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NFL Network overrated.

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Old 11-12-2007, 08:58 AM   #1
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NFL Network overrated.

I know there's a lot of discussion on here about the NFL Network, how they're being screwed by cable providers, or the other way around. Lately I've been going to the NFL network, and then leaving immediately. Their flagship show, Total Access, is taped once a day, and played what seems to be 15 times a day. Rarely you'll get a Top 10 show, or a replay of a game. Overall, I'm extremely disappointed with the programming on this network.

The only reason to get it now is for the prime time NFL games. I definitely see why cable providers are refusing to give into their financial demands to carry the network.

Anyone else feel like me? Disagree?
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Old 11-12-2007, 09:21 AM   #2
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Re: NFL Network overrated.

Completely disagree. Their Sunday shows suck and they replay Total Access way too much (though I suspect they feel that since the majority of ESPNews is rehashed every half hour that it's what the sport fan wants). Give me more Steve Sabol and NFL films shows. Point After is a good show of Post game and midweek press conferences though I wish it was expanded. The best part of NFLN is the offseason where it is the only place to get an NFL fix. America's Game is one of the best series of shows I've ever seen. NFL Replay is great (though it's painful enough to watch most SKins games once this season). Put up your Dukes is a suprisingly great show. For those of us outside the DC area it is also the only way we can watch PreSeason games
Maybe instead of replaying the same Total Access (which really is a fairly surface show for casual fans) they could have more of these other shows for the more fanatical individual.
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Old 11-12-2007, 10:22 AM   #3
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Re: NFL Network overrated.

Originally Posted by rypper11 View Post
Completely disagree. Their Sunday shows suck and they replay Total Access way too much (though I suspect they feel that since the majority of ESPNews is rehashed every half hour that it's what the sport fan wants). Give me more Steve Sabol and NFL films shows. Point After is a good show of Post game and midweek press conferences though I wish it was expanded. The best part of NFLN is the offseason where it is the only place to get an NFL fix. America's Game is one of the best series of shows I've ever seen. NFL Replay is great (though it's painful enough to watch most SKins games once this season). Put up your Dukes is a suprisingly great show. For those of us outside the DC area it is also the only way we can watch PreSeason games
Maybe instead of replaying the same Total Access (which really is a fairly surface show for casual fans) they could have more of these other shows for the more fanatical individual.
I agree with daseal to a point in that the NFL Network's constant repeats gets old very fast. However, rypper11 hits the nail on the head in saying that it is really the only venue that gives us 'Skins fans an opportunity to see pre-season games in addition to an off-season NFL fix.

I just discovered that I can subscribe to a certain package on DirecTV that will allow me to see most of the CSN (Comcast Sports Network) broadcasts. This includes much of the local D.C. talk shows that discuss the Redskins (i.e.-Post Game Show, Coaches Corner, etc.) which I would never see here in Atlanta. But, it doesn't allow me to see any of the pro games, pre-season games, etc. It's still pretty cool though. I feel like I'm living in Maryland / D.C. again when I see all of the local advertising and such.
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Old 11-12-2007, 10:46 AM   #4
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Re: NFL Network overrated.

They do replay Total Access a lot but overall I really like the NFLN. NFL Replay, America's Game, their Top 10 shows, etc. are all keepers.
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Old 11-12-2007, 11:00 AM   #5
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Re: NFL Network overrated.

Maybe I wasn't clear. I like the programming they actually have, they just don't seem to have much of it. It seems like I see all of their programs replayed a lot. They definitely put on quality shows, but I guess my gripe is the lack of quantity they have. I mean, I need more making the squad! damnit!

I can also see how the network can be great in the off season. Personally, I have Sirius NFL radio on all the time so I don't get stuck without my football very long!
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Old 11-12-2007, 11:05 AM   #6
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Re: NFL Network overrated.

Yeah the offseason is really where NFLN is a life saver. I really love their combine coverage too.
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Old 11-12-2007, 11:06 AM   #7
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Re: NFL Network overrated.

Thes types of channels have limited budgets and limited man power. Its tougher to program when you are limited to one subject only and with limited resources its tough to produce new and more programing. I did enjoy the show Friday night of the 1983 Redskins and enjoyed last years replay of every Superbowl. If you missed ithem they showed each game just as it was played but with new commercials. If you wanting to only watch the NFL network your going to see a ton of repeats.
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Old 11-12-2007, 11:09 AM   #8
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Re: NFL Network overrated.

