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Dirtbag's 2009 Offseason FAQ

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Old 12-31-2008, 12:54 AM   #1
Naega jeil jal naga
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Dirtbag's 2009 Offseason FAQ

In the interest of getting the 2009 offseason off on the right foot I figured I answer some of the more frequently asked question that have been brought up over the course of the last few weeks. Please feel free to add your own Q&A's.

Q: I want Colt to be the starting QB.

A: Well that's not really a question but I'll humor you anyway. For the time being the Redskins plan on going into 2009 with Jason Campbell as the teams starting QB and even then the current plan is to stick with Jason throughout the year. This means Jason will get most of the reps in practice as well as the majority of work with the first team.

Q: But I want a QB competition where Colt wins. Is that so bad?

A: Not exactly. Your entitled to your own opinion. Of course when you suggest a QB competition you should hope that the player that plays best wins the job, never should you use an in camp competition to further an agenda. Personally I wouldn't mind a competition but my opinions don't really carry a whole lot of weight in Ashburn.

Q: Is there any chance of Cowher/Shanahan/Williams/Lombardi/Phil Jackson being our coach in 2009?

A: No. Well I guess there's always a chance but at this point you have a better chance of getting struck by lightning. The team has publically stated that Zorn will be back in 2009, effectively bringing an end to any possibilities of the Redskins finding a new head coach.

Q: Zorn sucks at calling plays. Will the team hire an offensive coordinator?

A: No, as it currently stands Zorn will call plays next year. So with that said the team will not search for an offensive coordinator unless Sherman Smith voluntarily steps down.

Q: Can we trade Clinton Portis? His trade value has never been higher.

A: This is nothing more then a pipe dream. For starters the front office holds Clinton in very high regard. On top of that the Redskins have restructured his deal so many times that it won't be financially feasible to release him until next year when his release would save the team $2 million against the cap. This is of course assuming the NFL and the Players Association renew the collective bargaining agreement. However as it stands now getting rid of Portis would result in $13 million in dead cap space as well $8 million against the cap.

Q: I hate Vinny Cerrato?

A: You sound unsure of yourself. That or you tried to disguise a statement as a question. Either way hate is a pretty strong word especially when your talking about a guy who isn't exactly an ex-convict. If your going to criticize Vinny you should go after him as a GM, not a person. From what I know Vinny isn't exactly a bad guy, in fact he seems like a pretty nice guy that also happens to be a good family man. If you hate Vinny Cerrato that much as a person then either you've met him or you need to find a hobby.

Q: The Redskins need a real GM. Will Snyder finally anty up and bring in a guy like Eric DeCosta?

A: Not in 2009. Like Campbell and Zorn, the team is committed to giving Cerrato a chance to prove himself. As a result Cerrato will call the shots this offseason.

Q: On my Madden Franchise I traded Los and Jansen for a top 10 pick. If I can do it in Madden then certainly the Redskins can do it in real lyfe?

A: I commend you on your virtual GM skills. However teams aren't exactly eager to trade draft picks for other teams cast aways and malcontents. Sure theres a chance the team trades Carlos this offseason for more draft picks, but don't be surprised when it's no higher then a third rounder, if that. Save the Redskins sweeten the pot, as in they add a couple of next years draft picks.

As for Jansen, well the chances of him being shipped off this offseason are unlikely. For starters Jansen is a little to young to be retiring, on top of that getting rid of Jansen would cost the team $6 million in dead cap space as well as a $3 million decrease in cap room that could be used to replicate the free agent frenzy that you were able to pull off in your Madden franchise?

Q: Whoa, how do you know I waz spending lotz of moneis on Freeagentz?

A: Just a hunch.

Q: I found out how to fix the Redskins. We sign Albert Haynesworth, Jordan Gross, Julius Peppers, and Terrell Suggs. What do you think?

A: While your enthusiasm is much appreciated the chances of the Redskins signing all of them is extremely slim and while it's possible that the Redskins will sign one of those players the fact remains that they don't have nearly enough cap room to commit to such a spending spree.

Q: But I heard that this offseason will be uncapped?

A: As it currently stands the Collective Bargaining agreement ends after this season, meaning 2010 would be the uncappped year, of course thats assuming the NFL doesn't renew the CBA.

Q: How many draft picks do we have this year?

A: Four at the moment. To my knowledge we still have our 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 6th.

Q: What happened to our 2nd, 4th, and 7th round picks?

