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BENCH Brunell/Theisman? MORE HISTORY!!

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Old 10-11-2004, 04:33 PM   #1
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BENCH Brunell/Theisman? MORE HISTORY!!

There have been a lot of calls for Brunell to sit. Maybe it is a good idea - I would sure not be against it if it happened at this point. But here is a little more HISTORY (from MY perspective LOL)

In 1985, after Theisman had had some very successful seasons under Joe Gibbs, he started playing terribly. He had NUMEROUS passes batted at the line - refused to get air under them. Had Numerous sort passes thrown into the ground. Gibbs stuck with him even though fans were clamoring for a change. We had a GREAT team but were 5-5 going into the Giants game. I actually made a bet with a Giants fan, that LT would knock Theisman out of the game, Schroeder would come in and win it and take us back to the playoffs. It became GRUESOMELY true (except our 10-6 still did not get a playoff spot). Because of that horrible sight on the field, I have never again made ANY kind of football bet.

But the point I meant to make and strayed from is this:


I LOVE Joe Gibbs as a coach. Second only to Lombardi in my mind. But everyone has imperfections, and this may be his. Just be patient. He will find a way to bring this team around - in his own way.
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Old 10-11-2004, 04:34 PM   #2
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maybe someone needs to break brunells leg so gibbs will wake up and get him outta there
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Old 10-11-2004, 04:38 PM   #3
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I don't care what anyone says, Brunell sucks. I know every QB has a blind side but I think Brunell is literally blind in his right eye like that jockey in "Seabiscuit". He gets hammered from the right constantly! His passes look like he's throwing under water. Get him out already!! I'll take my chances with Ramsey. I would rather leave the defense in to play offense than more of this crap.
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Old 10-11-2004, 04:38 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by denim_monger
maybe someone needs to break brunells leg so gibbs will wake up and get him outta there
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Old 10-11-2004, 04:52 PM   #5
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It seems to me Gibbs is having a hard time saying he was wrong. Brunell is done.
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Old 10-11-2004, 04:53 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by denim_monger
maybe someone needs to break brunells leg so gibbs will wake up and get him outta there
Hey, I've spent 19 years feeling personally responsible (even though, intellectually, I knew I was not) for that last one because of the very specific bet I made that came true. I will not EVER even suggest something similar again!!

(By the way, I refused to accept my winnings on that last one with Tom Ulan of Fairfax - a fellow IBM'er)
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Old 10-11-2004, 05:03 PM   #7
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Hogskin, you could just make a bet like "The Redskins will win their next 19 consecutive games" without any mention of an injury

Tell you what I'll bet you that the Skins won't win their next 19 games...only the next 18
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Old 10-11-2004, 05:09 PM   #8
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Originally Posted by smootsmack
Hogskin, you could just make a bet like "The Redskins will win their next 19 consecutive games" without any mention of an injury

Tell you what I'll bet you that the Skins won't win their next 19 games...only the next 18

I like the way you think, Smack. Actually, I swore off completely. I had a decent (not great) history of bets before that. But that bet (including the broken leg) was made in front of an entire lunch group (about a dozen guys). I never lived it down. LOL It was like I caused it!! So, I'll stick to my guns...
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Old 10-11-2004, 05:11 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by Hogskin
There have been a lot of calls for Brunell to sit. Maybe it is a good idea - I would sure not be against it if it happened at this point. But here is a little more HISTORY (from MY perspective LOL)

In 1985, after Theisman had had some very successful seasons under Joe Gibbs, he started playing terribly. He had NUMEROUS passes batted at the line - refused to get air under them. Had Numerous sort passes thrown into the ground. Gibbs stuck with him even though fans were clamoring for a change. We had a GREAT team but were 5-5 going into the Giants game. I actually made a bet with a Giants fan, that LT would knock Theisman out of the game, Schroeder would come in and win it and take us back to the playoffs. It became GRUESOMELY true (except our 10-6 still did not get a playoff spot). Because of that horrible sight on the field, I have never again made ANY kind of football bet.

But the point I meant to make and strayed from is this:


I LOVE Joe Gibbs as a coach. Second only to Lombardi in my mind. But everyone has imperfections, and this may be his. Just be patient. He will find a way to bring this team around - in his own way.
Great point, I was going to mention that last night, but I have been screaming about everything else, I forgot, because I was thinking that very thing, I was going to compare the way Brunell is playing, to the way Joey T. was playing before LT broke his leg, he couldn't find the open reciever, and kept holding the ball, then schroeder came in and started lighting it up, you new it was Theisman, and not our reciever's inability to get open, I am starting to wonder, Gibb's alway's want's a strong armed QB, he need's them to make all the throw's, especially the deep routes, which in turn open's up the rest of the offense, theisman had good arm strength, not great, as he got older he prob. lost just enough where he couldn't get the ball down field in time, which in turn allowed the defense to take away the short game, I see the same thing going on with Brunell, and we all saw Ramsey getting the ball down field, regardless of the INT's, I said he was perfect for Gibb's style from the start, and I am not budging, Brunell's deep passes are either out of bound's, or jump ball's, as far as Im concerned he's made 1 great throw, and that was to the back of the end zone for a TD to Gardner, on the scramble against the Boy's.

Nice jog with that HS!

I said in another post that Gibb's is very loyal to his starter's, but Joey T. was a special situation, he went to 2 SB's and won 1, I never blamed him for sticking with him as he did, Joey T. earned it. Brunell? what has he done for us other than help kill our cap! Gibb's has to swallow his pride on this one for now, and start Ramsey.
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Old 10-11-2004, 05:11 PM   #10
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Gibbs won't bench his QB if he believes he's not the source of the problems. And at this point I can't honestly say Brunell is the main source of our offensive struggles and I think Gibbs is probably thinking along the same lines.

Like I said in another thread, my take is Brunell will start again in Chicago. If the offense is just as inept as it's been, Gibbs might not have a choice but to look to shake things up a bit and make a switch at QB.

I don't think this is a case of Gibbs being stubborn, if Ramsey was the clear cut better player he'd be in there already.
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Old 10-11-2004, 05:13 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by denim_monger
maybe someone needs to break brunells leg so gibbs will wake up and get him outta there

I said at the time LT broke Joey T's leg, we should send him a bonus, we all knew that was the only way Gibb's was going to lift him.
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Old 10-11-2004, 05:17 PM   #12
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Thanks, offiss.

Matty, I tend to agree with you. And I really doubt he will make a halftime switch. He also does not seem to like to make mid-game changes. But would be more likely to at the BYE break, if he wants to change.
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Old 10-11-2004, 05:18 PM   #13
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gibbs knows what he is doing,he ai'nt in the nfl HOF for being stupid.could the fact that brunnel is left handed and gibbs has never coached a lefty have something to do with it?i do'nt think changing qbs would matter,but at this point if starting tom tupa would give us a victory,i 'd be all for it.
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Old 10-11-2004, 05:19 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by Hogskin
Thanks, offiss.

Matty, I tend to agree with you. And I really doubt he will make a halftime switch. He also does not seem to like to make mid-game changes. But would be more likely to at the BYE break, if he wants to change.
That's what I meant, the switch after the bye.

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Old 10-11-2004, 05:30 PM   #15
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only non injury time i remember gibbs taking a qb out of a game was in 1987 against the lions,when he benched jay schroder and put williams in.then he switched back after a mnf loss to the rams,and made the switch permanent in the last game of the year,which happened to be an overtime victory against the vikings.the rest is skins history.
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