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Fedex Field's on-line suggestion box

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Old 01-07-2008, 11:31 PM   #1
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Fedex Field's on-line suggestion box

Our stadium,(or is it really ours?) is not even close to what RFK was. No S**t there, but still I have some ideas to improve it.

1) When I was in Germany, at the soccer games, they take all the loud-mouth, over-confident guys who you wish could just leave, from the away team, and give them their own section in the building, normally in one corner. We could do that, then also only sell tickets in one section, to bigger Skins fans. Keep the support in one place, most of us would be there, minus sandtrapjack, giantone, Big D, etc.

2) A kick-off chant, like what Notre Dame does, to get the fans into the game. And how about lower the prices so some of the guys just out of college can get in, who actually care what is going on. And I don't mean their sales pitch.

3) To make it harder for kickers, do what college fans do at the games to distract the free-throw shooters; move your arms right to left.

4) Too bad we don't have a closed roof on fed-ex.

* For the record, seahawk fans are average, like most other fans, but if not for their seahawks, they'd have no life; besides coffee. The false starts are a result of 5 years in the worst division anyone could imagine.
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Old 01-07-2008, 11:36 PM   #2
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Re: Fedex Field's on-line suggestion box

is there a place you can actually submit reco's or are you just tossing out ideas?

agree with you on your suggestions...FedEx just seems void of character and passion. too corporate.
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Old 01-07-2008, 11:39 PM   #3
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Re: Fedex Field's on-line suggestion box

Originally Posted by BrunellMVP? View Post
is there a place you can actually submit reco's or are you just tossing out ideas?

agree with you on your suggestions...FedEx just seems void of character and passion. too corporate.
It depends, which one of us is Mr.Snyder, hiding behind a screen name?
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Old 01-07-2008, 11:40 PM   #4
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Re: Fedex Field's on-line suggestion box

I dunno.. Those seem like good ideas but comparing soccer to football is like comparing apples to oranges. I don't like the idea of segregating the away team from the home team even though they do that in some college football as well. There's just something about talking smack to the Cowboy fan sitting right in front of you when we're bending them over that I don't wanna lose.

As for lowering prices, while there might be a bigger turnout, I don't see how lower prices are going to appeal to college kids? I mean most of the kids I know in college will sell their kidney if they need to get to a Redskins game. Meaning if they REALLY wanna go, they're gonna go, no matter how high the price.

I thought people did wave things in the air when kickers kick, especially during FGs? I've never been to a pro game, so I dunno.

A closed roof on Fedex would be nice. Cause then we could have a Superbowl!
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Old 01-07-2008, 11:44 PM   #5
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Re: Fedex Field's on-line suggestion box

Originally Posted by DynamiteRave View Post
I dunno.. Those seem like good ideas but comparing soccer to football is like comparing apples to oranges. I don't like the idea of segregating the away team from the home team even though they do that in some college football as well. There's just something about talking smack to the Cowboy fan sitting right in front of you when we're bending them over that I don't wanna lose.

As for lowering prices, while there might be a bigger turnout, I don't see how lower prices are going to appeal to college kids? I mean most of the kids I know in college will sell their kidney if they need to get to a Redskins game. Meaning if they REALLY wanna go, they're gonna go, no matter how high the price.

I thought people did wave things in the air when kickers kick, especially during FGs? I've never been to a pro game, so I dunno.

A closed roof on Fedex would be nice. Cause then we could have a Superbowl!
Apoligies to Saden, they don't do it at Qwest field. people from seattle are too damn nice, they'd help the ball through the uprights if they could.
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Old 01-07-2008, 11:49 PM   #6
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Re: Fedex Field's on-line suggestion box

I don't know that it really has the same impact to wave things around to distract a kicker as it is to distract a free throw shooter. The distance between the athlete and the fan is so much smaller in basketball. Makes it a lot easier to distract
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Old 01-08-2008, 12:39 AM   #7
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Re: Fedex Field's on-line suggestion box

I won't be greedy, all I want is a partially closed-in roof for the loud-factor. The minute I heard Seattle's crowd, I couldn't help think of RFK when you, literally, couldn't hear the person sitting next to you. When Joe T had to motion the crowd quiet when he was about to score. We get that, we wouldn't need rituals or chants.

And I agree, FedEx is too corporate. Another peeve, the Club Level. What's with the posers who watch the game from the designer sofas?
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