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Reggie Bush vs Lindell White

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Old 01-04-2006, 07:45 PM   #1
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Reggie Bush vs Lindell White

Everyone is talking about Bush and he definitely has some mad skills, most notably his ability to elude tackles. But I am left to wonder if Bush has been oversold and over hyped. Can he pound the ball for 16 NFL games? Is he another Peter Warrick? Are people overlooking how good Lindell White is?
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Old 01-04-2006, 08:05 PM   #2
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Re: Reggie Bush vs Lindell White

I have a hunch that Reggie Bush's stock may plummet a bit this evening... I don't think USC is as good as they seem. Hell fresno state nearly beat them. I know nearly beating someone isn't beating them, but they shouldn't even have been competetive.

Then again, we should've beaten the cards by 20.
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Old 01-04-2006, 08:07 PM   #3
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Re: Reggie Bush vs Lindell White

Bush and Lindell White are good players, but the stud in the college football right now at the skill offense positions is Vince Young. If anyone has not seen him play before today, make sure you watch him tonight. The guy is the next Micheal Vick, but much bigger and possibly more athletic. At 6' 5" and 230 lbs he is much bigger than Vick and nearly as fast.

Young's run-pass ability has him within shouting distance of becoming the first player to throw for 2,500 yards and run for 1,000 in the same season. Already, he is 28-2 as a starter, tied with both Bobby Layne for the most wins in school history and Nebraska's Turner Gill for seventh-best winning percentage (.933).

The guy is originally from here (Houston), so I have followed his career closely since I moved here two years ago. IMO the guy is the best college player period.
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Old 01-04-2006, 08:11 PM   #4
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Re: Reggie Bush vs Lindell White

Reggie Bush is so overrated....the USC o-line is amazing...if the texans draft him, they are morons, especially since they already have domanick davis who is probably better than bush
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Old 01-04-2006, 08:23 PM   #5
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Re: Reggie Bush vs Lindell White

The game tonight is overhyped, and im finally glad it is gonna happen, im sick and tired of ESPN only showing crap on the Rose Bowl.
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Old 01-04-2006, 08:23 PM   #6
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Re: Reggie Bush vs Lindell White

Has anyone here watched Bush more than once? Or more than a few plays? The guy is universally regarded by people who actually know what they are talking about as the best rb to come since Barry Sanders. As much as Kiper is a tool the guy knows college football players and he knows everything. He knows crap we don't even have the mind to consider. Stuff like a DT's ability to get his hands from his three point stance to the OLs upper body or the ratio of an OTs thigh angle to his lower leg angle. Just random stuff that seems to have an affect on when a football player is going to be good. He says Bush is the best player he has ever seen. I think he is a tool but I think he knows what he is talking about. Bush is most likely the real deal guys whether we want to emotionally admit it or not.
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Old 01-04-2006, 08:28 PM   #7
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Re: Reggie Bush vs Lindell White

Originally Posted by canthetuna
I have a hunch that Reggie Bush's stock may plummet a bit this evening... I don't think USC is as good as they seem. Hell fresno state nearly beat them. I know nearly beating someone isn't beating them, but they shouldn't even have been competetive.

Then again, we should've beaten the cards by 20.
I have to point out that the only reason Fresno State didn't beat USC is because of Reggie Bush. He had 513 all purpose yards! That's freakin ridiculous. Reggie Bush shows up big when the games are on the line. Without Bush they don't beat ND either. He's a great ballplayer.

I am concerned that he may not be able to carry the load, but that's also why I think that going to the Texans is the best thing that could happen to him. You put him in the same backfield as Domanick Davis and that run game is really scary. All they would have to do then is figure out how to pass block and they could threaten the Jags for the wild card spot in that division since the Colts are gonna be winning for the foreseeable future.
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Old 01-04-2006, 08:39 PM   #8
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Re: Reggie Bush vs Lindell White

I don't think Reggie Bush's stock goes anywhere but up after tonights game. I think that USC will prove thats its worthy of all the hype. Vince Young is indeed a great athlete but I just think that USA can beat Texas on so many different levels with different players. I believe that USC has a higher caliber of players at the skilled positions. I do imagine a close game until the 3rd quarter when UCS has been known to make outstanding in game adjustments. USC wins by 14.
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Old 01-05-2006, 01:29 AM   #9
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Re: Reggie Bush vs Lindell White

Vince Young, I'd like to take him as my running back!
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Old 01-05-2006, 01:35 AM   #10
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Re: Reggie Bush vs Lindell White

Originally Posted by saden1
Vince Young, I'd like to take him as my running back!
he is definitely faster and stronger than I'd thought before watching most of the game. the other guys on the field seemed to be moving in slow mo even when he didn't seem to be going full speed and the guy kept on shrugging off all of his would be tacklers.
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Old 01-05-2006, 01:44 AM   #11
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Re: Reggie Bush vs Lindell White

