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My first visit to camp

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Old 08-03-2004, 03:27 PM   #1
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My first visit to camp

Here's some pics, got some of Brunell, Ramsey, Ohalete, Gregg Williams, Hamdan and Gibbs who was standing right in front of me, I could barely hold the camera steady! LOL

Some of my impressions of my first trip to Redskins training camp

-God damn is it hot in VA in the summer, hot and humid! It's a good 10 degrees warmer down there than it is here in NY, and the humidity is like a blanket!

-They had pleny of Skins merchandise on sale, I tried picking up a Jansen jersey but the credit card machines were off-line, I didn't bother going back, guess I'll just buy it online. I did get a training camp hat for only $9.99. I bought it more out of necessity though, as I didn't want my face to get burned to a crisp.

-It was kinda hard to get a good view of things. I guess I needed to get there a little earlier to claim a better spot. Next time I'll know better.

-I was surprised over how physical the practice was. Guys were really bangin', especially the lines. I was also impressed with the tempo of the practice. Players were rarely standing around, the coaches had them constantly on the move. The tempo was tight and focused. I got the impression that the staff really has a sense of urgency.

-Portis is going to have a HUGE season in this offense. Seeing him on TV does no justice to how quick and agile he is. Same for Coles, at times it seemed like the rest of the team was moving in slow motion compared to these guys.

-Seeing Ramsey throw the ball live was also impressive. One play that stuck out was when he got flushed to his left and threw back across his body to the right, and it was still a frozen rope. Ramsey looks pretty quick and nimble in his dropbacks, the toe is definitely not an issue.

-Brunell seems to be still adjusting to the offense, just like Ramsey and Hasselbeck. He wasn't getting the ball out very quick from what I could see, he still made some nice throws though. With more reps his decision time will speed up.

-Hasselbeck's arm isn't much to talk about. Or maybe following up Ramsey just makes him look worse. Still, he did get the ball out quickly but he seemed more apt to dump the ball off underneath rather than looking at the WR's.

-I tried watching Noble a few times but it was kind of hard to see the defensive line from my angle.

-I was very impressed with LaVar and Marcus Washington. Both guys were flying to the football and Lavar had a nice smack on Cooley that drew some ooohs and ahhhs from the crowd.

-I found myself a good spot for autographs after practice, but instead I snapped pictures. At first it looked like nobody was going to walk by, the players were taking a different route to the locker room. Then Gregg Williams came over and signed for a while. Hamdan briefly came by as well. Ohalete was really cool, he signed for a while and tried walking away at one point but was talked into coming back to sign more. Brunell came by but didn't sign much in my area. Someone tossed him a football as he walked by, he caught it, signed it and tossed it back. Ramsey walked by but wasn't signing even though people were calling for him. He said 'sorry guys I'll get you later'. When Gibbs came by I couldn't believe it. He was literally standing right in front of me, I could have reached out and touched him. He mostly signed for the kids. As he walked away he said 'thank you everyone for coming out', someone responded by saying 'thank you, Joe for coming back'. I thought that was pretty cool.

-Overall I had a great time. Next year I'm going to plan on coming down for a few days and maybe hook up with Joe to help out with the camp stuff. It was really cool to meet some of you guys, hopefully next year we can organize a little better and have a bigger meetup. Enjoy the pics, I have more I'll post later, but these are the best ones.
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Old 08-03-2004, 04:34 PM   #2
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Thanks for the inside scoop!
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Old 08-03-2004, 04:47 PM   #3
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Lucky bugger.....I had to go to Cowturds camp....OK, I didn't HAVE to...
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Old 08-03-2004, 04:48 PM   #4
Dave Butz Baby!
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Originally Posted by Mattyk72

Some of my impressions of my first trip to Redskins training camp

-God damn is it hot in VA in the summer, hot and humid! It's a good 10 degrees warmer down there than it is here in NY, and the humidity is like a blanket!

Hehehe.. welcome to our world, Matty! I've been living here so long, I now have gills which help me pull the oxygen out of the water in the air. Far easier than breathing normally! But to be honest with you, it's actually been pretty nice here the past several days. That is, compared to the standard 95 degrees with 95% humidity summers here generally bring.

You going to be there tomorrow (Wednesday, 2 pm)? My roommate and I managed to get our grimy paws on VIP passes for that practice... which we'll put to good use. It's nice to live 20 minutes from Ashburn!
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Old 08-03-2004, 05:09 PM   #5
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I'm back home now, I was just there for the am practice on saturday
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Old 08-03-2004, 05:58 PM   #6
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bah, VIP :P VIPs have room to actually move around, hope you have a good time you don't even have to show up 3 hours early to get a good spot.

good pics matty
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Old 08-03-2004, 06:15 PM   #7
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Originally Posted by Dave Butz Baby!
My roommate and I managed to get our grimy paws on VIP passes for that practice... which we'll put to good use. It's nice to live 20 minutes from Ashburn!
Sweet, DBB! The VIPs have it better than the media-- since it's not kosher for media to ask for autographs! But you guys can go most of the places that the media can go, which is pretty sweet.

How did you get a hold of those passes? I've always wondered how so many people get them; this year it seems like there's a lot more VIPs than usual. I figured it had something to do with Home Depot sponsoring camp.
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Old 08-03-2004, 07:48 PM   #8
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who is that in picture 19?
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Old 08-03-2004, 08:10 PM   #9
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You guy's back there are soooo lucky!!! Like RedskinRatt I have to settle for Cowbitch camp!!! I would love to get out there for Redskins camp. One of these day's I will!
Cool pic's Thanks!
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Old 08-03-2004, 08:17 PM   #10
Dave Butz Baby!
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Originally Posted by joecrisp
Sweet, DBB! The VIPs have it better than the media-- since it's not kosher for media to ask for autographs! But you guys can go most of the places that the media can go, which is pretty sweet.

How did you get a hold of those passes? I've always wondered how so many people get them; this year it seems like there's a lot more VIPs than usual. I figured it had something to do with Home Depot sponsoring camp.
As I've always been taught, it's not what you know, it's who you know!

My roommate's boss is a longtime season ticket holder and gets them as part of his ticket package. He's gone to camp the past few days, but is leaving to go on vacation tomorrow morning... giving my roommates the tickets for tomorrow's practice. Now that's I'm reading this stuff about it, I'm glad she got them! And very glad to have a cool boss who will let me out of work early.

And as always, I really dig and appreciate your work, JC. Good stuff!

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Old 08-03-2004, 08:33 PM   #11
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Originally Posted by Duffman003
who is that in picture 19?
safety Todd Franz
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Old 08-03-2004, 10:52 PM   #12
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Thanks, at first I thought he was Bowen then I realized he looked nothing like Bowen.
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Old 08-03-2004, 11:05 PM   #13
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Originally Posted by Duffman003
Thanks, at first I thought he was Bowen then I realized he looked nothing like Bowen.
the hair is a give away LOL
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