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JLC vs. Cerrato takes a new twist?

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Old 09-22-2008, 04:19 PM   #31
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Re: JLC vs. Cerrato takes a new twist?

What's up with the Redskins media? Someone should do a story on analysts and bloggers who have personal issues with the team they report on!!!
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Old 09-22-2008, 04:35 PM   #32
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Re: JLC vs. Cerrato takes a new twist?

Originally Posted by JoeRedskin View Post
If the question had been asked of the NFL in such a fashion - a generic, non-specific "what are the boundaries" type of inquiry - then I would have no problem with it (An example could even be used analogizing it to coaching shows - how much can a coach, on a local radio show, say about player controversies?) But apparently, the question was pointed and accusatory. As others have said, the manner in which the "investigation" was done appears to be a way to create a story for JLC rather than to determine how VC's may or may not be affected by the NFL's tampering rules.

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Old 09-22-2008, 04:46 PM   #33
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Re: JLC vs. Cerrato takes a new twist?

The Redskins have practically told the local media to either "fuck off" or "pay us." I don't know why they would expect any sort of class from sports writers considering the fact that the Redskins organization hasn't shown any?

Make no mistake folks, the Redskins have intentionally made the jobs of sports writers covering the Redskins very difficult. They shouldn't expect any love in return. Bitch moves begets bitch moves.
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Old 09-22-2008, 05:04 PM   #34
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Re: JLC vs. Cerrato takes a new twist?

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
The Redskins have practically told the local media to either "fuck off" or "pay us." I don't know why they would expect any sort of class from sports writers considering the fact that the Redskins organization hasn't shown any?

Make no mistake folks, the Redskins have intentionally made the jobs of sports writers covering the Redskins very difficult. They shouldn't expect any love in return. Bitch moves begets bitch moves.
I have no doubts about the fact that the Redskins are probably bitches when it comes to coverage of their team. You can see it in the Peter Angelos like move where Snyder hired Larry Michael and let Herzog go.

Still there're guys like Wise and Wilbon who cover the team objectively and don't take cheap shots, if anything I would hope they could be the model for writers who cover the team in the future.

And on that note why the hell would we want a beat writer thats intentionally trying to cost the Redskins draft picks?
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Old 09-22-2008, 05:11 PM   #35
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Re: JLC vs. Cerrato takes a new twist?

What good purpose was there for calling the NFL with a question like that? If the NFL had decided it WAS tampering, we would have probably been fined and more importantly, LOST draft picks. Of course everybody would have been calling for Vinnys head then. Just like JLC would like. His personal vendetta has gone to far and he needs to be FIRED.
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Old 09-22-2008, 05:14 PM   #36
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Re: JLC vs. Cerrato takes a new twist?

Originally Posted by Dirtbag359 View Post
I have no doubts about the fact that the Redskins are probably bitches when it comes to coverage of their team. You can see it in the Peter Angelos like move where Snyder hired Larry Michael and let Herzog go.

Still there're guys like Wise and Wilbon who cover the team objectively and don't take cheap shots, if anything I would hope they could be the model for writers who cover the team in the future.

And on that note why the hell would we want a beat writer thats intentionally trying to cost the Redskins draft picks?
Wilbon watches the game from the comfort of his couch and writes about it the next day, other guys like JLC make a living covering the Redskins. Two difference types of reporting if you ask me. Plus Wilbon is a national, I barely know who JLC is and I never really read what he writes.

As for JLC costing the Redskins draft pick, I don't know the whole story. What I do know is that the Redskins management should know the tampering rules. If we break the rules I have no problem with us losing draft picks and if we do lose draft picks the blame lies not with JLC but with Vinny and Snyder. I mean, if we're going to hold players accountable for their actions we should afford managment the same responsability oppertunities
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Old 09-22-2008, 05:30 PM   #37
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Re: JLC vs. Cerrato takes a new twist?

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
If we break the rules I have no problem with us losing draft picks and if we do lose draft picks the blame lies not with JLC but with Vinny and Snyder. I mean, if we're going to hold players accountable for their actions we should afford managment the same responsability oppertunities
Well I have a problem with it when a writer intentionally goes out of his way to fuck the Redskins in the ass. His problem with Vinny is his problem, but when you're trying to cost my team a draft pick or two. I have just have a problem with that. And calling up the NFL and mentioning this is doing just that. And I can't believe that wouldn't bother you. Especially, if we do end up losing a draft pick out of this.
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Old 09-22-2008, 05:44 PM   #38
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Re: JLC vs. Cerrato takes a new twist?

