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2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

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Old 11-02-2012, 03:07 PM   #1366
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Who Is Gary Johnson? And Why Is the GOP So Mad at Him? |

The GOP isn’t ignoring him anymore. Now that Johnson is threatening to siphon votes from Mitt Romney in close elections in Colorado and Nevada (he’s also on the ballot in 46 other states and Washington, D.C.), Republicans are doing whatever they can to limit his appeal. Michigan party officials kept him off the ballot because he filed his paperwork three minutes late. In Pennsylvania, the GOP hired a private detective who went to canvassers’ homes and flashed his old FBI badge before questioning the signatures they collected, a lawyer for Johnson’s campaign alleged. The state GOP and the investigator denied doing anything improper. (On Oct. 10 a judge decided that Johnson will be on the Pennsylvania ballot.) The experience has left Johnson, 59, alienated from some of his old comrades—which, it turns out, he doesn’t mind at all. “Going to Republican events, as I did a zillion times, I listened to Republican candidates do their spiel. I cringed at a lot of what they said, whether it was abortion, the terrorist threat, the homophobia, the ‘illegal immigrant is the source of all our problems’—man, that stuff made me crazy. The kook element of the Libertarians gets up, and I don’t cringe.”

“Ron Paul is a social conservative,” he says. “I’m not. Ron Paul would talk about legalizing marijuana, but he’s never smoked marijuana.”
"So let me get this straight. We have the event of the year on TV with millions watching around the world... and people want a punt, pass, and kick competition to be the halftime entertainment?? Folks, don't quit your day jobs."- Matty
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Old 11-02-2012, 03:09 PM   #1367
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by Daseal View Post
I hate marathons (and road races in general). I hate not being able to drive in Arlington or walk down the sidewalk to work because there's Marine Corp Marathon crap everywhere. Normally the lazy bastards leave all that stuff on the street for a week before they clean up. The hurrican forced a quick cleanup this year!

The fact that they're still having the race is very sad.
What would be nice if they decided to not have the race and the 20 thousand people go down and help out. I'm sure some of them are going to do something to help out but having this race is a poor decision.
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Old 11-02-2012, 03:18 PM   #1368
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

So is Harry Reid now saying Romney is going to win. Another stupid ass comment from him and I love his timing. So how is this going to sit with the independents.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said today that Democrats would try to block Mitt Romney’s agenda next year if he wins the presidency on Tuesday.

“Mitt Romney’s fantasy that Senate Democrats will work with him to pass his ‘severely conservative’ agenda is laughable,” Reid said in a statement

Last edited by firstdown; 11-02-2012 at 03:26 PM.
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Old 11-02-2012, 03:32 PM   #1369
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by NC_Skins View Post
Brilliant? At best he might get 1% of the vote and its brilliant? Look at the crowed in the pick its all males under the age 25 looks like a ph. I could voted for a libertarian but not one that drives around with rafity all over his van and a pic of him smoking a joint. Who the hell would take the serious and it explaisn why he can't get mre then 1% of the vote. Just saying you want to make pot legal gets you that many votes.
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Old 11-02-2012, 05:01 PM   #1370
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by Slingin Sammy 33 View Post
SS33's Final Election Prediction - Mark this down and get to your bookies:

Romney - 295 (Winner) Obama - 243

Based on latest Rasmussen polls in battlegrounds, VA +3, NC +6, FL +2, OH +2, NH +2, CO +3, Iowa +1, WI Even, all go Romney. NV - Obama +2 goes Red.

Senate: don't go to the bookie with this one, it's a little optimistic based on Romney pull-thru for Senate candidates: GOP - 51 seats Dem - 49 seats.

Again, based on Rasmussen polls; CT, FL, OH go Dem. MT, PA, VA, WI all at Dem +1 or Even get a Romney pull-thru and go GOP.
Thanks for the tip...are you planning on laying down anymore bets? If you are, I have an additional $300 I'd like to lose. I am told nothings says WIN more than a cool $500 hundred in your packets just before Black Friday.

