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Even if we don't make the playoffs....

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Old 12-05-2007, 12:19 AM   #1
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Even if we don't make the playoffs....

I say that we all cheer for the Redskins to go 9-7 or 8-8... Let's set that goal. I mean it would be a better record than last year. That would be an improvement that we should be proud about this season.
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Old 12-05-2007, 12:22 AM   #2
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Re: Even if we don't make the playoffs....

Just one more win would be better than last year. Yes it is better than year but we hold our team to high standards.

Originally Posted by Lotus View Post
First they ban this?
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Old 12-05-2007, 01:13 AM   #3
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Re: Even if we don't make the playoffs....

Guys if we finish 9-7 we will get in because we own the tie breaker with ARZ, DET, AND if we beat MIN we will own it over them as well. Honestly i think 8-8 will get a team in because ARZ won't win out neither will MIN so we just HAVE to win thurs for any shot at it!!!!!
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Old 12-05-2007, 01:36 PM   #4
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Re: Even if we don't make the playoffs....

I still say if we are in the NFC South or West we are a division winner. That being said, I'm happy with 8-8 and home for the Holidays. There are a lot of things from this year to build on. Only once this year have we not been in it at the end this year and that is more than a lot of teams can say. For the first time in a long time I think we have a nice mix of veterans and youth and some of the best players are young and should only get better.
Playoffs would be great, but I'm not holding my breath.
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Old 12-05-2007, 02:44 PM   #5
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Re: Even if we don't make the playoffs....

I feel like I should be responding a la Jim Mora: "PLAYOFFS??!! PLAYOFFS??!!"

Guys -- we just need to win a game here. We have lost 4 in a row, 3 of which we should have won and everyone now admits that the team is reeling from Taylor's death (which is entirely understandable). I agree with the sentiment that the team should be proud for hanging in there -- I cannot imagine trying to play a game if one of my close friends and teammates was murdered days before and I knew I was attending the funeral the next morning. Yes, they're professional athletes, but they're also human beings, and that would be brutal for anyone to endure.

No one would be happier than me to see the team win out and make the playoffs. But I think folks might need to adjust expectations about the playoffs.

The Bills game was lost, in my view, at the lines. Our O-line couldn't protect Campbell and couldn't carve any holes for Portis. And our D-line never got near the Bills QB (whose career is so noteworthy, that I suspect most of the people on this site couldn't remember his name, just like I can't as I type this). If Thomas comes back tomorrow night, that will certainly help, but until our lines step up and play ball, we're not going to beat anyone -- and we shouldn't even be dreaming about the playoffs.

This season has been the harshest I can recall in my 30 or so years of being a fan. Season ending injury to Jansen. Huge injury to Thomas, causing him to miss most of the season. Injuries at various points to Wade, Heyer, and Rabach, causing them each to miss playing time. Ailing WRs who have every week had to contend with injuries. Injury to Griffin, sidelining him for a spell. Injury to Washington, sidelining him for a spell. Season ending injury to Rogers. Injuries to Springs, keeping him sidelined at times. The murder of our best defensive player. I am probably missing a few items, but you get my point. This was clearly not to be our year. I'd just like to see the team gut it out and win some games. If we make the playoffs, it would be miraculous, but given what has happened, I could certainly find some comfort in something short of that.
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Old 12-05-2007, 03:19 PM   #6
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Re: Even if we don't make the playoffs....

Playoffs = Not Happening

I love the team, I do NOT think JG needs fired, but there's no way we make the playoffs with this offensive line...
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Old 12-05-2007, 03:22 PM   #7
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Re: Even if we don't make the playoffs....

Guys, I'm sorry but Redskins fans deserve better than that.

Calia laid the fact, 4 losses in a row. And if the Bears win on Thursday it will be five consecutive losses. The fact of the matter is, 4 consecutive losses is the SECOND longest current losing streak in the NFL, second only to Miami who has dumped 12 straight.

You certainly deserve better than having consecutive times outs called creating a penalty, which gives the opposing kicker a closer shot.

No offense, but C'MON, this is a head coach in the NF friggin L. You expect that kind of "mistake" at the Pop Warner level, and no way at the NFL level. I know Gibbs accepted responsibility for that one, but it never should have happened.

