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Let's talk about the front office situation

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Old 12-31-2013, 10:15 AM   #1
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Let's talk about the front office situation

So Bruce Allen said he's going to be the one calling the shots personnel wise, leaning heavily on the input of Scott Campbell and Morocco Brown. He hinted that these guys weren't utilized nearly enough under Shanahan (surprise). He also didn't rule out adding someone to the front office structure.

Not sure I'm really liking the idea of this setup since personnel really isn't supposed to be Allen's strength. I'm not saying it can't work, but I'd just feel better if we had a true personnel guy making the decisions.
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Old 12-31-2013, 10:21 AM   #2
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Re: Let's talk about the front office situation

Yeah, this seems like a step backwards to me. And it was a bit alarming to me that he said they would be changing the profile of the players they are looking for, and oh yeah a new coach might have some ideas too.

Also, it was strange that he lashed back at Shanahan, I'm not convinced that it was shanahan leaking the story, isnt it just as likely that the front office leaked these rumors as a good reason to opt out of his last year?
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Old 12-31-2013, 10:23 AM   #3
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Re: Let's talk about the front office situation

I look at it like this. The plan seemed to be that Brown was to be promoted to GM and Allen to President. So in that case, the set up for this year is pretty much to give those guys a chance to prove their worth of such a promotion. If they succeed they get promoted. If not, hopefully the front office looks elsewhere for help. I thinks it's more of a cost savings thing I think. I don't like it or hate it. I just don't know if it will work.
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Old 12-31-2013, 10:28 AM   #4
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Re: Let's talk about the front office situation

I actually like this move. Allen basically said yesterday that had they listened to these guys, we'd have better players on the team. There is finally a structure where people in the trenches have a say. Allen might have the final say, someone has to have that. Allen isn't stupid, he knows his strengths and weaknesses. We have stability and I like that. Now go get a coach that isn't a stubborn, control freak, rat faced, whining to the media old hag.
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Old 12-31-2013, 10:30 AM   #5
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Re: Let's talk about the front office situation

If you heard JLC this morning on the junkies- he delivered a pretty striking sermon regarding the Redskins current FO situation. He didn't have as much pessimism about finding a good coach, but implied that the Dan Snyder can only skin a cat two ways.

  • Having the head coach (a la Shotty, Gibbs, and Shanny) have complete control, even when they aren't qualified to do so. Gibbs was not ever known to build a roster. Shanahan was fired from Denver for personnel gaffes as well.

  • Or having the front office take control, with Snyder directly involved a la Jerry Jones.

The current look right now is the latter of the two, and JLC was extremely pessimistic about the chances of success for the Redskins, as am I. Bruce Allen's strengths have never been personnel (he's earned his experience through contracts/negotiations with agents), and now we're going to have to live through another round of Danny boy fiddling with the roster

I can't see why it's so damn hard to hire a true GM and step back and let the process play. He wants to be involved, and beyond that I think he LOOOOVESSS to be involved. It's his team and he can do whatever he wants.

I really hope this isn't the case, because we're in for another long stretch folks if it is.
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Last edited by RobH4413; 12-31-2013 at 10:39 AM.
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Old 12-31-2013, 10:35 AM   #6
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Re: Let's talk about the front office situation

Originally Posted by Mattyk View Post
So Bruce Allen said he's going to be the one calling the shots personnel wise, leaning heavily on the input of Scott Campbell and Morocco Brown. He hinted that these guys weren't utilized nearly enough under Shanahan (surprise). He also didn't rule out adding someone to the front office structure.

Not sure I'm really liking the idea of this setup since personnel really isn't supposed to be Allen's strength. I'm not saying it can't work, but I'd just feel better if we had a true personnel guy making the decisions.
My question is where does AJ Smith fit into this equation? If he was given the responsibility of personnel eval and decision maker I'd feel better. I agree someone else needs to be brought aboard if not AJ Smith in a larger capacity.
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Old 12-31-2013, 10:39 AM   #7
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Re: Let's talk about the front office situation

wow ye of lil faith...

Bruce Allen is the President/ GM, the final decision will be his.

M. Brown and S. Campbell are the chief lieutenants Giving analysis on players.

Do not forget about AJ Smith. I am sure that Bruce will rely heavily on his opinion in personnel decisions. Bruce Allen is a former executive of the year. Can't take that away from him.
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Old 12-31-2013, 10:42 AM   #8
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Re: Let's talk about the front office situation

Originally Posted by RobH4413 View Post
If you heard JLC this morning on the junkies- he delivered a pretty striking sermon regarding the Redskins current FO situation. He didn't have as much pessimism about finding a good coach, but implied that the Dan Snyder can only skin a cat two ways.

