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I Talked To Lavar's Agent Today

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Old 03-26-2004, 09:05 AM   #1
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I Talked To Lavar's Agent Today

Carl Poston,lavar's Agent Was On 610 Sports Radio In Houston,i Called In ,told Him I Was A Big Redskin Fan,he Said He Was Too,or Was Till This Mess,i Told Him From What I Read Lavar's Already Getting A 6.5 Million Bonus In The Yr He Says He's Suppossed To Be Getting Another 6.5 Million,explain Whats Going On.he Says The Skins Approached Lavar About Reworking His Contract To Free Up Some Cap Space,that Lavar Was Doing The Redskins A Favor Because He Wanted To Win And Be Able To Bring In Some Players. They Got Together And Had A Contract Agreement At 1;30 In The Afternoon,but At The Last Minute At 4:00 They Presented The Contract To Lavar Without His Agent Being There,and With Lavar Trusting The Redskins,he Signed It,but It Wasnt The Same As The One Agreed To Earlier That Day,he Knows It,lavar Knoes It,and The Redskins Know It.when It Goes To Arbitration,his Agent Says He Doesnt Know Who Will Win Because You Never Know With Arbitration,but He Says If The Redskins Win The Hearing They May Have Won The Battle But Not The War Because Lavar's Heart Wont Be In It,he Feels Very Strongly That He Was Screwed By A Team He Trusted And Wanted To Play His Whole Career With.
Now My Personal Opinion Is Theres No Way This Is Going To Come Out Good,even If Lavar Wins The Arbitration He Still Feels The Skins Tried To Screw Him,i Think The Redskins Will Probably Have To Say Goodbye To Lavar Because This Will Become A Big Distraction Like T.o. Was With The 49ers,he's Probably Not Gone This Yr,but Next,i Cant See The Redskins Saying Youre Right,we Screwed Up ,heres Your 6 Million,but I Hope I'm Wrong
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Old 03-26-2004, 09:28 AM   #2
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I'm sorry but I can't feel sorry for LaVar in this situation at all. He signed the deal, he should honor the deal. If he's going to whine then trade him.

He's admitted he signed the contract, so what's the problem? If he felt rushed to sign the deal he should have told Snyder he didn't feel comfortable signing the deal without his agent. A dumb business move by Arrington if you ask me, that's what your agent is for, and if you decide to take a matter in your own hands then you have to deal with the consequences.

I know sports will chime in and say we don't know all the details and that is very true, but adding another bonus of $6.5M which would bring his cap figure to a ridiculous $18M in 2006 just makes no sense at all from the team's perspective.
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Old 03-26-2004, 10:22 AM   #3
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Not sure as the full facts aren't known, just what Poston and Lavar are saying, but wasn't the contract initialled by Poston? If he initialled the one presented at 1:30 and the one presented at 4, being a different document, wasn't initialled, then surely Arrington would have seen it hadn't been initialled and not signed. IF he didn't check it, he should shut the hell up and accept he was dumb.

Having said that, IF (note big IF) the contract was deliberately changed to cheat Arrington, it paints Skins management in the worst light possible. I doubt that's the case. I can't believe anyone in the FO would be stupid enough to a) agree to an original contract with a prohibitive bonus and b) try to swindle our effective #1 player in such a blatant and idiotic manner. It just doesn't make business sense to me. Something tells me we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg on this one.

Of course, it could be a mistake - someone in the FO gave him the wrong contract to sign?....
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Old 03-26-2004, 10:23 AM   #4
Thank You, Sean.
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I gotta agree with Matty, and I'm a huge Arrington Fan. I really dont feel the remorse for him that I have felt for other players when contreversy ( ie: Ramsey) arrised. He says he wont let it effect his play and relationship with the coaches, and if he does fine. If he is half assin it and bitching about this, I hate to say it, but maybe a trade. I really wish we knew more though, cause this is all speculation as to whats going on.
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Old 03-26-2004, 11:05 AM   #5
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I have to say it's a lose- lose situation for all! It's chain reaction,Lavar loses the money if thats what they agreed on, but not in the contract. Leaves a bad taste in his mouth, and disgruntled against the organization. The skins loses a awesome player thats not willing to play his heart out for the organization, And all us fans lose out because The Redskins will not be playing as a TEAM. As much as i would hate to say it. Give him the money, so he can wipe the tearsform his face and we can put this behind us!
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Old 03-26-2004, 01:06 PM   #6
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I can't believe that the FO would try to slip an altered or changed contract past Arrington, if they did that's just unbelievably dumb, Snyder didn't get to where he is by being dumb, so that's why I can't see Arrington's point of view on this.

I think somewhere in the process there was some sort of miscommunication or misunderstanding. I really don't think the FO tried to screw over Arrington in any way.

For Arrington to prove his point there would have to be two contracts, if there isn't I really can't see how this case can be found in his favor.