The 10 defenders on the field for the first series against the Bills was a fitting tribute. BUT, Gibbs himself admitted he knew nothing of the plan to do that. From that statement it sounds to me as if there might be a communication breakdown in there somewhere.

Again you deserve better than that.
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Old 12-05-2007, 03:25 PM   #8
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Re: Even if we don't make the playoffs....

I know this has been a difficult season on many levels, and I also know that I am always looking for the positives. With that being said, we have been in every game but the game with the cheatriots, and we either blew a lead, or couldn't produce when we needed to.

I think we are right on the brink of being a very good team, when was the last time, we could have or should have won 11 of 12 games?
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Old 12-05-2007, 04:21 PM   #9
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Re: Even if we don't make the playoffs....

The we could have won 11 or 12 games is the new theam for the Redskins. We should get a new banner saying "Home Of The Could Have Won 11 or 12 Games". I guess almost winning games is a good thing and heck we should get in the playoffs just for that reason or maybe our team could actually win these games. Maybe we could go into the draft looking for some players to help us almost win game. We know we can find plenty of free agents and give them a bunch of money for some almost wins. Maybe trade our kicker for one who can just miss enough for the almost win. This team and coaching staff has to go out and win the next four games to show me they are tired of almost winning. So lets go out there and fight our guts out because we need a hard fought game so we can be proud of them for winning not loosing. Note to Gibbs, please use up all of our timouts before the end of the game and then we cannot call two in a row.
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Old 12-05-2007, 04:25 PM   #10
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Re: Even if we don't make the playoffs....

Originally Posted by firstdown View Post
The we could have won 11 or 12 games is the new theam for the Redskins. We should get a new banner saying "Home Of The Could Have Won 11 or 12 Games". I guess almost winning games is a good thing and heck we should get in the playoffs just for that reason or maybe our team could actually win these games. Maybe we could go into the draft looking for some players to help us almost win game. We know we can find plenty of free agents and give them a bunch of money for some almost wins. Maybe trade our kicker for one who can just miss enough for the almost win. This team and coaching staff has to go out and win the next four games to show me they are tired of almost winning. So lets go out there and fight our guts out because we need a hard fought game so we can be proud of them for winning not loosing. Note to Gibbs, please use up all of our timouts before the end of the game and then we cannot call two in a row.
I was just saying, its better than getting blown out week in and week out
'Russ Grimm would swallow his dip by halftime and throw up on somebody's shoes. Jeff Bostic and Mark May were fighting about who'd missed an assignment. And man did Riggo stink from his hangover. But we got it done.' Don Warren
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Old 12-05-2007, 04:33 PM   #11
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Re: Even if we don't make the playoffs....

Originally Posted by DFI View Post
I was just saying, its better than getting blown out week in and week out
No its not. A loss is a loss. Now if we were a young building team I would agree but we are not and we have the players to win games its just not getting done. The only thing we really have to blame this on as far as talent is our young QB. I'm not saying we have the team to win the SB but we have the players to win enough to make the playoffs.
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Old 12-05-2007, 07:01 PM   #12
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Re: Even if we don't make the playoffs....

Originally Posted by firstdown View Post
No its not. A loss is a loss.
I understand the theory of what you are saying. And I understand that no mater how close a loss is a loss, but are you actually saying that if we were having a season like miami you wouldn't feel differently that you do now? Or if our 7 losses were 50-0 blowouts it would make no difference?
'Russ Grimm would swallow his dip by halftime and throw up on somebody's shoes. Jeff Bostic and Mark May were fighting about who'd missed an assignment. And man did Riggo stink from his hangover. But we got it done.' Don Warren
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Old 12-05-2007, 07:15 PM   #13
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Re: Even if we don't make the playoffs....

Come on guys! I created this thread to keep hope for a winning season. There is a chance that we can have a winning season even if we don't make it to the playoffs. I rather have a winning season than a losing season!
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Old 12-05-2007, 07:40 PM   #14
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Re: Even if we don't make the playoffs....

I agree winning is always better, I see winning out as a possiblity if a few minor flaws are addressed
'Russ Grimm would swallow his dip by halftime and throw up on somebody's shoes. Jeff Bostic and Mark May were fighting about who'd missed an assignment. And man did Riggo stink from his hangover. But we got it done.' Don Warren
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Old 12-05-2007, 07:42 PM   #15
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Re: Even if we don't make the playoffs....

I think we get some players back off injury...should be interesting..
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