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Old 01-06-2005, 10:54 AM   #1
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latest on Smoot & Pierce

$4M apart with Smoot, doesn't sound good

from the WP:

Part of Washington's free agency plan is not going over its budget, which is why Smoot's chances of returning appear slim. "If you can get rid of Champ Bailey," a Pro Bowl cornerback traded last offseason, said linebacker LaVar Arrington, "then nobody is safe. I wouldn't be surprised if they don't re-sign him."

According to sources familiar with the situation, the sides are about $4 million apart on a signing bonus. The Redskins are more optimistic about Pierce, who said this week that he likely won't join another team unless its offer is outlandish.

"We'll get it done before free agency," Pierce predicted, then added, "Hopefully."
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Old 01-06-2005, 10:56 AM   #2
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So what? We're offering him 10 mil for the signing bonus and he wants 14?

Maybe they can meet halfway at 12?

This is not looking good at all.......
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Old 01-06-2005, 12:14 PM   #3
Thank You, Sean.
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14 Million???

Bye Fred.
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Old 01-06-2005, 12:26 PM   #4
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Hmmm. Maybe you Smoot-lovers were wrong about this guy. He doesn't sound like a team player to me. And you dare to call him a 'shut down' corner!?
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Old 01-06-2005, 12:32 PM   #5
Thank You, Sean.
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Originally Posted by BossHog
Hmmm. Maybe you Smoot-lovers were wrong about this guy. He doesn't sound like a team player to me. And you dare to call him a 'shut down' corner!?
First off, I dont know if anyone ever called him a shutdown corner, thats for sure.

However, I may, stress MAY be agreeing on you about that first part. I'm going ot wait and see how this plays out first, but after all that Redskin for life talk, I'm a little upset about the fact we might not be getting him back.
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Old 01-06-2005, 12:38 PM   #6
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Business is business.

I don't hold anything against the guy, he needs to go after what he thinks he's worth, and in turn the team has to offer what they think is fair.

Remember that the only guaranteed money is the signing bonus, so that's what the players really care about.
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Old 01-06-2005, 12:40 PM   #7
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I've never referred to him as a shutdown corner, in fact I don't think anyone has here.

I'd put him in the top 1/3 of the league for CB's. He's definitely not top 5.
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Old 01-06-2005, 12:42 PM   #8
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Sometimes I try to step back and see exactly where NFL players are coming from, but come on! How can someone with a straight face say "I want 14 million and not a penny less."

I've loved this guy and watching him play, but that is where things start to get a bit ludicrous. I guess it must be very important to have those extra Escalades or the gold leaf trimmed roof. With proper investment (not to mention the interest alone) Smoot will never have to work again in his life, and I'm talking even BEFORE this ridiculous contract he's asking for.

I would love to see him stay, but when someone has the gall to be like that when offered a 10 million dollar contract. I share the sentiment of:

Goodbye Fred.
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Old 01-06-2005, 12:58 PM   #9
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Well maybe is Mr. Overrated Arrington didn't have one of the biggest slaries on the team we could afford other players. I respect what Smoot wants the man gets picks and is only going to get bigger, how many td's he allow this year by the way. 1 or 2 when Champ gave up at least 5 that i just saw in three games. Those who think Walt Harris and that scrub from the Chokies Wilds are out of there mind. I sure hope injury prone Springs does not get hurt next year cause then we are really in trouble.
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Old 01-06-2005, 01:03 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Mattyk72
Business is business.

I don't hold anything against the guy, he needs to go after what he thinks he's worth, and in turn the team has to offer what they think is fair.

Remember that the only guaranteed money is the signing bonus, so that's what the players really care about.
I agree 100% Matty. Plus he's bargaining. When you're bargaining one side always starts lower than they expect the final number to be and the other starts higher. Also, since he's part of a union he's essentially negotiating for future free agent corners.
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Old 01-06-2005, 01:20 PM   #11
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First of all, please remember that when Lavar Arrinigton signed his deal with Danny Boy - the one that is in dispute and arbitratin as we speak - one of the things he wanted and got from Danny Boy was that Lavar would have some input into what defensive players would stay and which ones might be brought here. So if Lavar is negative about Smoot, that is not good news.

Secondly, why is Smoot saying "$14M and not a penny less" any more wrong than the Redskins saying "$10M and not a penny more"? This is negotiation and the free agent market will decide which side is correct. If Amoot goes out and gets $14M from another team, then HE was correct about his value and Danny Boy was wrong. On the other hand, if all he can get is an offer of $8M from other teams, then Danny Boy was right and Smoot was wrong and maybe Smoot will sign here if the Skins have not used up that cap money elsehwere. All of this is posturing now.

I will say one thing about the Redskins contract negotiations. They do spend lavish amounts of money on signing bonuses and contracts for players on other teams (Sanders, Trotter, Brunell, Coles, Morton) but they seem to get caught with less than deep pociets when it comes to some of their own players (Bailey, possibly Smoot, possbily Pierce, B. Mitchell, S. Barber).
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Old 01-06-2005, 01:39 PM   #12
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somebody will give smoot 14 in free agency
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Old 01-06-2005, 01:44 PM   #13
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14 million is ricockulous for smoot. He's my favorite skin but we can't go over paying for guys. I had an earlier post discussing why guys end up with lavish SB demands which boils down to greedy agents. The agents plan to create the acrimony apparently is working so now he can be sure Smoot won't take a lesser offer to stay the with Skins out of loyalty. No way Smoot can think he is worth 14 mil in signing bonuses with his agent feeding him.
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Old 01-06-2005, 02:08 PM   #14
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I feel that the only real difference between the two is that the Redskins are basically asking him to not be completely ridiculous. I mean aside from the fact that professional sports players are overpaid in general, I feel that it is completely outlandish for someone to be pissed off because they're not "feeling love" from the management.

The "love" they want to feel should come from playing the game, their fans, NOT from how much they get paid. That should merely be an oversight. I don't want to hear about loyalty from Smoot when it would be just as easy for him to be like "OK, 10 million it is." and be done with it, rather than bitching because he can't have that extra 4 million. I mean I know I'll never have even ONE million dollars in my life at once and I just don't feel that it is right for him to ask for FOUR more, just because he wants to feel the love.

Sometimes it seems that the money is more about ego rather than actual necessity.
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Old 01-06-2005, 02:27 PM   #15
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Originally Posted by aehs77
somebody will give smoot 14 in free agency
Would hate for that somebody to be Dallas, who are looking to revamp their secondary.
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