That was one of the best college games I ever saw, Young is unreal, it's like the guy has a forcefield around him, no one can catch, or tackle him, what a game!
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Old 01-05-2006, 02:02 AM   #12
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Re: Reggie Bush vs Lindell White

Originally Posted by Defensewins
Bush and Lindell White are good players, but the stud in the college football right now at the skill offense positions is Vince Young. If anyone has not seen him play before today, make sure you watch him tonight. The guy is the next Micheal Vick, but much bigger and possibly more athletic. At 6' 5" and 230 lbs he is much bigger than Vick and nearly as fast.

Young's run-pass ability has him within shouting distance of becoming the first player to throw for 2,500 yards and run for 1,000 in the same season. Already, he is 28-2 as a starter, tied with both Bobby Layne for the most wins in school history and Nebraska's Turner Gill for seventh-best winning percentage (.933).

The guy is originally from here (Houston), so I have followed his career closely since I moved here two years ago. IMO the guy is the best college player period.
Any Questions?
Bush should return the Heisman. The wrong guy got it.
Vince Young will be the #1 pick if he decides to come out.
Even Lindell White will get drafted before Bush.
The Heisman voting system needs to be changed. What do a bunch of pencil necked geek press guys know about Football? Most of those guys have never even played the game. The coaches should vote instead of press. Plus the award should be given after the championship game.
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Old 01-05-2006, 02:09 AM   #13
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Re: Reggie Bush vs Lindell White

Well, I said over and over before the game that Reggie will be the main focus of Texas' D... as such, he tried to do way to much (especially with the stupid lateral in the first quarter). Vince Young made a believer out of me tonight and i congratulate the Horns on a well deserved W.

but Houston should still draft Reggie. He's going to blow you out of this world in the L.
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Old 01-05-2006, 02:10 AM   #14
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Re: Reggie Bush vs Lindell White

Originally Posted by Defensewins
Any Questions?
Bush should return the Heisman. The wrong guy got it.
Vince Young will be the #1 pick if he decides to come out.
Even Lindell White will get drafted before Bush.
The Heisman voting system needs to be changed. What do a bunch of pencil necked geek press guys know about Football? Most of those guys have never even played the game. The coaches should vote instead of press. Plus the award should be given after the championship game.
White's not going before Bush and I highly doubt that Young would either. First of all, Bush had 19 touches for 177 yards and a TD. That TD was electric. He didn't have a great game by his standards, but he still averaged over 6 yards per carry. The issue was that he didn't get the ball enough.

I won't argue that Vince Young had an amazing game, but USC's D isn't nearly as good as Texas's.

Also, you have to look at who has the pick. The Texans would pick Bush because they like Carr and they don't need 2 power runners. I would, however, think that Young should go ahead of Lienart.

I'm not necessarily directing this you at you Defensewins, but I don't like when people just wait for someone to fail. Reggie Bush made one bad play that game and you won't convince that that cost them the game because all USC had to do was tackle. Or Lienart could have made a play on the last play of the game. Or he could have not throw that pick in the end zone. USC made too many stupid mistakes to win that game. One of them was also not getting the football in Reggie Bush's hands.

USC didn't lose because of Reggie Bush.

I do, however, agree that the Hiesman committee should wait to vote until after the bowl games. I'm pretty sure that if they had Young would have gotten it. However, if coaches voted before the bowl games, I'd have to say that it would have still gone to Bush.
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Old 01-05-2006, 02:18 AM   #15
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Re: Reggie Bush vs Lindell White

Originally Posted by Defensewins
Bush and Lindell White are good players, but the stud in the college football right now at the skill offense positions is Vince Young. If anyone has not seen him play before today, make sure you watch him tonight. The guy is the next Micheal Vick, but much bigger and possibly more athletic. At 6' 5" and 230 lbs he is much bigger than Vick and nearly as fast.

Young's run-pass ability has him within shouting distance of becoming the first player to throw for 2,500 yards and run for 1,000 in the same season. Already, he is 28-2 as a starter, tied with both Bobby Layne for the most wins in school history and Nebraska's Turner Gill for seventh-best winning percentage (.933).

The guy is originally from here (Houston), so I have followed his career closely since I moved here two years ago. IMO the guy is the best college player period.
Dude, you are so on the money. Vince Young dominated USC. He breaks tackles like a FB, has the speed of a tailback, and is a pretty damn accurate passer. When he got the ball back with two minutes, you just know USC was in big trouble. If I was Casserly in Houston, I would trade David Carr and pick Young #1 over Reggie Bush after what I saw this evening.
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