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Massachusetts Senate Race

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Old 01-18-2010, 11:47 PM   #31
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Re: Massachusetts Senate Race

Originally Posted by The Goat View Post
So what's the deal exactly? Why couldn't the Dem party in Mass find a strong candidate? There's ummm, quite a few people up there from what I understand, most of them being Dems.
Plain old arrogance dude. They thought it was shoe in because Kennedy held the seat for so long and Mass is reliably blue. Also the special election process just stinks if you ask me. But Coakley just isn't a campaigner; she didn't want it bad enough. The comment about Schilling being a Yankee fan was just nutso.

The Dems had better pull their heads out of their asses though. Seriously. One thing I'm starting to see, and hopefully they're starting to see, is that Obama's appeal hasn't been transferable. You know, people aren't exactly voting against him, but his popularity isn't moving the needle either. Voters aren't enthusiastic because Obama came to town. His presidency is unique in that it's all about him and not really affecting national elections one way or another. As we move into the mid-terms I really hope these guys can see that.

Besides, I might have to quit coming to Warpath if we keep dropping like flies
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Old 01-19-2010, 12:12 AM   #32
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Re: Massachusetts Senate Race

Originally Posted by 12thMan View Post
The Dems had better pull their heads out of their asses though. Seriously. One thing I'm starting to see, and hopefully they're starting to see, is that Obama's appeal hasn't been transferable. You know, people aren't exactly voting against him, but his popularity isn't moving the needle either. Voters aren't enthusiastic because Obama came to town. His presidency is unique in that it's all about him and not really affecting national elections one way or another. As we move into the mid-terms I really hope these guys can see that.

Besides, I might have to quit coming to Warpath if we keep dropping like flies
I think it's hard to draw parallels between Barack and the national scene but what you say makes sense. Personally I've been way more impressed w/ him than I expected to be, both in terms of comparison and just what's been accomplished. All I can remember from the first year under Bush is 1) him slashing federal aid to students (i was a student then) 2) him colluding w/ the f*cks at Enron (they all had Thanksgiving dinner together and the admin specifically gave the execs extra time to sell their stock in the company rather) 3) Cheney colluding w/ energy suppliers in Texas who screwed over the rest of the country (remember the great audio clips of Cheney's buddy saying "f*ck em, f*ck em all) 4) Bush ignoring CIA reports specifically warning of terrorist hijackings in the U.S.

Fast-forward and I can't say there's much I'd like to see different over the last year. I wish there was a real national health plan option because I've spent enough time in other 1st world nations to know what they have works infinitely better than the POS plan I have through BCBS. But that probably won't happen until private insurance literally ruins the country and we have to start from scratch...hell Truman tried over 60 yrs ago for national coverage it's not like this is anything revolutionary. One thing I like best about the current state of affairs is the current defense sec. Gates was just one or two of Bush's solid appointments in gov and thankfully the guy has stayed on. He is steadily cutting down on what is the most wasteful facet of government, and because he's a Rep holdover working for this pres it's not getting too much attention
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Old 01-19-2010, 12:55 AM   #33
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Re: Massachusetts Senate Race

The Democrats could still steal this. There are over 100,000 dead people still registered and over 500,000 who no longer reside in Mass. The Democrats could very well steal it.

Either way. this health care nonsense is the rope we will use to hang the Liberals. If Pelosi gets her way; if cooler heads don't prevail; if some moderate or group of moderates doesn't pull the plug on the current legislation; then we Republicans will festoon our bed chambers with Left Wing guts, figuratively speaking.
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Old 01-19-2010, 01:24 AM   #34
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Re: Massachusetts Senate Race

Originally Posted by 70Chip View Post
The Democrats could still steal this. There are over 100,000 dead people still registered and over 500,000 who no longer reside in Mass. The Democrats could very well steal it.

