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Old 02-07-2006, 04:14 PM   #1
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The Fix Is In?

what a game? What a joke, if anyone doesn't believe that the NFL minupulates the outcome of these games through the officials your only kidding yourselves! The Seahawks are the last team the NFL wanted to see in the SB, who would they promote on that team? Hasselbach? Alexander? Not 2 of the biggest personalities to put on the face of the NFL are they. But Big Ben, the bus, those are great stories for the promotion of the NFL product, I say product because I now believe that the competition between teams is secondary, it's now which team can we promote to the top to make us the most money? To win in the NFL these day's you better have personality at the key positions, or look out you will have to overcome more than just the opposing team to win it all.

In defense of the Steelers they overcame the same nonesense in the Colt game, as if anyone didn't know the NFL was creaming their pant's to see Peyton finally get to the SB, the ultimate poster boy for the NFL, it was a good job by the Steelers to overcome that big of an obsticle.

I am starting to have the same feeling towards the NFL as I have towards boxing, I gave up on boxing because I just could no longer believe the sports legitamacy, and once you can't believe that it's not fixed you might as well watch professional wrestling.

I have a feeling something is going to happen with this in the next couple of years, we are already hearing grumblings from players, Joey Porter accused the NFL of trying to fix the game with the Colts, and guess what? You didn't hear basically boo about that statement, infact I find it kind of ironic he didn't recieve a fine? Now Holmgren is attacking officials, and I have yet to hear anything about a fine from the NFL, perhaps Gibbs should be asking for a refund? These latest accusations are so dangerous that the NFL doesn't want to remotly acknowledge them so the do not gain any momentum whatsoever. The sour grapes excuse works for the NFL when we are ripped because they hate Snyder, but when the entire country watches this nonesense it certainly makes deniablity of minipulation much more difficult.

I know there are plenty of people who will refuse to believe that some of these games are heavily minupulated, and thats fine. But remember, it's alway's tough as a kid when you first hear Santa Claus is a fake! And that super bowl screamed fix! It was not fixed for gamblings sake, but for maximixing the product of the NFL, the Steelers represented the hot babe on the front page, where as the NFL looked at the Seahawks as needing a bag over their head!
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Old 02-07-2006, 04:16 PM   #2
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Re: The Fix Is In?

I think nothing was said by the NFL because there is no sense in responding to such a stupid and baseless comment. If anyone is manipulating games I guarantee its not the nfl.
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Old 02-07-2006, 04:20 PM   #3
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Re: The Fix Is In?

Elvis is alive too.
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Old 02-07-2006, 04:21 PM   #4
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Re: The Fix Is In?

I truly refuse to believe there's some kind of conspiracy theory.

To me it seems like a "Can't see the forest for the trees situation."

A lot of people would love to believe that the Seahawks were shafted in the game, but seriously do you think that if the Seahawks would have won the NFL product would have been any less popular? I mean go back to a Tampa Bay team that had hardly a following a few years ago, a Super Bowl win TRANSLATES to NFL growth. Say Seattle wins the Super Bowl, that would create more "bandwagon" fans and have more fans come out of the woodwork. Being that Seattle isn't exactly what you'd call a "football city" one would think that having a Super Bowl champion would at least bring about a bit of hype.

I don't think that one team or another winning the Super Bowl hurts the "product" of the NFL. It might just be me but I don't think that anyone LOVES a dynasty unless you're a fan of the team in question. I know that I, for one, HATED when the Patriots were dominant year in and year out. It's nice to have a change once in a while.
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Old 02-07-2006, 04:23 PM   #5
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Re: The Fix Is In?

In addition to that, I don't think the sale of Big Ben, Bettis or Alexander jerseys dropped any.
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Old 02-07-2006, 04:26 PM   #6
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Re: The Fix Is In?

Originally Posted by Mattyk72
Elvis is alive too.
and aliens landed 50 years ago
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Old 02-07-2006, 04:29 PM   #7
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Re: The Fix Is In?

Players make mistakes and the ref's make mistakes. The Skins had games with bad calls against use and had games the bad calls helped us. I will be the first to agree that there were some bad calls in the game but I just don't buy into to the game is fixed thing. Santa Clause is fake? I saw him this year in the mall drinking beer at Ruby Tuesday during one of his breaks.
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Old 02-07-2006, 04:46 PM   #8
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Re: The Fix Is In?