A: Our 2nd was traded for Jason Taylor. Our fourth now belongs to the Jets in exchange for the services of LG Pete Kendall whom we acquired in 2007. The 7th round pick was originally a conditional pick that hinged on former Viking Erasmus James making the 53 man roster. The condition was met despite Erasmus James Being released this month.

Q: Lol?

A: Rofl.
"It's nice to be important, but its more important to be nice."
- Scooter

"I feel like Dirtbag has been slowly and methodically trolling the board for a month or so now."

Last edited by Dirtbag59; 01-10-2009 at 05:48 PM.
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Old 12-31-2008, 12:58 AM   #2
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Re: Dirtbag's 2009 Offseason FAQ

lol nice job, this should be fun to build on
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Old 12-31-2008, 01:39 AM   #3
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Re: Dirtbag's 2009 Offseason FAQ

Originally Posted by Dirtbag359 View Post

Q: What happened to our 2nd, 4th, and 7th round picks?
A: Our 2nd was traded for Jason Taylor. Our fourth now belongs to the Jets in exchange for the services of LG Pete Kendall whom we acquired in 2007. The 7th round pick was originally a conditional pick that hinged on former Viking Erasmus James making the 53 man roster. The condition was met despite Erasmus James Being released this month.

Q: Lol?
A: Rofl.
Considering Rock Cartwright and Chris Horton were both 7th rounders, that's a big ROLF.
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Old 12-31-2008, 02:01 AM   #4
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Re: Dirtbag's 2009 Offseason FAQ

Q: I found out how to fix the Redskins. We sign Albert Haynesworth, Jordan Gross, Julius Peppers, and Terrell Suggs. What do you think?

A: While your enthusiasm is much appreciated the chances of the Redskins signing all of them is extremely slim and while it's possible that the Redskins will sign one of those players the fact remains that they don't have nearly enough cap room to commit to such a spending spree.

I'm gonna say we don't get any of these guys. D-line will not be addressed IMO. Taylor is going to return (restructured) along w/ Evans, who seems to stay healthy better than any d-lineman we've got, and AC. The interior stays the same as well. OLB will be addressed most likely through the draft because Marcus stays.
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Old 12-31-2008, 03:05 AM   #5
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Re: Dirtbag's 2009 Offseason FAQ

Really well done. I wonder how many people on here are going to debate your faq without realizing the joke's on them...
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Old 12-31-2008, 10:21 AM   #6
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Re: Dirtbag's 2009 Offseason FAQ

HAHA! This thread should be stickied. Seriously (hopefully) will cut down on the number of entries in the Most Absurd Thread Of The Offseason contest.
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Old 12-31-2008, 11:16 AM   #7
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Re: Dirtbag's 2009 Offseason FAQ

Originally Posted by Dirtbag359 View Post

Q: I want Colt to be the starting QB.

A: Well that's not really a question but I'll humor you anyway. For the time being the Redskins plan on going into 2009 with Jason Campbell as the teams starting QB and even then the current plan is to stick with Jason throughout the year. This means Jason will get most of the reps in practice as well as the majority of work with the first team.

Q: But I want a QB competition where Colt wins. Is that so bad?

A: Not exactly. Your entitled to your own opinion. Of course when you suggest a QB competition you should hope that the player that plays best wins the job, never should you use an in camp competition to further an agenda. Personally I wouldn't mind a competition but my opinions don't really carry a whole lot of weight in Ashburn.
Good post DB.
I don't know why some fans keep clamoring for Colt.
Zorn a noted and respected QB guru has flat out said that Colt has alot
of work to do before he'll be ready.
And although there wasn't an open competition last training camp, it was
obvious to everyone present that Campbell looked far better then Collins or
Even the sports writers that sometimes bash Campbell will admit that fact.
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Old 12-31-2008, 02:28 PM   #8
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Re: Dirtbag's 2009 Offseason FAQ

[QUOTE=Dirtbag359;516796]In the interest of getting the 2009 offseason off on the right foot I figured I answer some of the more frequently asked question that have been brought up over the course of the last few weeks. Please feel free to add your own Q&A's.

Q: Whoa, how do you know I waz spending lotz of moneis on Freeagentz?[/B]

A: Just a hunch.
Nice post Dirtbag. I remember when Snyder was catching all kinds of crap for trying to buy a Super Bowl contender instead of building through the draft. Wasn't that long ago.
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Old 12-31-2008, 02:36 PM   #9
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Re: Dirtbag's 2009 Offseason FAQ

I would rather have Dirtbag A my Q's.

