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Re-kindling NFC East Rivalries

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Old 01-11-2007, 01:05 PM   #1
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Re-kindling NFC East Rivalries

Since the season is over, I have been thinking about how our rilvaries aren't what they used to be. I remember the games against Philly, NY, St Louis and Dallas (sucks) and how much the PLAYERS got into it. With free agency, these rilvaries just don't have the same umph. I remember Joe Theismann just stirring the proverbial pot during Dallas week and he absolutely HATED THEM. I was at the game in '83 when there was a fight in the end zone because the Skins were spanking them, scored again and were about to launch the "fun bunch" high five and the little dallas puss balls got all butt hurt and tried to break it up. (which they failed to do by the way). Or in the '82 championship at RFK when the O line was laughing at the Dallas D line knowing they couldn't stop Riggins or Washington. There was real hatred against the rivals. I would love to see a current player stir the pot like Theismann or Riggins did. This team needs personality. Remember when Joey T scored a TD and spiked the ball in the cowpukes db's face and a fight broke out in the endzone? GREAT stuff. I miss that kind of passion.
Just a rambling thought...
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Old 01-11-2007, 01:09 PM   #2
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Re: Re-kindling Rilvaries

Good thought but it seems like these days you can't some of the things you just mentioned without getting a penalty, like spiking the ball in someone's face, and the "fun bunch" high five. Although it would be nice if our current Skins players hated the other NFC east teams as much as we do!!!!!
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Old 01-11-2007, 01:09 PM   #3
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Re: Re-kindling Rilvaries

Rivalries just aren't as intense due to free agency, but I still think we have some of the better division rivalries in the league.
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Old 01-11-2007, 01:32 PM   #4
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Re: Re-kindling Rilvaries

Originally Posted by Mattyk72 View Post
Rivalries just aren't as intense due to free agency, but I still think we have some of the better division rivalries in the league.
While FA may brought us parity, imo the quality of the game has degraded overall.
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Old 01-11-2007, 01:57 PM   #5
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Re: Re-kindling Rilvaries

Like Matty said, FA has hurt the rivalries because its hard to get a grudge against a guy that was your teammate last year. Back in the day players never switched teams so that grudge could be built up over years.
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Old 01-11-2007, 02:16 PM   #6
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Re: Re-kindling Rilvaries

Originally Posted by dblanch66 View Post
Since the season is over, I have been thinking about how our rilvaries aren't what they used to be. I remember the games against Philly, NY, St Louis and Dallas (sucks) and how much the PLAYERS got into it. With free agency, these rilvaries just don't have the same umph. I remember Joe Theismann just stirring the proverbial pot during Dallas week and he absolutely HATED THEM. I was at the game in '83 when there was a fight in the end zone because the Skins were spanking them, scored again and were about to launch the "fun bunch" high five and the little dallas puss balls got all butt hurt and tried to break it up. (which they failed to do by the way). Or in the '82 championship at RFK when the O line was laughing at the Dallas D line knowing they couldn't stop Riggins or Washington. There was real hatred against the rivals. I would love to see a current player stir the pot like Theismann or Riggins did. This team needs personality. Remember when Joey T scored a TD and spiked the ball in the cowpukes db's face and a fight broke out in the endzone? GREAT stuff. I miss that kind of passion.
Just a rambling thought...
It will never be the same. Different era and with so many players coming and going you just can't get attached to players. I hated to see Lavar and Champ go. As a fan even I have changed. I don't hate Dallas, Giants or Philly like I use too. Why? Becasue w/ free agency many of their players made their names for themselves elsewhere. I don't hate Garcia. And it's not like I can root against A. Pierce or Lavar. James Thrash went to Philly and now he's back with us. It's just how it is these days and it will never be the same like it use 2 be.
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Old 01-11-2007, 02:25 PM   #7
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Re: Re-kindling Rilvaries

Originally Posted by irish View Post
Like Matty said, FA has hurt the rivalries because its hard to get a grudge against a guy that was your teammate last year. Back in the day players never switched teams so that grudge could be built up over years.
yeah, continuity makes for rivalries this day in the nfl. Most rivalries these days seem based on a short history. nowadays there aren't as much rivalries as sub dramas, e.g. to returns to philly, lavar plays the skins.
I think we've developed a short term rivalry w/Tampa, those games have been really tough, and they even beat us w/a rook qb.
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Old 01-11-2007, 04:59 PM   #8
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Re: Re-kindling Rilvaries

Hail from Houston!
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Old 01-11-2007, 06:30 PM   #9
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Re: Re-kindling Rilvaries

