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Steve Czban on Art Monk

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Old 02-16-2007, 09:29 PM   #1
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Steve Czban on Art Monk

today at work i was listening to his show on fox sports radio and he had adam sheifter from the nfl network who used to a hall of fame voter. he was the one that said on nfl network that art monk has never had a signature catch thats one reason he hasnt been voted in the hall. also stated that he only was voted to 3 pro bowls and only led the skins in catches in 4 of his 16 seasons. this got czban all fired up and led to him asking adam what was irvins signature catch all he could say was he caught TD in the super bowl v.s. the bills. czban responded with well monk caught a TD in the super bowl. i am so sick of the BS revovling about monk not getting in the Hall of fame. when it comes down to it we all know he is a hall of famer and made catches for first downs to keep drives alive to win ball games. sometimes i find it hard to listen to czban especially on the comcast post game show but doesnt sugar coat things and tells u what he thinks.
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Old 02-16-2007, 09:32 PM   #2
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Re: steve czban

Originally Posted by redskins5044 View Post
today at work i was listening to his show on fox sports radio and he had adam sheifter from the nfl network who used to a hall of fame voter. he was the one that said on nfl network that art monk has never had a signature catch thats one reason he hasnt been voted in the hall. also stated that he only was voted to 3 pro bowls and only led the skins in catches in 4 of his 16 seasons. this got czban all fired up and led to him asking adam what was irvins signature catch all he could say was he caught TD in the super bowl v.s. the bills. czban responded with well monk caught a TD in the super bowl. i am so sick of the BS revovling about monk not getting in the Hall of fame. when it comes down to it we all know he is a hall of famer and made catches for first downs to keep drives alive to win ball games. sometimes i find it hard to listen to czban especially on the comcast post game show but doesnt sugar coat things and tells u what he thinks.

Amen! Monk and Tagliabue got boned by the HOF voters. I try not to think about it too much. Any group of people who vote "White Lines" in before Art Friggin Monk have GOT to be outside their minds.
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Old 02-16-2007, 09:49 PM   #3
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Re: steve czban

I'm a big Czaban fan, because he's not afraid to take a stance. I too heard the Schefter interview, and loved it when Czabe challenged him on Irvin's "signature catch". Citing a "signature catch" has to be among the most ridiculous criteria ever brought up in HOF debates. Applying that to a player from today, what is Marvin Harrison's signature catch?

Czabe did make one mistake in his argument - Monk's only Super Bowl TD (opening drive against Buffalo) was correctly reversed by instant replay (Monk's 2nd foot barely touched the back line. That said, Monk caught 4 passes for about 75 yards on that opening drive - I'd call that a pretty good series of signature plays on the game's biggest stage. We need Wilbon to get off his ass on Monk's behalf, because Lenny Shapiro clearly hasn't argued passionately/convincingly enough during the HOF selection process.
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Old 02-16-2007, 10:32 PM   #4
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Re: steve czban

What is Art Monk's signature catch?

Which of Art Monk's receptions sticks out most in your mind?
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Old 02-16-2007, 10:36 PM   #5
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Re: steve czban

I want alive for it but I remember watching it 1000 times. NFC Championship game, might not have championship game, against Dallas 72' I think....

"Joe Theisman straight drop, he's got ARt monk open, at the 5! TD washington redskins."

Damn, why couldnt I have been born earlier....
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Old 02-16-2007, 10:37 PM   #6
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Re: steve czban

Monk wasn't drafted until 1980.
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Old 02-17-2007, 12:16 AM   #7
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Re: steve czban

Originally Posted by Beemnseven View Post
Monk wasn't drafted until 1980.
LOL, I think he meant 82', or atleast i hope
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Old 02-17-2007, 12:25 AM   #8
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Re: steve czban

Adam Schefter is a masive TOOL!!!
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Old 02-17-2007, 12:49 AM   #9
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Re: steve czban

Shefter is way too young to have proper perspective anyways. He has bought into the all the BS arguments. Every argument I hear against Monk is literally ridiculous. Seriously there isn't one argument that seems even remotely reasoanble to me.

