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PFT: LaCanfora to NFLN

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Old 05-28-2009, 04:44 PM   #1
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PFT: LaCanfora to NFLN - NFLN Adds Another Insider

I assume, but cannot confirm, that he is leaving the WaPo.

Either way, since his declining amount of sources within Redskins Park became obvious, this was inevitable.
according to a source with knowledge of the situation.
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Old 05-28-2009, 04:51 PM   #2
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Re: PFT: LaCanfora to NFLN

Great! Now he can criticize the Redskins on NFLN! Glad he's leaving the washington post.....his act was getting real old on RI.
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Old 05-28-2009, 04:53 PM   #3
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Re: PFT: LaCanfora to NFLN

Good riddance.

JLC may be sports writer, but his constant vendetta against the skins had long since grown tiresome. As a result, he lost all his "inside" sources and RedskinsInsider hasn't provided us with a sliver of inside information in a long time. Perhaps now, the Washington Post can actually get some legitimate sources and provide Inside information now - instead of just regurgitating other sources.

Hopefully Jason Reid won't follow in JLC's footsteps and give us accurate and honest information without letting it get personal.
Dolphins get good press for saving drowning humans.But we only hear about the swimmers theyve pushed ashore.You know who we havent heard from: all the people theyve pushed out to sea.Dolphins dont know what theyre doing-they just like pushing things.
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Old 05-28-2009, 04:59 PM   #4
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Re: PFT: LaCanfora to NFLN

Love it. Absolutely could not stand that hack.
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Old 05-28-2009, 05:10 PM   #5
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Re: PFT: LaCanfora to NFLN

Im shocked the NFLN wants him.
Old 05-28-2009, 05:30 PM   #6
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Re: PFT: LaCanfora to NFLN

This is outstanding news. I guess the RI job will be Jason Reid's??
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Old 05-28-2009, 05:30 PM   #7
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Re: PFT: LaCanfora to NFLN

Originally Posted by BigHairedAristocrat View Post
Good riddance.

JLC may be sports writer, but his constant vendetta against the skins had long since grown tiresome. As a result, he lost all his "inside" sources and RedskinsInsider hasn't provided us with a sliver of inside information in a long time. Perhaps now, the Washington Post can actually get some legitimate sources and provide Inside information now - instead of just regurgitating other sources.

Hopefully Jason Reid won't follow in JLC's footsteps and give us accurate and honest information without letting it get personal.
I was going to say the same exact thing, just in about 120 less words.
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Old 05-28-2009, 05:37 PM   #8
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Re: PFT: LaCanfora to NFLN

I always find I'm taking up for JLC. The Skins seem like a tough team to cover & he did a great job of getting info to us. True, this last year he didn't have the sources to break the stories, but that essentially is saying that at one time he did & the team adjusted to make sure things stayed in-house more.

Please at least distinguish between his opinion - the purpose of the blog - and his professional work as a reporter. I will agree that his opinion of the team soured more & more w/time & that showed through in his writing on the blog, but bottom line he still got a lot of stories to us before anyone else did.

I have a question for the warpath; do you want a reporter to do a GREAT job & constantly fill the RI w/info - good or bad, or would you rather have a reporter that just does his basic duties, gets a couple of quotes & doesn't ruffle any feathers?
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Old 05-28-2009, 05:37 PM   #9
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Re: PFT: LaCanfora to NFLN

This isn't definite, but good, cause he isn't good here, and probably will be fired there after his first year there, getting little to none info from around the league
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Old 05-28-2009, 05:42 PM   #10
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Re: PFT: LaCanfora to NFLN

How can I possibly express my feelings? How about.....LaCanfora's biased view of the Redskins makes me wanna :vomit:
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Old 05-28-2009, 05:57 PM   #11
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Re: PFT: LaCanfora to NFLN

If this happens I'm surprised they want that tard.....but more power to them. I certainly hope they take the fool, don't let the door hit you in the ass JLC! Good riddance!