Originally Posted by dblanch66 View Post
Since the season is over, I have been thinking about how our rilvaries aren't what they used to be. I remember the games against Philly, NY, St Louis and Dallas (sucks) and how much the PLAYERS got into it. With free agency, these rilvaries just don't have the same umph. I remember Joe Theismann just stirring the proverbial pot during Dallas week and he absolutely HATED THEM. I was at the game in '83 when there was a fight in the end zone because the Skins were spanking them, scored again and were about to launch the "fun bunch" high five and the little dallas puss balls got all butt hurt and tried to break it up. (which they failed to do by the way). Or in the '82 championship at RFK when the O line was laughing at the Dallas D line knowing they couldn't stop Riggins or Washington. There was real hatred against the rivals. I would love to see a current player stir the pot like Theismann or Riggins did. This team needs personality. Remember when Joey T scored a TD and spiked the ball in the cowpukes db's face and a fight broke out in the endzone? GREAT stuff. I miss that kind of passion.
Just a rambling thought...
You know back then the rilvaries had more meaning but after teams where knock out of the playoffs they would cheer on teams in their division. That doesn't happen anymore either.
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Old 01-11-2007, 06:39 PM   #10
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Re: Re-kindling Rilvaries

Originally Posted by JWsleep View Post
I thought the same thing. Let me fix that.
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Old 01-11-2007, 07:32 PM   #11
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Re: Re-kindling Rivalries

As far as I'm concerned there are two concurrent seasons:

The one where we went 5 and whatever.

The other one, where we finished 1-1. That needs to be 2-0 this year, and every year, and the players need to understand that above all else...we remember if they won or lost to the Cowboys.

Never, ever, EVER get trashed by the Cowboys again like we did early in the season! There is no excuse for acting disinterested while we're getting thumped by our rival.
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Old 01-11-2007, 07:52 PM   #12
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Re: Re-kindling Rivalries

Originally Posted by dblanch66 View Post
Since the season is over, I have been thinking about how our rilvaries aren't what they used to be. I remember the games against Philly, NY, St Louis and Dallas (sucks) and how much the PLAYERS got into it. With free agency, these rilvaries just don't have the same umph. I remember Joe Theismann just stirring the proverbial pot during Dallas week and he absolutely HATED THEM. I was at the game in '83 when there was a fight in the end zone because the Skins were spanking them, scored again and were about to launch the "fun bunch" high five and the little dallas puss balls got all butt hurt and tried to break it up. (which they failed to do by the way). Or in the '82 championship at RFK when the O line was laughing at the Dallas D line knowing they couldn't stop Riggins or Washington. There was real hatred against the rivals. I would love to see a current player stir the pot like Theismann or Riggins did. This team needs personality. Remember when Joey T scored a TD and spiked the ball in the cowpukes db's face and a fight broke out in the endzone? GREAT stuff. I miss that kind of passion.
Just a rambling thought...

I would love to have that rivalry with Dallas again, or anyone in our division. the problem is, we dont keep people for more than 3 years, so they dont develop that hatred for those teams. whether that is due to FA or just our organization as a whole, I have no idea. but, seems weird that Philly can keep most of the core guys around. Seems like we name core guys, but then get rid of them. I am sure if Campbell, Portis, Betts, Moss and Washington, Taylor, Rogers, Rocky, Cooley all stick around for a long while there could be some of that rivalry coming back.
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Old 01-11-2007, 11:33 PM   #13
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Re: Re-kindling Rivalries

Another issue with the whole rivalry thing is that both teams need to be able to beat the other on any given day...with the exception of 2005 I think the Redskins have been something like 3-12 against Dallas since Norv Turner left (Norv always seemed to have thier number). Now if the 'Skins can start piling on a few wins again then the Rivalry will take care of itself.
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Old 01-11-2007, 11:38 PM   #14
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Re: Re-kindling Rivalries

Originally Posted by squrrelco3 View Post
Another issue with the whole rivalry thing is that both teams need to be able to beat the other on any given day...with the exception of 2005 I think the Redskins have been something like 3-12 against Dallas since Norv Turner left (Norv always seemed to have thier number). Now if the 'Skins can start piling on a few wins again then the Rivalry will take care of itself.
I think you may have Norv confused with somebody else. He didn't have a winning record against ANY NFC East opponent when he was our coach. That was when Arizona was still in our division, so please don't think that he had anybody's number.
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Old 01-12-2007, 12:06 AM   #15
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Re: Re-kindling Rivalries

Originally Posted by gibbsisgod View Post
I think you may have Norv confused with somebody else. He didn't have a winning record against ANY NFC East opponent when he was our coach. That was when Arizona was still in our division, so please don't think that he had anybody's number.
I stand corrected (sort-of):

our record against Dallas since Gibbs 1.0:

9 - 19
Record by Coach:

Pettibone: 1-1
Norv: 4-10
Schottenhiemer: 0-2
Spurrier: 1-3
Gibbs 2.0: 3-3

So depending on how we do next year, that rivalry may start to crank up again...what we really need is a win with playoff implications to get it rolling again.
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