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Old 12-09-2008, 05:06 PM   #1
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Petition to Move Redskins back to Washington DC.

We could start one just to see how many would sign. We all know we need to get a 68,000 seater in DC anyway with a good home field sound design. But it better not be a DOME!!! Somebody want to start it on or I will if you guys think it's worth trying, it'd only take 5 minutes to write up.

The Ravens fans were able to do this

Rename Ravens Stadium In Honor Of The Late Johnny Unitas Petition

and get 60,000 verified signatures so let's see what the Redskins fanbase can do even if it wouldn't (99.9% chance) make a difference.
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Old 12-09-2008, 05:18 PM   #2
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Re: Petition to Move Redskins back to Washington DC.

Samtskins: I could definitely see the Redskins moving back to D.C., but lets look at what would have to happen.
1) We would have to find some way out of our lease at FedEx field. Don't expect them to just let the Redskins go without a very stiff penalty. Chances are there's something in the contract pertaining to this -- but it would be quite costly.
2) When the move to DC happened, chances are Snyder would finance his own stadium. This would bring in more profits for him in the future. He would definitely need a little help, but it wouldn't be owned by a large company such as FedEx. This is expensive, and in the current economy getting that help may be easier said than done.
3) Get it out of your mind that we would have an open air stadium. There's one thing besides a super bowl that Snyder REALLY wants. That is to host the Super Bowl. The NFL isn't going to have their annual business meeting in an open aired stadium, in DC, in January. That could lead to ice, snow, or rain -- and it would be cold. There's a pretty obvious trend for what stadiums get approved for the Super Bowl and what stadiums don't get approved. Mark it down, the next stadium the Washington Redskins play in will be a dome.

Long story short, unless fans are going to buy out the lease of FedEx field, and help directly finance the building of a new stadium -- don't expect your petition to do anything but roll off of Dan Snyder's back.
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Old 12-09-2008, 05:30 PM   #3
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Re: Petition to Move Redskins back to Washington DC.

Oh I know lol. I know it won't do anything. I just want to see how far we can take this. If the Ravens can get 60,000 we can get twice as much. Whynot give it a try since all it takes is 2 minutes from each person tos ign and 5 minutes from the creator.

Retractable dome, man this isthe NFC East, we can play outdoors!
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Old 12-09-2008, 05:37 PM   #4
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Re: Petition to Move Redskins back to Washington DC.

So you think you could get 120,000 sigs. but your going to need them to donate 2 million each to cover snyder moving cost. Moving to a new stadium and changing a name of a stadium are a little bit different.
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Old 12-09-2008, 05:42 PM   #5
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Re: Petition to Move Redskins back to Washington DC.

I don't get what the point of the petition is. Even if you got the amount of signatures you wanted and sent it to Snyder, he'd probably just use it for toilet paper.
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Old 12-09-2008, 05:47 PM   #6
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Re: Petition to Move Redskins back to Washington DC.

Originally Posted by DynamiteRave View Post
I don't get what the point of the petition is. Even if you got the amount of signatures you wanted and sent it to Snyder, he'd probably just use it for toilet paper.
Snyder uses only the finest silks as to wipe his royal ass. Didn't you know that?

Is there a way to build a new stadium but limit it to like 60,000 seats, and make it so that season ticket holders need to take a test and yearly loyalty oaths before they get their tickets?
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Old 12-09-2008, 07:59 PM   #7
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Re: Petition to Move Redskins back to Washington DC.

Ok, guys. I'm not dumb, I don't expect him to one, even care about this, or two, just to pick up and move next season. It's really just saying we'd like to see our next stadium back in DC and sooner rather than later. I'm fully aware we are in a lease at FedEx Field and it will be time before plans to move back to DC can begin but this is just to see how many signatures we can get. Even if it wouldn't work, it'd be cool to see a petition with 100,000 saying we want back in Washington D.C.
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Old 12-09-2008, 08:00 PM   #8
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Re: Petition to Move Redskins back to Washington DC.

