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Game Day Experience ?

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Old 01-14-2013, 09:07 AM   #1
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Game Day Experience ?

With the season over for all but 4 teams now I wanted to ask a question of everyone here about any or all of your game day experience ,be it Redskin,Giant,Cowboys anyteam.I ask becuase as I have gotten older I have more of a problem with the whole thing more and more.The drunks the parking,the cursing,the whole deal but my daughter and her family are moving back from MO where they have been stationed and with my grandson being a "Skins" fan I have thought about taking him to a game.Tickets aren't the problem and I can get tickets any game in NY just thought he would enjoy it better with other Skins fans.Yet it's the drunks and the cursing that makes me roll my eyse and say no to it.
First this is not a Skins thing,it's as bad in NY as anywhere and it goes on in every stadium so please don't think I'm picking on any one team but I read this artical in the WP the other day and I actually thought of my last Giant game in NY but thought the writer nailed it.
Miseries of attending a Redskins game - The Washington Post
I personally want a ban on alcohol in the stadium and more ushers to quite down the cursing and fights but I would like to hear from some of you and what you think,how young should a child be to go to a game,what do you do?Thanks.
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Old 01-14-2013, 09:33 AM   #2
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Re: Game Day Experience ?

I have been to about 15 games and never sat in trafic to get into the stadium. If he is dumb enough to wait until 15 min before the game to arrive its his problem. If he thinks walking a mile is that bad then he needs to keep his lazy ass home. Food and beer prices are crazy at any sporting event so that nothing new. My experience is the cheaper the seats the more issues you have with rude drunks.
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Old 01-14-2013, 10:39 AM   #3
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Re: Game Day Experience ?

With how good today's HDTVs are I struggle to understand why anyone would want to put up with all the hassle and outrageous prices of going to a game at the stadium. I remember back in the day how tv was always trying create the staduim experience at home. Now the stadiums seem like they are trying to create the home experience at the stadium.
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Old 01-14-2013, 10:40 AM   #4
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Re: Game Day Experience ?

Originally Posted by irish View Post
With how good today's HDTVs are I struggle to understand why anyone would want to put up with all the hassle and outrageous prices of going to a game at the stadium. I remember back in the day how tv was always trying create the staduim experience at home. Now the stadiums seem like they are trying to create the home experience at the stadium.

The best game day experience is in your living room these days. If not, you're doing it wrong.
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Old 01-14-2013, 11:57 AM   #5
Thank You, Sean.
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Re: Game Day Experience ?

I still hang onto the game day experience, but with every passing year, it gets to be more and more to deal with.

I went to (5) games this year, 4 in DC (Bengals, Vikings, Giants, Cowboys) and 1 in Tampa. Generally speaking, I still find it really awesome to be at the game. I had the chance to see three fantastic games in DC this year, and one in Tampa. Even the Bengals game was fun, but just came up on the wrong side.

That being said, I am finding myself growing more and more tired of peoples BS each time. Specifically this year, I had major issues at the Giants game. Now I'll freely admit, two of my closest friends are Giants fans and they came along. In the stadium, we had very few issues. Some name calling and stuff, but they expect that and are fine with it... however leaving the stadium a group of fans were taunting and then tried to become physical. Luckily cooler heads prevailed but to me, the night games are the worst. I swore after that game I was never going to another night game (but then got offered a free ticket to the Dallas game).

However to me, the night games I will stay away from as much as possible. I love 1pm games, getting there early in the morning, cooking/having some beers a nice game and you're still home at a reasonable hour. The night games were miserable though.

That being said, I would never argue with someone who says watching on TV is the way to go. It's way cheaper, no BS, crystal clear picture... but to me you can't beat being at the stadium for some of those "special moments".
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Old 01-14-2013, 12:15 PM   #6
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Re: Game Day Experience ?

I went to two games this year. One of them was in the Loge Suites which was obviously incredible. Heated but still open air, a waitress, private bathroom, purple parking pass, the whole nine. And that's pretty much the only way I care to do Redskins games, but it's obviously a rare treat to get offered tickets like that.

Tailgating with friends is a lot of fun, but long lines, high prices, and vulgar, drunken idiots are a huge turnoff. I agree with what Gmanc711 says, too - the night games are horrible. The 1pm's are much more palatable.

