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Should We Go After Another QB in Offseason

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Old 11-13-2004, 08:07 PM   #1
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Should We Go After Another QB in Offseason

Many people expect us to go after Brees...should we??? Providing Ramsey and Brunell don't impress, who's an option for qb next year? Draft sux, plus gibbs doesn't have time to rebuild
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Old 11-13-2004, 08:11 PM   #2
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Old 11-13-2004, 08:21 PM   #3
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It really depends on Brunnel's health and what Gibbs is really thinking about Ramsey. I think that the teams we are getting ready to face are going to force us to throw. When that happens, Brunnel is going to take some hits and I've already seen him come up limping a couple of times. I'm not sure if he can hold up for three years (or even this year). The way Gibb's thinks, he will either 1) Not go after another QB and that means he really is happy with grooming Ramsey or, 2) Draft or aquire another QB and get rid of Ramsey. I think Brunnel is staying like it or not. I hope Ramsey stays too. I guess well see.
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Old 11-13-2004, 09:18 PM   #4
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i dunno, brees is having an amazing season...and if hes not starting ramsey now...makes u wonder
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Old 11-13-2004, 09:28 PM   #5
Thank You, Sean.
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Thats why we should be playing Ramsey now. Lets see what we have before we get rid of it.... we know Brunell is not the future, Ramsey is a question mark.... lets awnser that question now so we know what we have to do in the offseason.

I really wouldnt want to get Breese. He is having an amazing season, but I dont know if this is somthing that he can keep up.
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Old 11-13-2004, 09:37 PM   #6
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Yes. Brunell 's salary will hurt us against the cap if he leaves within three years but I just can't see Brunell starting next year unless he gets an arm and leg transplant. So another QB would be the best option. But we get another rookie and dump Ramsey? That's a question that has probably entered the coaching staffs mind numerous times this year. Warner's contract is up but that's like shooting yourself in the foot again. Brees would probably be the best choice .
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Old 11-13-2004, 09:37 PM   #7
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In all honesty, the only way we can even think about looking at another QB is if Brunell decides to retire. There is no way we could afford the CAP hit (somewhere around 7 million or so if I am not mistaken) if we release or trade (not that anyone would take him the way he is playing and the cost of his contract) Brunell. The only thing we can do is hope he finds a way to earn his paycheck.

The next 2 years are really going to hurt us if the Salary Cap isn't increased. We have a lot a big time talent (like Smoot) that aren't getting paid what they deserve. And don't think Pierce and the other players that have stepped up this year won't ask for a bigger contract. I am really concerned what is going to happen with the Cap and all. I think Brunell's contract is really going to hurt us even if he never takes another snap.
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Old 11-13-2004, 09:38 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by Big C
i dunno, brees is having an amazing season...and if hes not starting ramsey now...makes u wonder
I wonder where all the Bree's fan's were last season, apparently he was worse than Ramsey, now all of a sudden he's Johnny U. makes you wonder what playing time and experience in a system can do for a QB's development, he would look great in burgondy and gold sitting on the bench while he learn's a new system, and the way Brunell is fighting his gut's out I don't see anyway Bree's could unseat Brunell.

Here's the really big question for all the anti Ramsey pro Bree's guy's out there, why did the Charger's draft Phillip River's? Take your time.
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Old 11-14-2004, 12:19 AM   #9
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I guess the fact that Ramsey has made no dent here is good sign that he has no real future with the Redskins. We will be on the upswing by next year and will not have time for Ramsey to develop, because the team will be held back. So the best thing for Ramsey is probably to get traded to a team that will give him some practice snaps and a shot at the starting lineup.

I think we will probably trade for another veteran, draft a quarterback at some level, and give Hasselbeck a legitimate shot to compete in training camp.
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Old 11-14-2004, 12:25 AM   #10
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I think we spent as much as we can spend on QBs with regard to salary cap space. Brunell's big contract isn't going to go away. We didn't pay him a 9.1 million dollar signing bonus to start for one year then be a backup for the rest of his contract. But can we afford to release him?

