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Massachusetts Senate Race

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Old 01-18-2010, 08:12 PM   #16
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Re: Massachusetts Senate Race

Originally Posted by wolfeskins View Post
hey all i'm saying is people are really disapointed with obama and the demacratic party and because of that republicans will continue to gain seats.

like i've said before obama will prolly go down as the worst history so far. he's been a huge disapointment.
I agree with your first statement, people are disappointed with Obama. But that would be another thread. lol

I respect your opinion, no biggie.
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Old 01-18-2010, 08:15 PM   #17
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Re: Massachusetts Senate Race

Originally Posted by 12thMan View Post
I agree with your first statement, people are disappointed with Obama. But that would be another thread. lol

I respect your opinion, no biggie.
yea,it's just my opinion. i could be completely wrong
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Old 01-18-2010, 09:37 PM   #18
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Re: Massachusetts Senate Race

IMO, as a Republican, I'm finding this race in Mass totally hilarious. I don't know if it's because Coakley felt like she was entitled to a Kennedy seat simply because she shares his party, but this campaign has been AWFUL! Alienating Red Sox and Bruins fans, saying Catholics shouldn't work in emergency rooms, Patrick Kennedy doesn't even know Coakley's name, Obama comes in and makes fun of Brown's truck (HELLO? A GM truck with over 200,000 miles- oops!). It's no wonder Rahm and Co won't let him speak off the cuff anymore... I mean, what a shit show. Oh, and don't forget that awkward moment this morning when Coakley tried to relate Dr. King's "dream" to her campaign. I was embarrassed for her. She's got campaign staff that can't even spell the name of the state for God's sake.

Coakley is a fail. Massachusetts hasn't had a Republican senator in 38 years. They will tomorrow. And when the polls close, my must see TV will be MSNBC. It's gonna be hilarious.
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Old 01-18-2010, 09:39 PM   #19
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Re: Massachusetts Senate Race

Originally Posted by 12thMan View Post
Wolfeskins, you're wrong on both accounts. Respectfully. First, the exit polling in both the Virginia and N.J races were not a referundum on the president or his agenda. It was and still is primarily about the respective candidates themselves and the local issues in those states. In the case of Creigh Deeds, as I've stated before, and in the case of Martha Coakley both campaigns left a lot to be desired.

On the second point, Obama stumped for Coakley yesterday at Northeastern University. They used footage from that event; Obama didn't tape a commercial for her. It's her commercial and her voice endorsing said ad at the end. I think for people to try to connect the dots from these two or three races and come to some conclusion about the president's agenda is premature and not realizing most importantly that politics are local. This is the ebb and flow of politics and elections in an off year for incumbent candidates.

Are Democrats in trouble? With each day that passes, that's becoming more and more appearant. But to say this spells trouble in 2012 for President Obama is wishful thinking, in my opinion. It takes a horse to beat a horse, and so far the Republicans have produced a lot of show ponies.
My vote was.
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Old 01-18-2010, 10:02 PM   #20
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Re: Massachusetts Senate Race

Originally Posted by Trample the Elderly View Post
My vote was.
so was mine but apparently we were not polled while exiting the voting area. thank the lord,cuz i never want to be polled.
Hail to Allen/Shanahan .... bring in some baby hogs and load up on diesel fuel !!! (budw38)
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Old 01-18-2010, 10:20 PM   #21
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Re: Massachusetts Senate Race

Originally Posted by 12thMan View Post
Wolfeskins, you're wrong on both accounts. Respectfully. First, the exit polling in both the Virginia and N.J races were not a referundum on the president or his agenda. It was and still is primarily about the respective candidates themselves and the local issues in those states. In the case of Creigh Deeds, as I've stated before, and in the case of Martha Coakley both campaigns left a lot to be desired.

On the second point, Obama stumped for Coakley yesterday at Northeastern University. They used footage from that event; Obama didn't tape a commercial for her. It's her commercial and her voice endorsing said ad at the end. I think for people to try to connect the dots from these two or three races and come to some conclusion about the president's agenda is premature and not realizing most importantly that politics are local. This is the ebb and flow of politics and elections in an off year for incumbent candidates.

Are Democrats in trouble? With each day that passes, that's becoming more and more appearant. But to say this spells trouble in 2012 for President Obama is wishful thinking, in my opinion. It takes a horse to beat a horse, and so far the Republicans have produced a lot of show ponies.
I agree that the Republicans don't have a "horse" so to speak, but really, is Obama anything more than a "show pony" himself? He's proven to be more style than substance thus far. He ran a campaign just left of center and has governed from the far left. He's been in steady decline in the polls since his inauguration. Someone will emerge from the GOP, and by the time 2012 rolls around, Obama's re-election won't be nearly the slam dunk many Dems think. IMO anyway.
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Old 01-18-2010, 10:28 PM   #22
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Re: Massachusetts Senate Race

On a side note, is anyone else stunned that firstdown started this thread and Massachusetts is spelled correctly in the thread title? Must have been some copy-paste.
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Old 01-18-2010, 10:35 PM   #23
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Re: Massachusetts Senate Race

Don't count your chickens before they hatch folks. Little known fact....every year 200 million male chicks hare killed right after they hatch in the United States. Why you ask? Because they can't lay eggs.

