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Would you rather have the skins win and Brunell stays or skins lose and Ramsey starts

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Old 10-30-2004, 03:09 AM   #1
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Would you rather have the skins win and Brunell stays or skins lose and Ramsey starts

I'm torn right now,on the one hand being a diehard skins fan I want us to win Sunday,on the other hand if we lose and that means Ramsey gets the next start then I'd be happy with that,I cant see Brunell pulling an Astros and regaining the fountain of youth,in 6 games he's passed for under 100 yds 3 times,Ramsey has never passed for less than 100 yds in games he wasnt hurt,Brunell can't even scramble anymore,Ramsey is just as mobile as that slow sob,to me the best case scenario would be for Brunell to hurt his hamstring again and we win with Ramsey in the lineup,I dont see this game being close unless the defense scores twice for us and we actually make a play on special teams.When was the last time we actually blocked a punt or a fg? Wheres Brian Mitchell when you need him? Hell I would rather have him at qb then Brunell
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Old 10-30-2004, 03:30 AM   #2
Uncle Phil
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I want the Redskins to win. For one thing we can't afford to many more losses, and for another it's not as if Ramsey equals automatic wins once he starts.
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Old 10-30-2004, 04:59 AM   #3
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if we become totally out of contension, i would like to see ramsey play the last few games even if its horrid and completely nasty and we have 7 TO's a game. he needs to learn gibbs system and gibbs needs to utilize ramsey's strengths. i think the problem is gibbs is optomistic to change a whole gameplan for ramsey, cuz ramsey cant rollout like brunell, and half our passing plays are that f'ing rollout. and ramsey needs to get a feel for max protection or atleast more than he was used to (spurrier) and get comfortable in a actual pocket
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Old 10-30-2004, 09:43 AM   #4
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Originally Posted by smootsmack
I want the Redskins to win. For one thing we can't afford to many more losses, and for another it's not as if Ramsey equals automatic wins once he starts.
Im not saying its an automatic win with Ramsey,but its clear to me were going nowhere this yr will Brunell,I think 10-6 gets us in the playoffs and I give us no chance of winning 8 out of the last 10 with Brunell,he has clearly lost it. Having said that,I sincerely hope at the end of the season that I will turn out to be wrong
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Old 10-30-2004, 11:29 AM   #5
Thank You, Sean.
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Originally Posted by jrocx69
if we become totally out of contension, i would like to see ramsey play the last few games even if its horrid and completely nasty and we have 7 TO's a game. he needs to learn gibbs system and gibbs needs to utilize ramsey's strengths. i think the problem is gibbs is optomistic to change a whole gameplan for ramsey, cuz ramsey cant rollout like brunell, and half our passing plays are that f'ing rollout. and ramsey needs to get a feel for max protection or atleast more than he was used to (spurrier) and get comfortable in a actual pocket
We did that Rollout play with Ramsey like 3 or 4 times when he was in vs NYG.
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Old 10-30-2004, 12:04 PM   #6
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IMO we should go with Ramsey, as much as I hate to say it, but he can't do any worse than Brunell. Give the kid another shot and see if he can do better than his last try. At least PR can throw the ball downfield.
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Old 10-30-2004, 12:54 PM   #7
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I think that even Gibbs will have to reconsider the QB position if Brunnel throws for less than 100 yards again against the Packers. Hell, I'd be happy now if the offense would just sit on the ball and not let the opposing defense score. The problem is that if that is what I would be happy with, our offense must be really sad.

I'm hoping that Gibb's wants to build a game around Portis, then, when the defenses can't key on the QB, bring in Ramsey....
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Old 10-30-2004, 01:58 PM   #8
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i want a win, rather than see ramsey start. wins are the most important thing.
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Old 10-30-2004, 02:37 PM   #9
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You didn't have a choice for "Ramsey starts and wins'? Why not?
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Old 10-30-2004, 02:54 PM   #10
Sheriff Gonna Getcha
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People seem to be focused on nothing but Ramsey's performance against the Giants this year.

Does anyone remember that before he got the snot knocked out of him by Week 6 last year, he was:

-Leading the league in passing yards
-Had us off to a 3-1 start (which could have easily been 4-0)
-Had a QB rating of about 95
-Brought us back in games where we seemed lost (i.e. down 18-0 at half against the Giants)

If Ramsey had been well protected last year he would have been one of the league's best QBs.
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Old 10-30-2004, 03:22 PM   #11
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I want whoever will help the Redskins win consistently. Brunell had ample opportunity and failed miserably. Joe can't let this continue. He should give Ramsey a chance to show what he can do.
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Old 10-30-2004, 03:27 PM   #12
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I'm not going to hope the Skins lose just so Ramsey will play.

We can't afford to lose many more.
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Old 10-30-2004, 03:56 PM   #13
Drift Reality
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Hoping the Skins lose is sort of blasphemous. It always cracks me up when people say that they hope the Skins lose for Machiavellian reasons. That's not a real Skins fan.

That being said, I hope that the Skins lose and Ramsey starts.

Just kidding. I hope the Skins kick the shit out of GB and then when we're lining up in the victory formation, Brunell kneels down and his hip pops out and ends his career.
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Old 10-30-2004, 04:13 PM   #14
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Id like to see the O-Line get it together and give Brunell a chance to get in rythem for a change. There is a reason we keep running the rollout play. We haven't blocked worth a crap. It seams that every defensive TD we have given up this year was off of our QB being hit just as he throws. I still think Brunell can get the job done if he has time. While I do like Ramsey, he has the habit of throwing the ball up for grabs when he doesn't need to.
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Old 10-30-2004, 04:36 PM   #15
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Why do people keep saying Ramsey has a habit for throwing INT's. Last year Ramsey threw 14 TD's and 9 INT's in just 11 games. Granted its not a great statistic but considering the O-line he was behind last year, I would say that it's a pretty good result. I wish people would stop referring to the one game against the Giants. It was a horrible game for Ramsey, but that was not how he would play with 1st team practice and a start. Brunell may play better behind a more solid O-line but he still has a problem hitting wide open recievers even with a lot of time.

I, like many others on this board, would rather see Ramsey start tomorrow, but I have to trust that Gibbs knows what he is doing. After this week, if Brunell keeps it under 100 yards passing again, I am confident Gibbs will see that there needs to be a change.

I agree that the O-line can improve greatly but I don't think it will matter much if they do because Brunell can't throw the deep ball anyway.
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