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Was the key to Gibbs' success his unique offensive system?

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Old 12-27-2006, 06:46 AM   #1
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Was the key to Gibbs' success his unique offensive system?

I came upon a theroy tonight. Joe Gibbs probably isn't a special motivator. He isn't a wonderful clock manager. But despite his shortcomings, he was always competitive in defeat, and more often than not, victorious. Enter this season, where for the first time in a long time, Gibbs' team has been getting beat badly on the road more than once or twice. With the offense vastly outplaying the defense this year, it doesn't seem right to say that our offensive system is the cause for our struggles. It isn't. But now that we are not using Joe Gibbs' unique offensive system, maybe all he is to this team is an average coach. In the past, including 2005, we used his system that he created, and he became a folk legend. He certainly isn't doing a bad job right now, but he's just not good enough to overcome the talent discrepency we face.

according to a source with knowledge of the situation.
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Old 12-27-2006, 07:24 AM   #2
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Re: Was the key to Gibbs' success his unique offensive system?

could be some truth to this. but more and more it seems the reasons behind the past skins success was Gibbs and bethard getting the right role players into their system, and hiding depth on injured reserve
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Old 12-27-2006, 09:36 AM   #3
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Re: Was the key to Gibbs' success his unique offensive system?

Our teams were stacked when he was here before and now I think we are having lots of little problems adding up.
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Old 12-27-2006, 09:49 AM   #4
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Re: Was the key to Gibbs' success his unique offensive system?

The Hogs were a major, if not the biggest, reason behind his success. Another key to Gibbs' success in the past was finding the "blue collar, lunch pail carrying" guys. When was the last we've had players like Monk, Green, and Coleman grace us with their humble and hard-working attitudes. The league has shifted more towards "me-first" rather than "team-first" and Gibbs may be having trouble dealing with that, among other things.
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Old 12-27-2006, 09:57 AM   #5
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Re: Was the key to Gibbs' success his unique offensive system?

I grew up in the first Gibbs era. A couple of things sorta of stick out to me in contrast to his first tenure.

Gibbs seemed to be a master motivator and could always get his teams up for big games, especially Dallas.

He and his staff would be the master of half-time adjustments, it seems to be the opposite this time around. We're on fire for the first few drives or even up until half-time and fizzle after that.

His teams were mentally sharp and wouldn't self-destruct during games. Again, that seems to be one of the negative marks on this team.

As far as Gibbs doing an okay job, well his record speaks for itself. You can't put any window dressing on that.

It also seems that there are no clear-cut leaders on either side of the ball. No one has stepped up and said I'm the man on defense or offense or whatever. We have a lot talent, but no one is really said, in so many words, if I don't show up today, the team loses.
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Old 12-27-2006, 11:52 AM   #6
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Re: Was the key to Gibbs' success his unique offensive system?

12th man hit two of my biggies on the head:

1) Halftime adjustments. (Anyone else remember being down 10-0 in the Super Bowl? Yeah, me neither. I just remember us destroying the Broncos.)

2) Sharpness -- few penalties, few turnovers on offense, smart play on both sides of the ball. They were professionals, and took pride in their work.

and my other top Gibbs team quality:

3) They were Believers. Believers in Joe, in the team, in the game. They knew they were going to win, believed it every time they took the field, believed that every offensive series could be a game-winner. This is another way of saying they knew how to win.
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Old 12-27-2006, 12:00 PM   #7
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Re: Was the key to Gibbs' success his unique offensive system?

He and his staff would be the master of half-time adjustments, it seems to be the opposite this time around. We're on fire for the first few drives or even up until half-time and fizzle after that.

His teams were mentally sharp and wouldn't self-destruct during games. Again, that seems to be one of the negative marks on this team.

this is reality. i dont know why/ or cant make any adjustments. as far as the penalties, maybe the starters arent focused enough on the task. to many dumb THINKING penalties
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