Who's be the outsider?
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Old 05-28-2009, 06:01 PM   #12
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Re: PFT: LaCanfora to NFLN

Originally Posted by freddyg12 View Post
I have a question for the warpath; do you want a reporter to do a GREAT job & constantly fill the RI w/info - good or bad, or would you rather have a reporter that just does his basic duties, gets a couple of quotes & doesn't ruffle any feathers?
I want a reporter who isn't a hatchet man for the biggest paper that covers my team. The Washington Post and Dan Snyder had been at war ever since he took away all of those season tickets and it seemed JLC's sole purpose was to bleed the Skins at any and every chance.
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Old 05-28-2009, 06:13 PM   #13
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Re: PFT: LaCanfora to NFLN

Originally Posted by freddyg12 View Post
I always find I'm taking up for JLC. The Skins seem like a tough team to cover & he did a great job of getting info to us. True, this last year he didn't have the sources to break the stories, but that essentially is saying that at one time he did & the team adjusted to make sure things stayed in-house more.

Please at least distinguish between his opinion - the purpose of the blog - and his professional work as a reporter. I will agree that his opinion of the team soured more & more w/time & that showed through in his writing on the blog, but bottom line he still got a lot of stories to us before anyone else did.

I have a question for the warpath; do you want a reporter to do a GREAT job & constantly fill the RI w/info - good or bad, or would you rather have a reporter that just does his basic duties, gets a couple of quotes & doesn't ruffle any feathers?
His bias and axe to grind bled over into his work reporting plenty of times. He'd always throw a jab in at Snyder and/or Cerrato. I'm not taking up for them, but be a professional. It was clear that his bias clouded his writing.

He also went out of his way to fluff for his sources/favorites. He wrote glowing things just in the past year about Derrick Frost, Leigh Torrence and Demetric Evans like they were Pro Bowlers that just weren't given a chance to shine. Please. They were obviously his guys and he fluffed for them. It was pathetic. Not at all sorry to see him go.
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Old 05-28-2009, 06:24 PM   #14
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Re: PFT: LaCanfora to NFLN

Good for him, nice move up the ladder.
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Old 05-28-2009, 06:42 PM   #15
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Re: PFT: LaCanfora to NFLN

Originally Posted by freddyg12 View Post
I always find I'm taking up for JLC. The Skins seem like a tough team to cover & he did a great job of getting info to us. True, this last year he didn't have the sources to break the stories, but that essentially is saying that at one time he did & the team adjusted to make sure things stayed in-house more.

Please at least distinguish between his opinion - the purpose of the blog - and his professional work as a reporter. I will agree that his opinion of the team soured more & more w/time & that showed through in his writing on the blog, but bottom line he still got a lot of stories to us before anyone else did.

I have a question for the warpath; do you want a reporter to do a GREAT job & constantly fill the RI w/info - good or bad, or would you rather have a reporter that just does his basic duties, gets a couple of quotes & doesn't ruffle any feathers?
I appreciate your willingness to play devil's advocate here, but you can't distinguish between his blogging and his reporting:

First of all, JLCs blog was more than just a place for him to place his opinion. It was titled Redskins Insider and was presented as a place to get inside information on the skins before anyone else. And for a while, thats exactly what it was. However, JLC decided to use his blog to make thinly vieled jabs at the skins. As a result, the skins stopped providing him as much information. So JLC retaliated by becoming more overt in his attacks, going so far as to accuse the de-facto GM of the team as being a slanderer and its owner as essentially being an idiot. As a result, the Skins completely blacklisted him. Not only did this affect his ability to provide inside information on his blog, but it also affected his primary job:

For a while, JLC was the primary WP reporter for the Skins. However, because of everything he did in his blog, was left without sources. What reporter can continue to do his job without multiple reliable sources?

JLC built up so much ill-will with the Redskins that it ruined his ability to be effective in both his "blog" and his "real job." Perhaps it was all part of a plan to distinguish himself and get his name out there so he could advance to the type of position he has now. If so, he did a marvelous job of it. But what JLC stopped being, a long time ago, was a good source for redskins fans to get inside information about the team.

I dont give a crap what a reskins beat reporter (whoever it is) thinks about my team. I don't want his opinion. I can form my own opinion based on the information he provides. If i need help forming an opinion, or want someone elses opinion, i can go to a forum like this one or read a different sports columnists' take on a certain situation.

Bottom line is this: that the guy who reports the news shouldn't opinionate on the news - otherwise, his ability to report becomes compromised. Hopefully Jason Reid will take note.
Dolphins get good press for saving drowning humans.But we only hear about the swimmers theyve pushed ashore.You know who we havent heard from: all the people theyve pushed out to sea.Dolphins dont know what theyre doing-they just like pushing things.
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