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President Trump Assassination Attempt

Debating with the enemy

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Old 07-14-2024, 10:46 AM   #1
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President Trump Assassination Attempt

Pretty poor work by the Secret Service…the same secret service detail proven liar democrat Bennie Thompson is trying to remove from Trump and his family.

Not surprisingly crickets in here from liberals.

Extremely false and easy debunk statements like Trump is a white supremacist or Hitler…Fascist or Nazi contribute directly to this moment. Media today attempting to blame gop, not gonna work either, holds zero water.

Enough political violence…enough silence from liberals when it occurs
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Old 07-14-2024, 11:52 AM   #2
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Re: President Trump Assassination Attempt

Originally Posted by Chico23231 View Post
Pretty poor work by the Secret Service…the same secret service detail proven liar democrat Bennie Thompson is trying to remove from Trump and his family.

Not surprisingly crickets in here from liberals.

Extremely false and easy debunk statements like Trump is a white supremacist or Hitler…Fascist or Nazi contribute directly to this moment. Media today attempting to blame gop, not gonna work either, holds zero water.

Enough political violence…enough silence from liberals when it occurs
Oh look the MAGA Nazi shows up to spread more BS Lies , STFU.
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Old 07-14-2024, 04:57 PM   #3
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Re: President Trump Assassination Attempt

I'd try to look at evidence and form a rational conclusion based on the facts, but we all know the conclusion is whatever you conservatives say it is. Eagerly awaiting orders on who to blame sirs.

Damn youse radicals liberals, damns youse to hell!

I did think it was pretty nice of our current senile radical anarchist president to condemn it and talk to soon-to-be KOTUS over the phone though. Way to take the high ground you geriatric Dr. Evil.
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Old 07-14-2024, 05:15 PM   #4
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Re: President Trump Assassination Attempt

Originally Posted by mooby View Post
I'd try to look at evidence and form a rational conclusion based on the facts, but we all know the conclusion is whatever you conservatives say it is. Eagerly awaiting orders on who to blame sirs.

Damn youse radicals liberals, damns youse to hell!

I did think it was pretty nice of our current senile radical anarchist president to condemn it and talk to soon-to-be KOTUS over the phone though. Way to take the high ground you geriatric Dr. Evil.
That's becuase you're a decent human being unlike frick and frack and their supreme deity.
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Old 07-14-2024, 05:24 PM   #5
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Re: President Trump Assassination Attempt

Wild when someone who incites violence and spreads dangerous rhetoric actually falls victim to it.

How long until wackos blame Biden for this, oh nevermind that started pretty much right away.

Crazy to me the rooftop the shooter was on wasn’t cleared before the rally, someone with little experience can hit easily targets from 150 yards. This shouldn’t have happened.
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Old 07-14-2024, 05:30 PM   #6
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Re: President Trump Assassination Attempt

The real question is how long until Trump tries to profit from this, always be grifting
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Old 07-14-2024, 07:17 PM   #7
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Re: President Trump Assassination Attempt

Originally Posted by MTK View Post
Wild when someone who incites violence and spreads dangerous rhetoric actually falls victim to it.

How long until wackos blame Biden for this, oh nevermind that started pretty much right away.

Crazy to me the rooftop the shooter was on wasn’t cleared before the rally, someone with little experience can hit easily targets from 150 yards. This shouldn’t have happened.
They started right after it happen MTG is one it's become the MAGA cry.
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Old 07-14-2024, 08:47 PM   #8
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Re: President Trump Assassination Attempt

Originally Posted by mooby View Post
I'd try to look at evidence and form a rational conclusion based on the facts, but we all know the conclusion is whatever you conservatives say it is. Eagerly awaiting orders on who to blame sirs.

Damn youse radicals liberals, damns youse to hell!

I did think it was pretty nice of our current senile radical anarchist president to condemn it and talk to soon-to-be KOTUS over the phone though. Way to take the high ground you geriatric Dr. Evil.
I mean look above to G1, “maga nazi”…liberals have called Trump and Republicans : Nazi, Fascist, Christo Fascist, White Supremacist etc everyday since 2016. Every single fucking day…

go to social media and you can find liberal staffers, journalists and leftist social media figures celebrating the assassin and upset he missed.

Liberal Bernie brother shot up the GOP baseball game, liberal tried to assassinate Kavenaugh and now President Trump.

You support Antifa a commie progressives terrorist group who have committed violent crimes and sentenced to jail all across the country.

High road? How can folks sit here and watch the national media/political figure/celebrities demonize the President every fucking day with lies of white supremacy/nazi etc and say no one is too blame for an assassination attempt? Liberals have stoked this flame period

Or Ackshully, it’s Trump fault.

Give me a fucking break, people have lost their fucking minds.
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Old 07-14-2024, 10:01 PM   #9
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Re: President Trump Assassination Attempt

Here is Reid Hoffman, mega donor for democrats, admitted Epstein Island visitor who personally financed the Jean Carroll lawsuit for political purposes only….sent this email to journalists last night including, Semafor, who then published it:

Top Democratic strategist pushed reporters to consider ‘staged’ shooting:

In an email Saturday at 7:34 pm that appeared to be addressed to sympathetic journalists, and which was also sent to Semafor, Mehlhorn wrote that one “possibility -- which feels horrific and alien and absurd in America, but is quite common globally -- is that this ‘shooting’ was encouraged and maybe even staged so Trump could get the photos and benefit from the backlash. This is a classic Russian tactic, such as when Putin killed 300 civilians in 1999 and blamed it on terrorists to ride the backlash to winning power. Others who have embraced this tactic of committing raw evil and then benefitting from the backlash include Hamas on October 7. If any Trump officials encouraged or knew of this attack, that is morally horrific, and Republicans of decency must demand that Trump step down as unfit.”