Unless I'm given free tickets, I don't go to Redskins games. Not worth it at all IMO. Plus I just got a killer new TV right before the season started lol.
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Old 01-14-2013, 12:19 PM   #7
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Re: Game Day Experience ?

Just wait til the new super high def TVs become a staple in everyone's homes.

Beyond high-def: New Sony TV to have resolution 4 times greater than HD | Fox News
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Old 01-14-2013, 12:25 PM   #8
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Re: Game Day Experience ?

Originally Posted by Mattyk View Post
Just wait til the new super high def TVs become a staple in everyone's homes.

Beyond high-def: New Sony TV to have resolution 4 times greater than HD | Fox News
I might just have to wait for 8K if I have to wait for 4K. They had 8K TVs on display at the CES this year.
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Old 01-14-2013, 12:47 PM   #9
Thank You, Sean.
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Re: Game Day Experience ?

I should also say, Tampa is an awesome place to check out a game. Stadium was half Skins' fans (and I've been three other times and always is), good weather, accessible. Really good time.
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Old 01-14-2013, 12:54 PM   #10
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Re: Game Day Experience ?

I've been to numerous games at RFK and FedEx over the years, and have been fortunate to have not had any major issues at any game I've been to. I have seen my fair share of altercations but they've always been in sight and nowhere near me. For the most part, the fans are pleasant. And I do agree that the day games are much more calmer than the night games and that the lower you are, the less issues you tend to have.

Nowadays, I only go when my wife gets tickets and a parking pass from one of her vendors, and we make a day of it. Get there when the lots open, tailgate and eat, watch the game, tailgate a bit more and go home once the traffic starts to clear up a bit. Inside, I might buy a soda or a beer and that's it. We always eat plenty while we tailgate, and then we make sure to have some snacks and leftovers for after the game.
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Old 01-14-2013, 01:18 PM   #11
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Re: Game Day Experience ?

Originally Posted by Mattyk View Post

The best game day experience is in your living room these days. If not, you're doing it wrong.
Pretty much this. I had the opportunity to buy tickets for the Skins/Cowboys game for 100 bucks (they were nosebleeds seats), but I turned it down. Honestly, I thought it'd be 30 degrees at gametime, and I HATE the cold weather. Now, if I had gotten $280 dream seats, I may have sucked it up and put up with the hassle. :FIREdevil
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Old 01-14-2013, 01:29 PM   #12
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Re: Game Day Experience ?

Originally Posted by Ruhskins View Post
Pretty much this. I had the opportunity to buy tickets for the Skins/Cowboys game for 100 bucks (they were nosebleeds seats), but I turned it down. Honestly, I thought it'd be 30 degrees at gametime, and I HATE the cold weather. Now, if I had gotten $280 dream seats, I may have sucked it up and put up with the hassle. :FIREdevil
Don't ever do that! They make you eat hot dogs instead of barbeque. The nerve.
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Old 01-14-2013, 01:32 PM   #13
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Re: Game Day Experience ?

Originally Posted by Mattyk View Post

The best game day experience is in your living room these days. If not, you're doing it wrong.
Absolutely. Me and my buddies have a rotating party with plenty of food, booze, screaming, yelling, and trash talking and since we are all friends there's no worry about some knuckle-head trying to pick a fight.
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Old 01-14-2013, 02:23 PM   #14
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Re: Game Day Experience ?

My wife is a Packers fan and we actually went to the Packers vs Seattle game. We witnessed the "Fail Mary" and well nobody gave her any crap even wearing a Packers hat and sweater. I didn't wear any team colors and took all the crap from everyone for what she was wearing! They gave her compliments can you believe that! lol women....
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Old 01-14-2013, 03:52 PM   #15
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Re: Game Day Experience ?

I didn't get to go to a game this year, for me and my friends the prices are just too expensive. Once RG3 came into town all the secondhand prices went up, and I used to get free tickets from my neighbor but that stopped after the Rex/Beck era because his company didn't want to being paying for a subpar product. Last game I went to was the Redskins/Giants season opener in 2011. Sat in the nosebleeds, had a great time, the girl I took didn't understand football but she still had fun (and became a Giants fan after the game :/) and if I had the opportunity to go again I would. Usually I try to make it to one or two games a year but the RG3 factor is probably going to limit my trips to Fedex for the next several years. Maybe I'll settle for trying to make it out to training camp when it goes to Richmond.
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