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New Revelations in Taylor Case

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Old 03-04-2006, 01:06 PM   #1
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New Revelations in Taylor Case

I know right now we are all awaiting the outcome of the a decision relevant to the CBA and it's gaining the most attention. However the WashingtonTimes released a story this morning that could be troublesome for the Taylor defense. At a hearing in the Miami-Dade County Circut Court, assistant state's attorney Michael Grieco said a witness had received threatening phone calls about the case and had been offered money to influence his or her testimony. The state's attorney refused to identify the witness, however, Edward Carhart, Taylor's lead attorney, told The WashingtonTimes that Ryan Hill is the State's witness who had been on the receiving end of the alleged threats and inducements. Carhart added that Taylor had also received threatening calls.

If this information is correct and there are threatening acts taking place and can be proven, this could prove to be another serious allegation with serious consequences. It appears from the report however that the threats are coming from both sides.

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Old 03-04-2006, 01:11 PM   #2
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Re: New Revelations in Taylor Case

This is what happens when thugs deal with thugs. When is Taylor gonna relaize that he's not a thug anymore--he's a multi-millionaire NFL star, and millionaires intimidate with their lawyers, not with their boys from the hood? Lawyers are WAY more intimidating!

Who knows what this means? Maybe it'll turm out to be unsubstantiated BS, or maybe it will help Taylor, if he can show that he wasn't invovled and others are making the trouble. Let's pray that Taylor's legal team is as good as they're supposed to be!

What a circus.
Hail from Houston!
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Old 03-04-2006, 01:15 PM   #3
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Re: New Revelations in Taylor Case

From the article i read in the wash. post it sounded like the defense was spinning this just right, they're letting some of this stuff build up while pushing back the trial date. They will likely try to break down the credibility of the witnesses by showing that there's still a beef being played out on the streets. The more back & forth there is before trial the more likely the defense will be able to break down the prosecution's witnesses.
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Old 03-04-2006, 02:42 PM   #4
Another Year, another mess.
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Re: New Revelations in Taylor Case

we can't automaticly say its Taylors people. It could be fans of his who either love the skins or the University of Miami
That got ugly fast
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Old 03-04-2006, 02:54 PM   #5
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Re: New Revelations in Taylor Case

I would guess that the defense is gathering evidence that these guys are the ones who shot up his house and car. If they were the two that did it, he won't serve one day.
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Old 03-04-2006, 05:27 PM   #6
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Re: New Revelations in Taylor Case

meh, taylor's attorney(actually now, attorneys) will be able to say that it is just some pissed off redskins fan...
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Old 03-04-2006, 08:08 PM   #7
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Re: New Revelations in Taylor Case

Originally Posted by freddyg12
From the article i read in the wash. post it sounded like the defense was spinning this just right, they're letting some of this stuff build up while pushing back the trial date. They will likely try to break down the credibility of the witnesses by showing that there's still a beef being played out on the streets. The more back & forth there is before trial the more likely the defense will be able to break down the prosecution's witnesses.
I agree.
This Monkey's Gone to Heaven
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Old 03-05-2006, 04:49 AM   #8
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Re: New Revelations in Taylor Case

Originally Posted by Longtimefan
I know right now we are all awaiting the outcome of the a decision relevant to the CBA and it's gaining the most attention. However the WashingtonTimes released a story this morning that could be troublesome for the Taylor defense. At a hearing in the Miami-Dade County Circut Court, assistant state's attorney Michael Grieco said a witness had received threatening phone calls about the case and had been offered money to influence his or her testimony. The state's attorney refused to identify the witness, however, Edward Carhart, Taylor's lead attorney, told The WashingtonTimes that Ryan Hill is the State's witness who had been on the receiving end of the alleged threats and inducements. Carhart added that Taylor had also received threatening calls.

If this information is correct and there are threatening acts taking place and can be proven, this could prove to be another serious allegation with serious consequences. It appears from the report however that the threats are coming from both sides.

there goes watching the Sorprano's........
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Old 03-05-2006, 08:33 AM   #9
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Re: New Revelations in Taylor Case

What? Have you ever been in a criminal trial, for whatever reason? As a jury member, a suspect or simply somebody who had another reason to go to a criminal proceeding? It is not like TV, Law&Order is BS. When you talk about the facts maybe you should actually know some of them. And we do NOT. Therefore, you should not make any assumptions about either the prosecution nor the defense. Were you present that night? If not, then you do NOT know any of the facts. Lastly, it takes a lot to get a grand jury to issue an indictment.

HAIL Gibbs
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Old 03-05-2006, 03:03 PM   #10
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Re: New Revelations in Taylor Case

Originally Posted by PhxRedSkin
What? Have you ever been in a criminal trial, for whatever reason? As a jury member, a suspect or simply somebody who had another reason to go to a criminal proceeding? It is not like TV, Law&Order is BS. When you talk about the facts maybe you should actually know some of them. And we do NOT. Therefore, you should not make any assumptions about either the prosecution nor the defense. Were you present that night? If not, then you do NOT know any of the facts. Lastly, it takes a lot to get a grand jury to issue an indictment.

HAIL Gibbs

Um, but this is a WEBSITE. If you can't wildly specualte here, where can ya do it???
Hail from Houston!
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