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Why Gibbs is Sticking with opinion that is.

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Old 10-18-2004, 09:02 AM   #1
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Why Gibbs is Sticking with opinion that is.

First of all, let me start by saying that I am not a big Brunell fan. I think he was once a good QB and he may be able to be that again some day. But just maybe not here with the Skins.

Last night I did some serious thinking as to why Gibbs would stick with Brunell and here is what I came up with. I can see why Gibbs is sticking with Brunell. One of the reasons is that the last thing the Skins need is a QB controversy. If he were to pull Brunell and start Ramsey, there would be such a wave of doubts that would rise from the fans and most importantly within the TEAM. Basically by starting Ramsey, he would be saying that his judgement was wrong. Once this happened then everyone would start doubting his other decisions. Another reason that Gibbs is not starting Ramsey is that I think he wants the O line to be much better and more consistant. If you remember, Ramsey's confidence is still lacking after last years beating he took. I think Gibbs is just waiting for the line to develop more. If he puts Ramsey in and the O line performs like it did last season, then Ramsey will lose all the confidence he has regained and will NOT be the QB of the future. And the 3rd reason why Gibbs is sticking with Brunell is that he must see something that we don't. We aren't in the Practices with them and don't see what is going on. Gibbs has the shown the ability to win with all types of QBs (Theismann, Williams, Jay and so on..just throwing names of old out there..LOL).

So for now, I am going to take back all my previous posts saying that Ramsey should start. I think Gibbs has a game plan and knows what he is doing. Remember that Gibbs is not just thinking of this season, he is also looking to the future of the team.I am going to stand behind Gibbs and his decisions (even if I don't agree with them). But I am going to say that Brunell definitely needs to step up as the leader of this Offense and earn his multimillion dollar contract.

All in all, I am going to trust what Gibbs says and put my beliefs in him. He has done it for us before and he will again. I admire the fact that he is sticking by his decisions and if they turn out to be right, then we all will be wishing we had his hindsight.

Granted Brunell has not had the greatest season (I'm being nice). But he did play smarter in the last game than he did all season. That too me is an improvement. I'm not the greatest in rallying troops but I think we should all support Gibbs (regardless whether we think they are wrong or not) So lets try and point out the good things that Brunell has done instead of always looking at his bad.

Go Gibbs and Brunell and SKINS!!!
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Old 10-18-2004, 09:12 AM   #2
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Gibbs definitely has a plan and is sticking to it, whether or not his plan works is yet to be seen. I'm really hoping Brunell can prove us all wrong.
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Old 10-18-2004, 09:21 AM   #3
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Hey Matty...I agree..I hope Brunell proves us all wrong. I hope he steps up and leads this team throughout the remainder of the season. And if he does, I will be the first one to admit I was wrong. I just hope he doesn't wait until the last game of the season. And I doubt he will because I think Gibbs will eventually bench him if he doesn't start performing soon.
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Old 10-18-2004, 10:19 AM   #4
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the only problem i have is that i've watched him fail miserably and repeatedly... if he can pull it out, that'd be great, cause i don't think gibbs is going to pull the trigger any time soon... but i have no confidence in MB right... its just slowly been drained away
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Old 10-18-2004, 10:37 AM   #5
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Dragontat, I think your argument is well thought out and explained. I do disagree with the point you make about how "Once this happened then everyone would start doubting his other decisions."

Remember, during his first go-around, they were 0-5 before he conceded his pass-first scheme wasn't working and began going to a ground game.

One of the things about Gibbs that makes him great, is his ability to adjust to do what is necessary to win.

He is very loyal to his players, but no one is above the game.
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Old 10-18-2004, 10:45 AM   #6
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Since I am one of four people who had the unmitigated ordacity to vote Brunell to remain as QB, I felt compelled to mention that I am not a fan of Brunell. I am a fan of the Washington Redskins with Joe Gibbs as Head Coach. I respect the decisions of a man who I believe wants to see this team win more than increase his legendary status. He was tired of watching Redskins getting their ass's kicked for the last 12 seasons and felt compelled to make a change. Gibb's is not going to change direction with Ramsey. Gibbs is directing the change with Brunell. Even if a veteran QB with demininshed skills, Gibbs can win.
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Old 10-18-2004, 10:56 AM   #7
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Dragon, I am glad you are being supportive, and came up with a rationale for this, but I disagree that ANY level of QB controversy would result from taking Brunell out after the=is horrible start. EVERYONE of the "experts" is saying he needs to make a change, as are almost all of the fans. The controversy could develop from his NOT making the change. But bottom line, I will support him and the team regardless of his decision.

It may simply mean he does not feel he has anyone any better to switch to...
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Old 10-18-2004, 11:06 AM   #8
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If I had to guess why Gibbs is sticking with Brunell here are some of my guesses in no particular order

--He's trying to establish some continuity and stability at the position, we've played musical chairs at the QB position for 12 years now and look where it got us. What if we go to Ramsey and he's worse, then do you go back to Brunell again after a few weeks? It doesn't really send a message of stability to the team, perhaps he's trying to help put an end to all the constant change. Changing QB's can divide a team, we've seen it many times and not just with the Skins.

--Maybe Brunell is hurting a bit more than we know and that's contributing to him throwing off balance and not setting properly? Gibbs mentioned something about having Brunell back healthy after the bye, that kinda led me to believe Brunell may be hurting a bit more than he's let on. Again, just a thought.

--Part of Gibbs success is attributable to his all-out committment to his players, that's also been part of his downfall at times. He'll let guys play out of slumps.

