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Old 01-26-2005, 03:18 PM   #1
Sheriff Gonna Getcha
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"Hopefully, we'll be here forever. If we don't win a few more games next year, my time in football will be real short.'' - Gibbs

He then tempered that statement by saying, "I signed a five-year contract and what I'd like to do is get the Redskins back to being a consistent winner....I don't know what that will take. I don't know if it's five years or a little longer than that.''

Maybe this is why Gregg Williams didn't enter the NFL head coaching pool.
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Old 01-26-2005, 03:22 PM   #2
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I think he's just being his usual self-deprecating Joe Gibbs. I think he was speaking in relative terms, football to NASCAR. Maybe 5 years from now he'll be done with football but he can still be a NASCAR owner for another 10-20 years.

But yes, he damn well better win some more games next year
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Old 01-26-2005, 03:27 PM   #3
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Oh he is just wanting to play games with the press like he always does.
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Old 01-26-2005, 03:30 PM   #4
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Ramseyfan I was thinking the same thing in regards to Williams.. I think if the Redskins are less than 9-7 next year then he gives the reins to Williams. If they are 9-7 or better he makes one Super Bowl run in '06 and then leaves.
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Old 01-26-2005, 03:34 PM   #5
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That's still sad to hear from Gibbs. I got a mixed message from that one.
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Old 01-26-2005, 03:40 PM   #6
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I think that this is a typical comment coming from his modesty. To me, what he was saying was if things went very poorly say over the next couple of years that Dan Snyder would fire him, not that he would quit. But things would have to go extraordinarily poorly for that to happen, and they are only going to get better and better.

This was a very encouraging press conference to me, because he made it clear he is here to restore the organization and get everything on a winning track - and he says he would be willing to coach beyond 5 years if that is what it takes. I had hoped this was true, and it is heartening to see that this is what Coach Gibbs is willing to do.
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Old 01-26-2005, 04:01 PM   #7
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I have tremendous respect what he's done for this organization in the past (basically, all our glory is due to him), but I wouldn't be that unhappy to see him go & have Williams at the helm if his offense stinks up the joint again next year.

We have to build around our championship caliber Defense, and hire a more dynamic offensive staff.

I'm not sold on the Breauxs, Buges and Burns and Musgraves that will be running our offense next year.

Take Breaux's comment at the end of the season "we've got to let her fly more".....what the hell was he thinking during the season then? It's like they wasted an entire season to learn that lesson...of course, having Brunell start earlier in the season didn't help. If they're going to stick with their original philosophy to run run run to set up play action, then they better beef up that line and get a stud blocking TE, else I doubt the philosophy will work.

Take Buges for instance...gotta love his energy and enthusiasm on returning to DC, but I don't know how much he's got left in the tank as far as coaching goes. He keeps calling Samuels and Dockery really special players, when they've been rather ordinary. The Buges coached O-line gave up marginally fewer sacks than Kim Helton's great line last year. Buges used to be the best O-line coach, but now he's simply not in the same league with the Alex Gibbs and Grimms of the league.

Musgrave oversaw the 29th ranked offense (points-wise) in the league which led him to be fired from the Jags - why'd we get this guy? To develop Brunell more?
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Old 01-26-2005, 04:39 PM   #8
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He meant short in comparison to the life time commitment to NASCAR. Notice he mentioned that leaving after next season(for whatever reason) would be "real" short. I doubt he'd classify 3 years as short and 2 years as "real" short. He is planning on being here for the duration of the contract I would bet. If there is one thing that everyone knows it's that Gibbs is an honest and loyal guy. I can't see him walking out before his contract is up unless he has some success before that. I would be surprised if he got canned too since apparently Synder has some serious man love going on for Gibbs.
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Old 01-26-2005, 04:41 PM   #9
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Well we all know how Snyder is. He loves to try and get rid of the coaches. But in all honesty I hope Gibbs stays for awhile.
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Old 01-26-2005, 04:44 PM   #10
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"Hopefully, we'll be here forever. If we don't win a few more games next year, my time in football will be real short.''

