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Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

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Old 08-23-2007, 08:07 PM   #1
Sheriff Gonna Getcha
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Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

Let me start by saying that I think that the Washington Post's Jason La Canfora is a good reporter and he seems like a pretty good guy. I read his blog quite frequently as it is informative and interesting. His articles are well written and, apparently, well researched.

Let me also note that I do not tow the company line and I often criticize the team for various moves (e.g., I think we overpaid in a big way for Kendall). I am not your typical fan who immediately jumps down the throat of any journalist who critiques the front office. In fact, I often say that guys like Peter King do NOT have it out for the team, Art Monk, Dan Snyder, etc.

That all being said, I am starting to think that JLC has a serious personal gripe with the team, members of the front office, Danny, or some combination of the above. JLC rarely expressed divergent viewpoints or says "on the one hand....and on the other" in his blog. In short, he seems to piss on every move and everything that the team does.

Does anyone else agree?
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Old 08-23-2007, 08:11 PM   #2
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Re: Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

Originally Posted by Sheriff Gonna Getcha View Post
Let me start by saying that I think that the Washington Post's Jason La Canfora is a good reporter and he seems like a pretty good guy. I read his blog quite frequently as it is informative and interesting. His articles are well written and, apparently, well researched.

Let me also note that I do not tow the company line and I often criticize the team for various moves (e.g., I think we overpaid in a big way for Kendall). I am not your typical fan who immediately jumps down the throat of any journalist who critiques the front office. In fact, I often say that guys like Peter King do NOT have it out for the team, Art Monk, Dan Snyder, etc.

That all being said, I am starting to think that JLC has a serious personal gripe with the team, members of the front office, Danny, or some combination of the above. JLC rarely expressed divergent viewpoints or says "on the one hand....and on the other" in his blog. In short, he seems to piss on every move and everything that the team does.

Does anyone else agree?
I think his gripe is with Coach. He's feeling a little offput by the remarks that were made in reference to his story the other day, IMO.
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Old 08-23-2007, 08:12 PM   #3
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Re: Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

I think, more than anything, he has a gripe with the people at ES. (By the way, good news. The mods there encourage personal insults. So have at it with those winners over there ! ).

But anyway, I think this animosity he has developed with ES tends to project to the Skins, because he probably thinks "Here I am, a professional and I have to take a back seat to Arturo?")
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Old 08-23-2007, 08:14 PM   #4
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Re: Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

Originally Posted by 70Chip View Post
I think his gripe is with Coach. He's feeling a little offput by the remarks that were made in reference to his story the other day, IMO.
What did Gibbs say?

Again, I want to reiterate that I like and respect JLC, but I am sensing a lot of bitterness.
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Old 08-23-2007, 08:15 PM   #5
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Re: Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

I've found myself thinking the same thing as well. Picture this: You're a journalist, a sports journalist, and your lone job description is to cover the Washington Redskins. Now imagine year in and year out for over a decade the team you are responsible for covering gives you very little to cheer for or be optimistic about. Hell, I'll put it bluntly: most years since Gibbs V1.0 we've stunk out loud. Imagine seeing one awful front office gaffe after another. Imagine a team that hasn't finished a season with the same QB it started with since 1999. Imagine a team that has only been to the playoffs twice in 15 or so years. Imagine a team that other NFL front office types make fun of to members of the media. Imagine a team that is owned by an arrogant little piss ant who loves to gouge people for money and piss off other owners. I think I'd get aggravated at times too.
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Old 08-23-2007, 08:18 PM   #6
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Re: Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

Originally Posted by Sheriff Gonna Getcha View Post
What did Gibbs say?

Again, I want to reiterate that I like and respect JLC, but I am sensing a lot of bitterness.
This was when he stopped in the middle of his presser to say, in reference to JLC's blog about Heyer, etc, that "nothing could be further from the truth". It was Tuesday, I think. You can see it under "Multiple TV Channels" at
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Old 08-23-2007, 08:20 PM   #7
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Re: Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

Originally Posted by GMScud View Post
I've found myself thinking the same thing as well. Picture this: You're a journalist, a sports journalist, and your lone job description is to cover the Washington Redskins. Now imagine year in and year out for over a decade the team you are responsible for covering gives you very little to cheer for or be optimistic about. Hell, I'll put it bluntly: most years since Gibbs V1.0 we've stunk out loud. Imagine seeing one awful front office gaffe after another. Imagine a team that hasn't finished a season with the same QB it started with since 1999. Imagine a team that has only been to the playoffs twice in 15 or so years. Imagine a team that other NFL front office types make fun of to members of the media. Imagine a team that is owned by an arrogant little piss ant who loves to gouge people for money and piss off other owners. I think I'd get aggravated at times too.

Meh, he could be digging holes for a living. It's not like he's hand digging a tunnel on the Transcontinental Railroad. He's got a sweet gig.
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Old 08-23-2007, 08:24 PM   #8
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Re: Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

Originally Posted by 70Chip View Post
Meh, he could be digging holes for a living. It's not like he's hand digging a tunnel on the Transcontinental Railroad. He's got a sweet gig.
Don't get me wrong, I like JLC and I'd LOVE to have his job. I was just speculating on the source of his bitterness.
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Old 08-23-2007, 09:39 PM   #9
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Re: Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

He reminds me a lot of Steve Czaban -- and I find myself agreeing with most of what both of those guys say. Like me, I think they love their team, but hate the way it has been run since Snyder/Cerrato have taken over.