After TO anything is possible, but this is a completely different situation.
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Old 03-26-2004, 01:41 PM   #7
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I think Poston is full of shit, like most agents. If LaVar has a problem with a contract he endorsed with his signature, he should be traded ASAP. If you sign an important legal document -- especially one worth millions of dollars -- without reading it and without having your legal/financial counsel read it, then you are a dumb ass and you will probably be cheated again. Maybe I'm biased, but I think LaVar is being cheated or misled by his agent, not the Redskins. Say what you want about Dan Snyder, but he pays his players very well, so well he's been criticized for overpaying. A cheap stunt like this would be totally out of character for him. If this is going to turn into a distraction during Gibbs' comeback, we should trade LaVar for a DE or draft picks right now.
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Old 03-26-2004, 03:10 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Mattyk72
I know sports will chime in and say we don't know all the details and that is very true, but adding another bonus of $6.5M which would bring his cap figure to a ridiculous $18M in 2006 just makes no sense at all from the team's perspective.
Do roster bonuses count as much as signing bonuses? I thought I read somewhere that the Eagles signed TO and Kearse to deals tied to large roster bonuses so they don't get the cap hit when the player is cut..

Anyway, it's a huge mess.. What they should do is each say, there was obviously mis-communication. In order to move on together peacefully, let's agree to a 3.25 million dollar bonus and call it good... That way neither one comes away with bragging rights or ill feelings.. Of course since that's a logical solution it'll never work, but it's worth a try.
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Old 03-26-2004, 04:08 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Paintrain
Do roster bonuses count as much as signing bonuses? I thought I read somewhere that the Eagles signed TO and Kearse to deals tied to large roster bonuses so they don't get the cap hit when the player is cut...
Roster bonuses are not prorated like signing bonuses, and therefore only impact the salary cap for the year in which the roster bonus is paid. If a team releases a player before that roster bonus comes due, then the roster bonus disappears for both the player and the salary cap. If the player is still on the team when the roster bonus is due, then the team must pay the player the roster bonus, and that amount will count against that year's cap.
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Old 03-26-2004, 05:02 PM   #10
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I don't like the idea of sounding like a LaVar basher because I was extremely excited when he was initially drafted by the Skins. There was so much debate about him, or Courtney Brown as to which one to pick. However, since his arival I do not believe he has lived up to the "hype" he brought with his coming. He cried like a little baby the way Marvin Lewis used him in his scheme of defense, and now in Gregg Williams system he could be asked to perform in a simular manner. As undisciplined as he is I hope he can learn to adjust. If he has learned anything from this contract situation, it is not to sign anything you're not sure of what you're signing. I think even he is aware of the fact that his play as opposed to his mouth will go much further with the hearts and minds of "Skins" fans. Why do you think LaVar signs all those autographs? He's trying to win fan support so he won't get too much flack when we finally realize he is not the player "Hyped" up to be.

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Old 03-26-2004, 05:30 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Longtimefan
However, since his arival I do not believe he has lived up to the "hype" he brought with his coming. Why do you think LaVar signs all those autographs? He's trying to win fan support so he won't get too much flack when we finally realize he is not the player "Hyped" up to be.

Go Redskins, & "Thank You Joe Gibbs"

Um, not living up to "hype"? What more do you want from the guy? He's already known as one of the biggest hitters in the league, ask Aikman, and he's been the one Skin that has given his all every Sunday. He's arguably our best player and now our leader. His contract situation is ridiculous, if the Skins were trying to make him a Skin for life then why would they try to pull a fast one on him? I have no doubt that somebody is lying, but I also know that LaVar is one of the top linebackers in the game, so would that be the "hype" that you are referring to?
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Old 03-26-2004, 06:09 PM   #12
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I just have a feeling that lavar misunderstood the original agreement, or it was wrongfully explained to him by his agent, and maybe lavar thought he was getting something when he wasen't, which put his agent in the cross hair's which he's come up with this contract switch, anon emouse made a good point as well, all those pages should have been initialled, and if they switched the contract there should be document's in that contract that weren't initialled, even now! so it shouldn't be to difficult for the player's association to figure out, if they didn't intial the first contract he has only his agent to blame, as a builder I deal with real estate buying and selling, and I as well as my lawyer initial everything together, as well we usually do it before we meet for any closing's so you have time to make sure everything is in order, and those deal's are not remotly in the magnitude of lavar's deal, I personally don't think this will ever be resolved no matter what the outcome, lavar is alway's going to believe he was cheated regardless, IMO we pay him way to much money for what he provides, he should be thankful he's being paid what he's being paid as it sit's, it wouldn't be that hard to replace lavar's production so far in his carreer.

Last edited by offiss; 03-26-2004 at 06:13 PM.
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Old 03-26-2004, 09:07 PM   #13
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If he doesn't like it, let's trade him now when we could make out like bandits.
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Old 03-26-2004, 11:50 PM   #14
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According to the reviews from today's first practice, the players are pumped up to be playing for Gibbs ... it's a whole new deal and everybody's feeling it. I think LaVar might come around because he loves to play, he's emotional and he could become great playing for Gibbs.
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