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Ogunleye Officially on the Block

Locker Room Main Forum

View Poll Results: Ogunleye is worth...
Only a First Round Pick 13 25.49%
At Least a First Round Pick 8 15.69%
A Lower Draft Pick or Two 13 25.49%
A Veteran or Two 5 9.80%
Nothing. We're Fine Without Him 12 23.53%
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Old 08-18-2004, 11:40 AM   #1
Hail to the Redskins
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Ogunleye Officially on the Block

"Unable to sign Adewale Ogunleye to a long-term contract, the Dolphins have begun to gauge trade interest from other NFL clubs for the Pro Bowl defensive end, according to the Miami Herald.

The Redskins already have shown an interest in Ogunleye, offering Miami a first-round pick in exchange for the 26-year-old earlier this summer, according to league sources. If the Dolphins do shop around the premier pass rusher, he likely would draw a hefty asking price. ... "

To quote a famous movie line... "So you're telling me there's a chance!!" I have to say though... if they want MORE than a first round pick... I'd almost say "no-go"

I am one of those guys who says we DO have enough depth at WR to put a package together that involves Rod Gardner... like a Gardner, Ladell Betts (or Rock Cartwright) and a 4th round pick package or something like that. McCants is proving he can be just as valuable as Gardner as the no. 2 receiver. Jacobs and Thrash are more than capable of handling the no. 3 & 4 spots. I'd like to hold on to our 1st round pick next year so we can get a young impact d-lineman...

Also, as a side note... the Atlanta Falcons released CB Derek Ross yesterday. As far as I remember, this is a young (he's 24), and pretty talented (?) ex-Cowgirl. In 2002, in only 9 starts he had 56 tackles and 5 INT's. Once you get past Smoot and Springs on our depth chart... things get a little... weak (Ade Jimoh).... I definitely think he's worth a look at the very least... what do you guys think????
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Old 08-18-2004, 12:06 PM   #2
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yeah and yeah, but gardner and betts are simply too crappy to get AO... betts rides the bench while gardner drops that crucial pass, AND he's coming off a bad year (for him).

Maybe we can trade brunell j/k, but not really...
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Old 08-18-2004, 12:15 PM   #3
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i agree 100%. although since we already offered miami a 1st rounder, we won't be able to reneg. i to think a 1st rounder is to valuable at this point, we do need to look to future somtimes.
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Old 08-18-2004, 12:15 PM   #4
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In that case how about Ramsey for AO? Although Ramsey has looked terrible this preseason and his value has probably dropped.

Regarding CB Derek Ross, it seems like he might not have the speed to be an NFL cornerback. I know he is tough hitter, maybe a switch to safety might work. Or be a special teams kamikazi.
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Old 08-18-2004, 12:18 PM   #5
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McCants hasn't proved anything except that he's still too inconsistent.

The thing that concerns me is the big contract he'll be looking for.
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Old 08-18-2004, 12:22 PM   #6
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and also if we got him this season hed be behind in learning the playbook. dont do it boys.
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Old 08-18-2004, 12:24 PM   #7
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also, our pass rush in the pre season thus far has been pretty successful, our defense is looking strong.
and concerning our "lack of depth" at CB, i think we have a lot of depth
Springs, Smoot, Harris (who practiced according to the WP, or will practice very soon), Bauman, Ralph Brown, THEN Ade, but he wont be here much longer.

no need for ross
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Old 08-18-2004, 12:28 PM   #8
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Well, we've been through this discussion in 3 previous threads, and I still maintain the same thing I have since his name first came up. Gardner and a pick!! Good for us, and they will probably bite. I've heard how they would never want Gardner, we can't give up Gardner, Gardner should be enough, and even that we don't have cap room. None of those are on target. Now I hear we should just offer a draft pick. Well, they won't return the call on that one. Wannstadt wants help NOW. His job is on the line this year. No one is going to give a top WR, so they would be interested in Gardner. Betts could be a throw-in, but it will still require a pick to even it out. I still think (as I have maintained in the other threads):

1. We have a great shot with this type of offer

2. The trade will release room under the cap

3. We NEED a quality pass rusher (not ONE expert will argue this one!)

4. We can afford Gardner, because he will be catching splinters by week 4 if not before the season starts.

5. We may lose out to another team's offer, but don't be surprised if we get him!!
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Old 08-18-2004, 12:34 PM   #9
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First of all.....Let's give Ramsey a shot. Just because he looked horrible the first two games doesn't mean that he's lost any value. He still has a canon and I think he's still considered a rookie. He's only played 16 games so far in his 2 year career, so let's give him a chance to prove himself. I bet you if Ramsey would've thrown that touchdown pass to McCants no one would be mentioning his name for trades.

Gardner (50-50) needs to have a break out season this year and under Gibbs system, I believe he can. Hopefully with guys like McCants and Thrash pushing for the #2 spot will motivate him a little. As far as our DB's...I think we have pretty good depth to survive this season.

Ogun is asking for a hefty contract, and we all know the Redskins salary cap situation. Smoot, and Gardner are on their contract years so look for them to step up this season.
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Old 08-18-2004, 02:07 PM   #10
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How does one go about starting a new thread on here? I just saw this on ESPN - the Eagles' Kalu is done for the season with an ACL.
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Old 08-18-2004, 02:07 PM   #11
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I know it would be hard... but we could offer up either McCants or Thrash plus a mid-round pick. That would end the 3 WR competition.
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Old 08-18-2004, 02:15 PM   #12
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hurrykaine, if you go to the main page of whatever forum you want to post a new thread in, you'll see a blue button at the top left that says "Post New Thread". Here's the locker room forum for example,

You should see that button in the upper left side

Matty, I thought McCants just signed a new deal
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Old 08-18-2004, 02:18 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Mattyk72
McCants hasn't proved anything except that he's still too inconsistent.

The thing that concerns me is the big contract he'll be looking for.
Well I am in total disagreement with this statement. He has proved he can score. He had one bad play 2 years ago when he fumbled the ball on his way to the endzone. He also gave up a big payday this year so he could resign with the Skins, knowing that Gibbs was back. This has been widely reported in the media and also the statement was made by Mccants himself. Plus there is no attitude from him, just the will to win.

Trade Jacobs and a pick for the Miami monster. But watching the way the d-line played Saturday, I would give it another week to see if what we saw was not a illusion.
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Old 08-18-2004, 02:22 PM   #14
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Originally Posted by smootsmack
hurrykaine, if you go to the main page of whatever forum you want to post a new thread in, you'll see a blue button at the top left that says "Post New Thread". Here's the locker room forum for example,

You should see that button in the upper left side

Matty, I thought McCants just signed a new deal
Sorry, my second sentence there was referring to Ogunleye.
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Old 08-18-2004, 02:40 PM   #15
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so many more teams have so much more to trade. they're looking for a replacement for Ricky Williams or David Boston for chrissakes...

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