After all, there's been pretty good reason to second guess most of the moves that they've made over the last 5 years or so.
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Old 08-23-2007, 09:46 PM   #10
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Re: Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

Smokin Al, from Sports Talk 980am seems to have an even bigger gripe with the Redskins. Every move, every gesture, every interview he seems to take an issue with. Its somewhat sickening to have to listen to really, yet i'd rather listen local than to listen to Nation wide radio around 1:00pm (right after the redskins lunch in 730am) so it makes it hard to avoid. JLC reports to the B-Mitch, and Smokin AL, as their beatwriter, so now im starting to think maybe Sporttalk 980 has a gripe with the Burgundy and Gold.
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Old 08-23-2007, 09:50 PM   #11
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Re: Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

Im with Beemn. No one will agree with everything these guys say, but you'll agree with some of it. I totally see, and somewhat agree with what a lot of national media says about us, and JLC probably is a little bitter and I understand why. The folks who annoy me are the people that act as if the skins do no wrong. Part of the reason I hate listening to games on Redskins radio, too one sided.

Also, as an organization I think the Redskins have burned a lot of bridges and made plenty of folks mad. Remember when the skins got rid of all the season tickets the Post owned? Sure JLC wasn't happy about that.
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Old 08-23-2007, 09:57 PM   #12
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Re: Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

One of the worst things that has happened to the WP in the last 6 months is Howard Bryant has left . JLC is one step away from Sally Jenkins ...he is only happy when it rains he had made his mind Heyer was going to suck before he took a snap and only last week was advocating trading Brunell for a fith and then using that to trade for Kendell, so by his logic a valuble backup and a draft pick and ensuing cap hit is less harmful than a 5th/possible 4th pick -- okay whatever

JLC also has a tendency to ermm make stuff up...ayone else remeber hearing anything other than what JLC was spouting about Denver looking to trade Bly before his contract got redone was all JLC speculation, not even Blys agent knew anything about it . Also does anyone know who he is talking to when he quotes NFL officials ? Does that include parking attendents...janitors... who ?...and tell me what professional journalist gets into slanging matches in the media with guys off a message board ?

JLC is good on occasion but there are better sources other thing that struck me and put the final nail in the coffin for me is as an english man i hat e, HATE, soccer it is a game for girls, homosexuals and homosexuals who want to be girls ...ahem....and anyway Jason is a BIG MLS fan gushing over the appearance of David Beckham for Galaxy in Washington this past week ....shesh
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Old 08-23-2007, 10:03 PM   #13
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Re: Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

Originally Posted by bedlamVR View Post
One of the worst things that has happened to the WP in the last 6 months is Howard Bryant has left . JLC is one step away from Sally Jenkins ...he is only happy when it rains he had made his mind Heyer was going to suck before he took a snap and only last week was advocating trading Brunell for a fith and then using that to trade for Kendell, so by his logic a valuble backup and a draft pick and ensuing cap hit is less harmful than a 5th/possible 4th pick -- okay whatever

JLC also has a tendency to ermm make stuff up...ayone else remeber hearing anything other than what JLC was spouting about Denver looking to trade Bly before his contract got redone was all JLC speculation, not even Blys agent knew anything about it . Also does anyone know who he is talking to when he quotes NFL officials ? Does that include parking attendents...janitors... who ?...and tell me what professional journalist gets into slanging matches in the media with guys off a message board ?

JLC is good on occasion but there are better sources other thing that struck me and put the final nail in the coffin for me is as an english man i hat e, HATE, soccer it is a game for girls, homosexuals and homosexuals who want to be girls ...ahem....and anyway Jason is a BIG MLS fan gushing over the appearance of David Beckham for Galaxy in Washington this past week ....shesh
I'm anxious to see how Jason Reid from the LA Times does as the new Redskins reporter for the Post.

If you don't like soccer, you don't like soccer. I don't know why you want to try to knock those that do
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Old 08-23-2007, 10:10 PM   #14
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Re: Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

Originally Posted by Daseal View Post
Also, as an organization I think the Redskins have burned a lot of bridges and made plenty of folks mad. Remember when the skins got rid of all the season tickets the Post owned? Sure JLC wasn't happy about that.
Well I will say that, as someone who was part of the local DC media for 5 years, the Redskins were far and away the most difficult team to deal with. I know a lot of people who grow up fans and then become part of "the business" and suddenly they're not fans anymore. Didn't happen to me (except in the case of Green) but I used to see it happen all the time.

A big reason is that the Redskins have always known they're the shit in DC. No matter what, it's a Redskins town. But what happened in the late 1990s, early 00s was that the Redskins had to start sharing their space in the local sports media with others-the Terps became national champions, their football team was in legit Bowl games, the Wizards got Michael Jordan, the Caps and their hotshot young owner got Jagr, and so on. So the Redskins started pulling back on giving inside scoops locally and, well I don't want to on a long-winded rant here. Just saying that, yeah you're right Daseal, there have been some burnt bridges in the past several years.
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Old 08-23-2007, 10:12 PM   #15
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Re: Does the Post's Jason La Canfora Hate the Skins?

Originally Posted by Daseal View Post

Also, as an organization I think the Redskins have burned a lot of bridges and made plenty of folks mad. Remember when the skins got rid of all the season tickets the Post owned? Sure JLC wasn't happy about that.
But hang on half of the reason the Skins took away the season tickets was the rash of irresponsible reporting by the post (anouncing players had been cut who hadn't trying to stir up ticking issues that didn't exist etc etc...) and the other part of it was the people from the Post rarely used the tickets, handing them off to friends family memebers and touts . Historically the Skins only gave season tickets to the Post following a falling out between the JKC and other media outlets in the area and the Post became the unoffical voice of the team .

As the Post changed and the Skins were sold the relationship changed....

I also don't get the hatred for Snyder on here it makes people sound like jilted people not remember Norv are we going toscrew things up this year...Turner reign of terror between 1993 and 2000
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