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Old 04-28-2008, 10:03 AM   #1
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Redskins Insider: Draft Review

More of the same from the ever growing Skins wet blanket.

Draft Review - Redskins Insider
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Old 04-28-2008, 10:17 AM   #2
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Re: Redskins Insider: Draft Review

Dudes, Jason LaConfora is the most negative dude in the world. I like him most of the time, but he pisses me off with posts like that. Let's see how it unfolds before you bring up your conspiracy theories about falling recievers on certain peoples draft boards.
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Old 04-28-2008, 10:23 AM   #3
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Re: Redskins Insider: Draft Review

Malcolm Kelly looks like a player to me. From the limited stuff I've seen on him I don't think the Skins were merely pulling stuff out of thin air here. Fred Davis also looks like a player, though this pick is probably the one to watch. If Calais Campbell is a beast it might get tough to justify this pick, even if Davis is productive. If Campbell isn't all that great then passing on him might look better.

Another spin JLC could have put on this would be to compare it to the 2002 Eagles draft where they got Lito Sheppard, Michael Lewis, and Sheldon Brown in the first two rounds even though they still had a couple of Pro Bowlers at corner. Many have long said that the Eagles are one of the franchises that 'does things right' and they got those guys in there, moved out higher priced players in subsequent seasons, and reloaded their roster. Since the Redskins are only going to be paying these guys 2nd round money they are really going to be coming in on the cheap. They will also have some time to develop behind some proven starters, which is imperative for most young WRs. I do think the Philadelphia example is apt, though, and it might also be worth mentioning that among those WRs that Snyder 'coveted', Moss and Braylon Edwards and probably Calvin Johnson all have turned out to be pretty good players.
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Old 04-28-2008, 10:36 AM   #4
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Re: Redskins Insider: Draft Review

Wet blanket is right.

JLC has jumped the shark big time.
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Old 04-28-2008, 10:45 AM   #5
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Re: Redskins Insider: Draft Review

His column should have read like this...

"Draft Review
Anyone who tries to tell you they can judge a draft immediately is full on bunk. So I'll shut up now."

And that's it. Like I said last week, I heard a rumor that he'll be gone as RI in the next couple of months. I really really hope that rumor is true. Maybe he can go get a job as Earnest Byner's cabana boy.
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Old 04-28-2008, 10:47 AM   #6
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Re: Redskins Insider: Draft Review

Originally Posted by SmootSmack View Post
His column should have read like this...

"Draft Review
Anyone who tries to tell you they can judge a draft immediately is full on bunk. So I'll shut up now."

And that's it. Like I said last week, I heard a rumor that he'll be gone as RI in the next couple of months. I really really hope that rumor is true. Maybe he can go get a job as Earnest Byner's cabana boy.
Yeah pretty hilarious... you can't judge a draft right away but I'm going to proceed to piss all over this one anyway.
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Old 04-28-2008, 10:54 AM   #7
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Re: Redskins Insider: Draft Review

I heard JLa is starting his own website,
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Old 04-28-2008, 10:58 AM   #8
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Re: Redskins Insider: Draft Review

Originally Posted by SmootSmack View Post
His column should have read like this...

"Draft Review
Anyone who tries to tell you they can judge a draft immediately is full on bunk. So I'll shut up now."

And that's it. Like I said last week, I heard a rumor that he'll be gone as RI in the next couple of months. I really really hope that rumor is true. Maybe he can go get a job as Earnest Byner's cabana boy.
Maybe that is his ultimate goal. Then, as someone said either here or somewhere else (can't remember), he can go on to write a blog about all things Baltimore, or Premier League football, or what is currently playing on his iPod...
It has taken a long time, but I have finally realized that nothing I say about the Redskins will have any effect upon anything the Redskins do.
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Old 04-28-2008, 11:09 AM   #9
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Re: Redskins Insider: Draft Review

I agree. I'll value Mel Kiper Jr opinion and his 30 years of draft coverage and researsh before JLC throws the front office under the bus for this past weekend. Kiper gave us a B+ grade, second only to the 'A' earned by the Chiefs which I think everyone would agree had the best draft, at least the best Day 1
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Old 04-28-2008, 11:11 AM   #10
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Re: Redskins Insider: Draft Review

Bottom line...

If the Redskins do not score 30 points a game EVERY game, this draft will be completely fruitless. Lets look at this from an offensive standpoint for a second... They LOVE Lorenzo Alexander, Stephon Heyer, and now have a solid RG-RT from the draft. They still have Clinton Portis and Ledell Betts. Now, they have one of the best TE's in the draft, arguably the best game changing receiver and KR threat, and another big body in Malcolm Kelly. ARE wont be around come 2011, and Moss may be on his way out as well. This was a great pickup, with SUPERIOR pass catchers the west coast offense can flourish. I can only imagine set running plays with Mix, Kelly, Cooley and Davis all at wing spots within the lineup. We can become highly dynamic, and possibly turn into the greatest show on grass.

Lets face it, Tryon has the attitude and strength to become a strong defensive playmaker. Kareem Moore can easily beat out Doughty. I think Caleb Campbell, Craig Steltz or Jonathan Hefney would have been better pickups, but I trust Blache.

