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Are MNF Refs on the take, or just in love with the Cowboys

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Old 12-07-2004, 02:20 PM   #1
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Are MNF Refs on the take, or just in love with the Cowboys

well, norm hitchcus of 1310 the ticket, out of dallas, discussed the bad calls going the cowboys way this morning. and he's a DALLAS radio announcer. he said this morning and i quote "i just spoke with the nfl and they said the keyshawn catch was not a catch or a touchdown. the cowboys also got two gifts on their other MNF game against the redskins, which ultimately cost them the game. just think if the cowboys weren't given that game against the skins, then we're talking about the redskins being in the playoff hunt not the cowboys." that's a DALLAS radio broadcaster folks....

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Old 12-07-2004, 02:29 PM   #2
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Originally Posted by d151b
well, norm hitchcus of 1310 the ticket, out of dallas, discussed the bad calls going the cowboys way this morning. and he's a DALLAS radio announcer. he said this morning and i quote "i just spoke with the nfl and they said the keyshawn catch was not a catch or a touchdown. the cowboys also got two gifts on their other MNF game against the redskins, which ultimately cost them the game. just think if the cowboys weren't given that game against the skins, then we're talking about the redskins being in the playoff hunt not the cowboys." that's a DALLAS radio broadcaster folks....

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I couldn't bring myself to watch that game. But that announcer's right. If he had that win, playoffs would not be that crazy of an idea. Now we have to win out. And let's face it, the great teams can have a few calls and pull out a win, so we aren't that good. Still though, calls like that should bring some type of repurcussion to the refs so a precedent is set.
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Old 12-07-2004, 02:34 PM   #3
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They have got to pay the refs more to get better results. The refs get paid diddly compared to the players, owners, GMs, commish, cheerleaders (ok, maybe not them), etc. They produce the results of underpaid scrubs (which is what they are right now).
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Old 12-07-2004, 03:02 PM   #4
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League-wide the officiating stinks.

Did anyone else see the debacle in the Jets game last weekend?

The refs called a phantom intentional grounding on Carr, then shortly after marked off a 15 yard penalty only 10 yards, for a few minutes there the refs were absolute clowns.
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Old 12-07-2004, 03:07 PM   #5
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I think there was one in the Steelers game - defender got called for illegal contact and actually whiffed on the play! Missed the man completely. Must have been and 'intending to make illegal contact' penalty... :o
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Old 12-07-2004, 03:14 PM   #6
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"We haven't called a penalty in a while so, illegal use of gravity, defense. 23 yard penalty, automatic 4th down."
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Old 12-07-2004, 03:48 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by cpayne5
"We haven't called a penalty in a while so, illegal use of gravity, defense. 23 yard penalty, automatic 4th down."
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Old 12-07-2004, 03:51 PM   #8
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Some of the "elite" refs like the guy with the cannon arms (Ed Hockeley) gets paid six figures to fly around the country and ref a sport he probably sucked at and couldn't play but loves so dearly. These guys love to ref, money isn't the issue, its just they are all Cowboy fans!!! J/K.

I do think its more than a $ issue.
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Old 12-07-2004, 03:53 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by cpayne5
"We haven't called a penalty in a while so, illegal use of gravity, defense. 23 yard penalty, automatic 4th down."
"Work Harder: millions on welfare are counting on you" - Obama 2009 address to Congress.
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Old 12-07-2004, 04:19 PM   #10
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I don't think it is really a money issue. The issue is the manner in which the refs are managed and employed in general.. This job is a PART TIME FREAKING JOB for these guys. They get paid pretty good to have a PART TIME FREAKING JOB.

If you hadn't noticed the key phrase is PART TIME. I won't sit here and tell you that football is the most important thing in the world but for the owners, coaches, players this is a multi million dollar venture. It is absolutly ridiculous to have employees who are such a key component of the succes of the product being PART TIME FREAKING employees. The NFL has a lot of rules. A lot. More than college. And many of the rules have nuances that take practice to master officiating. The solution is to make referees full time employees from August to February exclusively. Deceminate them during training camp to practice officiating with the teams they will be officiating and FIRE THEM when they make egregious errors.