  • Having the head coach (a la Shotty, Gibbs, and Shanny) have complete control, even when they aren't qualified to do so. Gibbs was not ever known to build a roster. Shanahan was fired from Denver for personnel gaffes as well.

  • Or having the front office take control, with Snyder directly involved a la Jerry Jones.

The current look right now is the latter of the two, and JLC was extremely pessimistic about the chances of success for the Redskins, as am I. Bruce Allen's strengths have never been personnel (he's earned his experience through contracts/negotiations with agents), and now we're going to have to live through another round of Danny boy fiddling with the roster

I can't see why it's so damn hard to hire a true GM and step back and let the process play. He wants to be involved, and beyond that I think he LOOOOVESSS to be involved. It's his team and he can do whatever he wants.

I really hope this isn't the case, because we're in for another long stretch folks if it is.
Nothing Alan said even remotely implied that Snyder would have any input in the roster. Allen essentially said morocco is going to make all free agent evaluations, Campbell will do the same for the draft, and then Allen will make decisions on which guys to bring in based on the recommendations
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Old 12-31-2013, 10:50 AM   #9
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Re: Let's talk about the front office situation

I like the new set-up. Bruce seems to get it in terms of using his subordinates to do what they do best. Now, if they hire the right coach, I think it can work.

BTW, JLC is a dolt.
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Old 12-31-2013, 10:51 AM   #10
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Re: Let's talk about the front office situation

Not comfortable with the people now, because as Allen said they are 3-13. Hard to have confidence in these guys getting it right with personnel.

That being said, Shanahan has always been a system first guy with virtually all positions, which is not the best way to draft IMO. His draft track record in denver was pretty similar to here, not alot of good ones. Mo Clarrett in the third was on him. Essentially they may have been just doing what they were told. He clearly values guys that will work hard for him, regardless of how little ability they have... LOL.
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Old 12-31-2013, 10:56 AM   #11
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Re: Let's talk about the front office situation

Originally Posted by WillH View Post
Yeah, this seems like a step backwards to me. And it was a bit alarming to me that he said they would be changing the profile of the players they are looking for, and oh yeah a new coach might have some ideas too.

Also, it was strange that he lashed back at Shanahan, I'm not convinced that it was shanahan leaking the story, isnt it just as likely that the front office leaked these rumors as a good reason to opt out of his last year?
I didn't get that vibe at all.

It's pretty obvious where the leaks were coming from.
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Old 12-31-2013, 11:03 AM   #12
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Re: Let's talk about the front office situation

Originally Posted by Mattyk View Post
I didn't get that vibe at all.

It's pretty obvious where the leaks were coming from.
Yeah, I suppose if that was the case MS would at least have implied it.
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Old 12-31-2013, 11:03 AM   #13
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Re: Let's talk about the front office situation

It's funny that the two Jason's have the most to say about the situation, They seem to also have the most animosity towards the administration. No matter what Snyder would have done they would have spun it negative.
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Old 12-31-2013, 11:03 AM   #14
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Re: Let's talk about the front office situation

I'm not crazy about the front office structure. I was hoping Bruce was going to announce that either we were promoting someone (Brown/Campbell) within in the organization to GM or that we were going to hire a true GM.

As a fan all I can do is hope that Bruce knows what he's talking about and will make the right decisions.

I just hope that Bruce Allen calling all the shots and having final say doesn't really mean Dan Snyder calling the shots and having final say with Bruce "oking" them.
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Old 12-31-2013, 11:14 AM   #15
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Re: Let's talk about the front office situation

Originally Posted by diehardskin2982 View Post
It's funny that the two Jason's have the most to say about the situation, They seem to also have the most animosity towards the administration. No matter what Snyder would have done they would have spun it negative.
The front office has been a big liability ever since Snyder took over. I think it's a little naive to not at least look at our setup with a critical eye and wonder if we're doing the right thing. The one thing Snyder hasn't tried yet is having a true GM run the show. Personnel is not Allen's strength. If the plan is for Campbell to run the show draft wise and for Brown to run the show regarding pro personnel, and for Allen to more or less rubber stamp their decisions, that could possibly work.
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