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Top Five QBs of the Past 25 Years

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Old 08-08-2004, 03:56 PM   #1
Uncle Phil
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Top Five QBs of the Past 25 Years

Watching the Hall of Fame inductions today has me wondering who would you guys say are the five best QBs of the past 25 years? I thought all-time would be way too difficult.

Here's what I'm thinking:

1. Joe Montana: Never thought he couldn't pull out a victory
2. Brett Favre: Has there been a better peformance in recent memory than his MNF game last year against the Raiders the day after his dad died?
3. John Elway: Where would he stand if he never got his two Super Bowls?
4. Dan Marino: Kicked ass in Tecmo Bowl!
5. Jim Kelly: Always felt he was somewhat underrated actually

This leaves off QBs such as Warren Moon, Troy Aikman, Steve Young, Peyton Manning, Phil Simms, among others

Who would you guys put in your top 5?
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Old 08-08-2004, 04:11 PM   #2
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Well, A lot of those guys are talented, but here's my list in no particular order:

Michael Vick - Never has a quarterback been such a hassel to defense. He can make the play with his arm and his legs.

Randall Cunningham - See above, the father of it all.

Favre - I hate him, but I have to put him in here. Warrior.

Elway - perhaps one of the greatest atheletes ever in the NFL, even though his career started out just like your hated Manning. I love how he refused to go to NE if they drafted him, but went to Denver and now he's a hero and no one's upset about the hold out.

McNair - does anyone else give THAT much for his team?

Danny Weurffel - Able to perfectly execute Steve Spurriers offense even though he lacked arm strength. Easy induction into the HoF.
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Old 08-08-2004, 04:51 PM   #3
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lol...oh DaSeal....and what exactly do you mean by perfectly execute? I guess a perfect Spurrier system doesnt have to equate victory...

I wouldnt put Vick on the list, because being a great QB is more then just you ability. Vick could be great but hes got to get some seasons under his belt first. Cunningham definitly helped start that type of QB though, remember how good he was with the Vikings at the end of his career?

Phil Simms is one of those guys that its easy to argue he should be on that list. Because he had a great career without really ever having a great receiver. Montana had some of the best receivers ever. Not to take away from him, hes still probably one of the best ever, but Simms had a heck of a carrer without havign stars around him.

I like the McNair call. the guy hasnt practiced in what, 15 years? He just sits crimpled during the week playing madden, then lights it up on Sunday.
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Old 08-08-2004, 06:13 PM   #4
Uncle Phil
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Originally Posted by Daseal
Well, A lot of those guys are talented, but here's my list in no particular order:

Michael Vick - Never has a quarterback been such a hassel to defense. He can make the play with his arm and his legs.

Randall Cunningham - See above, the father of it all.

Favre - I hate him, but I have to put him in here. Warrior.

Elway - perhaps one of the greatest atheletes ever in the NFL, even though his career started out just like your hated Manning. I love how he refused to go to NE if they drafted him, but went to Denver and now he's a hero and no one's upset about the hold out.

McNair - does anyone else give THAT much for his team?

Danny Weurffel - Able to perfectly execute Steve Spurriers offense even though he lacked arm strength. Easy induction into the HoF.

Too early to tell on Vick, at this point Daunte Culpepper has done more damage with his arm and legs.

Why do you hate Favre?

It was Baltimore for Elway and as I understand it people there are still bitter.

I love McNair and it was tough for me to keep him off the top 5. How is it that when McNair skips practice to nurse injuries yet plays, once a week mind you, he's a "warrior" yet Allen Iverson does the same, and plays nearly every day, and he's "all that's wrong with today's athlete"

Wuerffel and Jacquez Green, HOF, Class of 2008!

I forgot about Dan Fouts, he should receive some votes as well
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Old 08-08-2004, 06:37 PM   #5
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its his look.. If McNair was covered in tattoos they would think hes a rebel and a bad role model to. Either way they both can play.
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Old 08-08-2004, 06:48 PM   #6
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Vick has only started 21 games in 3 seasons, he can't possibly be on the list

1. Joe Montana - best ever
2.. Dan Marino - made every play with his arm, don't believe I ever saw him roll out of the Pocket
3. John Elway - very Montanalike, wish he was still playing
4. Jim Kelly - very underrated, would he be on top if he had won a superbowl?
5. Brett Favre - he'll never hang it up

Thought about putting Aikman up there, as a Redskins fan I couldn't bring myself to do it
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Old 08-08-2004, 06:54 PM   #7
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if you did atleast its what of the few cowboys with class.