This post is in the memory of Doug Hoffman and all the Republican losers of all the special elections.
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Old 01-18-2010, 10:39 PM   #24
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Re: Massachusetts Senate Race

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
Don't count your chickens before they hatch folks. Little known fact....every year 200 million male chicks hare killed right after they hatch. Why you ask? Because they can't lay eggs.

This post is in the memory of Doug Hoffman and all the republican losers of all the special elections.
Seems like Pelosi knows it's done. Hell, other Dems in congress are openly criticizing Coakley. Barney Frank called out some of her mistakes today. Obviously it ain't over till it's over, but if I had to guess, Brown wins by 3-5 points. Her campaign was a laughing stock, and with so much at stake, she should be ashamed of herself, especially considering the Lion-size shoes she's trying to fill.
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Old 01-18-2010, 10:59 PM   #25
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Re: Massachusetts Senate Race

Esam Omeish - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Gov. Kaine in Va. appointed this preacher of radical Islam / immigration ... he later resigned . Politics can be freakin crazy , fun and almost scary .
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Old 01-18-2010, 11:30 PM   #26
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Re: Massachusetts Senate Race

Originally Posted by GMScud View Post
I agree that the Republicans don't have a "horse" so to speak, but really, is Obama anything more than a "show pony" himself? He's proven to be more style than substance thus far. He ran a campaign just left of center and has governed from the far left. He's been in steady decline in the polls since his inauguration. Someone will emerge from the GOP, and by the time 2012 rolls around, Obama's re-election won't be nearly the slam dunk many Dems think. IMO anyway.
I don't know what Obama you're referring to, but the one in the White House right now is hardly governing from the far left. Even many on the right would agree much of his foreign policy is line with the previous administration. He's doubled, heck trippled, downed in Afghanistan, stepped up attacks in Pakistan and Yemen (before the Christmas Day attempt). He voted to keep FISA, still a very controversial Bush program, largely in tact to the dismay of many on the far left. It sounds nice to say "Obama is a far left radical", but his policy decisions so far just don't bear that out.

I also find it difficult to believe that men of high regard like Secretery of Defense Robert Gates, NSA Jim Jones, and John Brennan would serve in an adminstration that was governing the country from the far left on national security issues.

Domestically, what, healthcare is far left? If that's far left, I think that's an issue he won't have a problem with in 2012. I agree, re-election won't be a slam dunk, they never are.
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Old 01-18-2010, 11:31 PM   #27
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Re: Massachusetts Senate Race

Originally Posted by GMScud View Post
Seems like Pelosi knows it's done. Hell, other Dems in congress are openly criticizing Coakley. Barney Frank called out some of her mistakes today. Obviously it ain't over till it's over, but if I had to guess, Brown wins by 3-5 points. Her campaign was a laughing stock, and with so much at stake, she should be ashamed of herself, especially considering the Lion-size shoes she's trying to fill.
Totally agree.
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Old 01-18-2010, 11:34 PM   #28
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Re: Massachusetts Senate Race

Originally Posted by 12thMan View Post
I don't know what Obama you're referring to, but the one in the White House right now is hardly governing from the far left. Even many on the right would agree much of his foreign policy is line with the previous administration. He's doubled, heck trippled, downed in Afghanistan, stepped up attacks in Pakistan and Yemen (before the Christmas Day attempt). He voted to keep FISA, still a very controversial Bush program, largely in tact to the dismay of many on the far left. It sounds nice to say "Obama is a far left radical", but his policy decisions so far just don't bear that out.

I also find it difficult to believe that men of high regard like Secretery of Defense Robert Gates, NSA Jim Jones, and John Brennan would serve in an adminstration that was governing the country from the far left on national security issues.

Domestically, what, healthcare is far left? If that's far left, I think that's an issue he won't have a problem with in 2012. I agree, re-election won't be a slam dunk, they never are.
Well, those are good points. I guess I should have been more specific. Domestically he's governing from the far left a lot more so than with foreign policy.
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Old 01-18-2010, 11:36 PM   #29
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Re: Massachusetts Senate Race

So what's the deal exactly? Why couldn't the Dem party in Mass find a strong candidate? There's ummm, quite a few people up there from what I understand, most of them being Dems.
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Old 01-18-2010, 11:43 PM   #30
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Re: Massachusetts Senate Race

How can you guys think about politics at a time like this? Our coaching staff hasn't even been filled yet!
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