I hope Erin Henderson is within our RFA group and maybe Erik Ainge and Jamar Adams...

All in all I think Rob Jackson could be a poor man's justin tuck, and I truly love the Fred Davis pick...
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Old 04-28-2008, 11:15 AM   #11
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Re: Redskins Insider: Draft Review

Man, he really has a bug up his ass for DS and VC. It seems like they can do no right. Part of me hopes the WR's and TE burn it up just watch him twist. I got no feelings one way or another for the guy but some of his ill-will seems a little over the top. There are some legitimate criticisms but, jeez, it's not like this wasn't an area of need where top talent was available.

Yes. They took a bit of a gamble - gambles have down sides, deal with it. Should we have spent more on defense, I dunno we have been pretty defensive oriented the last few drafts and, as a result, offensive depth has suffered.
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Old 04-28-2008, 11:17 AM   #12
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Re: Redskins Insider: Draft Review

Originally Posted by Smeezed_82 View Post
Bottom line...

If the Redskins do not score 30 points a game EVERY game, this draft will be completely fruitless. Lets look at this from an offensive standpoint for a second... They LOVE Lorenzo Alexander, Stephon Heyer, and now have a solid RG-RT from the draft. They still have Clinton Portis and Ledell Betts. Now, they have one of the best TE's in the draft, arguably the best game changing receiver and KR threat, and another big body in Malcolm Kelly. ARE wont be around come 2011, and Moss may be on his way out as well. This was a great pickup, with SUPERIOR pass catchers the west coast offense can flourish. I can only imagine set running plays with Mix, Kelly, Cooley and Davis all at wing spots within the lineup. We can become highly dynamic, and possibly turn into the greatest show on grass.

Lets face it, Tryon has the attitude and strength to become a strong defensive playmaker. Kareem Moore can easily beat out Doughty. I think Caleb Campbell, Craig Steltz or Jonathan Hefney would have been better pickups, but I trust Blache.

I hope Erin Henderson is within our RFA group and maybe Erik Ainge and Jamar Adams...

All in all I think Rob Jackson could be a poor man's justin tuck, and I truly love the Fred Davis pick...
Okay, let's slow down here. The Skins 'aint going to score over 30 points a game next year. That would probably be the biggest offensive turn around in history if it happens. They undoubtedly added some very important pieces to the puzzle this weekend, as you've noted, but that would be a big jump.

Hey at first glance your screen name looks like another dude that comes around here every now and then. His name is Schneed.
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Old 04-28-2008, 11:24 AM   #13
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Re: Redskins Insider: Draft Review

agree they will not score 30 points/game next year but YOU CANNOT DENY the fact that everything they have done from the moment Gibbs retired to the present time has been focused to jumpstart the offense. From the firing of Saunders and the hiring of Zorn, the the proclomation that Campbell is the starter and bringing in all those offensive draftees. I know the defensive is getting old but lets cmon they were solid last year, really no chnage in philosophy and we did strenghten the secondary.

I do think that 2008 will be an improvement in the offense but it will take at least a full year for the team to digest the new offense and for the new kids to get their feet wet.
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Old 04-28-2008, 12:27 PM   #14
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Re: Redskins Insider: Draft Review

I was debating whether to create another thread with this but it seems like the best forum for it right here. I felt the same way about the JLC blog post this morning when I read it so I sent him an e-mail. He's always been cool about replying to my e-mails so I figured I'd give it a shot.. Here's what I sent and I italicized his response. Despite how you feel about his writing or stance, he's a stand-up dude IMO.


First of all, thanks for all that you do and the diligent work that you put in to keep us informed year round on all things Redskins!

I do however have to point out that I’ve been troubled by your tone on your recent posts. While you aren’t a fan (nor should you be as a journalist) there is a decidedly more negative/bitter tone towards many things in your blog since the coaching search. I’m not deluded enough to think that Danny and Vinny are above reproach or are right all or even most of the time, but I’m willing to let this play out with Zorn without the gloom and doom that accompanies your recent postings. My concern is that people will stop reading the blog because they don’t want to always read the negative tone and the Post will eliminate it for lack of traffic.

I’ll continue to tune in to the blog postings and thanks again for all of your efforts!!


JLC Response:
Thanks so much for taking the time to write, John. Awesome of you to do so. I'm just trying to hold them accountable and see if their words match their deeds, as they ask the fans to pay gobs of money for this product but are generally less than forthcoming or truthful to these same fans.
When they do something positive - lkike trading down, etc - I'm never shy to say so. And if they make puzzling and unusual moves - which pretty much defines the last 4 months - then I detail why succesful front offices and people around the league found those moves odd and potentially troubling to the fans here.
Lately, the weird has outweighed all else and without gibbs there and just snyder and cerrato running the show they are going to be evaluated every so closely. Neither has anything close to a sparkling track record, and in my opinion warrant a critical look as they make major decisions that will shape the franchise.
Thanks again for reading the blog and sending the email. I will definitely keep your words in mind.
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Old 04-28-2008, 12:32 PM   #15
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Re: Redskins Insider: Draft Review

He is a standup guy and will respond to most emails. I just wish he could outline what he did like about the Redskins draft. It just seems odd when most draft experts are giving the Redskins a good grade and here's JLC tearing them a new one.
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