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Red-Skins Nation?

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Old 07-20-2006, 05:31 PM   #1
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Red-Skins Nation?

I hate to start a thread talking about another sports team. But when it comes to fan bases, I think it's possible that Red Sox Nation is arguably the most fervent group of fans in existence. After all they waited, what, 86 years before they had some hardware to show for anything.
If that's not longsuffering then I don't know what is!

But what about Red-Skins Nation? No, we don't refer to ourselves as such but when it comes to 'followers' I certainly think we're still in the top ten of all professional sports teams! My top seven would probably start off with the Red Sox, then the Yankies, Lakers, Redskins, St. Louis Cards, The Belichick Boys, Cowboys, and out of courtesy to the NHL I'll leave a few slots open for them.

Since the completion of FEDX, as a fan base, we may have taken a step backwards. Some of that may have to do with location and quite frankly some of it may have to do with plain old lukewarmness (is that a word?). Now I'm not one of those fans that tries to separate the chaff from the wheat, and see who's really a Redskin fan and who isn't - but there was something very magical about RFK. Opponents seriously feared coming here during the Gibbs era. The stadium was old, the fans were rabid, and during the colder months the field conditions usually played to our advantage - to our brand of football.

Just as our team is poised to restore some of the glory of yester-year,
I think it's time for us Reskins fans to reclaim our rightful spot among the most avid followers of one of the greatest franchises in sports!
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Old 07-20-2006, 06:12 PM   #2
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Re: Red-Skins Nation?

cant call it redskin nation because there is not a majorly definitive redskin crowd in DC as in other places, such as steeler nation in the pittsburgh area where 95% of the evening news, in and out of season, revolves around the steelers, the fact is that there are so many people born and raised from different parts of the country that go to work around dc whether it be govt. jobs or just the good job market in the surrounding area that half the time youll walk into a bar on sundays and maybe more than half the people there will be sporting athletic wear from other teams, it sucks that we dont have the huge hometown type feeling like most other teams, for instance having to defend my skins to half my peers that are non-skins fans due to where they were born or because they jumped on a bandwagon of a good team in the mid 90's, but we definitley have a very large fanbase disperesed throughout the country
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Old 07-20-2006, 10:50 PM   #3
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Re: Red-Skins Nation?

Redskins nation? More like Redskins universe!
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Old 07-20-2006, 10:52 PM   #4
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Re: Red-Skins Nation?

Originally Posted by 12thMan
I hate to start a thread talking about another sports team. But when it comes to fan bases, I think it's possible that Red Sox Nation is arguably the most fervent group of fans in existence. After all they waited, what, 86 years before they had some hardware to show for anything.
If that's not longsuffering then I don't know what is!
You know what ticks me off about Red Sox fans? When you hear some 16-year old talk about how he's suffered for 86 years. Oh really, did you now? How'd you pull that off not being alive for 70 of them?

Sorry, had to vent....we now return to our regularly scheduled discussion
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Old 07-21-2006, 10:06 AM   #5
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Re: Red-Skins Nation?

More than any team's fans I have a problem with the Patriot's fans. Talk about jumping onto the bandwagon. The Patriots had a following similar to the Arizona Cardinals prior to the Super Bowl. Sure, you could say that about any team who has a Super Bowl victory, but I sure don't see a lot of Tampa Bay hats around here.
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Old 07-21-2006, 10:22 AM   #6
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Re: Red-Skins Nation?

Yeah, I remember the Pats fans during the lean years they were no where to be heard. But lately I have to give them some props...
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Old 07-21-2006, 10:34 AM   #7
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Re: Red-Skins Nation?

I give the Pats props, but not their fans. I remember in 2004 there was some guy in my office that by the nature of being from the North, he adopted the Pats as his team because they were "good" and started giving me crap about the Skins and shit. I asked him who the QB was before Tom Brady and he had no idea.
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Old 07-21-2006, 10:35 AM   #8
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Re: Red-Skins Nation?

I also showed him a picture of the old Patriots logo and asked him what that was and he was like "Who is that?"
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Old 07-21-2006, 10:42 AM   #9
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Re: Red-Skins Nation?

Originally Posted by TheMalcolmConnection
I give the Pats props, but not their fans. I remember in 2004 there was some guy in my office that by the nature of being from the North, he adopted the Pats as his team because they were "good" and started giving me crap about the Skins and shit. I asked him who the QB was before Tom Brady and he had no idea.
Yeah that's some fair weather shit right there!
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Old 07-21-2006, 10:47 AM   #10
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Re: Red-Skins Nation?

That's pretty typical of a lot of teams like that. If anything I can give credit to most of the Cowboy's fans for at least knowing about their team during THEIR glory years and I'm not talking about the nineties. Biggest fair weather fans are: Patriots, Buccaneers and Eagles.
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Old 07-21-2006, 10:54 AM   #11
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Re: Red-Skins Nation?

