault. I certainly never did, I'm very critical of them when justified. But we are discussing Trump.

At no time in our nation's history have we had a leader whose followers believe he can do no wrong. There is literally no line he can cross to them and that is very very dangerous.

I am frankly stunned that you accuse the Dems of ignoring the facts. The facts are this was the most contested election in our nation's history and it held up to every single Republican challenge. Those are the facts.

But the facts means nothing to you for some reason. You have been told the election was stolen because your Dear Leader says so and then of course FOX News reinforced this narrative to boost ratings. It does not even matter to you that they have admtting to lying about the 2020 election. HOW CAN THAT NOT MATTER TO YOU?

He has constantly praised the thugs that rioted on our Capitol. Now he is doing a fund raiser for these creatures. This would bury any other politician but with Trump you just don't care that he supports rioters and law breakers.

None of the Trump Cult's behavior is normal. None of it. It's very very dangerous.
Great post.
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Old 08-27-2024, 06:56 AM   #11
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Re: The Last 4 Years.

Originally Posted by sdskinsfan2001 View Post
The political threads here are absolutely 1-sided. Nothing in the history of America has ever been a democrat's fault. Facts be damned. Once racist democrats realized publicly being racist wasn't going to work long-term, magically the 2 parties flipped.

Racist Democrats??? Please tell me what is a "Black Job", according to your man trump he created more "Black jobs" than anyone, so I ask again , what is a Black Job?
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Old 08-27-2024, 07:12 AM   #12
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Re: The Last 4 Years.

Originally Posted by sdskinsfan2001 View Post
The political threads here are absolutely 1-sided. Nothing in the history of America has ever been a democrat's fault. Facts be damned. Once racist democrats realized publicly being racist wasn't going to work long-term, magically the 2 parties flipped.

sorry double post
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Old 08-27-2024, 01:17 PM   #13
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Re: The Last 4 Years.

Originally Posted by Giantone View Post
The last 4 year under Biden haven't been great and no one can find any post of mine where I say anything different. Like you I am amazed at the MAGA cult and that is what they are. From before he was elected by the "Electoral College" and not by the American people I have been a never trumper. There are a few here who have lowered their profile here over the last few weeks due to the more outrageous BS trump is spouting, they are MAGA but some try to hide it becuase they get called out on it. The Fund raiser and laying a wreath on the Tomb of the "Unknown Soldier" is a disgrace, he is a convicted felon and a habitual liar yet they follow him, it's nothing more then a cult.
This just adds to the stupidity ............
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Old 08-28-2024, 09:11 AM   #14
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Re: The Last 4 Years.

I am glad to see the other side represented in this thread. What fun is a message board if everyone agrees?

I look forward to their response to the most recent post I have made, this should be good.
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Old 08-28-2024, 11:27 PM   #15
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Re: The Last 4 Years.

Originally Posted by Darrell Green Fan View Post
Nobody said Dems were never at fault. I certainly never did, I'm very critical of them when justified. But we are discussing Trump.

At no time in our nation's history have we had a leader whose followers believe he can do no wrong. There is literally no line he can cross to them and that is very very dangerous.

I am frankly stunned that you accuse the Dems of ignoring the facts. The facts are this was the most contested election in our nation's history and it held up to every single Republican challenge. Those are the facts.

But the facts means nothing to you for some reason. You have been told the election was stolen because your Dear Leader says so and then of course FOX News reinforced this narrative to boost ratings. It does not even matter to you that they have admtting to lying about the 2020 election. HOW CAN THAT NOT MATTER TO YOU?

He has constantly praised the thugs that rioted on our Capitol. Now he is doing a fund raiser for these creatures. This would bury any other politician but with Trump you just don't care that he supports rioters and law breakers.

None of the Trump Cult's behavior is normal. None of it. It's very very dangerous.
You're new to the political threads. I have never once said the 2020 election was stolen. I think everyone here can confirm that. And I didn't vote for him in 2020 and am* writing someone in again in 2024.

I always hear I'll be critical of the democrats when warranted, but somehow it's never actually warranted. Besides saying things like oh well Biden wasn't my favorite president, there is very very rarely any criticism here of democrats here. And again you're new to these threads, I haven't seen any criticism from you, but you haven't posted here that long yet so maybe you will.
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Last edited by sdskinsfan2001; 08-29-2024 at 01:06 AM.
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