--Let's not forget Gibbs sees these players up close and personal, it's easy for us to sit here and second guess every move and decision he makes, but the fact is we're not there for every meeting and practice and we really can't judge the true pulse of the team. I laugh when someone questions Brunell's leadership. Unless you're in the huddle how do you know what kind of leader Brunell really is??

I'm not supporting Brunell at this point and I'd like to see a change, but I can understand why Gibbs is sticking it out with Brunell, and I really don't think it comes down to his contract or Gibbs trying to prove people wrong, that's just silly, Gibbs is back to win games not to be on an ego trip. I'll respect the decision and root like crazy for Brunell.

I really hope by year's end we can look back and say damn, Gibbs was right, Brunell is a nice fit for this offense, I'm glad he stuck by him.
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Old 10-18-2004, 11:09 AM   #9
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I disagree completly, I think it way to ovious we need to make a change. With the way to offense is playing right now, we might win one more game the whole year. Brunnel has had 6 weeks and he has shown we no longer has it. I was watching the vikings game last night, and i saw for myself how much a deep vertical passing game would just open up our whole offense. We need to go with the future and that is with Ramsay. He's had a whole offseason, preseason and 6 weeks now in teh offense. I think he's ready to go.
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Old 10-18-2004, 12:00 PM   #10
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I'm just trying to offer up some possible reasons why Gibbs is standing by Brunell, simple as that. I'm not saying I agree, I'm just offering up the other side of the coin.

The 'Brunell sucks, Ramsey must start' discussions are getting a little tired IMO.

It's obvious Brunell has struggled, and it's also obvious that Ramsey has struggled in this system as well. For that reason alone I don't think benching Brunell is a cut and dry decision.
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Old 10-18-2004, 12:09 PM   #11
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Im trying my hardest to put all of my faith in Gibbs, but doesnt this remind anyone else of the Ravens in 00? The most encouraging part of this team is that we have defense and a running game, and thus we could easily gain some momentum and go on a winning streak. But how much worse could Ramsey do? Sometimes a QB change will energize the offense and spark something, I think more so then any changes they could make with Brunell still in there. And thats a great point hogskin, there is going to be a QB controversy if we dont make a change, the media is going to start asking the players and so on...
Hopefully they can figure all this out over the bye week
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Old 10-18-2004, 12:59 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Mattyk72
If I had to guess why Gibbs is sticking with Brunell here are some of my guesses in no particular order

--He's trying to establish some continuity and stability at the position, we've played musical chairs at the QB position for 12 years now and look where it got us. What if we go to Ramsey and he's worse, then do you go back to Brunell again after a few weeks? It doesn't really send a message of stability to the team, perhaps he's trying to help put an end to all the constant change. Changing QB's can divide a team, we've seen it many times and not just with the Skins.

--Maybe Brunell is hurting a bit more than we know and that's contributing to him throwing off balance and not setting properly? Gibbs mentioned something about having Brunell back healthy after the bye, that kinda led me to believe Brunell may be hurting a bit more than he's let on. Again, just a thought.

--Part of Gibbs success is attributable to his all-out committment to his players, that's also been part of his downfall at times. He'll let guys play out of slumps.

--Let's not forget Gibbs sees these players up close and personal, it's easy for us to sit here and second guess every move and decision he makes, but the fact is we're not there for every meeting and practice and we really can't judge the true pulse of the team. I laugh when someone questions Brunell's leadership. Unless you're in the huddle how do you know what kind of leader Brunell really is??

I'm not supporting Brunell at this point and I'd like to see a change, but I can understand why Gibbs is sticking it out with Brunell, and I really don't think it comes down to his contract or Gibbs trying to prove people wrong, that's just silly, Gibbs is back to win games not to be on an ego trip. I'll respect the decision and root like crazy for Brunell.

I really hope by year's end we can look back and say damn, Gibbs was right, Brunell is a nice fit for this offense, I'm glad he stuck by him.

Excellent post Matty, about time we had some rational thoughts on the QB position. I'm still on Brunells side, 6 games is way too early to be making drastic changes. I've said it before but it's worth repeating, as long as Joe Gibbs is happy with Brunell as starter so am I.
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Old 10-18-2004, 01:02 PM   #13
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Looks like dragon beat me to the punch and hit on some of the same basic points with his opening post, nice post dragon and welcome to the board!
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Old 10-18-2004, 01:08 PM   #14
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Brunnel missed two long throws that would've gone for TD's yesterday. If we were playing one of the better teams in the league those missed opportunities would've cost us the game. I mean we just can't expect the defense to win every game for us (3pts allowed awesome) but it was the anemic bears. Take a look at our schedule and draw your own conclusion. If we could hold any of those teams to 3pts it would be a longshot. I'm just tired & I know a lot of other fans are tired of having to bite our nails at the end of every game, because either we have a crucial turnover or we give up a big play on special teams. Yesterday's game should've been over by th 3rd Quarter. Instead we had to watch in agony as our offense faded (Portis not included) and the bears with a QB that's probably not going to be playing in hawaii, drive & have a chance to tie (or maybe win) in the 4th quarter. The only defense I have for Brunnell is that he can scramble, but correct me if i'm wrong when was the last time he won a game for us because of his wheels? Bottomline is with Brunnel in there we have no chance in hell to beat the playoff caliber teams unless Portis goes for 300yds or our defense scores 3TD's (not likely) With Ramsey in there ???????????? Guess we'll just have to wait & see.

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Old 10-18-2004, 01:41 PM   #15
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Put Ramsey in blah blah blah He would hit the long ball blah blah blah Gibbs is just sticking with his 8 million dollar man blah blah blah look at other quarterbacks stats this week in other games - Pennington passed for twenty more yards blah blah blah im so angry blah blah blah just put Ramsey in.....
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