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Would you accept Michael Vick on the Redskins?

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Old 01-05-2009, 10:36 PM   #1
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Would you accept Michael Vick on the Redskins?

Vick is starting to put things in place for a return to the NFL once he's released from prison.
Michael Vick revises bankruptcy plan, in hopes of expediting NFL return. - NFL -

In the interest of a non Campbell/Cerrato/draft/FA thread and since it will be discussed eventually:

I'm for Vick to the Redskins, not as a starting QB but as an 'athlete' that we can use as a RB, WR, wildcat QB, etc. Giving him 15 touches a game with his skills (assuming they've only minimally diminished) would give us a dynamic we need on offense.

As for the off the field stuff, he would paid his debt to society, served his time and done his pennance for his wrongdoing.

There's going to be interest in him so my question is, would you support the Redskins signing him? (mods please poll as Yes/No)
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Old 01-05-2009, 10:45 PM   #2
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re: Would you accept Michael Vick on the Redskins?

I wouldn't support it. It's not really a need for us to have an "athlete" for a dozen or so plays, and especially not for someone who Goodell hasn't yet said when (if ever) he would lift the league's suspension of him. Plus with a criminal record already, every move of his would heavily scrutizined from Goodell all the way down to GTripp. I'd rather go after Vince Young before Vick
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Old 01-05-2009, 10:55 PM   #3
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re: Would you accept Michael Vick on the Redskins?

Hell no. That thug tore up the Falcons and was a terrible role model down here. Let him play in the CFL.
a Skins fan every day, every way.
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Old 01-05-2009, 10:58 PM   #4
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re: Would you accept Michael Vick on the Redskins?

I think we already have someone like that in ARE
(for Wildcat formations,etc) but Vick is clearly more gifted as an athlete.
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Old 01-05-2009, 11:07 PM   #5
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re: Would you accept Michael Vick on the Redskins?

I would cease to be a Redskins fan if they signed Vick. To hell with him and his scum bag family. It would be the same as signing a pedophile or rapist. Vick and his brother are nothing but trash who should be banned from football period. Vick is a sicker puppy than the ones he HUNG, DROWNED, and ELECTROCUTED. Paid he's debt to society my a**! Not in Virginia he hasn't! The Old Dominion isn't through with sick Vick. They only got Vick because they busted his cousin selling dope and he snitched. The were looking for drugs not dogs. I bet he had both.

Every month it was something new with Marcus. Marcus is drinking with underage girls. Marcus is caught doing 90 drunk and stoned. I watched Marcus stick his cleats in the chest of a man on his back and grind them in. I watched him flick off his own stadium.

We had this discussion today at work and you Vick apologist make me want to vomit. If you get convicted of a felony you shouldn't play in the NFL period. Why don't we sign the beltway snippers and Dr. Death Jack Kevorkian? Why don't we get Madoff to run our front office? How about Cheech and Chong as our offensive and defensive coordinators?
Go ahead and sign the filth. I'll write a letter to the commissioner with my spit enclosed and send in my Redskins gear to Vinnie Cerrato with a big fat dump on it.

If you don't like what I have to say about scum bags brothers Vick BAN ME FROM POSTING. I though it was bad enough when we signed Deion. I'll take a million Deions over one Vick.
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Old 01-05-2009, 11:07 PM   #6
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re: Would you accept Michael Vick on the Redskins?

NO!! The guy is a scumbag animal abuser, what this guy was doing to those dogs is not right (watch "dog town" on the National Geographic channel). He should be banned for life from the NFL and I don't give a shit about how much talent he has. **** Him!!!
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Old 01-05-2009, 11:07 PM   #7
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re: Would you accept Michael Vick on the Redskins?

Are you serious? I could name 10 good ones as to why Vick should never walk a football field in his life. The 3rd point is key

1. We don't need to invest more $ on QB's. The guy is a huge risk
2. We found out from the Falcons that having Mike Vick and Deangelo Hall on the the same team means trouble
3. Vick will be 30 when he gets out (I think) he won't get any younger after being in bars. He might have lost his speed which was his money maker. nono:
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Old 01-05-2009, 11:10 PM   #8
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Wink re: Would you accept Michael Vick on the Redskins?

Originally Posted by Trample the Elderly View Post
I would cease to be a Redskins fan if they signed Vick. To hell with him and his scum bag family. It would be the same as signing a pedophile or rapist. Vick and his brother are nothing but trash who should be banned from football period. Vick is a sicker puppy than the ones he HUNG, DROWNED, and ELECTROCUTED. Paid he's debt to society my a**! Not in Virginia he hasn't! The Old Dominion isn't through with sick Vick. They only got Vick because they busted his cousin selling dope and he snitched. The were looking for drugs not dogs. I bet he had both.

Every month it was something new with Marcus. Marcus is drinking with underage girls. Marcus is caught doing 90 drunk and stoned. I watched Marcus stick his cleats in the chest of a man on his back and grind them in. I watched him flick off his own stadium.

We had this discussion today at work and you Vick apologist make me want to vomit. If you get convicted of a felony you shouldn't play in the NFL period. Why don't we sign the beltway snippers and Dr. Death Jack Kevorkian? Why don't we get Madoff to run our front office? How about Cheech and Chong as our offensive and defensive coordinators?
Go ahead and sign the filth. I'll write a letter to the commissioner with my spit enclosed and send in my Redskins gear to Vinnie Cerrato with a big fat dump on it.

If you don't like what I have to say about scum bags brothers Vick BAN ME FROM POSTING. I though it was bad enough when we signed Deion. I'll take a million Deions over one Vick.
But how do you really feel?
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Old 01-05-2009, 11:15 PM   #9
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re: Would you accept Michael Vick on the Redskins?

I knew this thread was coming after seeing the article earlier today.
NO WAY!!!!! I'm not even going into why. I'd rather have T.O. And Pac
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Old 01-05-2009, 11:22 PM   #10
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Re: Would you accept Michaek Vick on the Redskins?

Originally Posted by 53Fan View Post
But how do you really feel?
I can't write how I really feel about these two degenerate animals. I'd be banned from posting and I really can't find the words. I don't care if this bile bag can jump over a mountain, he gets signed, I'm not longer a Redskin. If I had my way him and Marcus would be floating down the James with their hands and feet bound with leashes and their dope shoved down their filthy craws.
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Old 01-05-2009, 11:24 PM   #11
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Re: Would you accept Michael Vick on the Redskins?

I don't see any need on this team for Vick. Maybe he can sign-on with the Cowgirls and carpool to the probation office.
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Old 01-05-2009, 11:25 PM   #12
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Re: Would you accept Michael Vick on the Redskins?

N.F.W. No way.
Build this team through the draft, please! Starting with both lines. A dynasty is not a bad thing to shoot for!
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Old 01-05-2009, 11:28 PM   #13
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Re: Would you accept Michael Vick on the Redskins?

To whoever I got after in the other thread for saying that a thread was stupid.. and I replied that it's at least worth a discussion on how it would do, I apologize. There are threads that horrible apparently.
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Old 01-05-2009, 11:29 PM   #14
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Re: Would you accept Michael Vick on the Redskins?

Take it over Schneed....

This thread is...
This is what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps!
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Old 01-05-2009, 11:38 PM   #15
The Goat
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Re: Would you accept Michael Vick on the Redskins?

Convicted felon who ran illegal gambling/dog-fighting ring signs with... the Dallas Cowboys.

(we should just pass on this one).
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