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Was Jamie Dukes out of line on Ryan Mallett?

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Old 04-14-2011, 11:01 PM   #1
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Was Jamie Dukes out of line on Ryan Mallett?

Jamie Dukes calls Ryan Mallett “a Caucasian street guy” | ProFootballTalk

I'm sorry but I find this pretty racist IMO. Dukes should be in hot water for this statement
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Old 04-14-2011, 11:06 PM   #2
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Re: Was Jamie Dukes out of line on Ryan Mallett?

Finally White QB's are getting discriminated against. What an exciting time to be white. Always wanted to be able to play the race car but my "Irish Race Card" has been expired since the end of the Industrial Revolution.

Take that Warren Moon. We're victims!
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Old 04-14-2011, 11:11 PM   #3
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Re: Was Jamie Dukes out of line on Ryan Mallett?

This is probably one of those "just don't say it" scenarios, because it won't end well. His intention probably wasn't how it came out.

Mallett has actually grown on me a little, still don't think he's the right for this team. And I know it's tough to get a true test of someone's character this time of year, but all the interviews I've seen, read, heard with him he's come off as much smarter and approachable than I had originally thought.
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Old 04-14-2011, 11:15 PM   #4
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Re: Was Jamie Dukes out of line on Ryan Mallett?

Funny thing is if Warren Moon doesn't bust out the platinum race card in defense of Newton, then Dukes comments go unnoticed. Maybe a white supremacist or two with enough money for cable would be offended but outside of that virtually no one would have cared. Anyway just one of those cases where Dukes totally meant to say something else and it came out wrong. He's still alright in my book.
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Old 04-14-2011, 11:16 PM   #5
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Re: Was Jamie Dukes out of line on Ryan Mallett?

Well imagine if steve young said Cam Newton was a "black street guy" he'd be fired asap. And funny how dukes forgot about the Dog killer and former prisoner Mike Vick.
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Old 04-14-2011, 11:19 PM   #6
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Re: Was Jamie Dukes out of line on Ryan Mallett?

Dukes needed to find different words or clam up.

He's slipping. The other night he started talking about how the Skins needed to find receiving complements for McNabb and I thought, "Uh, Jamie..."
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Old 04-14-2011, 11:20 PM   #7
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Re: Was Jamie Dukes out of line on Ryan Mallett?

Originally Posted by skinsfaninok View Post
Well imagine if steve young said Cam Newton was a "black street guy" he'd be fired asap. And funny how dukes forgot about the Dog killer and former prisoner Mike Vick.
Well Millen called Jaws a pollack and he still has a job with the Mothership. I'm all for PC and equality but sometimes we just have to laugh at ourselves. I mean come on, a white QB being the victim of racism is kind of funny. Especially on the heals of NewtonGate.
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Old 04-14-2011, 11:30 PM   #8
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Re: Was Jamie Dukes out of line on Ryan Mallett?

White or black that's a bush league comment , people act like whites are way better off but that's not true at all
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Old 04-14-2011, 11:41 PM   #9
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Re: Was Jamie Dukes out of line on Ryan Mallett?

I take this as somewhat of a compliment for a football player, black or white.
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Old 04-15-2011, 09:29 AM   #10
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Re: Was Jamie Dukes out of line on Ryan Mallett?

another example of the scrutiny athletes are subjected too on a regular basis. From his alleged drug use (addiction) to his leadership skills, it's impossible for him to escape his past, however, the remark does not strike me as racist.

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Old 04-15-2011, 09:38 AM   #11
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Re: Was Jamie Dukes out of line on Ryan Mallett?

Originally Posted by Dirtbag59 View Post
Finally White QB's are getting discriminated against. What an exciting time to be white. Always wanted to be able to play the race car but my "Irish Race Card" has been expired since the end of the Industrial Revolution.

Take that Warren Moon. We're victims!
LOL! Dirt, yes it has been some time since NINA signs were in storefront windows! I still think the wonderlic could be culturally biased against celtic potato farmers.
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Old 04-15-2011, 09:39 AM   #12
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Re: Was Jamie Dukes out of line on Ryan Mallett?

Originally Posted by Dirtbag59 View Post
Funny thing is if Warren Moon doesn't bust out the platinum race card in defense of Newton, then Dukes comments go unnoticed. Maybe a white supremacist or two with enough money for cable would be offended but outside of that virtually no one would have cared. Anyway just one of those cases where Dukes totally meant to say something else and it came out wrong. He's still alright in my book.
lol! What did Moon say about Newton? missed that
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Old 04-15-2011, 09:52 AM   #13
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Re: Was Jamie Dukes out of line on Ryan Mallett?

Skin color has got to stop mattering in this country. I am so sick of both racists and people who see racists everywhere. This comment should have gotten a collective shrug of the shoulders from everyone but today everyone is so freaking sensitive to every comment involving skin color that this somehow becomes a story.
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Old 04-15-2011, 12:55 PM   #14
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Re: Was Jamie Dukes out of line on Ryan Mallett?

I don't think it's all that racist, but IMO the point here is the double standard we see so often in today's society with regard to race issues between blacks and whites.

More often than not, if a white guy is referred to by a black guy as "white boy" or a white guy does something athletic and you hear "not bad for a white guy," most people don't bat an eye. Just like Jamie Dukes can call Mallett a white street guy, and no one outside the blogosphere cares.

But if Rich Eisen had called Julio Jones a "black boy," or street, hood, ghetto, nappy headed, or some other term of that nature, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton would be beating down his door.

Me personally, I don't really give a damn. Skin color has never really mattered to me. But the double standard annoys me.
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Old 04-15-2011, 01:12 PM   #15
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Re: Was Jamie Dukes out of line on Ryan Mallett?

It's not racist when u hear him talk he does sound streetwise. Everyone's trying to condemn Jamie as a racist for that are you kidding me? He never even mentioned color. Racists are known to be very ignorant. I can see wrong choice of words. Jamie actually likes Mallett as a pro QB. So can we talk Football of move this crap to the good ole boy section?
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