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need some encouragement

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Old 11-03-2006, 10:01 PM   #1
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need some encouragement

hello all. i just signed up tonight. i left the extremeskins forum because no one can understand that we suck. its ok. its ok to say that. i doesnt mean we're not fans. we are all frustrated with our team. but guys im dying here. how long can they play like this. is gibbs done. do we need a younger more firey coach. we're alot like the chargers a few years ago. all this awesome talent. and they lose. fire the coach. watch if the chargers dont make playoffs shottys done. i love gibbs. i really do. but im beginning to think that he just cant get it done. i feel that this whole 700 page playbook is a bad idea. sauders was a bad idea. how do we go from a playoff 10-6 team to a horrendous 2-5 team. i understand that its only week 9 but guys thats pretty far. we're not making it this far. parcells took a chance. why cant gibbs. we need a change. it pure crazyness to not change anything and expect the same results. i need some support. from you, my fellow skins fans. i want honesty. tell me how bad we are. tell me how 2k7 will be better. tell me knew prospects for cordinators and coaches. new cbs and ss. new oline guys. tell me anything other then "in gibbs we trust" or "your not a real fan". why, why, why, must we go through this as a team. why dont i have any confidence in my team. I f---ing hate the cowboys we're 54-36 against this team. and i honesty believe we dont stand a chance. moss is out portis is questionable as is ARE. anyway guys thanks for letting me vent. and i do want to hear your opinions.
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Old 11-03-2006, 10:11 PM   #2
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Re: need some encouragement

yeah extreme skins suck!

We do suck!


welcome home
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Old 11-03-2006, 10:19 PM   #3
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Re: need some encouragement

why do you assume the talent on a 2-5 team is undoubtedly awesome?

our depth is terrible and our D got beset by injuries that they couldn't cope with. our offense hasn't helped (and it's honestly probably more play-calling than brunell, but i'd be happy to see both replaced).

hopefully they decide to revert back to what was working last year and show some signs of life, or at least get the young guys some experience.
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Old 11-04-2006, 02:08 AM   #4
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Re: need some encouragement

Until they prove otherwise they are what they are. We still love them but they suck.

Extreme Skins = 'Those' people. <snigger>
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Old 11-04-2006, 04:57 AM   #5
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Re: need some encouragement

Originally Posted by kevrobinson View Post
hello all. i just signed up tonight. i left the extremeskins forum because no one can understand that we suck. its ok. its ok to say that. i doesnt mean we're not fans. we are all frustrated with our team. but guys im dying here. how long can they play like this. is gibbs done. do we need a younger more firey coach. we're alot like the chargers a few years ago. all this awesome talent. and they lose. fire the coach. watch if the chargers dont make playoffs shottys done. i love gibbs. i really do. but im beginning to think that he just cant get it done. i feel that this whole 700 page playbook is a bad idea. sauders was a bad idea. how do we go from a playoff 10-6 team to a horrendous 2-5 team. i understand that its only week 9 but guys thats pretty far. we're not making it this far. parcells took a chance. why cant gibbs. we need a change. it pure crazyness to not change anything and expect the same results. i need some support. from you, my fellow skins fans. i want honesty. tell me how bad we are. tell me how 2k7 will be better. tell me knew prospects for cordinators and coaches. new cbs and ss. new oline guys. tell me anything other then "in gibbs we trust" or "your not a real fan". why, why, why, must we go through this as a team. why dont i have any confidence in my team. I f---ing hate the cowboys we're 54-36 against this team. and i honesty believe we dont stand a chance. moss is out portis is questionable as is ARE. anyway guys thanks for letting me vent. and i do want to hear your opinions.
New guy say it with me, Brunell sucks, Brunell sucks, .........

Yea Gibbs is wandering around in left field somewhere looking for a mit these day's, but don't believe that Saunders has lost it, look at what he has to deal with in Brunell, Saunders is a proven offensive wiz, Brunell plays like he's taking one. Don't worry new guy Gibbs is bound and determined to drive the old square peg threw a round hole no matter what the cost. Get used to it, Brunell as Gibbs has said many times still has a few years left in him.
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Old 11-04-2006, 07:32 AM   #6
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Re: need some encouragement

oh no. who let offiss out to play? welcome Kev to the board. i, for one, still think there is time to turn it around. but it has to be this week. and if it isn't, I'm leading the Jason Campbell bandwagon
"It's better to be quiet and thought a fool than to open ones mouth and remove all doubt."
courtesy of 53fan
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