There wil always be errors but some errors are just plain stupid. I think the replay system should be changed to the old system and anytime a play is obviously wrong then the upstairs booth over rules the on field officials. I don't udnerstand why this was abandoned in the first place. If the damn on field guys are too proud to have some upstairs official ruling over them then fire their f*%&ing asses. The replay boothes have DAMN REPLAYS THAT SHOW WHEN THE OFFICLAS ARE WRONG. WHY THE HELL AREN'T THESE REPLAYS USED TO MAKE THINSG RIGHT WHEN THEY CAN BE USED???? It is asanine.
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Old 12-07-2004, 04:50 PM   #11
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I would imagine that a good chunk of Hochuli's 6 figure salary (I've never heard he made that much till now) comes from the referee union that he represents.
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Old 12-07-2004, 05:47 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by cpayne5
They have got to pay the refs more to get better results. The refs get paid diddly compared to the players, owners, GMs, commish, cheerleaders (ok, maybe not them), etc. They produce the results of underpaid scrubs (which is what they are right now).

Oh contrair cpayne, they are being paid for making those exact call's, Why? Because that's how the NFL higharchy want's it, don't kid yourself into believing that these ref's are that stupid, I don't call them referee's any longer I call them controler's, because that's what they do, I know this is a hard pill to swallow for a lot of us real sportsman who believe in the integrity of the game, and that the NFL will put out a patronizing apology here and there and back it up with everyone has bad call's against them, but don't think for 1 second that they do their very best to steer a lot of these games to their desired outcome, with instant replay avail. and at the booth official's discretion they refuse to check the replay? And as bad as that was it wasen't nearly as bad as that nonesense that took place against us on that monday night game we played against Dallas, I speak from experience I have refereed football games so I have an idea on what's going on in the mind of a ref during the game, most of the complaint's are on thing's you didn't see not call's that you did, the problem that used to occur with myself is that I worked with only 1 other guy so you pretty much had to watch the ball and call the most obvious but judgement call's were usually fairly easy such as reception's, spotting the ball, out of bound's, reason I alway's found them easy is because you alway's have a tendancy to watch the ball, that's why this down by contact rule is the most contradictory bunch of garbage I have ever seen, it is a loophole in the replay rule that allow's the ref's to circumvent the play if need be, what is the difference if you just allow the replay to proceed? What harm is done? Keep the whistle in the pocket then make your call after the play is done and let the challenge prevail if need be, it's not a big deal, and so we understand this rule it is not a rule envoked only when the play was blown dead early that almost never happen's, it's a rule that does exactly what the NFL executives want and that's control of the games and a say on who they want to promote and market, don't tell me some one some where didn't have it in for us this year, I know we deserved a lot of what we got in term's of our play, and stupidity this year, but we also pretty much had 2 games ripped right out from under us by the ref's the most blatent against the cowboy's put 2 more win's in our column and we are front runner's for the last wild card slot, I just see to much nonesense to believe there's nothing to this, I have the same feeling about these ref's as I did about pro wrestling before I was old enough to figure out it was fake, now I know some of you may say Hey Offiss your a little bit over the edge with these conspiricy theories, but I say to you yes wrestling is fake!
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Old 12-07-2004, 05:57 PM   #13
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Interesting theory offiss. If I were to play devil's advocate I'd say well commissioner Paul Tagliabue is a DC guy and he grew up a Redskins fan, plus wouldn't a great story be the successful return of coach Joe Gibbs? So why wouldn't the conspiracy tilt in our favor?
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Old 12-07-2004, 05:58 PM   #14
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Sorry Charlie but there is no way "the NFL" has such a conspiracy. The NFL is run by the owners and they are not going to sit around and wqtch thier team get whored simply for marketing reasons. And don't even try and compare refing an NFL game and refing anything else. The game is twice as fast making it at least twice as hard to ref.
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Old 12-07-2004, 07:39 PM   #15
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The replay thing does need to be looked at. I know repalys cannot be used all the time because in big rivalry games it would take a week to play a game if every close play was reviewed. I think though every type of play should be reviewable and when a challenge is called the challenging coach should be able to say what specifically is to be reviewed if there are multiple infringements that individually would have called the play dead.

What is stuppid in the system right now is certian plays are non reviewable but the plays that are deemed non reviewable tend to be some of the most clear cut decisions in the game like PI and catches.

I wouldn't say I have lost faith in the zebras on the field but they do need to look at thier performance. I did see the BS intentional grounding on Carr that pulled the life out the texans drive especially considering the refs bumbling afterwards and it isn't an issolated incedence.

Maybe the solution is to make them more professional, full time and therefore accountable. Give the ref on the field the option to review a play he is not sure on that kind of thing but something has to be done.
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