I do like NFL Replay, and I love those top ten countdowns. Those are usually always good (with the exception of top 10 rivalries, I don't know if you saw it but the #1 rivalry was "Raiders against the world"....). As for NFL Total Access, the ONLY thing that is good for is they have exstensive highlights, something you won't get on ESPN, I'm also a big fan of Steve Mariucci and Rod Woodson. That being said NFL Total Access is a little too long and they really only need to air it maybe 3 times a day max. I would love to see some more NFL Films stuff up there at least once a day.

And for the record I can't stand Deion Sanders.
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Old 11-12-2007, 11:48 AM   #9
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Re: NFL Network overrated.

Originally Posted by Cowell View Post
I do like NFL Replay, and I love those top ten countdowns. Those are usually always good (with the exception of top 10 rivalries, I don't know if you saw it but the #1 rivalry was "Raiders against the world"....). As for NFL Total Access, the ONLY thing that is good for is they have exstensive highlights, something you won't get on ESPN, I'm also a big fan of Steve Mariucci and Rod Woodson. That being said NFL Total Access is a little too long and they really only need to air it maybe 3 times a day max. I would love to see some more NFL Films stuff up there at least once a day.

And for the record I can't stand Deion Sanders.
I liked #2 (I think) it was George Allen and his hate for the Dallas. He did some pretty tripped out stuff to beat them.
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Old 11-12-2007, 04:18 PM   #10
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Re: NFL Network overrated.

I really like the 10 minute NFL replays they have on demand
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Old 11-12-2007, 04:44 PM   #11
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Re: NFL Network overrated.

NFLN has a few good programs. The problem is that they are on for 168 hours a week and all they have are a few good programs.

Take their "good stuff" - not counting the Thursday Nite Games and run it all back to back to back. Do you get 12 hours? Not by my count, but I'll concede that maybe there are 12 hours a week of good and original programming.

The problem at NFLN is what they do to fill those other 156 hours every week...
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Old 11-12-2007, 05:07 PM   #12
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Re: NFL Network overrated.

Originally Posted by Daseal View Post
I know there's a lot of discussion on here about the NFL Network, how they're being screwed by cable providers, or the other way around. Lately I've been going to the NFL network, and then leaving immediately. Their flagship show, Total Access, is taped once a day, and played what seems to be 15 times a day. Rarely you'll get a Top 10 show, or a replay of a game. Overall, I'm extremely disappointed with the programming on this network.

The only reason to get it now is for the prime time NFL games. I definitely see why cable providers are refusing to give into their financial demands to carry the network.

Anyone else feel like me? Disagree?
I disagree 100%. If you are a football junkie like me then you can't live w/out it. The main reason I like it is because of the off season. You get some NFL stuff year around 5 days a week. I simply can't watch Sports Center during the off season. Plus they have a college show and The America's Game series is just awesome awesome stuff. It doesn't get any better than The America's Game series. I mean I stayed home on Fri. nights to watch it.

But I would like to see some more new programming this year.
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Old 11-12-2007, 05:57 PM   #13
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Re: NFL Network overrated.

skinsfan: what do you watch in the offseason besides total access regularly? As I said, Im tuned into NFL radio a lot so I can see where people need their NFL -- as I've said -- they have great programming, just not enough of it.
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Old 11-12-2007, 08:56 PM   #14
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Re: NFL Network overrated.

Originally Posted by Daseal View Post
skinsfan: what do you watch in the offseason besides total access regularly? As I said, Im tuned into NFL radio a lot so I can see where people need their NFL -- as I've said -- they have great programming, just not enough of it.
That's really all I watch. But that's enough for me. I'll take that over Sports Center any day. But I'm a football purest and it's all I watch. But they had some other stuff. I mentioned America's Game. They had the show In Their Own Words which was really good. I'm not really into the replay stuff. I would like to see more programming which highlights the players, teams and coaches.
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Old 11-12-2007, 09:28 PM   #15
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Re: NFL Network overrated.

Originally Posted by sportscurmudgeon View Post
NFLN has a few good programs. The problem is that they are on for 168 hours a week and all they have are a few good programs.

Take their "good stuff" - not counting the Thursday Nite Games and run it all back to back to back. Do you get 12 hours? Not by my count, but I'll concede that maybe there are 12 hours a week of good and original programming.

The problem at NFLN is what they do to fill those other 156 hours every week...
Yup, but things will improve with time. The NFLN kind of reminds me of CNN when CNN first aired. CNN was great, revolutionary, and people quickly got hooked, but the programming wasn't particularly good. Essentially, CNN re-aired the same stories in a loop (CNN Headline style). The NFLN will improve as it gains popularity, finds out what does and doesn't work, and simple gains the benefit of time and hindsight.
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