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Does character count?

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Old 05-05-2005, 03:08 AM   #1
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Does character count?

The news in the NFL this week has been dominated by Owen's holdout/trashing his teammates and Winslow's cycle shenanigans. Two morons doing moronic things.

IS anyone (especialy those in the Brown's or Eagles' front offices) surprised?

Didn't Owens bitch about his pay and trash teammates in S.F.? Didn't KW2 look and act like a spoiled brat trouble maker in college? Don't teams give psych tests or talk to former teammates or coachs? It seems like teams never look into a person character before they hire them or worse they think that just moving to a new city will magically change a screw up.

This is a team sport perhaps more than any other sport. Here are the Eagles in the SB last year and is there any stories about their chances this year or their draft picks. No its all about TO. If you don't think one bad attitude in a locker room can mess up a team you dead wrong.

Granted a few times a guy turns his life around. Chris Carter comes to mind. However for every C.C. there is a T.O., KW2, Randy Moss, and Lawerence Phillips. These guys are thrown second and third chances and in my mind it is no surprise they have or will screw it up. There were people on this forum who said the skins should make a run at TO or Randy Moss to solve our WR woes. I was like NO WAY. I wouldn't care if it was an automatic 120 catchs a year the downside is still to great. And I think there are 2 teams who are figuring that out and 1 (Raiders) who will this year.
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Old 05-05-2005, 06:41 AM   #2
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Re: Does character count?

Truer words have never been spoken.
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Old 05-05-2005, 07:52 AM   #3
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Re: Does character count?

The "character thing" with Gibbs will seem ever wiser as time goes on. Everybody the same! Each piece of the machine as important as the next. Replaceable parts. Pull together for a common goal. Something the NFL could use more of. A.................TEAM
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Old 05-05-2005, 08:14 AM   #4
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Old 05-05-2005, 08:27 AM   #5
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Re: Does character count?

Sure character counts, but players as talented as TO will always find someone willing to put up with his act... for a little while at least.
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Old 05-05-2005, 08:34 AM   #6
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Re: Does character count?

True. I think he will have worn his welcome out when the Eagles release him and he does the same ol' shit to another team. He's running himself out of work.
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Old 05-05-2005, 08:49 AM   #7
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Re: Does character count?

Originally Posted by Mattyk72
Sure character counts, but players as talented as TO will always find someone willing to put up with his act... for a little while at least.
An unfortunate reality in today's NFL.
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Old 05-05-2005, 08:52 AM   #8
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Re: Does character count?

If teams will stop putting up with that type of shit, then maybe we won't have to see players like TO in the league anymore. Once you establish the precedent that you don't allow that type of behavior on your team and the rest of the league follows, maybe the NFL would be much more character-based.
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Old 05-05-2005, 09:07 AM   #9
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Re: Does character count?

Originally Posted by TheMalcolmConnection
If teams will stop putting up with that type of shit, then maybe we won't have to see players like TO in the league anymore. Once you establish the precedent that you don't allow that type of behavior on your team and the rest of the league follows, maybe the NFL would be much more character-based.
Absolutely just go and convince Al Davis and we're on our way.
Seriously though, that's the problem. There is always going to be at least one team out there who caters to guys like TO, Moss, etc. Heck, the Raiders have built a reputation on it. There's a reason why everyone on draft day was saying Maurice Clarett to the Raiders in round 6 (at least until the Broncos shocked the world at the end of the 3rd). If there was a way to get all the teams on board with what you're saying though, I'd be the first one on the campaign trail.
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Old 05-05-2005, 09:08 AM   #10
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Re: Does character count?

I agree with everything, but man, you just can't put all the blame on these guys, I"mthe first to say that T.O., Winslow, and dudes like Moss are overpaid jerks who have lost touch of reality, but when you throw that much cash at a young guy who odds are is not very educated, didn't have a stong family base, and came from a low income background. . .its hard to keep your head straight.

Man, did I get way off the subject. . .sorry.

Now Winslow, well he is a jackass that has no excuse except for the fact that he is a Miami Hurricaine. . like Shockey.. . who is a monsterous piece of CRAP!! And I'm sorry to say, but Sean Taylor is starting to fall into that category, and I think Portis is a great RB and can be real funny, but sorry Portis fans, he is an IDIOT as well.

Why can't we clone C. Cooley????
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Old 05-05-2005, 09:13 AM   #11
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Re: Does character count?

I'm afraid most of the blame has to be placed upon the encouragement of having free agency like it is today in the NFL. Some guys are making millions of dollars even before they prove themselves worthy of such a paycheck. Sure, they might have been great in college, but that means jack once you're in the big leagues.
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Old 05-05-2005, 09:36 AM   #12
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Re: Does character count?

Having recently moved to Boston from Northern Virginia, I'm constantly inundated with the New England sports talk. Every once in a while, they decide to stop talking about the Red Sox for 5 minutes so they can mention the Patriots. While there's been a few issues in recent years with 'character issues' on the Pats team, it seems as though they by and large stay focused on the TEAM... hence the three Super Bowls in four years. Look at the transformation of former disgruntled Corey Dillon. He has TEAM written all over him now.

So how can the Redskins become a TEAM? Gibbs is talking the talk, shoot... everyone knows that's what he's all about. Then key is that the leaders on the field (players) need to step up and make everyone accountable. Get Moss and Taylor in the camps and make it known that TO-like behavior won't be tolerated on their team. You think the Redskins' teams of the 80s would have put up with a TO? Forget the coaching staff - we need stronger leaders on our team!
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Old 05-05-2005, 09:47 AM   #13
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Re: Does character count?

Unfortunately it looks like the skins will tolerate or at least reward TO-like behavior. Moss gets his contract fixed after holding out, Taylor's new contract is on the way. Like someone said, talent will make some tems put up with this crap for a little while. Too bad the skins seem to be one of those teams.
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Old 05-05-2005, 09:56 AM   #14
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Re: Does character count?

We had our share of problematic players in Gibbs' first stint. Riggins being the classic example.

Of course every team is going to have a couple of guys that don't fit your ideal mold, but the idea is to surround those couple of players with guys that do.
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Old 05-05-2005, 10:04 AM   #15
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Re: Does character count?

I don't think that Moss got rewarded for holding out. I think he just signed the contract that he was due. If we overpaid for him, yes, I'd agree that he got what he wanted by holding out. I just don't think we signed him for anything more than an average contract for a decent #2 receiver.
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