He wants journalists to write that this was a false flag operation connecting Trump to Putin.

These are your Democrats…totally normal stuff and pushing it journalists who are there mouthpieces. Only Semafore published it, which should also tell you a lot.
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Old 07-15-2024, 04:26 AM   #10
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Re: President Trump Assassination Attempt

Originally Posted by Chico23231 View Post
I mean look above to G1, “maga nazi”…liberals have called Trump and Republicans : Nazi, Fascist, Christo Fascist, White Supremacist etc everyday since 2016. Every single fucking day…

go to social media and you can find liberal staffers, journalists and leftist social media figures celebrating the assassin and upset he missed.

Liberal Bernie brother shot up the GOP baseball game, liberal tried to assassinate Kavenaugh and now President Trump.

You support Antifa a commie progressives terrorist group who have committed violent crimes and sentenced to jail all across the country.

High road? How can folks sit here and watch the national media/political figure/celebrities demonize the President every fucking day with lies of white supremacy/nazi etc and say no one is too blame for an assassination attempt? Liberals have stoked this flame period

Or Ackshully, it’s Trump fault.

Give me a fucking break, people have lost their fucking minds.

Here ya go Folks , what more proof do you need then this rant above from the forum maniac MAGA Nazi. All you need to do is go back and look at his postings about Charlottesville. chico crying about liberals stoking this or that but ignores the hatred the right threw at Obama's. chico like the rest of the extreme MAGA faction of the Republican party take no responsibility for anything, never have never will.

The shooter was a Republican by the way since you're throwing blame around.
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Old 07-15-2024, 07:59 AM   #11
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Re: President Trump Assassination Attempt

Only a retard or Redditor would believe a money donating liberal to Biden campaign who shot the GOP nominee for President is a Republican.

Yes blame is on liberals, Democrat Party and gop hating national media period. This was not a random, unintentional act retards. I dont need permission from anyone to lay blame.

You demoninizing fucks made up and fully believed conspiracy theories and hoaxes with not one shred of evidence like Russian Collusion, Hunter laptop is Russian disinformation, Jussie smollet was attacked by trump supporters, etc and then call everyone you disagree a Nazi, supremist, fascist bullshit rhetoric everyday for the last 10 years?

You would like to suppress the truth…we are done here. We don’t need wait, need permission from the media or make up some other excuse…look to your bullshit lies and hate you spewed for the last 8 years. “Don’t believe your lying eyes” isn’t gonna work this time.
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Old 07-15-2024, 08:02 AM   #12
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Re: President Trump Assassination Attempt

Originally Posted by Chico23231 View Post
Only a retard or Redditor would believe a money donating liberal to Biden campaign who shot the GOP nominee for President is a Republican.

Yes blame is on liberals, Democrat Party and gop hating national media period. This was not a random, unintentional act retards. I dont need permission from anyone to lay blame.

You demoninizing fucks made up and fully believed conspiracy theories and hoaxes with not one shred of evidence like Russian Collusion, Hunter laptop is Russian disinformation, Jussie smollet was attacked by trump supporters, etc and then call everyone you disagree a Nazi, supremist, fascist bullshit rhetoric everyday for the last 10 years?

You would like to suppress the truth…we are done here. We don’t need wait, need permission from the media or make up some other excuse…look to your bullshit lies and hate you spewed for the last 8 years. “Don’t believe your lying eyes” isn’t gonna work this time.
Spoken like the true anti American Maga Nazi you are!
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Old 07-15-2024, 01:34 PM   #13
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Re: President Trump Assassination Attempt

I see nothing has changed in here.

Hopefully, the liberal media and celebrities will come to realize that it was their rabid vitriol that caused this, and maybe, just maybe they will tone it down.

That was a 20-year-old kid. His head filled with all the BS the left has vomited up. A kid who probably felt he was saving his nation. At 20, you don't dream up assassinating a president. That kid's family lost their son due to all the hate spewing rhetoric. Not to mention the innocent spectators injured, and one dead, because of the constant drumming of hatred.

Well done you morons.
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Old 07-15-2024, 02:00 PM   #14
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Re: President Trump Assassination Attempt

Originally Posted by Chief X_Phackter View Post
I see nothing has changed in here.

Hopefully, the liberal media and celebrities will come to realize that it was their rabid vitriol that caused this, and maybe, just maybe they will tone it down.

That was a 20-year-old kid. His head filled with all the BS the left has vomited up. A kid who probably felt he was saving his nation. At 20, you don't dream up assassinating a president. That kid's family lost their son due to all the hate spewing rhetoric. Not to mention the innocent spectators injured, and one dead, because of the constant drumming of hatred.

Well done you morons.
Here ya go Matty another one blaming Democrats and not taking responsibility for shit the republicans have been spouting out there. The kid was a registered republican. This was exactly what everyone thought a mentally deranged individual , it's republicans making it political.
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Old 07-15-2024, 02:06 PM   #15
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Re: President Trump Assassination Attempt

Yeah because as we know Trump is all about love and unity.

You reap what you sow. Let's see what he does to tone things down going forward. I'm guessing he stokes the fires even more.

The whole thing kinda just looked like a dust up from what I saw. We should probably move on already.
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