Originally Posted by TheMalcolmConnection
More than any team's fans I have a problem with the Patriot's fans. Talk about jumping onto the bandwagon. The Patriots had a following similar to the Arizona Cardinals prior to the Super Bowl. Sure, you could say that about any team who has a Super Bowl victory, but I sure don't see a lot of Tampa Bay hats around here.
Agreed, before the Brady years I don't think I ever came across a single person that claimed to be a Patriots fan. Nobody actually cheered for the Patriots.....they were a joke.

I think my list would be similar in other respects though. I'd say some of my top ones would be Red Sox, Yankees, St. Louis Cardinals, Raiders, Redskins, Cowboys, Steelers and probably the Mets.
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Old 07-21-2006, 10:55 AM   #12
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Re: Red-Skins Nation?

[QUOTE=12thMan]I hate to start a thread talking about another sports team. But when it comes to fan bases, I think it's possible that Red Sox Nation is arguably the most fervent group of fans in existence. After all they waited, what, 86 years before they had some hardware to show for anything.
If that's not longsuffering then I don't know what is!QUOTE]

The Sox have great fans no doubt, but I hate all that 86 year nonsense like they were the only suffering fans in the world! Unless you are a 90+ year old Redsox fan then you are no different then the rest of the suffering fans. And how many Redsox fans have been alive to suffer through even half those 86 years...not that many...certanily not a "nation" worth of them. Some teams have never won. I am a 35 year old skins fan so I have no complaints there, but my second favorite sports team is the Philly Flyers who have not won since 1975 when I was 4 years old. So I have never seen them win the Stanley Cup in my why would a 35 year old Red Sox fan be any more miserable then a 35 year old Flyers fan or any other fan who has never seen their team win? That just agravates me how Redsox And Cubs fans think they have the market cornered on misery. It's nonsense...
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Old 07-21-2006, 10:57 AM   #13
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Re: Red-Skins Nation?

Originally Posted by PSUSkinsFan21
Agreed, before the Brady years I don't think I ever came across a single person that claimed to be a Patriots fan. Nobody actually cheered for the Patriots.....they were a joke.

I think my list would be similar in other respects though. I'd say some of my top ones would be Red Sox, Yankees, St. Louis Cardinals, Raiders, Redskins, Cowboys, Steelers and probably the Mets.
Texas stadium is half full when the Cowboys are not having a great season. They have a big nationwide fanbase but their local support is pretty weak I think.
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Old 07-21-2006, 10:58 AM   #14
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Re: Red-Skins Nation?

Originally Posted by celts32
The Sox have great fans no doubt, but I hate all that 86 year nonsense like they were the only suffering fans in the world! Unless you are a 90+ year old Redsox fan then you are no different then the rest of the suffering fans. And how many Redsox fans have been alive to suffer through even half those 86 years...not that many...certanily not a "nation" worth of them. Some teams have never won. I am a 35 year old skins fan so I have no complaints there, but my second favorite sports team is the Philly Flyers who have not won since 1975 when I was 4 years old. So I have never seen them win the Stanley Cup in my why would a 35 year old Red Sox fan be any more miserable then a 35 year old Flyers fan or any other fan who has never seen their team win? That just agravates me how Redsox And Cubs fans think they have the market cornered on misery. It's nonsense...
Exactly what I'm saying. I just don't get all the "oh we've suffered for 86 years" crap. Plus I hate how they feel they're owed something. I had two roommates in college who were die hard Sox and it's like they never "lost" they were always "robbed"

Sorry to all Sox fans who might be here, it's nothing personal. I just hate your team
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Old 07-21-2006, 10:58 AM   #15
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Re: Red-Skins Nation?

The Sox have great fans no doubt, but I hate all that 86 year nonsense like they were the only suffering fans in the world! Unless you are a 90+ year old Redsox fan then you are no different then the rest of the suffering fans. And how many Redsox fans have been alive to suffer through even half those 86 years...not that many...certanily not a "nation" worth of them. Some teams have never won. I am a 35 year old skins fan so I have no complaints there, but my second favorite sports team is the Philly Flyers who have not won since 1975 when I was 4 years old. So I have never seen them win the Stanley Cup in my why would a 35 year old Red Sox fan be any more miserable then a 35 year old Flyers fan or any other fan who has never seen their team win? That just agravates me how Redsox And Cubs fans think they have the market cornered on misery. It's nonsense...
Excellent point. And as a Flyers fan, it's not like you haven't lived through an unbelievable number of teams that all looked poised to do it. They may be the most consistently good/great franchise to have not won a Championship (in any major sport) in over 30 years.
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