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Don Banks: Redskins Hater and Racist

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Old 10-07-2004, 09:40 AM   #1
Drift Reality
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Don Banks: Redskins Hater and Racist

Okay, Don Banks makes some interesting points about the Redskins which he backs up with statistics. Its sort of hard to argue with him that they are really not the team that everyone expected them to be.

But in his third section, on Rickey Williams, he writes "But what else is he going to say? He's in a deep financial hole and he can't sing or dance. So football once again equals a pay day."

Does this strike anyone as fairly condescending? What is the message - that if black professional athletes can't play football, they have to sing or dance for a living?

Is that like saying, "Dat Nguyen - what else can he say? He's in a deep financial hole and he can't perform kung-fu or cook chinese food. So football once again equals a pay day." How about, "Peyton Manning - what else can he say? He's in a deep financial hole and can't do accounting or practice law. So football again equals a pay day." Finally, "Tony Gonzales - what else can he say? He's in a deep financial hole and he can't make make pinatas or dance the lambada."

Am I reading too much into this? Am I pissed off at Donny because he is picking on the Redskins? Did I pay too much attention in my cultural studies classes?

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Old 10-07-2004, 10:03 AM   #2
Ade Jimoh Fan Club
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I usually like your posts - but I think you are off base with this one. He was referencing the fact that Ricky's been hanging out with and mooching off of Lennie Kravitz, and that Ricky's not a singer/dancer but a football player.

Plus, I don't automatically associate singing and dancing with the African American race - I definitely didn't make that mental leap when I read the article. I mean, how do you explain the Backstreet Boys and Brittney Spears???! (Ummm... totally joking about that sentence - let's make that perfectly clear....)

If he was going for a racial slur, there are a lot more obvious ones out there (like the ones you used in your examples or say, watermelon and fried chicken).

However, I'm guessing that (unlike Ricky) he probably wants to keep his job.

And if I am wrong, I'll help you kick that honkey's head in!

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Old 10-07-2004, 10:18 AM   #3
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I don't like Banks either, but I don't think he wrote that as being a racist comment. If you think hard enough about anything, you can perceive it as being racist.
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Old 10-07-2004, 11:27 AM   #4
Uncle Phil
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I think it's a reference to Kravitz, as AJFC points out
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Old 10-07-2004, 11:44 AM   #5
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yep, your just pissed he's hating on the skins... but honestly, until we turn the corner, its deserved...
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Old 10-07-2004, 12:21 PM   #6
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I don't like Banks either but he does back it up. The Skins have to prove they are better.
On the other hand, he says it's "Just more of the same lousy product that Washington fans have been subjected to for most of Daniel Snyder's six-year tenure as team owner." Umm, I'm sick of everyone blaming everything on Snyder. Yeah he's made mistakes, but what about the "lousy product" we were subjected to after Gibbs left and before Snyder bought the team??? In all but one of the 12 years since Gibbs left, the team has been sub-par, or average at best, no matter who the owner was.

I believe in Joe Gibbs!!!
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Old 10-07-2004, 12:27 PM   #7
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Totally agree with you SkinsRock, that was just a cheap shot at Snyder
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Old 10-07-2004, 01:24 PM   #8
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DR, I don't see any racism. Even if it were not for Karvitz, that is a "color-free" metaphor earning a living, I have heard in the past. I don't know why that would trigger racist thoughts. And I have a tendency to be overly sensitive to those comments because of a couple family members that I regularly am at odds with over that type of stuff.
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Old 10-07-2004, 01:28 PM   #9
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i would have never have seen it as a racist comment, little overboard there.
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Old 10-07-2004, 02:26 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by That Guy
yep, your just pissed he's hating on the skins... but honestly, until we turn the corner, its deserved...
Now that's Effed up my man!

"One-win clubs such as Kansas City, Green Bay, Tennessee, and Carolina -- all playoff teams in 2003"

Why didn't this dried up stinky D!ck licker talk about THESE clubs sucking it up... we were 5-11 last year, we have a new coaching STAFF, we get one every year, Gibbs has been out of coaching for over a decade, the teams above have had their schemes in place for a LONG time, Carolina was in the superbowl last year for pete's sake. I wrote on after this guy wrote his last column that everyone is entitled to their own opinion but this guy is way off base here. Get a Rope!!
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Old 10-07-2004, 04:48 PM   #11
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Because we made the largest offseason splash and drew tons of attention to ourselves. That's why.
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Old 10-07-2004, 05:19 PM   #12
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Originally Posted by Daseal
Because we made the largest offseason splash and drew tons of attention to ourselves. That's why.
Any "expert" worth 2 cents should have seen right through the "splash". Sure, Redskin fans would get caught up in it. Anyone else that did, and writes articles as an "expert" is simply an idiot. Teams should be assessed on reasonable conclusions drawn from facts. Not on publicity.

But, my friends, it ain't over 'til it's over. And that's a LONG ways away. Sure, I'm an optomist, but it would sure be nice to be among those laughing last!! There have been many teams that looked HORRIBLE at some point during the season, got a couple gift wins, then turned it around and made the playoffs. So far, instead of a gift win, we had a win stolen from us. Even so, if that offense DOES get it together (real) soon, we could be in the hunt. Playoffs would be nice. Even a winning record this year would be sweet. Of course these same clowns will be acting like they knew it all along. That's just the way they play the game.
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Old 10-07-2004, 10:10 PM   #13
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racist? no...
but he's def. right about the 'skins as much as it pains me...
DAMMIT we need to do something to shut these haters up!
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Old 10-07-2004, 10:45 PM   #14
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This is not a racist commentary by a mile.

The comment about Snyder is on target. From the day he took over until now, make a list of the franchise "highlights/accomplishments" and a separate list of their "lowlights/embarrassments".

Which list is longer? If you say they are anywhere near the same length, then you must be including things like getting the PG County police to enforce the parking lot/walking route ban as a franchise highlight. Facts is facts; so far Snyder has been lots of PR and lots of glitzy/showy stunts and really short on results. The Skins had the #5 pick in the draft the year he got the team; the Skins had the #5 pick in the draft last year after he has owned the franchise for a while. That's not a lot of improvement. And unless I was in a coma, there weren't any Conference Championships or Super Bowl wins in the interim...

Think about whether you are angry because of the shot taken at the Redskins' owner or whether you are angry because you bought into the PR and the glitz and don't like to see people pointing out just how hollow all that nonsense really was.
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Old 10-07-2004, 10:51 PM   #15
Uncle Phil
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Curmudgeon, are you on some sort of Canadian cross-country tour?

The problem I had with the Snyder comment, and maybe I just interpreted it wrong, was that it seemed like an unecessary stab at DS, as if to say he is responsible for the 1-3 start. He's the one with the fumbles, the poor clock management, the questionable reviews. I don't think it was a necessary sentence at all
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