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Old 12-31-2004, 02:09 PM   #1
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Another Meathead

Anybody see the article in today's Post about Rod Gardner having his SUV stolen when he handed the keys over to a guy impersonating a valet car parker at a night club? Gardner says it wasn't his car that was stolen and that it is all a misunderstanding but the police say it was his car.

This guy does a lot of nightclubbing and partying - remember it was a birthday party for Gardner at a night spot that got Sean Taylor his DWI arrest - and then he goes out on the field and plays less than wonderfully. Maybe he needs to concentrate a bit more on football and a little less on his stylin' and profilin'.

But the denial of the incident raises far more serious questions. If it was his car that was stolen (the police recovered the car so they have the VIN of the vehicle they recovered so it can be shown positively to be Gardner's or not), then why is he lying?

Is he so embarrassed by the stupidity of handing over the keys to his car to a theif that he is trying to lie his way out of it?

Was there "something" in the car that he does not want to admit was his just in case the police run across it?

Or was it really someone else's car and the police have it all wrong?

Come Sunday, everything will be back to normal, I'm sure. Gardner will make two circus catches and give us a dramatic first down signal - - and then drop two balls that hit him square in the groin area costing the Skins posession of the ball. Just a typical Sunday in store for us from our #2 Meathead.
The Sports Curmudgeon
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Old 12-31-2004, 03:09 PM   #2
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It does sound like Rod is out on the town a lot. Nothing good usually comes from that kind of a lifestyle.

Not that I'm knocking it, hey I spent most of my late teens to mid twenties living the drunken night life, but I wasn't a pro athlete either.
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Old 12-31-2004, 03:19 PM   #3
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I'll say it again - 50-50 isn't worth keeping for the spectacular catch he makes once in 20 attempts. Hope someone's silly enough to offer us a low first round or second round pick for him.
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Old 12-31-2004, 03:40 PM   #4
Sheriff Gonna Getcha
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Gardner will get us no higher than a high 3rd rounder.
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Old 12-31-2004, 03:45 PM   #5
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A 1st or 2nd rounder for him simply isn't going to happen. Hell a 3rd rounder might be a reach.
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Old 12-31-2004, 03:53 PM   #6
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If they could get a 3rd rounder I will get in my car right now and deliver 50/50 to that GM's doorstep. To every team other than the skins a 3rd round pick is like gold. We hand them out like candy, but other teams cherish thier first day draft picks. I would probably let him go for a 4th rounder. Once you get past a 4th rounder though you are better off keeping him to see if he puts up in his contract season like most of the dog players seem to.

He must be out drinking every night. Regardless of what Gibbs says publicly there is no way he wants that guy on his team...
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Old 12-31-2004, 06:27 PM   #7
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Now - Rod is a young rich guy. It's possible it wasn't his car, but he bought it for someone. Was the pink slip signed by two people? Rod being one of them? Or maybe it was a present to a friend. It's hard to buy a vehicle in someone elses name. It's hard to tell.

Gee - the guy goes out on his birthday and from time to time. So? He's allowed to have fun. These are human beings - not little pawns for the fans and coaches to control. If he wants to go out, let him. Some people don't play well when they're wound up and simply need to relax. Others don't. At least he's not stabbing people a la Ray Lewis.
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Old 12-31-2004, 06:44 PM   #8
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I thought it was interesting that the vehicle was found at FedEx Field. Sounds like it was a joke or something.

What these guys do off the field is none of our business, UNLESS we can make a connection to it and their poor onfield performances.
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Old 12-31-2004, 07:55 PM   #9
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I think Rod Gardner is a fine #3 type receiver. I think with a little work he could be number 2. I don't think any of this poor Skins season is Gardner's fault, this offense pretty much sucks.
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Old 01-02-2005, 03:30 PM   #10
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Too many dropped balls, stupid mistakes over the course of the season....Coles played hurt and gave 100% Thrash plays hard.....I think Gardner plays inconsistently and hasn't emerged as a top knotch receiver...........I think a later round draft pick could do better..............
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