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Has the WP decided attacking the Skins is good for business?

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Old 03-04-2009, 06:41 PM   #1
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Has the WP decided attacking the Skins is good for business?

We all know about JLC's lack of insider news and Sally Jenkins tendencies but after reading this article:

Sally Jenkins - Sally Jenkins: For Redskins, a Question of Layoffs vs. Payoffs -

I really wonder if the Post thinks the best way to get readers attention is to attack anything Redskins.
That the Redskins would cut lower-level employees as nonessential to the organization, while rewarding Haynesworth as vital to the tune of $48 million, betrays something fundamental about the team. In a league with a skewed reward system, the Redskins always manage to be at the far end of the skew. There is a certain tone-deaf profligacy at work. No, lower-wage staffers aren't as valuable to a team as a Haynesworth -- they don't come close to resembling his worth. But they resemble the sorts of people who actually watch the Redskins, and buy their gear: the paying public...
um that's a ridiculous statement.

(I think this is separate from JLC's lack of insider info thread but please merge if it blends together)
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Old 03-04-2009, 06:44 PM   #2
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Re: Has the WP decided attacking the Skins is good for business?

maybe the Post should "lay-off" some of these writers if they want to gain any type of respect back.
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Old 03-04-2009, 06:53 PM   #3
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Re: Has the WP decided attacking the Skins is good for business?

I don't think this is one of Sally's better pieces on the Skins, but it still makes some relevant points. My main criticism is that the skins are singled out, but then she concedes that paying athletes huge sums of cash is done in all sports by a lot of teams. It seems she couldn't decide whether to make it a redskins or pro sports based article.

I know she gets a lot of grief from the warpath, but I think she usually points out what the flaws of Vinny & Danny are. I want to think the Danny is learning, and this free agency class might turn out huge. But let's face it, he spends the most to field a mediocre team (over time that's what we've been since he owned the team). He's increased the overall value exponentially, and loves to make big moves. So far, his ownership has achieved much more financial success than football success. Judging by what some season ticket holders here have said, I think overall Sally has a point even if it's not clearly stated.
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Old 03-04-2009, 06:54 PM   #4
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Re: Has the WP decided attacking the Skins is good for business?

I'll give her credit for quoting peoplle who point out who the real revenue drivers are and that smart businesses have to make tough decisions on where to cut and where to add (and that includes laying people off sometimes), and that it's not like the Redskins are the only team to face this situation. But ultimately, it's all just a set-up for another bashing.
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Old 03-04-2009, 06:56 PM   #5
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Re: Has the WP decided attacking the Skins is good for business?

I think Sally Jenkins should take a paycut so others could be employed , maybe she should write childrens books ?????
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Old 03-04-2009, 06:57 PM   #6
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Re: Has the WP decided attacking the Skins is good for business?

So according to Sally the beer guy at FedEx who got laid off from his job was actually a cap casualty?

Who writes this stuff?
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Old 03-04-2009, 07:13 PM   #7
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Re: Has the WP decided attacking the Skins is good for business?

Just when I'm sure I've reached the apex of total dislike for an individual I read this article and realize that I've still got a long ways too go. {vomit smilie}
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Old 03-04-2009, 07:21 PM   #8
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Re: Has the WP decided attacking the Skins is good for business?

I wonder how much Jenkins gets paid per word for her BS drivel? Newspapers all over the country are really struggling and going through layoffs, the Washington Post included. Maybe she should sacrifice her job to save a lower income, more dedicated, less miserable employee.
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Old 03-04-2009, 07:22 PM   #9
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Re: Has the WP decided attacking the Skins is good for business?

Originally Posted by budw38 View Post
I think Sally Jenkins should take a paycut so others could be employed , maybe she should write childrens books ?????
Book 1:
"The little man who failed" By: Sally Jenkins
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Old 03-04-2009, 07:33 PM   #10
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Re: Has the WP decided attacking the Skins is good for business?

Idiocy, plain and simple. Chris Mortenson mentioned recently that several teams around the league had bloated internal staffs and needed to shed as much as 25 percent of their non-essential workers. You don't need an advanced degree in economics to understand that this issue is wholly seperate from the product that you put on the field.
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Old 03-04-2009, 07:43 PM   #11
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Re: Has the WP decided attacking the Skins is good for business?

