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Brunell is Bad

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Old 02-27-2006, 02:45 PM   #1
Sean Taylor is God
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Brunell is Bad

I'm not going to dazzle you with numbers or deep theory. I just want to see where this goes. I have been concerned with the aquisition of a #2 WR when somone posed that it is Brunell's fault not Patten's. He is absolutely right. I have never been sold on him but what little offensive success we saw last year had little to do with his play and more to do with individual great plays, good team strategy, and a great offensive line. Our most successful pass plays were quick screen's to Moss and Cooley, and passes in the flat to Sellars. This requires nothing from the QB but delivery and every 3rd QB in the league can give you delivery. Our success on these passes were due to great blocks and moss's speed. At no point did Brunell demonstrate an ability to read coverages and complete passes down the middle of the field. The long ball consisted of him throwing it as far as his weak arm could muster and have speedy Moss outrun coverage. He rarely even attempts down the field passes and when he does they make me sad. Honestly, I tear up. His willingness to throw the ball away is something for review, and he has no problem punting the ball away. I often feel that he does not want the ball and would prefer that the other team's offense had it so the defense would be responsible. We have four arguable top-5 at their position lineman who provided remarkable protection last year. Barring injuries they should be better next year, but hopefully the guy responsible for getting the ball out of the pocket will be calm, assertive, and not mark brunell.

PS- I was just watching a recording of Gibbs at the combine. I love him. And I love you.
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Old 02-27-2006, 02:52 PM   #2
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Re: Brunell is Bad

Rather a bold statement. Though I look forward to the Campbell era, there's no way I can throw Brunell under the bus. He threw the ball deep well enough in Dallas to win that ball game, and took care of the ball as he was asked to do. I'd love to have a QB who could throw it fifteen yards deeper than him with some zip, but not at the expense of five or ten more INTs.
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Old 02-27-2006, 02:56 PM   #3
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Re: Brunell is Bad

I'm not sure this warranted another new thread considering how much we've already discussed the QB situation, but I think it's easy (and undeserving) to heave all the blame on Mark. He played well enough, and surprised a lot of us. Does that warrant him being the unquestioned starter going into the next season? Maybe not, but I think it's safe to say he is not bad.
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Old 02-27-2006, 02:59 PM   #4
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Re: Brunell is Bad

Brunell is not the best QB in the NFL but he is much better than you give him credit for. You said he does not want the ball and wishes the other team had it. Then why does he throw it away and not throw ints. If he threw more int. he would be off the field more and maybe riding the bench. I'm sorry I do not know why I started replying to this thread its been beat to death. I have not been on the sit much in the past few weeks when PR and Brunell was the topic and two weeks later the same type threads. I can see why Ramsey is of conversation with a trade issue but do we have to keep on the Brunell issue. If you love Gibbs so much then you must trust him to make the best decision for our team.
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Old 02-27-2006, 02:59 PM   #5
Sheriff Gonna Getcha
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Re: Brunell is Bad

I'm with Brud. I thought Brunell was done in 2004, but I was wrong. While Brunell's performance wasn't great in the last few games of the season, he was suffering from an injured knee. I don't pretend to claim that Brunell was some Pro Bowl-caliber QB, but he was pretty close.

That said, I want to say to everyone who feels like I do, everyone is entitled to an opinion. Please don't bash the poster's fanship, brains, etc. (Just being preemptive here).
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Old 02-27-2006, 03:00 PM   #6
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Re: Brunell is Bad

You love Gibbs yet you don't trust his guidance on the single most important decision on the football team. If Brunell was not the best QB the redskins had last year than why was he playing for 16 straight weeks. I just can't come to terms with how you can be a Joe Gibbs fan and still question the biggest decision he made all of last season. This isn't a run of the mill decision like a call on a particular 3rd & 2 or whether or not Thrash is better than Jacobs...the starting QB is the most major of major decisions. To imply that gibbs started the wrong QB for 16 straight weeks pretty much says that you don't believe he knows what he's doing. I don't see how you can seperate one from the other.