He also said this with a smile and his trademark giggle, don't look too far in to it
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Old 01-26-2005, 04:45 PM   #11
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From the Post:

"My time in football will be short. And if we don't win a few more games next year, it may be real short!" Gibbs said with a chuckle. "In any case, that will be just for a limited amount of time -- whatever God has in store there. But certainly the racing and everything here, we plan, Lord willing, to be here forever and continue to do this as a family."

Amazing how different it sounds when you leave out the fact he said it with a chuckle.
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Old 01-26-2005, 04:51 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by hurrykaine

Take Breaux's comment at the end of the season "we've got to let her fly more".....what the hell was he thinking during the season then? It's like they wasted an entire season to learn that lesson...of course, having Brunell start earlier in the season didn't help. If they're going to stick with their original philosophy to run run run to set up play action, then they better beef up that line and get a stud blocking TE, else I doubt the philosophy will work.
Seems like it'd be tough to simply change offensesive strategies in the middle of the year. Despite why would you change strategy when you have just implemented a new one and spent months getting your QBs to udnerstand it. They realized they had to make changes but tried to make what they had work. Now that they have time they can retool the approach to better use the talent they ahave.

Originally Posted by hurrykaine
Take Buges for instance...gotta love his energy and enthusiasm on returning to DC, but I don't know how much he's got left in the tank as far as coaching goes. He keeps calling Samuels and Dockery really special players, when they've been rather ordinary. The Buges coached O-line gave up marginally fewer sacks than Kim Helton's great line last year. Buges used to be the best O-line coach, but now he's simply not in the same league with the Alex Gibbs and Grimms of the league.
I don't what games you were watching but their offensive line was far better this year than last. Don't simply look at sacks because that only takes into consideration one aspect. Both Brunell and Ramsey were able to hold the ball much longer this year than in the past and the crushing jail break sacks were basically eliminated. Work to be done for sure but they were definitly better. And also... you want Buges to come and say "well dockery and samuels play like little girls and we are seriously questioning their manhood"? It's called standing behind your guys and trying to keep thier confidence up. Plus anyways Samuels only gave up like one sack this year so using your sack comparison he had a great year.
Originally Posted by hurrykaine
Musgrave oversaw the 29th ranked offense (points-wise) in the league which led him to be fired from the Jags - why'd we get this guy? To develop Brunell more?
I don't think Musgrave had much to do with Brunell in Jacksonville but I could be wrong. As far as why we got him though I have no clue. I don't read too much into coaching the Jags but considering their talent level I am somewhat concerned. I will withhold judgement on this until he can hsow u something. I'd love to know what happened in J'ville.
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Old 01-26-2005, 04:52 PM   #13
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Part of this comment was aimed at his NASCAR team and sponsors. He's the main reason that team Gibbs is successful, so if he's not going to be there for years, why would sponsors stick with it? This is to reassure folks in that part of the Gibbs empire.

That being said, I'd be surprised if GIbbs goes more than 3 seasons at head coach. My main hope is that he'll get us turned around as an organization, and that he'll oversee things as president down the road. I'd be very psyched if he goes longer, but he's not young, and he doesn't do the coaching thing halfway. The main thing that Gibbs brings is his committment to excellence. I know that sounds like a cliche, but it's an attitude that makes an organization better. I believe that he'll get the offense turned around next year, but what really matters is changing the culture at redskins park. I think that has begun this year, and that's why 6-10 doesn't feel as bad as maybe it should.

As for GIbbs getting "canned" or Buges and co getting released, it aint gonna happen. Danny-boy is going to let Gibbs run things, that much I believe. If these are the guys Gibbs wants, that's the staff. I'd love to see a young o-coordiantor type on the staff to groom for the long-term, but that may be down the road (season 3?).
Hail from Houston!
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Old 01-26-2005, 04:57 PM   #14
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Ahhhh.. I didn't read the chuckle part.
Regret nothing. At one time it was exactly what you wanted.
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Old 01-26-2005, 05:02 PM   #15
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""Part of this comment was aimed at his NASCAR team and sponsors. He's the main reason that team Gibbs is successful, so if he's not going to be there for years, why would sponsors stick with it? This is to reassure folks in that part of the Gibbs empire.""

Well if thats the case then why did he get another car in nascar and driver?
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