Is that alright with you DB?
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Old 12-31-2008, 07:10 PM   #10
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Re: Dirtbag's 2009 Offseason FAQ

I would have posted this on a more appropriate thread, but unfortunately it has been closed...I watched Vinny Cerrato's press conference today and couldn't help but notice (it was glaringly obvious) that he must have done some scarface sized lines (coke) before the conference. If you don't believe me, watch it. I have worked in bars and hung around enough musicians for years and definitely know a coke-head when I see one. It didn't even seem like he was trying to hide it. Things to watch for:

*constant sniffling throughout the press conference (not reminiscent of congestion associated with allergies or a cold)

*glaring, glassy eyes

*subtle but still noticeable grindding of teeth

*manner of speaking associated with a considerable coke high.

Just wondered if anyone else noticed. I was beside myself with laughter because it just seemed so obvious.
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Old 12-31-2008, 08:02 PM   #11
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Re: Dirtbag's 2009 Offseason FAQ

Originally Posted by Dirtbag359 View Post
In the interest of getting the 2009 offseason off on the right foot I figured I answer some of the more frequently asked question that have been brought up over the course of the last few weeks. Please feel free to add your own Q&A's.

Q: I want Colt to be the starting QB.

A: Well that's not really a question but I'll humor you anyway. For the time being the Redskins plan on going into 2009 with Jason Campbell as the teams starting QB and even then the current plan is to stick with Jason throughout the year. This means Jason will get most of the reps in practice as well as the majority of work with the first team.

Q: But I want a QB competition where Colt wins. Is that so bad?

A: Not exactly. Your entitled to your own opinion. Of course when you suggest a QB competition you should hope that the player that plays best wins the job, never should you use an in camp competition to further an agenda. Personally I wouldn't mind a competition but my opinions don't really carry a whole lot of weight in Ashburn.

Q: Is there any chance of Cowher Being our coach in 2009?

A: No. Well I guess there's always a chance but at this point you have a better chance of getting struck by lightning. The team has publically stated that Zorn will be back in 2009, effectively bringing an end to any possibilities of the Redskins finding a new head coach.

Q: Zorn sucks at calling plays. Will the team hire an offensive coordinator?

A: No, as it currently stands Zorn will call plays next year. So with that said the team will not search for an offensive coordinator unless Sherman Smith voluntarily steps down.

Q: Can we trade Clinton Portis? His trade value has never been higher.

A: This is nothing more then a pipe dream. For starters the front office holds Clinton in very high regard. On top of that the Redskins have restructured his deal so many times that it won't be financially feasible to release him until next year when his release would save the team $2 million against the cap. This is of course assuming the NFL and the Players Association renew the collective bargaining agreement. However as it stands now getting rid of Portis would result in $13 million in dead cap space as well $8 million against the cap.

Q: I hate Vinny Cerrato?

A: You sound unsure of yourself. That or you tried to disguise a statement as a question. Either way hate is a pretty strong word especially when your talking about a guy who isn't exactly an ex-convict. If your going to criticize Vinny you should go after him as a GM, not a person. From what I know Vinny isn't exactly a bad guy, in fact he seems like a pretty nice guy that also happens to be a good family man. If you hate Vinny Cerrato that much as a person then either you've met him or you need to find a hobby.

Q: The Redskins need a real GM. Will Snyder finally anty up and bring in a guy like Eric DeCosta?

A: Not in 2009. Like Campbell and Zorn, the team is committed to giving Cerrato a chance to prove himself. As a result Cerrato will call the shots this offseason.

Q: On my Madden Franchise I traded Los and Jansen for a top 10 pick. If I can do it in Madden then certainly the Redskins can do it in real lyfe?

A: I commend you on your virtual GM skills. However teams aren't exactly eager to trade draft picks for other teams cast aways and malcontents. Sure theres a chance the team trades Carlos this offseason for more draft picks, but don't be surprised when it's no higher then a third rounder, if that. Save the Redskins sweeten the pot, as in they add a couple of next years draft picks.

As for Jansen, well the chances of him being shipped off this offseason are unlikely. For starters Jansen is a little to young to be retiring, on top of that getting rid of Jansen would cost the team $6 million in dead cap space as well as a $3 million decrease in cap room that could be used to replicate the free agent frenzy that you were able to pull off in your Madden franchise?

Q: Whoa, how do you know I waz spending lotz of moneis on Freeagentz?

A: Just a hunch.

Q: I found out how to fix the Redskins. We sign Albert Haynesworth, Jordan Gross, Julius Peppers, and Terrell Suggs. What do you think?

