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Front Office Smear Campaign Against Williams?

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Old 01-26-2008, 01:55 PM   #1
Sheriff Gonna Getcha
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Front Office Smear Campaign Against Williams?

As many of you know, someone or some people out of Redskins Park have spread rumors that Williams attacked Gibbs during the interview process. Williams has, of course, denied ever attacking Gibbs and reporters such as JLC have confirmed that Williams has always strongly supported Gibbs in private. So my question is, is the front office launching a smear campaign designed to dampen the fan reaction to word that Fassel, and not Williams, is the front runner to become head coach?

I tend to think so. Reportedly, the only three persons present at Williams' interviews were Snyder, Cerrato and Williams. Moreover, Snyder has a past of childish antics (e.g., sending D. Coordinator Mike Nolan vanilla ice cream to express his displeasure with the defense, threatening to send a TV to L. Coles, and refusing to acknowledge L. Arrington during the contract dispute). If true, Snyder needs to grow the f up.
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Old 01-26-2008, 02:00 PM   #2
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Re: Front Office Smear Campaign Against Williams?

Originally Posted by Sheriff Gonna Getcha View Post
As many of you know, someone or some people out of Redskins Park have spread rumors that Williams attacked Gibbs during the interview process. Williams has, of course, denied ever attacking Gibbs and reporters such as JLC have confirmed that Williams has always strongly supported Gibbs in private. So my question is, is the front office launching a smear campaign designed to dampen the fan reaction to word that Fassel, and not Williams, is the front runner to become head coach?

I tend to think so. Reportedly, the only three persons present at Williams' interviews were Snyder, Cerrato and Williams. Moreover, Snyder has a past of childish antics (e.g., sending D. Coordinator Mike Nolan vanilla ice cream to express his displeasure with the defense, threatening to send a TV to L. Coles, and refusing to acknowledge L. Arrington during the contract dispute). If true, Snyder needs to grow the f up.
We don't know if this true or not, as usual the media is in the middle of everything. Soon enough we'll know for sure.
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Old 01-26-2008, 02:05 PM   #3
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Re: Front Office Smear Campaign Against Williams?

I don't know who or what to believe because the players involved in this mess are a bunch of football talking heads that don't abide by any system of checks and balances, an eccentric owner with a huge ego who could care less what anyone thinks and a tough minded sometimes hot headed coach who also has an extra helping of ego.
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Old 01-26-2008, 02:09 PM   #4
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Re: Front Office Smear Campaign Against Williams?

First of all, I don't believe for one moment that Gregg Williams said anything against Joe Gibbs. Williams respects Gibbs, plain and simple. Until Williams himself admits he said anything that could be taken in any way, shape, or form disparaging of Joe Gibbs, it's all plain out just a bunch of crap.

I don't put anything past the media to blow anything they can out of proportion so as to put out a news story. I don't believe this has anything to do with Gregg Williams, Dan, or Vinny. I think it's just the news media acting like they normally do.
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Old 01-26-2008, 02:11 PM   #5
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Re: Front Office Smear Campaign Against Williams?

Originally Posted by wilsowilso View Post
I don't know who or what to believe because the players involved in this mess are a bunch of football talking heads that don't abide by any system of checks and balances, an eccentric owner with a huge ego who could care less what anyone thinks and a tough minded sometimes hot headed coach who also has an extra helping of ego.

I might be the only one out there, but I tend to think the Danny gets a bad rap sometimes and we're all so quick to jump on the wagon when things aren't going so hot
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Old 01-26-2008, 02:21 PM   #6
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Re: Front Office Smear Campaign Against Williams?

It just might not be such a good idea to pay a lot of attention to many of the stories coming out of Redskins Park these days. To be honest, I'm not that impressed with the reporting of JLC for the Wash.Post on the Redskins. I've also been watching him on ComcastSportsNet every day at 5:00 PM saying the same thing over and over. I also keep a close eye on his blog.....He makes it plain he'd rather be somewhere else, doing something else.
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Old 01-26-2008, 02:31 PM   #7
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Re: Front Office Smear Campaign Against Williams?

I unconditionally believe Gregg Williams in his statements about the matter.
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Old 01-26-2008, 02:32 PM   #8
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Re: Front Office Smear Campaign Against Williams?