He has the stats, the rings, and the respect. What else is necessary?

As for the 'signature catch' theory. I callenge everyone to think of signature catches from any HoFer or future HoFer. Besides the catches from Swann and Stallworth I can't think of a 'signature catch' FOR ANYBODY. And the only reason I remember them is because they got played over and over agian when Swann got in. You know like when everyone thought the only reason they got were those catches and a significant amount of people thought it was a joke.
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Old 02-17-2007, 01:03 AM   #10
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Re: steve czban

I agree that the whole "signature catch" thing is a bunch of B.S. I would like to hear what that TOOL would say if he were asked to define a players "signature catch", what the F#$k!!! This is the NFL not the WWF(wwe) where they have "signature moves". I would like him to state what is Barry Sanders "signature run", John Elways "signature throw", Thurman Thomas "signature run"?

This whole signature thing is just an excuse, because they cant come up with a better one. And you know what they say about excuse's and a$$holes...

Besides doesnt Art Monk get anything for being an innovator in the NFL???
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Old 02-17-2007, 06:19 AM   #11
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Re: steve czban

What all these anti Monk guy's fail to bring up is how many HOF QB's did Monk have throwing him the ball? I do believe the answer is zero, so in closing I would love to see how well some of these WR's would have faired without a great QB like Aikmen, Bradshaw, Manning, Montana, and the list goes on and on, Monk also had more QB changes without the luxury of a real bond with a QB for 8 to 10 years that a lot of the greats had!
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Old 02-17-2007, 08:32 AM   #12
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Re: steve czban

Originally Posted by offiss View Post
What all these anti Monk guy's fail to bring up is how many HOF QB's did Monk have throwing him the ball? I do believe the answer is zero, so in closing I would love to see how well some of these WR's would have faired without a great QB like Aikmen, Bradshaw, Manning, Montana, and the list goes on and on, Monk also had more QB changes without the luxury of a real bond with a QB for 8 to 10 years that a lot of the greats had!
This is exactley why he is a better candidate than Irvin will ever be.

As to his "Signature catch", from now I think everyone should say "Third and 10". The guy was money on that conversion.... for a decade.
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Old 02-17-2007, 08:46 AM   #13
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Re: steve czban

Originally Posted by JGisLordOfTheRings View Post
I want alive for it but I remember watching it 1000 times. NFC Championship game, might not have championship game, against Dallas 72' I think....

"Joe Theisman straight drop, he's got ARt monk open, at the 5! TD washington redskins."

Damn, why couldnt I have been born earlier....
Not to muddy the waters when it comes to Monk but I am pretty sure that he was hurt in the NFC Championship game vs. Dallas (and during all of the playoffs that year).

I find this signature catch criteria amusing. First of all, for all of the "old timers" (many of whom have stats no where near Monk's) what is their signature catch? Most don't have one, you know why, because barely anyone saw them play.

I have said it before but in my eyes the proof that the Hall process is complete BS is the fact that Stallworth and Swann are in and Monk isn't. Their stats are mediocre at best compared to Monk's. Of course to get them in the voters said things like, "they were on the most dominant team of their era" and "they won four championships". Well, Monk won 3 and was on the second most dominant team of his era. You can't tell me that only winning 3 instead of 4 is a good reason to exclude a player from the hall.
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Old 02-17-2007, 11:34 AM   #14
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Re: steve czban

Originally Posted by Grim21Reaper View Post
I find this signature catch criteria amusing. First of all, for all of the "old timers" (many of whom have stats no where near Monk's) what is their signature catch? Most don't have one, you know why, because barely anyone saw them play.
That's a good point. How old is Adam Scheffter?

I'll bet he was wearing Huggies when Monk was tearin' it up.
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Old 02-17-2007, 11:48 AM   #15
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Re: steve czban

Originally Posted by GiantsSuck703 View Post
LOL, I think he meant 82', or atleast i hope
He's probably thinking of Charley Taylor's AWESOME diving catch in Championship game vs Dallas in 72'. They said they only saw it on video clips and was not born yet. That must have been Taylor's "signature" catch to get him in the Hall.
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