A: While your enthusiasm is much appreciated the chances of the Redskins signing all of them is extremely slim and while it's possible that the Redskins will sign one of those players the fact remains that they don't have nearly enough cap room to commit to such a spending spree.

Q: But I heard that this offseason will be uncapped?

A: As it currently stands the Collective Bargaining agreement ends after this season, meaning 2010 would be the uncappped year, of course thats assuming the NFL doesn't renew the CBA.

Q: How many draft picks do we have this year?

A: Four at the moment. To my knowledge we still have our 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 6th.

Q: What happened to our 2nd, 4th, and 7th round picks?

A: Our 2nd was traded for Jason Taylor. Our fourth now belongs to the Jets in exchange for the services of LG Pete Kendall whom we acquired in 2007. The 7th round pick was originally a conditional pick that hinged on former Viking Erasmus James making the 53 man roster. The condition was met despite Erasmus James Being released this month.

Q: Lol?

A: Rofl.
So do we get a seventh or not? I like this post it makes a lot of sense to me. It is basically saying we can expect more of the same. Answer this, entertain me if you will . What can we expect the Redskins to do in the off-season besides signing aging mercenaries? What do you see us doing in the draft. I see another 8-8 season coming plus or minus one to two games. You seem to have your stuff together when it comes to the salary. How about this scenario? Could we trade our 1st and 3rd picks for more picks next year and just try to put a band aid on our O and D line by bringing in a lot of undrafted guys? Would that make sense or am I being optimistic? Could we trade a so-called star for some picks?
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Old 12-31-2008, 08:22 PM   #12
Naega jeil jal naga
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Re: Dirtbag's 2009 Offseason FAQ

Thanks for the compliments guys, the funny thing is most of the real answers I got were from the guys on this site. Especially details concerning salaries, the CBA, Front office politics, and draft picks. In fact pretty much all the information I posted relating to money is courtesy of our resident cap expert Schneed including details relating to the CBA. All I did was highlight some of the more relevant points.

Anyway GibbsisGod if you want me or anyone else to answer any questions then hopefully this thread can serve as a platform for answering simple questions.

As with this thread I just decided to stick to the simpler questions that had had the smallest amount of a gray area so as far as what the Redskins plan to do this offseason exactly, well I couldn't say in any certain terms. Hell I'm still waiting to get a little more information on the prospects in this years draft but so far my current favorites are Michael Oher (OT, Ole Miss), Rey Maualuga (ILB, USC), Gerald McCoy (DT, Oklahoma), James Laurinaitis (ILB, Ohio State), Sen'Derrick Marks (DT, Auburn), Duke Robinson (G, Oklahoma), and Alex Mack (C, California) one of many prospects brought to my attention by fellow posters. Hopefully we find a way to come away with 1 or 2 of those guys.
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"I feel like Dirtbag has been slowly and methodically trolling the board for a month or so now."
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Old 01-01-2009, 11:29 AM   #13
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Re: Dirtbag's 2009 Offseason FAQ

Originally Posted by Dirtbag359 View Post
Hell I'm still waiting to get a little more information on the prospects in this years draft but so far my current favorites are Michael Oher (OT, Ole Miss), Rey Maualuga (ILB, USC), Gerald McCoy (DT, Oklahoma), James Laurinaitis (ILB, Ohio State), Sen'Derrick Marks (DT, Auburn), Duke Robinson (G, Oklahoma), and Alex Mack (C, California) one of many prospects brought to my attention by fellow posters. Hopefully we find a way to come away with 1 or 2 of those guys.
I really want Aaron Curry. If he projects to spots 5-10 after the combine I'd want to trade up for him. He is the most complete LB I have ever seen.
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Old 01-01-2009, 02:13 PM   #14
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Re: Dirtbag's 2009 Offseason FAQ

Oh yes, Mr. Dirtbag I'm Redskin Warrior from the Warpath forum quick two part question sir

What are the odds that Todd Collins will be a Redskin next year? If so will Todd Collins beat Campbell out for his job in 2009?

Originally Posted by Lotus View Post
First they ban this?
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Old 01-01-2009, 03:06 PM   #15
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Re: Dirtbag's 2009 Offseason FAQ

That's a good question. Personally without the salary knowledge I couldn't say? I can see only one good reason to keep Collins and that's because he's more experienced than Colt. I'm not trying to answer your question. I just wanted to throw my two cents in because I think it's a good question too.
The FO is not sold on Campbell or he'd have a contract by now. They've already brought a lot of quarterbacks in already to try them out. I can't see Collins there much longer perhaps another year or two max. It just wouldn't make sense to me?
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