Nah, it's not fixed. I just believe that Seattle made enough mistakes that any "bad" call against them was going to play a major role in the outcome of the game. Winning teams find ways to win regardless of the officiating. Seattle couldn't do it.
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Old 02-07-2006, 05:27 PM   #9
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Re: The Fix Is In?

i always thought it was crazy but why not?? Porter can yell shit about it along with everyone and their mothers crying about Polamalu's INT vs. the Colts but now it happens against them. Porter accussed them of the same thing 3 weeks ago. The Refs were horrible. Is it fixed? I really really really don't think so but is it impossible?
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Old 02-07-2006, 05:30 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by steveo395
and aliens landed 50 years ago
Was that New Mexico???
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Old 02-07-2006, 05:34 PM   #11
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Re: The Fix Is In?

Originally Posted by skinsguy
Nah, it's not fixed. I just believe that Seattle made enough mistakes that any "bad" call against them was going to play a major role in the outcome of the game. Winning teams find ways to win regardless of the officiating. Seattle couldn't do it.
Well if and I say IF the fix was not on that says a lot about the NFL refs!!!! :frusty: They are so bad and wow most everything about that game sunday was bad. Yet each week on the NFL network you have them telling us just how good the Refs are and what call that week wasn't a miss call! This NEEDS TO BE FIXED! :headbange
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Old 02-07-2006, 05:40 PM   #12
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The Super Bowl was Rigged and I Have Proof!

A transcript of the conversation between Paul Tagliabue and Gene Upshaw, in which they discuss rigging the Super Bowl:

Tagliabue: Hey Gene!

Upshaw: What?

T: I am a very, very devious man, and I have an idea.

U: Talk to me, Pauly.

T: This idea could go down in history as the single most boneheaded conspiracy. Ever.

U: I am intrigued. Tell me more!

T: You and I stand to gain absolutely nothing by doing this, but I wanna do it anyway, because I'm a conniving little rascal.

U: Keep going! Keep going!

T: This is like the Chicago Blacksox, Pete Rose, and Danny Almonte all rolled into one. Only this is with football.

U: Tell me already or else I'll strike on your ass!


U: Giggity giggity giggity! It's so stupid it's almost brilliant!

T: Tell me about it! I already make over 8 figures a year, but that's worth risking a very very negligible benefit for the NFL as a whole.

U: You're such a team player.

T: Indeed. Keep in mind that if anyone were to find out about this, we would be shunned, fired, and potentially prosecuted for our acts. The NFL’s product would lose its legitimacy, and fans all around the country would stop watching. But who cares? I want one for the thumb, biatch!

Anyone who alledges the NFL fixes games is merely babbling in an emotional tirade rather than thinking about the situation logically.

Right now the NFL is at its zenith, and it is only going to grow more popular and more profitable. Whether the NFL stands to gain something by having certain teams succeed over others is a matter of debate, but regardless of the truth of that matter, the NFL would be crazy to try to influence games. By compromising the integrity of the sport, they stand to lose much more than they have to gain. If it were discovered that games were fixed, the sport would be permanently crippled.

Also, when you say "the NFL wanted the Steelers to win" exactly who are you referring to? The refs? Tagliabue? The owners, or the player's association? Because the refs stand to gain absolutely nothing by fixing the game; their salaries are set from day one and are not influenced by how much the NFL is worth. Same applies to Tags. The owners and players do, theoretically, stand to gain money by increasing the value of the NFL as a whole, but as I've already stated, the risk is not worth the reward.
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Old 02-07-2006, 05:59 PM   #13
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Re: The Fix Is In?

There weren't even that many bad calls in that game. The pass interference call was iffy, but either way I think it was close. I think D Jack pushed off, that's just me, whatever the case, Patten got called for less on a TD catch against Denver so that call is out.

The big one is the holding call when Seattle had the big play nullified. That one was obviously a bad call, but you never know, the refs get the number wrong all the time, it could have been on someone else on the line.

The Big Ben TD: there was no doubt that you stay with the call on the field, there wasn't enough evidence to overturn it. I think he got in, but I don't know.

The Hasselbeck low block was total BS. That was a terrible call, but it was only 15 yards. That's not that big of a deal

What I think is lost in all this is the fact that Seattle came to the biggest game of their lives and couldn't deal with a little adversity. It was a tough game, but you're supposed to be one of the best teams in the league and then a few calls don't go your way and you can't respond? That's just sad. It pisses me off that Holmgren's crying about it and it's retarded if people think that the game was set up to screw Seattle.
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Old 02-07-2006, 06:19 PM   #14
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Re: The Super Bowl was Rigged and I Have Proof!

I agree 100% with last 2 paragraphs....I want 30 seconds back of my life for the top section though!
(Talking about DCOP's post)
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Old 02-07-2006, 06:37 PM   #15
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Re: The Fix Is In?

offiss head
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