Either way. this health care nonsense is the rope we will use to hang the Liberals. If Pelosi gets her way; if cooler heads don't prevail; if some moderate or group of moderates doesn't pull the plug on the current legislation; then we Republicans will festoon our bed chambers with Left Wing guts, figuratively speaking.
Help yourself to some decent meat. Great Gangs of New York reference.
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Old 01-19-2010, 04:24 AM   #35
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Re: Massachusetts Senate Race

Originally Posted by 70Chip View Post
The Democrats could still steal this. There are over 100,000 dead people still registered and over 500,000 who no longer reside in Mass. The Democrats could very well steal it.

Either way. this health care nonsense is the rope we will use to hang the Liberals. If Pelosi gets her way; if cooler heads don't prevail; if some moderate or group of moderates doesn't pull the plug on the current legislation; then we Republicans will festoon our bed chambers with Left Wing guts, figuratively speaking.
If you ain't cheating you ain't trying...just ask your boy Romney who no longer lives in MA but uses his son's address to maintain his MA residency.

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Old 01-19-2010, 05:45 AM   #36
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Re: Massachusetts Senate Race

Originally Posted by 70Chip View Post
The Democrats could still steal this. There are over 100,000 dead people still registered and over 500,000 who no longer reside in Mass. The Democrats could very well steal it.

Either way. this health care nonsense is the rope we will use to hang the Liberals. If Pelosi gets her way; if cooler heads don't prevail; if some moderate or group of moderates doesn't pull the plug on the current legislation; then we Republicans will festoon our bed chambers with Left Wing guts, figuratively speaking.
this statement makes me laugh
"It's better to be quiet and thought a fool than to open ones mouth and remove all doubt."
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Old 01-19-2010, 06:55 AM   #37
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Re: Massachusetts Senate Race

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
If you ain't cheating you ain't trying...just ask your boy Romney who no longer lives in MA but uses his son's address to maintain his MA residency.

Don't hate the player, hate the game.
This is the most reasonable non football post you've ever created. Let the ancient laws of combat decide who holds sway over the 5 points for good and all.

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Old 01-19-2010, 11:31 AM   #38
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Re: Massachusetts Senate Race

Originally Posted by 70Chip View Post
This is the most reasonable non football post you've ever created. Let the ancient laws of combat decide who holds sway over the 5 points for good and all.

You need to try harder with my post...and yes, if it comes to it I will gut you.
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Old 01-19-2010, 12:47 PM   #39
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Re: Massachusetts Senate Race

Originally Posted by 12thMan View Post
Plain old arrogance dude. They thought it was shoe in because Kennedy held the seat for so long and Mass is reliably blue. Also the special election process just stinks if you ask me. But Coakley just isn't a campaigner; she didn't want it bad enough. The comment about Schilling being a Yankee fan was just nutso.

The Dems had better pull their heads out of their asses though. Seriously. One thing I'm starting to see, and hopefully they're starting to see, is that Obama's appeal hasn't been transferable. You know, people aren't exactly voting against him, but his popularity isn't moving the needle either. Voters aren't enthusiastic because Obama came to town. His presidency is unique in that it's all about him and not really affecting national elections one way or another. As we move into the mid-terms I really hope these guys can see that.

Besides, I might have to quit coming to Warpath if we keep dropping like flies
They thought it was a shoe in because Mass is 3 to 1 dems and Obama carried the state with a strong 26% more voters. If the Rep win the election or even comme close I think it direct reflection on Obama and what they now think of his agenda. The voters in Mass know they are the only one's stopping health care reform and that a big issue because they know what happens when goverment takes over health care. If you don't like the special election you need to be mad at the Dems as they changed the process to insure they would keep the seat but now it looks like it might backfire on them.
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Old 01-19-2010, 12:53 PM   #40
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Re: Massachusetts Senate Race

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
If you ain't cheating you ain't trying...just ask your boy Romney who no longer lives in MA but uses his son's address to maintain his MA residency.

