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Grade Rocky McIntosh

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View Poll Results: Rocky McIntosh: Grade the selection
A 35 22.01%
B 87 54.72%
C 33 20.75%
D 2 1.26%
F 2 1.26%
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Old 04-30-2006, 12:07 AM   #1
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Grade Rocky McIntosh

Granted there's not much to grade from day 1... just one player Rocky McIntosh. But let's give him a grade anyway.
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Old 04-30-2006, 12:18 AM   #2
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Re: Grade Rocky McIntosh

like the player, hate the price... 3 GREAT players were at the 35 spot, plenty survived to 53 as well. we lock in to individual players and sell the farm for them.

If he's good, then its a lot more forgiveable, and recent day 1 picks have been pretty decent, so i'm not really worried about him sucking, its just hard to see the need to trade up so high for HIM specifically with the talent available at BOTH 35 and 53.
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Old 04-30-2006, 12:19 AM   #3
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Re: Grade Rocky McIntosh

just like college i never understood the no E in grading i think if one letter should stand for a word then all shoud

B=better than a C
C=coulda done better
D=dumb luck that you passed
F=Failed to remember that E comes before F
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Old 04-30-2006, 12:33 AM   #4
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Re: Grade Rocky McIntosh

for me, it's too early to grade him, since i didn't know much about him in college, and i dunno how he's gonna do in teh nfl. In 3 years i'll grade him.
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Old 04-30-2006, 12:46 AM   #5
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Re: Grade Rocky McIntosh

Call it blind faith, but when I see the coaching staff get locked into a guy and go all out to get him, I get really excited. Gibbs and company have earned that blind faith if you ask me, they've been great with Day 1 picks. Taylor, Rogers, Cooley, Campbell (jury still out).

I love it. I'm very excited. I voted A.

I'd like to add (That Guy, please don't take offense) that all of the draft ratings and all that nonsense that people get so wrapped up in is just bogus. I don't care what says about a guy, or Mel Kiper, or whatever. If the player is someone that Joe Gibbs and Gregg Williams are excited about, then I tend to follow suit.

Not sure whether that makes me a homer or if it means that I simply tend to defer to some of the best football coaches in the game.
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Old 04-30-2006, 12:49 AM   #6
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Re: Grade Rocky McIntosh

Well, he would have to be one hell of a player to justify the price for him.

But he doesn't have to be that great to satisfy me...I'll give it a B.
according to a source with knowledge of the situation.
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Old 04-30-2006, 12:51 AM   #7
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Re: Grade Rocky McIntosh

Seriously tho, our front office needs to learn how to negotiate. I tire of the many times when the initial offer is far more than the other party could ever have dreamed of...c'mon guys you are supposed to start on the other extreme.
according to a source with knowledge of the situation.
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Old 04-30-2006, 12:54 AM   #8
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Re: Grade Rocky McIntosh

Originally Posted by Schneed10
all of the draft ratings and all that nonsense that people get so wrapped up in is just bogus. I don't care what says about a guy, or Mel Kiper, or whatever. If the player is someone that Joe Gibbs and Gregg Williams are excited about, then I tend to follow suit.

Not sure whether that makes me a homer or if it means that I simply tend to defer to some of the best football coaches in the game.
question, before today, would you rather have jimmy williams or mcintosh?

we don't have a need at OT or WR, even though those players are great too (jackson/justice), but if you'd have passed on williams for mcintosh last week, everyone would say you're nuts. (just move him to safety and turn archuleta into a linebacker :P)
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Old 04-30-2006, 01:04 AM   #9
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Re: Grade Rocky McIntosh

Originally Posted by GTripp0012
Seriously tho, our front office needs to learn how to negotiate. I tire of the many times when the initial offer is far more than the other party could ever have dreamed of...c'mon guys you are supposed to start on the other extreme.
Are you on the other side of the negotiating table?

How are you so sure that the "initial offer is far more than the other party could ever have dreamed of"??
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Old 04-30-2006, 01:08 AM   #10
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Re: Grade Rocky McIntosh

Originally Posted by That Guy
question, before today, would you rather have jimmy williams or mcintosh?

we don't have a need at OT or WR, even though those players are great too (jackson/justice), but if you'd have passed on williams for mcintosh last week, everyone would say you're nuts. (just move him to safety and turn archuleta into a linebacker :P)
For someone who knows so much about the draft, this is a pretty crazy statement to make. You want to move a 6-foot, 220 pound player to linebacker? That's not going to work, he'll get eaten alive by even the most benign blocking TEs.

Here's what I think is happening. A lot of us spend countless hours doing draft research and reading up and becoming experts on the draft. But when it comes down to it, we don't know 1% of what Gibbs and Williams know about the NFL. I'm sorry, no matter how good you think you are, you don't know jack in the grand scheme.

None of us are watching film and breaking it down, none of us are attending games and scouting, none of us are interviewing the players. We get all the info second-hand and act like we might be able to make an informed decision. It's just pointless. We can't. It's a large waste of time.