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I guess you can't call it official because its a blog...but still.....telling
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Old 01-26-2008, 02:47 PM   #9
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Re: Front Office Smear Campaign Against Williams?

His agent didn't seem to imply there was any smear campaign going on
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Old 01-26-2008, 03:16 PM   #10
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Re: Front Office Smear Campaign Against Williams?

OK, I'm gone 12 hours and now there are reports that GW attacked Gibbs. I can't find anything here is there a link or is this just an internet rumor?
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Old 01-26-2008, 03:35 PM   #11
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Re: Front Office Smear Campaign Against Williams?

Originally Posted by SmootSmack View Post
His agent didn't seem to imply there was any smear campaign going on
True, and this whole episode might be a miscommunication. But, his agent would be wise to avoid attacking the Redskins front office (or any other front office) for that matter.
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Old 01-26-2008, 04:03 PM   #12
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Re: Front Office Smear Campaign Against Williams?

Do you honestly believe that GW had nothing bad to say about Gibbs? It’s like saying we had nothing to say about, "Grandpa" Gibbs or the game has passed him by. Of course GW had some negative things to say about Gibbs.

It’s possible that GW stated his opinion during the interview process of a situation about Gibbs. Being as the blunt and ego maniac he is, probably offended the over pompous owner and Vinny. While the offense was short lived, it would not be too hard to imagine those two spinning the gossip wheel to help serve another purpose.

I do believe though, the public and more importantly the team feels that GW is the best candidate by a mile. DS and VC would have to figure out how divide the masses to give another choice a chance. With not much going on for the B&G, everyone’s attention is solely on the interview process, eating up any tidbit that gets spewed out as rumor. To use some of the comments about GW from the interview and circulate them around would start such a processes. It would be stupid NOT to make such a move.

Now that I’ve stated that opinion, I will say I do hope this is all just a bunch of whoie. I hope to read this Monday that GW has been named the HC.
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Old 01-26-2008, 04:20 PM   #13
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Re: Front Office Smear Campaign Against Williams?

Originally Posted by Sheriff Gonna Getcha View Post
As many of you know, someone or some people out of Redskins Park have spread rumors that Williams attacked Gibbs during the interview process. Williams has, of course, denied ever attacking Gibbs and reporters such as JLC have confirmed that Williams has always strongly supported Gibbs in private. So my question is, is the front office launching a smear campaign designed to dampen the fan reaction to word that Fassel, and not Williams, is the front runner to become head coach?

I tend to think so. Reportedly, the only three persons present at Williams' interviews were Snyder, Cerrato and Williams. Moreover, Snyder has a past of childish antics (e.g., sending D. Coordinator Mike Nolan vanilla ice cream to express his displeasure with the defense, threatening to send a TV to L. Coles, and refusing to acknowledge L. Arrington during the contract dispute). If true, Snyder needs to grow the f up.
After ST pased away I really changed my opinions on Snyder. It looked like he turned the corner as an owner. But right now, as a fan, I'm utterly disgusted with him and Cerrato. And right now I just don't feel like wearing any Redskins gear. Those two have sucked the the fan out of me. Is it me, or does Snyder lack any type of people skills. For a guy who made his money selling advertising and marketing, you would think he would know a little bit about public relations. You would think he would know how to treat people. Because you have to have good people skills to be in marketing. But it seems he really fails in this area. BADLY.
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Old 01-26-2008, 04:22 PM   #14
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Re: Front Office Smear Campaign Against Williams?

Originally Posted by skinsfan69 View Post
After ST pased away I really changed my opinions on Snyder. It looked like he turned the corner as an owner. But right now, as a fan, I'm utterly disgusted with him and Cerrato. And right now I just don't feel like wearing any Redskins gear. Those two have sucked the the fan out of me. Is it me, or does Snyder lack any type of people skills. For a guy who made his money selling advertising and marketing, you would think he would know a little bit about public relations. You would think he would know how to treat people. Because you have to have good people skills to be in marketing. But it seems he really fails in this area. BADLY.
He simply just sucks at life..... when it comes to owning a team of the honor and dignity of the Redskins!
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