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Old 02-27-2004, 11:02 PM   #1
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Broncos Running Game

I'm hearing Portis this, Portis that. While I think Portis is a great back, I don't think he could have done what he has without the superb play of the Broncos offensive line. I think if our offensive line doesn't play well next year Portis will be avarage at best. I firmly believe that the Bronco's offensive line can make any back look great and they have proven that over the past 8 years.

As for Champ, thanks for the memories and good luck.
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Old 02-27-2004, 11:04 PM   #2
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Here, here! I concur!
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Old 02-27-2004, 11:25 PM   #3
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Portis is tough for his size, picks up a blitz, and is fast as hell. He'll do fine. If we can get him into the open field now and then, he'll make his mark known.
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Old 02-27-2004, 11:27 PM   #4
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Do people think about the possibility that the Broncos are good at evaluating running back talent? Some teams are good at particular areas of evaluation. And the Broncos have a good line - which is true of any team that has a runner go for 1,500 yards in 13 games like Clinton Portis.

But if you want more evidence of the extraordinary rare talent of Clinton Portis:

From Dave Krieger in Rocky Mountain News:

"But back to Shanahan's argument that he can get 1,500 yards out of anyone he sticks back there. The year Anderson ran for 1,487 yards, the Broncos had a scary passing game, ranked third in the league. Last year, the Broncos' passing game scared only their own fans. Sharpe and Ed McCaffrey are at or very near the end of the line. Rod Smith remains an excellent player, but he, too, is getting on.

The passing game was ranked 22nd in the league last season. The running game, with Portis, was second. Portis was the offense.

It's not his total yards so much as the average - 5.5 yards per carry - that tells you Portis is one of a kind. Of the top 20 rushers in NFL history, only two averaged 5 yards a carry - Brown (5.2) and Sanders (5.0)."
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Old 02-27-2004, 11:28 PM   #5
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I think Denver's O-line played a big part of it, and the fact that Portis played in that altitude was a factor. Not having such a home field advantage, I will be happy if Portis can rush for 1,000 yards. I'm not sure if he'll reach 1500 here. I hope I'm wrong, though.
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Old 02-27-2004, 11:38 PM   #6
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Well, adapting to a new system you have to give a little leway.
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Old 02-27-2004, 11:38 PM   #7
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Forget Champ. He was a good player, but he didn't want to be here and so I say thanks and don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out. I KNOW he didn't want to be here so I'm not going to cry over his departure.

That said, I think that Portis IS a monster. I also think that the Broncos offensive line is not as good as it was several years ago. I also think that you could say that a number of backs would not do nearly as well without their olines (i.e. Jamal Lewis). But I'll tell you what, Portis is special and anyone who doesn't think so ought to get their eyes checked.

I could be full of it, but that's my two cents.
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Old 02-27-2004, 11:44 PM   #8
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I'm with ya, Ramseyfan. He's a great talent, and Shanihan does have a knack for spotting talent. Terrell Davis, Portis, Anderson. This isn't a lucky streak, or all O line. He picks up good runners.
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Old 02-28-2004, 12:23 AM   #9
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Originally Posted by Ramseyfan
Forget Champ. He was a good player, but he didn't want to be here and so I say thanks and don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out. I KNOW he didn't want to be here so I'm not going to cry over his departure.

That said, I think that Portis IS a monster. I also think that the Broncos offensive line is not as good as it was several years ago. I also think that you could say that a number of backs would not do nearly as well without their olines (i.e. Jamal Lewis). But I'll tell you what, Portis is special and anyone who doesn't think so ought to get their eyes checked.

I could be full of it, but that's my two cents.
Portis a monster? Isn't he small in comparison to the backs Gibbs had in the day? I just watched the video of the link JCrisp put up there in regard to the Bailey trade. He mentioned having a "BIG" back like Riggins, who was a bruiser in his day. Like all positions, guys are getting bigger and bigger. I know Gibbs is a smart guy, but liking him to a big back of the 80's, to somebody like Portis know, doesn't seem like a great analogy. Or did he mean "big" ,as a big game breaker? Thoughts on that.
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Old 02-28-2004, 01:35 AM   #10
Thank You, Sean.
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I do hear alot about Denvers O-Line, but we have a pretty good Oline too. Look what happened last year when we were actually allowed to run the ball, we had some damn good games. I think Portis will do just fine here.
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Old 02-28-2004, 03:18 AM   #11
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Originally Posted by manicd
Portis a monster? Isn't he small in comparison to the backs Gibbs had in the day?
Somebody needs to pull up the height and weight of Byner...I am just to lazy and drunk to rigth now, but I bet you it isn't that far off from one another and Byner seemed to do just fine.

People need to stop worrying about Portis. I don't care if Denver's system had something to do with it. the kid STILL has a ton of potential....he is only 22 years old and will get even better. For God's sakes what back would you rather have back there than him? Be thrilled, be excited, if this goes through, it was a steal.....a stud 22 year old back that touches the ball 30 times a game or a shut down corner (who didn't even want to be here) involved in maybe half that number.
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Old 02-28-2004, 03:45 AM   #12
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Originally Posted by beg8878
Somebody needs to pull up the height and weight of Byner...I am just to lazy and drunk to rigth now, but I bet you it isn't that far off from one another and Byner seemed to do just fine.

People need to stop worrying about Portis. I don't care if Denver's system had something to do with it. the kid STILL has a ton of potential....he is only 22 years old and will get even better. For God's sakes what back would you rather have back there than him? Be thrilled, be excited, if this goes through, it was a steal.....a stud 22 year old back that touches the ball 30 times a game or a shut down corner (who didn't even want to be here) involved in maybe half that number.
That is what I was talking about. I am problably youger than some here, but I saw Rggings as a big MFer for that time. I was just wondering what Gibbs philospy is on this. Portis is great. But can he take the beating?
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Old 02-28-2004, 11:25 AM   #13
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Ever think that maybe, just maybe Gibbs will change his system a little bit for a smaller back? He can take a beating, he carries the load at Denver, but I don't recommend running him right up the middle every down. He can hit the outside and roll.

I guarantee you Portis needs a much smaller hole and can do a lot more once he's through it than Riggins.
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Old 02-28-2004, 11:30 AM   #14
Thank You, Sean.
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I agree, and if we have to run up the middle that bad, we should still have a couple guys named Betts and Cartwright that can jam it up the middle for a play or too. Thats not saying Portis can't. I'm just saying, I agree with Daseal that Gibbs will format his system and then when we need to do somthing else, we will still have options
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Old 02-28-2004, 11:49 AM   #15
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Gibbs is known for his adjustments, if he picks up a guy like Portis he is doing it with a gameplan in mind...
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