Originally Posted by djnemo65 View Post
Idiocy, plain and simple. Chris Mortenson mentioned recently that several teams around the league had bloated internal staffs and needed to shed as much as 25 percent of their non-essential workers. You don't need an advanced degree in economics to understand that this issue is wholly seperate from the product that you put on the field.
I posted this last week in response to JLC's attacks on our layoffs and spending:

It's kind of counter-intuitive to say a team or company that goes through some layoffs should be forbidden and/or ridiculed for spending money in an attempt to improve it's product.
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Old 03-04-2009, 08:35 PM   #12
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Re: Has the WP decided attacking the Skins is good for business?

Originally Posted by SmootSmack View Post
I'll give her credit for quoting peoplle who point out who the real revenue drivers are and that smart businesses have to make tough decisions on where to cut and where to add (and that includes laying people off sometimes), and that it's not like the Redskins are the only team to face this situation. But ultimately, it's all just a set-up for another bashing.
Yep, a cheap shot is what it is.
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Old 03-04-2009, 08:44 PM   #13
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Re: Has the WP decided attacking the Skins is good for business?

It depends. In my case I actually welcomed the criticism when the writers were pointing out that the Redskins actions over the past few years seem to indicate they cared way to much about skill position players. However when the team signed Haynesworth to a $100 million contract I found myself crying while saying "they really do care." After that the signing of Dockery was icing on the cake. I'm still hoping they'll add a RT. In fact I would love to see the team sign Willis as a prospective RG and backup RT while drafting Andre Smith but that might be hoping for to much.

Anyway a lot of my anger towards the organization went away when they started showing they really did care about the front lines. So now the fact that a lot of the usual suspects at the Post keep on finding ways to complain about anything and everything I find it annoying.
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Old 03-04-2009, 09:24 PM   #14
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Re: Has the WP decided attacking the Skins is good for business?

Most of her diatribe article after article is usually about how DS and Cerrato have a tendancy to spend, spend, spend in FA and get nothing. She was kinda nice last Oct. when she finally decided to crawl out from under her rock and commended the team for not going on a spending spree in the offseason.

I think she and JLC need to realize as well as some on many of the either build through the draft as NE has in the past and picked up low costing vetrans in hopes they still have a little in their tanks, or you build through FA. When you have a team that has terrible scouts and can't find a snow flake in a snow storm then your best bet is to build through FA where you have seen the players talent and he's probably gotten up to speed of the NFL.

There also is no way we could just start picking draft picks and not use FA especially when you have many holes to fill. Last year was great. Lets hope we keep all 4 or 5+ draft picks this year and perhaps find a gem who was undrafted. Hopefully next year we have all 7 picks and can keep doing the same. Problem was in years past we seemed to pick 7 or 8 players and keep 2-3 on the roster.

I am sorta boycotting the WP. I used to get all my info from them. Especially when the draft approached and during training months. I have not purchased a WP in several months if not a year ago. My sole reason for buying it was for the sports section. Well and perhaps the funnies. lol. but I find myself looking at the local paper or none at all.
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Old 03-04-2009, 09:35 PM   #15
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Re: Has the WP decided attacking the Skins is good for business?

Originally Posted by SBXVII View Post
Most of her diatribe article after article is usually about how DS and Cerrato have a tendancy to spend, spend, spend in FA and get nothing. She was kinda nice last Oct. when she finally decided to crawl out from under her rock and commended the team for not going on a spending spree in the offseason.

I think she and JLC need to realize as well as some on many of the either build through the draft as NE has in the past and picked up low costing vetrans in hopes they still have a little in their tanks, or you build through FA. When you have a team that has terrible scouts and can't find a snow flake in a snow storm then your best bet is to build through FA where you have seen the players talent and he's probably gotten up to speed of the NFL.

There also is no way we could just start picking draft picks and not use FA especially when you have many holes to fill. Last year was great. Lets hope we keep all 4 or 5+ draft picks this year and perhaps find a gem who was undrafted. Hopefully next year we have all 7 picks and can keep doing the same. Problem was in years past we seemed to pick 7 or 8 players and keep 2-3 on the roster.

I am sorta boycotting the WP. I used to get all my info from them. Especially when the draft approached and during training months. I have not purchased a WP in several months if not a year ago. My sole reason for buying it was for the sports section. Well and perhaps the funnies. lol. but I find myself looking at the local paper or none at all.
That is what i was thinking about with the thread title. With the Skins being the huge sports draw, and newspapers struggling for circulation dollars, I have to ask how it helps the Post to constantly attack the Skins?
This isn't politics, where criticism is a part of the news media, this is Sports! Doesn't every fan want to get a paper that is giving his/her team an upbeat report? So did the Post at some level say they were going to profit better from being seen as the opposition to Snyder and his Skins, or is this just personnel biases?
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