And as for your basic point on Brunels performance, I disagree with it completely. I don't think the Redskins would have been any where near the playoffs with Ramsey or Campbel playing last year. Brunell is not the player he used to be but he had a very good season. He carried out the offense the way Gibbs wanted and prodcued 10 wins.
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Old 02-27-2006, 03:10 PM   #7
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Re: Brunell is Bad

I agree, I think Ramsey could have done just as well with a very good O- Line, a very good wide reciever and tight end, then also throw in there that we have clinton portis. Don't forget that our defense was the main reason why we had 10 wins because they are the only consistent week in and week out pretty much. I don't have a problem with Brunell though I think he tries as hard as he can but he is getting pretty old and heart can only take you so far.
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Old 02-27-2006, 03:15 PM   #8
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Re: Brunell is Bad

My biggest problem with Brunell for most of the season (not including after the 2nd giants game when he was obviously injured) was the fact that he seemed to fumble a lot. It was nice that he didn't constantly throw INTs like Ramsey (who I still kind of like for some reason), but I was never all that comfortable with Brunell in terms of turnovers. I got to the point last year where I thought he would let it go each time he was sacked.

I was pleasantly suprised with some of his deep passes, especially in the Monday Night Miracle, but those could have been attributed to Moss' incredible deep ball skills. This may be an indication of the fact that I play too much Madden, but I think a little more play action would have suited us nicely this past season (but I'm not complaining).
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Old 02-27-2006, 03:16 PM   #9
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Re: Brunell is Bad

Gibbs seems to have a pretty good handle on QB's, so rather than rehashing this tired argument I'll just defer to his judgement on the matter.
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Old 02-27-2006, 03:25 PM   #10
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Re: Brunell is Bad

"At no point did Brunell demonstrate an ability to read coverages and complete passes down the middle of the field."

You must be kidding with this statement???
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Old 02-27-2006, 03:27 PM   #11
Sean Taylor is God
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Re: Brunell is Bad

It was wrong of me to question Brunell's heart and desire to have the ball. I got a little caught up in my rant but I stand by my belief that Brunell is not good. He was able to get the job done, well, but that wasn't my point. I think we could have been more successful had we had a QB with better arm strength and lower risk aversion. While it's true his style reduces INT's it keeps the defense closer to the line and makes it harder for the running game to be productive. When we are down and need to be driven down the field late in the game, Mark Brunell is incapable of leading that charge.
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Old 02-27-2006, 03:33 PM   #12
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Re: Brunell is Bad

Originally Posted by Sean Taylor is God
It was wrong of me to question Brunell's heart and desire to have the ball. I got a little caught up in my rant but I stand by my belief that Brunell is not good. He was able to get the job done, well, but that wasn't my point. I think we could have been more successful had we had a QB with better arm strength and lower risk aversion. While it's true his style reduces INT's it keeps the defense closer to the line and makes it harder for the running game to be productive. When we are down and need to be driven down the field late in the game, Mark Brunell is incapable of leading that charge.
I think it's a double edged sword. Most QBs that have stronger arms have a tendency to force the ball a little more. Which sometimes translates into higher ints. I think Brunell plays well within his ability and sometimes beyond given his knack scramble well and pick up key first downs.

I just don't think we can say "Brunell is not good", given his Pro-Bowl worthy season.
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Old 02-27-2006, 03:38 PM   #13
Sean Taylor is God
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Re: Brunell is Bad

My point is the only reason he had close to the season he did was his supporting cast, not him. WR Screens are not hard to throw.
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Old 02-27-2006, 03:42 PM   #14
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Re: Brunell is Bad

10-6, Playoffs, hard to hate on that.

We've discussed this topic to death, try a search.
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Old 02-27-2006, 03:46 PM   #15
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Re: Brunell is Bad

Originally Posted by Sean Taylor is God
My point is the only reason he had close to the season he did was his supporting cast, not him. WR Screens are not hard to throw.
Dude, name me one QB in the playoffs this year who didn't have a helluva supporting cast? Which, yes, included a very good defense?
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