Don't hate the player, hate the game.
Thats a pretty big stretch because he has owned those other homes while he has lived in Mass. He is in the process of buying a home and moving but has not yet done so. My parents own a second home in NC and if they sold their home in Va and while looking for a new home they would not change their living address to NC while looking for a new home. This election would not even been taking place if the dems didn't change the rules when they thought it would help them. Try again.
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Old 01-19-2010, 01:15 PM   #41
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Re: Massachusetts Senate Race

Originally Posted by firstdown View Post
Thats a pretty big stretch because he has owned those other homes while he has lived in Mass. He is in the process of buying a home and moving but has not yet done so. My parents own a second home in NC and if they sold their home in Va and while looking for a new home they would not change their living address to NC while looking for a new home. This election would not even been taking place if the dems didn't change the rules when they thought it would help them. Try again.
He sold his only MA home in April 2008. A man with the kind of cash he has shouldn't have any trouble scooping up a home or building one in no time. You and I both know what he's doing so let's cut the pretense.
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Old 01-19-2010, 02:33 PM   #42
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Re: Massachusetts Senate Race


‘Honest mistakes’: Martha Coakley failed to disclose all assets -

Dewey beats Truman all over again!
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Old 01-19-2010, 02:38 PM   #43
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Re: Massachusetts Senate Race

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
He sold his only MA home in April 2008. A man with the kind of cash he has shouldn't have any trouble scooping up a home or building one in no time. You and I both know what he's doing so let's cut the pretense.
So you really think he has held out buying a home so he could vote in this election that he did not even know was going to happen until a year after he sold his home? Boy he really wants his one vote to count. Moving from one state to the next requires more then just an address change so most people wait until they know where they are going to live before making that change. If you think he just held off for two years to vote in this election then I'm not going to change your mind but it does not make much sense. Also we can thank the Dems for this special election they wanted so he could cast this important one vote.
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Old 01-19-2010, 02:39 PM   #44
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Re: Massachusetts Senate Race

Originally Posted by GMScud View Post
IMO, as a Republican, I'm finding this race in Mass totally hilarious. I don't know if it's because Coakley felt like she was entitled to a Kennedy seat simply because she shares his party, but this campaign has been AWFUL! Alienating Red Sox and Bruins fans, saying Catholics shouldn't work in emergency rooms, Patrick Kennedy doesn't even know Coakley's name, Obama comes in and makes fun of Brown's truck (HELLO? A GM truck with over 200,000 miles- oops!). It's no wonder Rahm and Co won't let him speak off the cuff anymore... I mean, what a shit show. Oh, and don't forget that awkward moment this morning when Coakley tried to relate Dr. King's "dream" to her campaign. I was embarrassed for her. She's got campaign staff that can't even spell the name of the state for God's sake.

Coakley is a fail. Massachusetts hasn't had a Republican senator in 38 years. They will tomorrow. And when the polls close, my must see TV will be MSNBC. It's gonna be hilarious.
Is that Olberman's channel? (don't know, I can't stomach liberal news networks) I heard a clip of him on the radio earlier raging and throwing around the "teabagger" namecalling.

Chuckie Schumer is namecalling too: - Schumer Pulls 'Tea-Bagger' Card on GOP Candidate Brown

It's going to be so satisfying to see these people defeated.

Just another example of trying to screw with the election by Dems:
Phony Calls Tell Massachusetts Residents Pro-Life Group Opposes Scott Brown
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Old 01-19-2010, 02:40 PM   #45
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Re: Massachusetts Senate Race

Originally Posted by Buster View Post
Is that Olberman's channel? (don't know, I can't stomach liberal news networks) I heard a clip of him on the radio earlier raging and throwing around the "teabagger" namecalling.

Chuckie Schumer is namecalling too: - Schumer Pulls 'Tea-Bagger' Card on GOP Candidate Brown

It's going to be so satisfying to see these people defeated.

Just another example of trying to screw with the election by Dems:
Phony Calls Tell Massachusetts Residents Pro-Life Group Opposes Scott Brown
I can see how someone forgets they have a 12,000 IRA account but not $200,000 in a savings account.
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