You can't say Jimmy Williams would be any better than Rocky McIntosh without simply repeating a bunch of information you found on the internet. It's basic regurgitation and it's meaningless. All I know is Gibbs and Williams wanted him, and that to me says a lot. I guess we'll find out in the coming years.
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Old 04-30-2006, 01:21 AM   #11
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Re: Grade Rocky McIntosh

Originally Posted by Mattyk72
Are you on the other side of the negotiating table?
No, but if I was (for some strange reason), I would want to negotiate with the Redskins.

We frequently lose value in trades. It's not going to hurt us in the near future, just the distant future.
according to a source with knowledge of the situation.
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Old 04-30-2006, 01:23 AM   #12
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Re: Grade Rocky McIntosh

Like the pick, hate the price.
Best. Player. Available.
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Old 04-30-2006, 01:29 AM   #13
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Re: Grade Rocky McIntosh

Originally Posted by Schneed10
For someone who knows so much about the draft, this is a pretty crazy statement to make. You want to move a 6-foot, 220 pound player to linebacker? That's not going to work, he'll get eaten alive by even the most benign blocking TEs.

Here's what I think is happening. A lot of us spend countless hours doing draft research and reading up and becoming experts on the draft. But when it comes down to it, we don't know 1% of what Gibbs and Williams know about the NFL. I'm sorry, no matter how good you think you are, you don't know jack in the grand scheme.

None of us are watching film and breaking it down, none of us are attending games and scouting, none of us are interviewing the players. We get all the info second-hand and act like we might be able to make an informed decision. It's just pointless. We can't. It's a large waste of time.

You can't say Jimmy Williams would be any better than Rocky McIntosh without simply repeating a bunch of information you found on the internet. It's basic regurgitation and it's meaningless. All I know is Gibbs and Williams wanted him, and that to me says a lot. I guess we'll find out in the coming years.
so why do you even bother coming to this forum or sprouting any kind of opinion, since it's pointless? and apparently you missed the joke.

seriously, you want me to call you an idiot every time you post any opinion at all? I think its smart to maximize talent instead of locking on one player, you don't, that's fine. but it seems more like post-draft justification and zombie-like homerism than actual analysis.

remember desmond howard? remember guys like jeff george? sometimes the teams DO make mistakes, you're acting like they're somehow infallible or that its not human beings making these decisions.
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Old 04-30-2006, 01:37 AM   #14
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Re: Grade Rocky McIntosh

Originally Posted by That Guy
so why do you even bother coming to this forum or sprouting any kind of opinion, since it's pointless? and apparently you missed the joke.

seriously, you want me to call you an idiot every time you post any opinion at all? I think its smart to maximize talent instead of locking on one player, you don't, that's fine. but it seems more like post-draft justification and zombie-like homerism than actual analysis.
The mere notion that you believe anyone on this site can offer worthy insight or "actual analysis" is laughable to me. When it comes to projecting prospects, the most knowledgable sportswriters in the game are often WAY off. Hell, a lot of coaches and GMs are often WAY off. The fact is we just don't know who's going to be good and who's not.

I also never called you an idiot. I hope you didn't think I did. I think you are smart and know a ton about college prospects. I'm just questioning the purpose behind all that research. I find it fruitless, that's all.

I just find the second-guessing of Gibbs' draft moves kind of funny, that's all. Does anyone really think they can challenge Gibbs' picks based on what they read on the internet? Pffft. He'd laugh at us if we did that.

That's just my philosophy on the whole subject. I do think it's fun to think about and give our opinions just for fun, but the second we start thinking we actually know something about these players is when we get too big for our britches. So I'll give my opinion on Jimmy Williams. I think he has character issues, I read that on the internet. So I can see why Gibbs went with Rocky.
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Old 04-30-2006, 01:39 AM   #15
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Re: Grade Rocky McIntosh

Originally Posted by Schneed10
For someone who knows so much about the draft, this is a pretty crazy statement to make. You want to move a 6-foot, 220 pound player to linebacker? That's not going to work, he'll get eaten alive by even the most benign blocking TEs.

Here's what I think is happening. A lot of us spend countless hours doing draft research and reading up and becoming experts on the draft. But when it comes down to it, we don't know 1% of what Gibbs and Williams know about the NFL. I'm sorry, no matter how good you think you are, you don't know jack in the grand scheme.

None of us are watching film and breaking it down, none of us are attending games and scouting, none of us are interviewing the players. We get all the info second-hand and act like we might be able to make an informed decision. It's just pointless. We can't. It's a large waste of time.

You can't say Jimmy Williams would be any better than Rocky McIntosh without simply repeating a bunch of information you found on the internet. It's basic regurgitation and it's meaningless. All I know is Gibbs and Williams wanted him, and that to me says a lot. I guess we'll find out in the coming years.

You said it all right here Schneed and what you say is true. Too many times we get caught up in the pre-draft hype from people we all have already admitted know very little about players or the game of football. They get paid for delivering hype and that's all it is. I was thrilled at the suspence surrounding the prospect of who we might take with 53 contrary to previous years when the whole world would know our slightest intentions. It's good to see Gibbs & Co. are determined not to let the media or the fans pick his team
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