Originally Posted by DynamiteRave View Post
I don't get what the point of the petition is. Even if you got the amount of signatures you wanted and sent it to Snyder, he'd probably just use it for toilet paper.

"I know it won't do anything. I just want to see how far we can take this. If the Ravens can get 60,000 we can get twice as much. Whynot give it a try since all it takes is 2 minutes from each person tos ign and 5 minutes from the creator."
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Old 12-09-2008, 08:17 PM   #9
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Re: Petition to Move Redskins back to Washington DC.

But who would EVER buy FedEx from Danny? He owns it, no? So he's going to take a bath on that. My guess is we're stuck in Landover. Just wish he'd friggin improve the stadium, especially the video and the concessions, which are just nasty.
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Old 12-09-2008, 09:29 PM   #10
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Re: Petition to Move Redskins back to Washington DC.

I didn't think Danny owned FedEx. I thought he leased it from some large developer.
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Old 12-09-2008, 09:31 PM   #11
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Re: Petition to Move Redskins back to Washington DC.

Jack Kent Cooke tried for ten years to build a new stadium in the District using his own money. The DC Government - under two different mayors - couldn't find a way to say "Yes, thank you." to that offer. They couldn't even find an acceptable piece of land to condemn so it could be built.

What makes anyone think all that has changed?

IF Danny Boy builds a new stadium in this area with his own money, you can be certain it will have a dome or a retractable roof because that is the ONLY way he will get a Super Bowl here in DC. And if you gave him truth serum and offered him this choice:

A. You have a new stadium AND you will have the Super Bowl here on a regular rotation (every 8 years at the worst)... OR

B. You can have the Redskins in the Super Bowl - - but no new stadium

I'm not sure which he would pick.

Jack Kent Cooke built this mausoleum of a stadium on the cheap and in a hurry so he could put his name on it before he died. [How'd that work out?] Fifteen years later it looks like a building built cheaply and quickly - - but it rakes in cash hand over fist for it's owner - - Danny Boy.

I suspect no changes are coming unless the DC government comes up with some kind of sweetheart deal that would be a political nightmare in these recession times.

Bottom Line: Learn to love FedEx Field. You'll be seeing games there for many years to come...
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Old 12-09-2008, 09:32 PM   #12
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Re: Petition to Move Redskins back to Washington DC.


Danny Boy - - via the Redskins - - owns Fed Ex. Fed Ex pays him a yearly fee for naming rights.
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Old 12-09-2008, 09:33 PM   #13
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Re: Petition to Move Redskins back to Washington DC.

I'd like to see a petition to end petitions.
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Old 12-10-2008, 11:15 AM   #14
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Re: Petition to Move Redskins back to Washington DC.

Originally Posted by JWsleep View Post
But who would EVER buy FedEx from Danny? He owns it, no? So he's going to take a bath on that. My guess is we're stuck in Landover. Just wish he'd friggin improve the stadium, especially the video and the concessions, which are just nasty.
And put one of those "roofs" on it. The one that RFK had! Its get cold up there in the nose bleeds especially when its raining on you. And it gets quiet up there too. Putting a partial roof on it would be awesome!

As far as moving back to DC. Heck, I'd sign the petition! There is nothing worse in this world than having to drive through my city to get to the game...............or go across that GOSH DANG bridge! I freakin hate that bridge! Woodrow Wilson was by far the worst President this country has ever seen!!!! He builds a DRAW bridge on MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR HIGHWAY!!!! Not only that, but he builds it close to the water so people try to fish off of it! And as if all that wasn't enough...................He doesn't build a shoulder on it so some BUTTHEAD can decide to pull over, BLOCK THE LANE, and then act like he's going to jump. All of that just to get a "hug" by police officers. I can go on and on...................

So yeah! Putting the stadium back in the city...............I'm all for it!
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Old 12-10-2008, 11:21 AM   #15
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Re: Petition to Move Redskins back to Washington DC.

I'm almost ready to sign a petition to send them back to goddamn boston.
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