Originally Posted by Miller101 View Post
Well I have a problem with it when a writer intentionally goes out of his way to fuck the Redskins in the ass. His problem with Vinny is his problem, but when you're trying to cost my team a draft pick or two. I have just have a problem with that. And calling up the NFL and mentioning this is doing just that. And I can't believe that wouldn't bother you. Especially, if we do end up losing a draft pick out of this.
I don't really care what JLC does and what he does shouldn't be relevant at all. I find the Redskins potentially putting themselves in a position to be at the mercy of a sports writer more bothersome.
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Old 09-22-2008, 05:47 PM   #39
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Re: JLC vs. Cerrato takes a new twist?

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
The Redskins have practically told the local media to either "fuck off" or "pay us." I don't know why they would expect any sort of class from sports writers considering the fact that the Redskins organization hasn't shown any?
Because you cannot control other people's actions, only your own. Acting in a mature and professional manner isn't something that should be contingent on the behavior of others. Only immature children use the "they started it" defense as an excuse for their own actions.
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Old 09-22-2008, 05:49 PM   #40
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Re: JLC vs. Cerrato takes a new twist?

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
I don't really care what JLC does and what he does shouldn't be relevant at all. I find the Redskins potentially putting themselves in a position to be at the mercy of a sports writer more bothersome.
What VC did/said was not even close to tampering. Moreover, to run to the NFL and try to get the Redskins sanctioned for a non-issue is bothersome and is relevant to whether JLC is a jackass.
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Old 09-22-2008, 05:55 PM   #41
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Re: JLC vs. Cerrato takes a new twist?

I am neither condoning or defending JLC's actions. It is what it is. Also, people are jumping into conclusions without knowing the full story.
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Old 09-22-2008, 05:57 PM   #42
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Re: JLC vs. Cerrato takes a new twist?

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
Also, people are jumping into conclusions without knowing the full story.
That's true. However, JLC supposedly refused to comment on VC's accusation, saying that he needs to talk with his editors first. So, while we don't have the full story, it sounds like there is indeed something to what VC reported this morning.
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Old 09-22-2008, 05:59 PM   #43
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Re: JLC vs. Cerrato takes a new twist?

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
I don't really care what JLC does and what he does shouldn't be relevant at all. I find the Redskins potentially putting themselves in a position to be at the mercy of a sports writer more bothersome.
Vinny did'nt do anything wrong. They are'nt at the mercy of JLC or any other sports writer. It just seems screwed up that a so-called professional would try to get a team in trouble because he does'nt like the FO.
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Old 09-22-2008, 06:51 PM   #44
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Re: JLC vs. Cerrato takes a new twist?

Originally Posted by Paintrain View Post
On Vinny's show this morning VC said that JLC called the NFL and requested the Redskins be sanctioned for tampering because VC and Schefter discussed the Lane Kiffin situation last Friday.

There's an axe to grind and there's trying to hurt the franchise. It'll be interesting to see what JLC says in Insider to respond.

Jason is a conniving SOB and should be banned from covering the Redskins. It's obvious he has an ax to grind with Washington Redskins because of whatever bias he has towards the team.

Do you think the WP will recall him and assign another reporter to cover the Skins? I don't think that will happen.
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Old 09-22-2008, 07:02 PM   #45
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Re: JLC vs. Cerrato takes a new twist?

Originally Posted by tripod123 View Post
Jason is a conniving SOB and should be banned from covering the Redskins. It's obvious he has an ax to grind with Washington Redskins because of whatever bias he has towards the team.

Do you think the WP will recall him and assign another reporter to cover the Skins? I don't think that will happen.
As mentioned before I think certain fractions of the Post encourage this sort of behavior so if anything JLC will probably get off with a warning.

I honestly don't believe that the Skins hate the entire Post rather they're not to fond of the Boren, Jenkins, JLC brigade. If I remember correctly Cerrato did an interview this past summer with either Wise or Boswell (another great Post reporter that I forgot to give credit to).

Maybe I'm wrong but I have not seem this type of animosity from Reid and if anything I feel like he should be given full control over the Insider column.
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