Favre will never hang it up but I dont know if that makes him a great QB. Hes had a good career but I dont thinkk hes done that well in recent years and that hes become overrated. He used to be able to make plays and comebacks. It seems now that hes more likely to throw a pick then anything. I watched him a bunch of times last year throw balls taht were just stupid, I thought I was watching a rookie and not a potential hall of famer. He wants his ring, and is sticking around to try and get it, but i dont think hes good enough anymore to lead that team to the superbowl
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Old 08-08-2004, 06:56 PM   #8
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1. Montana: great leader and was always cool when the heat was on
2. Marino: best pure passer the league will probably ever see
3. Elway: gotta love the way he rode out on top with 2 straight rings
4. Favre: another ring and I would rate him above Elway, pure gunslinger
5. Aikman: yeah I know he was the enemy but I always had great respect for him
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Old 08-08-2004, 07:26 PM   #9
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new here ...
in no order

1. how can you say favre is just good? he's amazing. privilege to watch him.

2. cunningham was good. that's it.

3. favre, manning, mcnair, brady, culpepper, and mcnabb are currently the top qbs. pennington is really close since he doesn't have that many seaons under is belt. also creeping in is hasselback.

4. vick cannot be metioned at all. exciting to watch? yes, but he hasn't even played two full seaons yet.

5. how can no one mention young?

6. sims, fouts, aikman and kelly round out the top 9. sorry, can't think of one more qb off the top of my head.
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Old 08-08-2004, 07:37 PM   #10
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regulus, good to hear from you, nice first post
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Old 08-08-2004, 07:39 PM   #11
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thanks smootsmack... been reading stuff here for quite some time, just never posted. much better than, that is for sure. i thank my friend DaSeal for showing me the light.
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Old 08-08-2004, 08:11 PM   #12
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Hey guys! Good posts so far. I can agree that all the quarterbacks mentioned above are excellent. However, I believe the greatest quarterback that I have ever seen is Joe Montana, who many refer to as "Joe Cool".

He didn't have a lot of the physical tools that a lot of other quarterbacks had, like the cannon arm, great speed, or a towering stature, but he had all the intangibles. Montana was a winner.

In his career, he had 31 fourth quarter come back victories. He won all 4 Superbowls that he went to. He won 3 Superbowl MVP's, more than any other player in NFL history.

In his Superbowl games, he completed 83-122 passes for 1,142 yards with 11 touchdowns and no interceptions. His QB rating was 127.8. He was unflappable under pressure.

Sure, he had great receivers, but so do many other QB's, the difference was in Joe's demeanor. He electrified the huddle when he entered it. His coolness was always present even in the roughest of situations. During a huddle in the 1989 Superbowl vs. the Bengals, with the 49'ers down by 3 and 3:20 on the clock Joe spotted something. Not something special about the defense, but rather he pointed to the stands and said "isn't that John Candy." Afterwards, he continued to lead the 49'ers 92 yards, throwing the winning touchdown with 34 seconds remaining.

So, some quarterbakcs I have seen are very good, but only one has been great and that was Joe Cool. His ability to win under pressure has been unparalleled over the past 20 years.
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Old 08-08-2004, 08:31 PM   #13
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Sammy Baugh
Sonny Jergensen
Joe Thiesman
Doug Williams
Mark Rypien

I cant think of anything better!
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Old 08-08-2004, 08:47 PM   #14
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Sammy Baugh been within 25 years? =p

I feel Vick deserves the list. Name one QB that threatens defensive coordinators now days, sure he hasn't been consistant. However he has arm strength, accuracy, and moves that are simply mind boggling. Provided his career lasts 7+ years he'll be recognized as one of the greatest. I feel he does more with nothing than a lot of the other QBs mentioned.

I don't feel brady deserves to make the list. That's like putting Jake DelHomme on there.

Reg - Cunningham was more than "good" man. Dude was a beast!
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Old 08-08-2004, 10:23 PM   #15
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Weuffel is like that bad four-letter word you never want to say, and would feel the shame if you said it in a croud.
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