...go hard or go home!
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Old 11-02-2012, 05:19 PM   #1371
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

I want to see copies of the IRS forms where you guys claim your winnings from gambling!
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Old 11-02-2012, 07:02 PM   #1372
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Food Stamp Growth 75X Greater than Job Creation | The Weekly Standard

Some here may foolishly think that creating 1 job for every 75 people added to food stamps is a bad thing. Clearly you dont understand the Us economy like the Obama administration:

Say Anything Obama Ag Secretary: Food Stamps Are Good For The Economy » Say Anything
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Old 11-02-2012, 07:27 PM   #1373
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by firstdown View Post
Brilliant? At best he might get 1% of the vote and its brilliant? Look at the crowed in the pick its all males under the age 25 looks like a ph. I could voted for a libertarian but not one that drives around with rafity all over his van and a pic of him smoking a joint. Who the hell would take the serious and it explaisn why he can't get mre then 1% of the vote. Just saying you want to make pot legal gets you that many votes.
The quote was brilliant in case you missed it, but I guess that was hard to decipher and pick up on. Who gives a **** how many people are going to vote for him. Most idiots voting have no clue what their candidate stands for. They vote for a party. So a person having the more votes really doesn't say much about the voting population either.
"So let me get this straight. We have the event of the year on TV with millions watching around the world... and people want a punt, pass, and kick competition to be the halftime entertainment?? Folks, don't quit your day jobs."- Matty
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Old 11-02-2012, 07:35 PM   #1374
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by mlmpetert View Post
Food Stamp Growth 75X Greater than Job Creation | The Weekly Standard

Some here may foolishly think that creating 1 job for every 75 people added to food stamps is a bad thing. Clearly you dont understand the Us economy like the Obama administration:

Say Anything Obama Ag Secretary: Food Stamps Are Good For The Economy » Say Anything
My penis is getting bigger. Some say it might be due to the weather, others think it's because the economy has been expanding the last 4 years after disastrous 8 years. Of course there are those who believe penises have a natural tendency to grow when they have a champion running the country and shrink when someone that doesn't love the country as much as them runs it.

Personally, I really don't know what to think. I'm worried it might be cancer...what do you suppose is the reason?
"The Redskins have always suffered from chronic organizational deformities under Snyder."

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Old 11-02-2012, 07:52 PM   #1375
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Who knew Mayor Bloomberg was a fellow Warpather. Looks like he read FD's post about the race.

NYC Marathon canceled due to storm-related concerns - ESPN New York
"So let me get this straight. We have the event of the year on TV with millions watching around the world... and people want a punt, pass, and kick competition to be the halftime entertainment?? Folks, don't quit your day jobs."- Matty
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Old 11-02-2012, 08:08 PM   #1376
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
My penis is getting bigger. Some say it might be due to the weather, others think it's because the economy has been expanding the last 4 years after disastrous 8 years. Of course there are those who believe penises have a natural tendency to grow when they have a champion running the country and shrink when someone that doesn't love the country as much as them runs it.

Personally, I really don't know what to think. I'm worried it might be cancer...what do you suppose is the reason?
You know im kinda in the same boat as you. Maybe the weather. I watched forest gump the other day. Could be the impending time change. Ive been thinking a lot about Stacy Dash lately too.
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Old 11-03-2012, 01:35 AM   #1377
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by NC_Skins View Post
I voted for Gary Johnson but only because I live in Georgia and Romney is a very safe bet to win the state. So it gives me a chance to send a message to the GOP that their are people like me that want more freedom on social issues and for the country to take a step back from policing the world. You know the way Republicans were before the Far Right Evangelicals and warhawks took over.

Had I lived in a battleground state no way I would have voted for Johnson but being in a solid red state I am afforded some flexibility.
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Old 11-03-2012, 09:30 AM   #1378
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Originally Posted by Dirtbag59 View Post
I voted for Gary Johnson but only because I live in Georgia and Romney is a very safe bet to win the state. So it gives me a chance to send a message to the GOP that their are people like me that want more freedom on social issues and for the country to take a step back from policing the world. You know the way Republicans were before the Far Right Evangelicals and warhawks took over.

Had I lived in a battleground state no way I would have voted for Johnson but being in a solid red state I am afforded some flexibility.
Same here except that Md is solid democrat state and I and 5000 of my best dead friends could vote for Romney and the state would still go Dem.
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Old 11-03-2012, 11:45 AM   #1379
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

Originally Posted by saden1 View Post
Thanks for the tip...are you planning on laying down anymore bets? If you are, I have an additional $300 I'd like to lose. I am told nothings says WIN more than a cool $500 hundred in your packets just before Black Friday.

...go hard or go home!
I'm in for $ 500 total on a Romney win. You good?
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Old 11-03-2012, 12:01 PM   #1380
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Re: 2012 Presidential Election (free for all edition)

"So let me get this straight. We have the event of the year on TV with millions watching around the world... and people want a punt, pass, and kick competition to be the halftime entertainment?? Folks, don't quit your day jobs."- Matty
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