Ramsey is due to make 3.5 million over the next two years...which is pretty hefty for someone who can't beat out Brunell despite his terrible performance.

Hasselbeck is not starter material. Period.

I think we have to think about looking at a mid to late round QB to draft and hope we get lucky.
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Old 11-14-2004, 12:26 AM   #11
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If we were to cut Brunell after this season, we'd probably wait to cut Brunell until after June 1st so as to defer the cap hit (of about $6 million) until the 2006 season. Even still, its going to be a monster hit. I don't see us cutting him until June 1st of the 2006 season so as to delay the cap hit to 2007.

That said, I don't believe we should go after Brees. First, we've still got Ramsey and I don't want to change my screenname. Second, he's going to cost an arm, a leg, and a HIGH draft pick. Third, he's only played well in one half of one season. Stick it out with Ramsey.

I'd be much happier right now if we had let Ramsey progress and see if he will work out. David Carr, Joey Harrington, and Drew Brees have all improved by leaps and bounds. I wonder where Ramsey would be right now if he had logged the game time that those three have.
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Old 11-14-2004, 01:39 AM   #12
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This is probably just speculation, but here's an exact quote from the NFL Hot Reads section in the latest issue of ESPN The Magazine:

You'd think Drew Brees picked the right time to be a FA. Think again. The struggling Bucs (happy with Chris Simms and Brian Griese, Dolphins (financially tied up in A.J. Feeley) and 49ers (still unwilling to give up on Tim Rattay) may stay out of the market. The No. 1 opportunity: The Redskins
I'm not sure why they say the Fins are financially tied up in Feeley but don't mention that we are with Brunell. We are, aren't we?
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Old 11-14-2004, 03:08 AM   #13
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Originally Posted by Shane
I guess the fact that Ramsey has made no dent here is good sign that he has no real future with the Redskins. We will be on the upswing by next year and will not have time for Ramsey to develop, because the team will be held back. So the best thing for Ramsey is probably to get traded to a team that will give him some practice snaps and a shot at the starting lineup.

I think we will probably trade for another veteran, draft a quarterback at some level, and give Hasselbeck a legitimate shot to compete in training camp.
completely disagree... if you think ramsey doesn't have a future cause he's not starting now, what makes you think hasslebeck has a future here???

I think he's just giving him time, otherwise he would have traded him in preseason or over the first 6 weeks (bears, miami, etc)... i'd love to see him play to know where we're at... and btw, we couldn't afford brees no matter how much we wanted him (He has one 300 yard game over two years i think... he's had a good 8 games, but not worth what he's going to be asking for...)

I'm not sure why they say the Fins are financially tied up in Feeley but don't mention that we are with Brunell. We are, aren't we?
compared to feeley? YES, and YES... brunell's contract is the worst decision of the last two-three years... its soo inflated... he's not half as good as manning, but he gets paid like it
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Old 11-14-2004, 05:54 AM   #14
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Just because Ramsey is not starting doesnt meen we should go out shopping for a new QB who would come in here and have to learn the Gibbs system and the hype surrounding Brees is strange given he has had one good year.

Ramsey is learning the system he is the future he is being given the thing he has never been given and that is time . To put him in before he is not ready will further erode his confidence one thing Brunell is doing well right now is taking the heat from the fans allowing the team to find its identity.

We need consistancy Manning, Farve, Caulpeper, McNabb, McNair all have one thing in common... consistancy. Ramsey has the tools to be a great QB but they nearly got beaten out of him running the collage system he was in the last two years. Ramsey is learning more on the side lines than he could durring the game and okay he is running the scout team in practice but he is still running the Gibbs offence. A confident Ramsey in my mind is better than the unknown of a Drew Brees in a contract year.
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Old 11-14-2004, 06:45 AM   #15
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we definately need to improve.

Brunell is well, playing horrible. and we really don't know what Patrick can do. I would like to see us grab one in the 2nd round.
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